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1、代词 高考考查最多的是不定代词,因为不定代词是整个代词中最为活跃的部分,其次是名词 性物主代词和反身代词。 一.代词的分类 单数复数 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 人称代词 主格I you he she it we you they 宾格me you him her it us You them 物主代词 形容 词性 my your his her its our your their 名词性mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 反身代词 myself yourself himself herself it

2、self ourselves yourselves themselves 指示代词this that such these those such 相 互 代 词 宾格each other one another 所有格each other s one anothers 不 定 代 词 可数one each, many, (a) few ,both, another, either., neither 不可数much, (a) little 可数不可数any other all some 复合 不定代词 anyone anybody anything somebody something som

3、eone everyone everything everybody nobody nothing 疑问代词who whom whose which what 连接代词who whom whose which what 关系代词who whom whose which that 二.代词的用法 1.人称代词 在句中作主语用主格,在句中作宾语,则用宾格; She teaches them physics. 在句中作表语常用宾格; Who is it? It s me. 但有时要用主格:It was I who told him the whole story. 在强调句型中,强调的是主语,故 I

4、 用主格。 两个或两个以上的人称代词并列时,其顺序是: 单数按 2,3,1 人称排列,复数按1, 2,3 人称顺序排列。 you, she and I ; we, you and they 2.物主代词 形容词性物主代词只能作宾语 We love our motherland. 名词性物主代词可用作主语,表语和宾语 Your coat is black while mine is red. 3.反身代词 用作宾语、表语,或主语、宾语的同位语 He teaches himself Japanese every evening.(宾语) She is not quite herself today

5、. 她今天身体不太舒服。 (表语) I myself can repair the bike.(主语的同位语) 常用含有反身代词的惯用语归纳 by oneself= alone 独自for oneself 独立、为自己 be oneself处于正常状态,显得自然enjoy oneself玩得愉快 seat oneself坐下dress oneself in 给自己穿 devote oneself to专心于、献身于help oneself to 不用客气 come to oneself 苏醒make oneself at home 不要客气 4.指示代词 this 和 that 是近指 , t

6、hat 和 those 是远指 I don t want this book. I want that one. 有时为了避免重复,常用that/ those 来代表前面出现过的名词 At this time of year,the weather here is much colder than that in Nanjing. such的用法 such 一般在句中作定语和主语.用作定语时 ,它所修饰的名词前的不定冠词应放在之后。 Such is my answer. Such are the results of the exams. I have never seen such beau

7、tiful flowers. 用作定语时 ,它所修饰的名词前的不定冠词应放在such之后 such a good book。 5.相互代词 在句中可作宾语 They help each other and learn from each other. 加s后成为所有格 ,作定语 They asked about one another s life and work. 6.不定代词 不定代词 区别 one, some, any 和 it some 多 用 于 肯 定 句,any多用于 疑问句和否定 句。 one 可以泛指人或者事 (东西), 其复数为ones。 some可用于疑问句中,表示盼

8、望得到肯定的答复,或者表示 建议,请求等。 some 和 any修 饰可数名词单数时,some 表示 某个, any表示任何一个。 each和 every each强调个别,代表的数可以 是两个或两个以上,而every 强调整体,所指的数必须是三 个或三个以上。 all 和 both both 指两个人或物,而 all 指三 个以上的人或物. 在句中都可 作主语, 宾语 ,表语 ,同位语和定 语 either和 neither 前者意思为:两者中任何一方 都; 后者意思为:两者都不。 few 和 little; a few 和 a little few 和 little 表示没有多少,含 否

9、定意义 ,而 a few 和 a little 表示 一 些 ,有几个 ,含肯定意义 .另外 , few 与 a few 修饰可数名词, little 与 a little 修饰不可数名词。 此外 quite a few , quite a little意 思是“不少 ,相当多的”。 练习: 1 Our neighbors gave_ _a baby bird yesterday that hurt_ _when it fell from its nest. A. us, it B. us, itself C. ourselves, itself D. ourselves,it 2 To sa

10、ve class time, our teacher has _ students do half of the exercise in class and complete the other half for homework. A. us B. we C. our D. ours 3 Some of the stamps belong to me, while the rest are _. A. him and her B. his and hers C. his and her D. him and hers 4 Who called me this morning when I w

11、as out? A man calling _ Robert. A. him B. himself C. his D.不填 5 Isn t it amazing how the human body heals _ after an injury? A. himself B. him C. itself D. it 6 He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller. When was _? _ was in 2000 when he was still in college. A. that; This B.

12、 this; It C. it; This D. that; It 7 If you cant decide which of the two books to borrow, why dont you take _? I won t read them this week. A. all B. any C. either D. both 8 You may drop in or just give me a call. _ will do. A. Either B. Each C. Neither D. All 9 Of all the books on the desk, _ is of

13、any use for our study. A. nothing B. no one C. neither D. none 10 It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _ of the parents spoke the language. A. none B. neither C. both D. each 11 Theres _ cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the corner store and get _? A. little; some

14、B. little; any C. a little; some D. a little; any 12 Would you like _, sir? No, thanks. I have had much. A. some more oranges B. any more oranges C. some more orange D. any more orange 13 I m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than _ in the city. A. ones B. one C. that D

15、. those 14 We ve been looking at houses but havent found _we like yet. A. one B. ones C. it D. them 15 There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow ? No, I d rather buy in the bookstore. A. it; one B. one; one C. one; it D. it; it 16 One week s time has been wasted. I can

16、 t believe we did all that work for _. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything 17 She doesnt know anyone here. She has got _to talk to. A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one 18 If I can help_, I dont like working late into the night. A. so B. that C. it D. them 19 I d appreciate _ if

17、you would like to teach me how to use the computer. A. that B. it C. this D. you 20 ( 全国 II) Charles was alone at home, with _ looking after him. A. someone B. anyone C. not one D. no one 21 ( 全国 II) The CDs are on sale!Buy one and you get _ completely free. A. other B. others C. one D. ones 22 ( 上海

18、卷 ) Wow! You ve got so many clothes. But _ of them are in fashion now. A. all B. both C. neither D. none 23 ( 四川卷 )I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I dont have enough money to buy_. A. one B. it C. this D. that 24 ( 全国 I 卷) I ll spend hal f of my holiday practicing English and

19、 _ half learning drawing. A. another B. the other C. other s D. other 25 ( 安徽卷 )You are the team star! Working with _ is really your cup of tea. A. both B. either C. others D. the other 26 ( 四川卷 )On my desk is a photo that my father took of when I was a baby. A. him B. his C. me D. mine 27 If our parents do everything for us children, we wont learn to depend on A. themselves B. them C. us D. ourselves 参考答案: 1-5 BABBC 6-10 DDADB 11-15 ACCAA 16-20 BDCBD 21-27 CDBBCCD


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