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1、Book1Unit2一周单元复习检测滚动练习 Monday 一 汉译英 1. 电梯;升降机n. _elevator_(同义词 lift) 2. 汽油 n. petrol (同义词:gas/ gasoline ) 3. 航行;航海n. voyage 4. 本国的;本地人 adj. n. native 5. 公寓住宅n. apartment (同义词:flat ) 6. 词汇,词汇量n. vocabulary 7. 表达,词语,表达V. express ( 名词形式:expression ) 8. 辨认出;承认v. recognize 9. 身份;本体;本体n. identity (身份证:ide

2、ntity card ) 10. 常常;频繁frequently (形容词形式:frequent ) 11. 因为,由于because of 12. 扮演一个角色;参与play a part (in) 13. 例如;像这样的such as 二 英译汉 1. official adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的 2. spelling n. 拼写;拼法 3. actually adv. 实际上;事实上(同义词汇:in fact as a matter of fact ) 4. command n./vt. 命令;指令;掌握 5. request n./vt. 请求;要求 6. accent n.

3、口音;腔调;重音 7. straight 直接 直的 (词性: adv. adj. ) 8. block n. 街区; 木块 9. fluent 流利的;流畅的(副词形式:fluently ) 10. gradual 逐渐的;逐步的(副词形式:gradually ) 二 用上列词汇完成下列句子。 1. We can enrich our _vocabulary_ by readingEnglish books. 2. In order to learn English well, we should read as _frequently_ as possible. 3. The police

4、 asked me to show him my _identity card_ at the airport. Tuesday 一 重点词汇 1. Mao Zedong spoke with a strong Hunan accent. 2. When we met many years later I could hardly recognize Lily. 3. He lived in America for five years and has a good command of English. 4. Usually you will read faster if you have

5、a bigger English vocabulary_. 5. The police are trying to discover the identity_ of the killer. 6. She speaks very _fluent_ (流利的) English. 7. Visits are _requested_( 要求) not to touch the books . 8. The population of that country is increasing _rapidly_(快速地) 二 翻译 1 他是个本地人。 He is a native._ 2 我想很流利地讲英

6、语。 I want to speak English fluently. 3 书籍在我的生活中扮演者很重要的角色。 Books play an important role/ part in my life. 4 她径直从我身边走过。 She walked straight past me. 5 他精通英语( have/ has a good command of ) He has a good command of English. Wednesday 一 派生单词 1. We must learn to speak English _ fluently_ (fluent) 2. Teach

7、ers can learn a lot from the expression_ (express )on their students faces. 3. Workers worked hard in order to _enrich_ (rich)their life. 4. I paid a visit to my grandparents _frequently_ (frequent) when I was a child. 5. They are going to visit some _eastern_ (east)European countries. 二 重点词组 1 他在此次

8、会谈中起到了非常重要的作用。 he played/playsanimportantpart/role in this conversation. 2 我走上前去就如何学好英语征求老师的意见。 Icame up to the teacher and asked him for advice on how to learn English well. 3 我们应该充分利用每一个机会用英语同别人交流。 We should _make_ _full/good_ _use_ _of_ every opportunity to communicate with others in English. 4 很

9、多伟人都是在贫穷中成长的,例如林肯和爱迪生。 Many great men have risen from poverty, _such _ _as_ Lincoln and Edison. 5 信不信由你,这种学习方式比较好。 Believe it or not _, this learning method is better. 6 目前我手头没有足够的钱。 I have no enough money in hand at present. Thursday 一 重点句型复习及运用( 1) 1at the end of 在 的尽头,在 结束时 by the end of 到 末为止,在

10、结束时(后多接完成时) in the end 最后,终于 come to an end 完毕,结束 运用: 1 在这条街的尽头有一间学校。 There is a school at the end of thestreet. 2 到上个月底为止,我们在北京住了三年了。 By the end of last month, wehave lived in Beijing for 3 years. 3 最后我无法忍受了。In the end ,I could not bear it. 4 会议昨天 5 点结束了。 The meeting _came to an end_ at 5:00 yester

11、day. 2command sb. to do 命令某人做某事 = command that sb. (should) do 运用:老师命令我们立刻返回。 The teacher commanded usto come back at once. = The teacher commanded that we (should) come back at once. in command of 掌握 运用:我们的命运掌握在自己的手We are in command of our fate. 3request sb. to do = request that sb. (should )+ do 运

12、用:我要求你们不要放弃这样的好机会。 I requested that you (should) not give up such a good chance. = I requested you not to give up such a good chance. make a request for sth. 请求得到某物 at sb. s request/ at the request of sb.应某人的请求或要求 运用: eg: 我们应该请求帮助We shouldmake a request for help. eg: 他按我的要求做了这件事He did itat my reques

13、t./ at the request of me. 4recognize as/to be 运用:人人都认为他是一个帅气的孩子。 Everyonerecognizes him as/to be_ a handsome boy. Friday 一 重点句型复习及运用( 2) 1比较 because of 和 because because of 后面只能跟名词(名词词组) ,because是连词,其后接句子 运用:她因病上学迟到(分别用because of 和 because ) She was late for school because of her illness. She was la

14、te for school because she was ill. 2base sth. on/upon sth. 把 建立在 的基础上 be based on sth. 以 为基础 / 根据 运用:This book is based on a true story. 这本书是根据一个真实的故事改编的。 我们根据事实得出结论。We based our conclusions _on_facts 3come up ( 走近,过来 ; 被提及,被讨论,提出 ) A young girl came up to me . 翻译:一个年轻的女孩向我走过来。 Many good ideas came

15、up at the meeting. 翻译:很多好的主意在会议被提出来了。 come up with 想出(计划、回答) 运用: can you come up with some good ideas for our holiday ? 你能为你我们的暑期想出一些好的主意吗? 4at present: 目前 运用:目前我手头没有足够的钱。 翻译: I have no enough money in hand at present. I have little spare time because I am busy at present_. 我很少有空余时间,因为现在我很忙。 5句 式“It

16、 is/was+adj.(+for sb.)+to do. ” 指 “ 做 某 事 对 某 人 来 说 很 adj. ” ( difficult, easy, hard, important, dangerous) 运用: 1,学好数学对很多学生来说很困难。 It is hard for many students to learn math well._ 2, 每天运动对老人家来说很重要。 It is very important for old people to do some sports every day. 6 the sameas “和 一样(的 ) ”, as 后面可以接名词、

17、代词或者从句。 asas “和一样” , as 与 as 中间要接形容词或副词原形。 运用:我的这把尺子与你的那把一样长。 1. My ruler is as long as yours. 2. My ruler is the samelength as yours. 7 be different from 与.不同 运用: 1.我的工作和你的工作不一样。My job is different from yours. 2. American English is different from British English. 翻译:美式英语和英式英语不一样。 8 this/that is because. 意为“这 / 那是因为”,because. 在句子中作表语, because引导一个表示原因的句子。 that is why. 后面跟的是表示结果的句子 , 译为 “ 那是的原因 ” 运用: I can write a good composition, thats because I like reading very much. 翻译:我能写一篇好的作文,是因为我非常喜欢读书。 I like reading very much, thats why I can write a good composition. 翻译:我非常喜欢读书,这就是我为什么能写好作文的原因。


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