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1、1 1 2019 年中考1600词汇详解 A 1.a (an) art. 一个,某个,任何一个 2. able adj. 有才干的;有能力的,能够的反义词:unable n. ability 能力;才干;才能adj. disabled 肢体残疾的 be able to do sth 有能力做某事be unable(=not able) to do sth have the ability to do sth 有做某事的能力 3. about prep. 对于,关于;大约;在. 周围 ; adv. 处处,到处 be about to do 即将做某事 be about to do when +

2、句子. 正打算做某事就在这时 We were about to go when it suddenly rained. . look about = look around 环顾四周3. run about 到处跑 . What/How about + n. / pron. / doing? 用来征求意见 a book about . 一本关于 的书 4. above prep. adj. 在之上;超过;大于,多于; 上面的;反义词: below above all 最重要的 Above all, the work must be finished before nine by ourselv

3、es. 最重要的是工作必须在九点之前由我们自己独立完成。 5. abroad adv. 在外国 from abroad 从国外,从海外 go abroad 出国 study abroad 留学 news abroad and at home 国内外新闻 6. accept:主观上 “ 接受、认可 “ 的意思,是收到并接受; receive: 客观上 “ 收到 ” 但不一定接受 I received a lot of gifts on my birthday, but I didn t accept any. 生日那天我收到许多礼物,但是我并没有收下任何礼物。 7. accident n. 事故

4、; 偶然adj. / adv. accidental(ly) 偶然的 (地), 意外的(地) . by accident= by chance = accidentally 意外地,偶然地 a traffic accident 交通事故 Many traffic accidents were caused by careless driving. 8. according to prep. 根据 ;依照(to 是介词) 9. achieve v. 实现;达到;完成n. achievement 成就 achieve your dream = realize your dream = make y

5、our dream come true 实现你的梦想 Translate:你的梦想会实现的。 Your dream will be achieved./realized. Your dream will come true. You will achieve /realize your dream = make your dream come true. 10. across prep.在对面 , 横过 着重指从路线或物体表面的一边到另一边(表面) across the country / the world 全国/ 世界 go / walk across the street = cross

6、 the street swim across the river A new bridge will be built across the river. across the bridge across from 在 的对面 11. act n. 词性转换: 1) actor/actress n. 男演员 /女演员2) action n. 行动;行为; 3) active adj. 积极的; 活跃的4)activity n. 活动(复数) activities take action( to do sth)采取行动Let s take action now! We should take

7、action to protect the environment. Let s begin with small things take( an active) part in : (积极 )参加 I don t think everyone should take an active part in the social activities. act as 扮演 . 12. add v. 添加;增加; 1). add up 加起来add up these numbers 把这些数字加起来 2).add up to 合计They add up to 25 他们加起来是25 3). add

8、to 把 . 添加到 . Please add some salt to the noodles. 13. address n. 地址;住址pl. addresses 14. advantage n. 优点;有利之处(可数) 反 : disadvantage 劣势,缺点,不利之处 短语: take advantage of 利用 Playing computer games has its advantages and disadvantages. 15. advice n. 建义,劝告;(不可数名词 ) a piece of advice 一条建议ask for advice 征求建议 gi

9、ve sb some advice about / on 向某人提出关于 建议 take/follow ones advice接受、遵照某人的建议 16. advise v.t 建议 advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 be advised to do sth advise doing sth 建议做某事 advise that sb. (should )+ do sth. 建议某人做某 17. afford v. 支付得起( 的费用等 ),承担得起(后果),买得起 常与 can/can t 连用 afford sth/ afford to do sth. 1) I can

10、 t afford (to buy ) the house. 2)We can t afford to wait to take action now. 18. afraid adj. 惊慌的;恐怕的 be afraid of sth./ doing sth. 害怕. Don t be afraid of asking for help from others.不要害怕向别人求助。 be afraid to do sth. 不敢做某事 I m afraid that 恐怕 (+句子 ) I m afraid so / not. 恐怕如此/ 不是这样。 19. after adv., prep

11、again = once more again and again= over and over again 一次又一次地,反复地,再三地 I called him again and again, but he didn t answer the telephone. 22. against prep. 1) 对着,反对(反) be for 支持,同意 If no one is against this plan, let s carry it out. 如果没有人反对这个计划,那我们就开始吧。 be against sth/doing sth 反对 / 反对做某事 have nothing

12、 against doing sth. 不反对 play against与 打比赛 fight against和打仗 2) 倚着,靠着stand against the wall 靠墙站着 3) 相反,逆着I ran against the wind 4) 违背 ( be)against the law/rules 违反法律、规则 against one s wishes违背某人的愿望 5) The storm beat against the window heavily. 23 . age n. 年龄;时期; at the age of = at age 在 岁时 和 同岁the same

13、 age as at an early age 在很小的时候 from a very yong age 从很小的时候 Teenagers should be educated to take care of themselves from a very young age. 24. ago adv. 以前;以往; long ago 很久以前,从前: a moment ago. 刚才 He was here a moment ago.他刚才还在这儿。 two years ago 两年前 He has studied in this school since three years ago. 25

14、. agree v. 意见一致;赞成;适合; n. agreement. 同意;一致;协议反: disagree(ment) agree with + 人、意见、看法 I don t agree with what you said. 我不同意你说的话。 I don t agree with your idea/you. 我不同意你的主意。 agree to do sth. 同意做某事 He didn t agree to help us. 他不同意帮助我们。 be in agreement (with) 一致,同意 26. air n. 大气;天空;态度 by air =by plane 乘

15、飞机 in the open)air 在户外 take in fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气 27 airport n.机场;航空港an airport at the airport go to the airport 28. alive adj. 活着,有生气的 keep alive 使. 活着 /使永存 29 . all adj. 牲畜 an animal hospital 动物医院 45. another adj. 另一的; 三者或以上(不定数)中的另一个 Would you like another cup of tea? another + 基数词 + 名词=基数词 +more +

16、名词表示在原有的基础上增加 another two books = two more books 再要两本书 one another 彼此,互相 46.answer v.回答 ; n. 答案,回答 the answer(=reply/key) to the question answer my question = reply to my question answer the telephon接电话 47. ant n. 蚂蚁an ant 48. any pron. 任何一个的 . 49.anybody pron. 任何人 ;重要人物 50. anyone pron. 任何人 51.anyt

17、hing pron. 任何事 ;无论何事 52.anyway adv.不管怎样 ;无论如何 Anyway, you must work harder to get better grades. 53.anywhere adv.不管在 (到)什么地方 54.appear v. 出现 ;好像 ,发生n. appearance 出现,外貌,外表 (反) disappear 消失 55. apple n.苹果an apple an apple tree banana trees The apples on his farm were picked yesterday. 56. April n. 四月

18、in April on April Fool s Day Transalte: 每年四月在我们城市都植树。 57.area n. 面积 ;地区 ;范围 58. arm n.胳臂 ;袖子 59.army n.陆军 ;军队 ; join the army He joined the army two years ago. (be) in the army He has been in the army for two years. 60.around prep.围绕 ;环绕 ;在四周 / adv. 大约 at around(=about) six oclock. show sb. around 领

19、某人参观 look around 环顾,往四下里看 61. arrive vi. 到达 ;抵达 ; arrive at +小地方 /arrive in + 大地方arrive home /here /there 62. art n.艺术 ;艺术品 (an)artist 艺术家 63. article n.商品 ;物品 ;文章an article 64. as adv., conj 亚洲的 China is an Asian country with a long history. 66. ask v.问;询问 ;请求 ask sb (not) to do sth be asked (not)

20、to do ask(sb.) for sth. (向某人)要、要求 ask sb. about 询问关于 4 4 67. asleep adj.睡熟(的) fall asleep 入睡: Though it is 12 in the night. I still find it hard to fall asleep. 尽管已经是夜里12 点钟了,我发现还是很难入睡。 68. at prep.在;在里 (短语见 3 2P 98) 69. attend v. 参加,出席(会议,宴会等) 他昨天没去上学。He didn t attend school yesterday. 70. attentio

21、n n.专心 ;注意 pay ( much/ no / tons of ) attention to (to 是介词 ) 71.August n.八月 72. aunt n. 姑妈 ;姨妈 ;婶母 73. Australia n.澳大利亚的Australian 澳大利亚人,澳大利亚的 74. autumn n.秋季;fall (同义词 ) mid-autumn 中秋 in autumn the Mid-autumn Festival 在中秋节 in the autumn of 2016 / on an autumn morning 75. avoid n.避开 ;回避,避免 avoid sth

22、. / doing sth 76. awake adj.醒着的be awake (表示状态 ) He has been awake for half an hour. 77. away adv. 向 走开 ;逝去 be away (from ) 是 leave 的延续性动词 Translate: 他已经离开中国3 年了。 78. awful adj. 很坏的,讨厌的 an awful picture 一张难看的图画adv. awfully What an awful smell! B 1.baby (pl. babies)n. 婴儿 ;幼兽 ;小型a baby panda 小熊猫 2.back

23、 n. 背部,背面,反面,后部 in/ at the back of the classroom 在教室 (内部 )的后面 adj. 后面的,后部的the back cover 背面the back door 后门 adv. 在后,向后walk back 往回走 give sth back to sb. = return sth to sb. 归还 get back / come back (终止性动词 ) 回来be back (延续性动词 ) 拿回,取回get sth. back / take sth. back 在归途中on the way back ( home / to) 3. bac

24、kground n.背景 ;远景 ; 出身;个人背景。 background music 背景音乐 4.bad ( worse, worst) adj. 坏的 , 恶劣的 词性变化:adv. badly .坏;差;非常严重地(worse, worst) be bad for= be harmful to = do harm to 对 有害 go bad变质Milk goes bad easily in summer. What bad luck! 真倒霉! It s bad manners (= impolite)to talk in class. 上课说话是无礼的。 5.bag n.袋;包;

25、囊 6.ball n.球; 舞会go to the ball 去参加舞会 7.balloon n.玩具气球 ;气球; fly balloons 放飞气球 8.bamboo n.竹;竹竿pl. bamboos 9.banana n.香蕉 ;香蕉树 10. bank n.河岸 ;滩 ;银行;储蓄所; on both banks/ each (either) bank of the river 在河两岸上 the Bank of China 中国银行 11. baseball n 棒球 ; 棒球运动 play baseball 12. basic adj.基本的 ;根本的 ;初级的; 基本能力bas

26、ic ability 初级英语 basic English 13.basket n. .篮;篓;筐 a basket of apples make five baskets 投进五个球 14.basketball n 篮球 ;.篮球运动 play basketball 15. bathroom n. 浴室 ;厕所; 16. be (is,am,are) v.存在 ;发生 ;位于 17 beach(es)n.海滩 ;沙滩 go to the beach/go to the beaches 去海边 n. 熊V. 忍受,生孩子(bore,born) 19.beat (beat, beaten) v.

27、 击;敲打; (心脏、脉搏)跳动;打败 1). He felt his heart beating fast when he heard the news. beat sb.打败某人be beaten 2) The rain beat against the window heavily. 雨猛烈拍打着窗子。 20. beautiful adj 美好的 ;优美的 ; n. beauty 美;美丽 more / most beautiful 21. because conj.因为;由于; because+ 句子; because of + 名词 / 名词词组/ doing 22. become

28、v.成为;变得 become became become become + adj. become interested in 23. bed n.床 go to bed 上床睡觉 ill in bed 卧病在床 lie in bed Don t read in bed. It s bad for your eyes. 24. bedroom n.寝室 ;卧室 25. beef n. 牛肉;菜牛(不可数名词 ) beef soup / noodles 26. before prep. adv. blow blew- blown The wind is blowing strongly toni

29、ght. .blow out 吹灭; Close the windows or the wind blow the candle out. He blew out the candles in one go. 49n. 蓝色;adj.蓝色的;悲伤的 He is feeling blue/ feeling sad these days. 50. board n.薄木板;牌子a boarding school 寄宿学校 51. boat n.小船;船v. 划船 by boat 乘船 take the boat 52.body n. 主体;身体;躯体 1. body language 身势语;肢体语

30、言 2. He does exercise to have a strong body. 53.book n 书籍;著作;本;册. v. 预定;订(房间、车票、座位等) Have you booked a room in the hotel ? bookcase 书箱bookshelf 书架bookmark 书签bookshop /bookstore read a book 看书 54.boring adj .无聊的;讨厌的 bore (Vt. )-bored adj. 感到厌烦的(人做主语 ) -boring= uninteresting adj. 乏味的, 无聊的, 令人厌烦的(sth 做

31、主语) be /feel bored a boring book be/get bored with sth 对某事厌倦的 55.born adj. a bowl of 一碗 a fish bowl 鱼缸 62.box n.盒子;箱;匣V. 拳击a box of apples/ two boxes of apples 63.boy n.男孩;儿子;小伙子 pl. boys a boy student ten boy players 64.brain n.脑;脑浆;智者 shut off your brain关闭大脑 65.brave adj.勇敢的;无畏的(braver,bravest) ad

32、v. bravely 66. bread n.面包(不可数 ) a piece of bread = a slice of bread 一片面包 67.break n.(工间、课间、比赛中间的)休息v. 打破;损坏,弄坏;违背 ( break broke - broken break down (机器等)出故障, (身体 )垮掉 1) If you work day and night in a row, you will break down sooner of later. 2) His car broke down on the way to work. break off 中断 bre

33、ak the law/ the school rules 违反法律/ 破坏校规 break chairs and desks破坏桌椅break one s promise 违背诺言 3) We ve worked 24 hours without a break. 我们已经工作24 小时没有休息了 4) Someone was advised to take a break from running by the teacher. 68.breakfast n. 早餐before/ after breakfast 早饭前 have breakfast 吃早饭 .have for breakfa

34、st,早饭吃 . What a delicious breakfast! 多丰盛的早餐! 69.bridge n. 桥梁;纽带 There is a bridge over/ across the river. go through the bridge 70.bright adj.发光的;明亮的;聪明的adv. brightly Wish you a bright future! 祝你前途光明! 71.bring ( brought, brought) v. 带来;拿来;导致; 主语从远处或别处把人或物带到说或者处 bring sth to sb = bring sb. sth. bring

35、here bring out 使显现,使表现出 bring back 恢复,使想起,归还 ,带回 72. Britain n. 不列颠British adj. 不列颠的the Great Britain 73.brother n. 兄弟;同伴; 74.brown n. 打电话 call in 召见,召来 call back 叫回,召回;回电话 call for help 喊 帮忙; a boy called = named Tom 一个叫汤姆的男孩 give sb. a call / call sb. (up) 打电话给某人 He call me Alice. call sb. sth 4.

36、camera n.照相机Did you see the woman with a camera? 5. camp n. 军营;营地v.露营,宿营,野营 go camping 野营度假 go to summer camp 去夏令营 6. can v 能;会;可能n. 罐头 7. Canada n.加拿大 7 7 8. Canadian adj. 加拿大的,加拿大人的 9. cancel vt. 取消 cancel - cancelled/cancelling He cancelled his trip to China as he fell ill 10 . candle n.蜡烛; light

37、 candles 点蜡烛 blow out the candle 吹灭蜡烛 11. candy n. 糖果 12. cap n.帽子 13. capital n.首都;省会 the capital of China 中国的首都 After all, we are the capital of clocks and watches. 14. car n.轿车 , 小汽车, (火车)车厢 by car / take a car give sb a lift / ride in his car 让某人搭他的车 We should stop riding in a car. 15. card n 厚纸

38、片;卡片. (an) ID card 身份证 play cards 打扑克 16. care n/ v.关心;注意;照料:喜欢; 词形变化: adj. careful. 仔细的;谨慎的:adv. carefully careless 粗心的,不认真的adv. carelessly n. carelessness caring 体贴他人的,体谅人的 take care of 照顾,照管: He was well taken care of when he was ill. care for 关心,喜欢 care about 在意 take care = be careful 小心,留心, be

39、careful about对 谨慎、认真、小心 17. carrot n. 胡萝卜 Eating more carrots is good for your eyes. 18. carry v.携带;提;抱;背搬送,输送;拿,抬 carry carried / carrying carry away 拿走,运走carry out 实行,履行, 实现 19. cartoon n. 卡通片,动画片 20. cat n.猫;猫科动物 21. catch v.捉住;理解;赶上,染上(疾病) catch - caught/ caught .catch up with 赶上 catch the bus 赶

40、上公交车 catch a cold / have a cold Sorry, I didnt catch what you said. 没听明白你所说的话 We should catch any chace to practice speaking English. 22. cause n. 原因;理由vt.造成,使发生,引起,导致 the cause of the fire /the reason for being late cause sth. 造成 . cause sb. sth. =cause sth for sb. 给某人造成 cause sb to do sth.致使某人做某事;

41、造成某人做某事 cause trouble / make trouble 惹是生非,惹麻烦 23. celebrate v. 庆祝;举行n.celebration 庆祝,庆祝会 A party will be held to celebrate New Year. 24. cent n.分 25. centre n.中点;圆心 adj. central in the certer of . a shopping centre 26. century = one hundred years n.百年;世纪 in the.21 st century 在 21 世纪 5 centuries ago

42、五世纪前 27. certain adj. 确信的;某一的 for certain 毫无疑问 He had to be absent from the meeting for a certain reason. 28. certainly adv. 无意地;毫无疑问 - May I watch TV for a while ? - Certainly = Of course = Sure 29. chair n. 椅子;chairman/woman n.会议主席;女人 30. chalk n.粉笔 as pale as chalk 苍白 31. chance n. 碰巧 ; 机会;可能性: .

43、by chance = by accident 偶然的,意外地: I met him in the street quite by chance. 我在街上很偶然地遇见了他。 have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事 32. change v. / n. 变化;转变;改变;n. 找回的零钱,找头; change into 变成: changeinto change ones mind 改变主意 Great changes have taken place in our city in the past ten years. In the last three years

44、in junior high school, I have changed a lot. Here is your change. 这事找给你的零钱。 33. cheap adj.廉价的;合算的= inexpensive adv. cheaply My bike is cheap . = The price of my bike is low. 34. check n. more clever,the most clever 56. climb v.攀登;爬上climber climb up/down 爬上 /下climb over the wall 翻墙 go climbing 去爬山/ c

45、limb the mountain 57. clock n. 时钟;里程表 A clock has three hands an hour hand, a minute hand and a second hand. 58. close adj. 密切的;近的;亲密的;v. 关;结束adj. closed close down= shu down 关闭,倒闭The factory closed down last year. be close= near to 离近They are close friends 他们是亲密的朋友 59. clothes n.衣服 60. cloud n.乌云;云

46、雾;烟尘(可数名词) adj. cloudy adj.有烟的;多云的 61. club n.俱乐部 I plan to join the school swimming club when I get into the senior high. 62. coach v.辅导 ,训练;n 教练;旅客车厢(pl. coaches ) v. 训练 63. coal n.煤;煤块儿burn coal 烧煤 64. coast n.沿海地区;海岸in the northern coast 65. coat n. 大衣;外套 66. coffee n.咖啡;咖啡树 a coffee cup I like

47、coffee with milk. 67. coin n. 硬币;钱币 Every coin has its two sides. 事物都有正反面。 68. cold adj 冷的;冷淡的;不友好的;n. 寒冷;伤风;感冒; have/catch a cold on a cold winter day 69. collect v.收集;采集 collector n. 收集者,收藏家n. collection n. 收藏,收集 collect stamps / coins / information 70. college n.专科学院;学院 go to college. 去上大学 71. co

48、lour /color n. & v. 色;彩色v.给 着色 adj. colorful 色彩丰富的、多彩的 I took part in all kinds of after-class activities to make my school life colorfull. Can you color the paper red? 72. come (came, come) v. 来;来临;实现; come along 来到,出现,赶快: come down 下来,落; come into (wide) use 开始;被(广泛)使用: Now computers has come into wide use in many fields. Come on! (表示激励)加油!快! come true 实现 come out 发行,出版;指(花儿)开放,出来 come up wit


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