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1、1 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? Period5 : Section B (2a-2c) Teaching and Learning Goals 一、语言知识和语言功能: 1. 能正确使用下列词汇 high, ago, India, moon, surprise, snake move, start, jump, wake, into, forest, ear , put up, get a surprise, shout to, up and down, wake .up 2. 能认读下列词汇 tent, scared 二、学习策略: 1. 能根

2、据图片理解文章的大意。 2. 能训练学生运用略读掌握文章大意,通过跳读抓住文章细节信息的能力。 3. 能借助思维导图理解文章内容,建构完整的知识体系。 三、情感及能力目标: 通过文章内容的学习,了解英语国家中学生的假日生活,以此鼓励、 培养和锻炼学生的意 志, 珍惜友谊。 了解世界各地以及人们进行的不同活动,感受地域差异。 Teaching and learning steps: Pre-reading Activities Step1 Preview Talk about the activities in the pictures using Simple past tense. Pict

3、ure1 Picture2 Picture3 2 ( 设计意图:有效地再现知识是必要的巩固,唤醒记忆,为进一步学习打好基础。) Step II Prevision and presentation 1.Check some old knowledge and the new phrases that they have previewed 1)Put the following into English orally. (1) 中学毕业(2)作为一个特殊礼物(3)带我们去印度(4)坐了很长时间汽车 (5)搭起帐篷(6)生火让我们取暖(7)相互讲故事( 8)受到大的惊吓 (9)看到一条蛇正睡在火

4、旁(10)吵醒了蛇( 11)感到东西在动 (12) 作为一份特殊的礼物,我父母带我们去印度。 (13) 那里(我们支起帐篷,生活取暖并做饭。 (14) 但是我太累了,很早就睡了。. (15) 我太害怕了,以至于一动不能动。 (16) 我们大声呼喊父母,让他们知道我们的危险。 (17) 这样把蛇弄醒了,它进入到湖旁的森林里去了。 (18) 他还告诉我重要的是别靠近蛇。 (20)当我们往帐篷外看时,我们看到一条蛇正睡在火旁。 ( 设计意图:为学生设置前置任务,培养学生的预习能力和自主学习能力,以便他们能更好 地了解课文 ) Step III Leading in Ask the students

5、some questions T:Did you watch TV yesterday evening? S:No, I didnt. T:Did you go shopping? S:No,I didnt. T: What did you do yesterday evening? Ss: I did my homework/I went to (ask more questions more quickly ) T: Did you go to the zoo last Sunday? S: Yes or no. T:Do you love animals?Do you like monkeys?Do you like tigers ? what about lions?Why not?Are you afraid of them?Of course I am afraid of them. (use the 3 following pictures.) tiger 老虎 lion 狮子 Show some pictures about the article 1) high school took a long bus ride put up a tent made a fire to cook food on


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