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1、-精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - 审题人:尹洁鸿命题人:张军 总分: 150 分时量 120 分钟 PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (30 marks) Section A(22.5 marks) Directions: In this section you will hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices

2、. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter A, B or C on the question booklet. You ll hear each conversation twice. Conversation 1 1. What did the woman like most about her trip? A. Relaxing on the beach. B. Eating fresh Mexican food. C.

3、Going out in the speedboat. 2. What is the man s opinion? A. He wouldn t have liked the food in Mexico. B. He would have spent all his time on the beach. C. He would have enjoyed the same things as the woman s husband. Conversation 2 3. What did the man look like according to the woman? A. Young and

4、 skinny. B. Short and old C. Tall and middle-aged. 4. Which item did the woman lose? A. Her wallet. B. Her cell phone. C. Her ring. Conversation 3 5. Why is the man worried in the beginning? A. He can t find his present. B. He can t see. C. He doesn t like surprises. 6. What do the speakers like abo

5、ut the barbecue? A. The features. B. The price. C. The color. Conversation 4 7. Why was the woman having the couple over for dinner? A. They are friends of her parents. -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - B. They are new friends. C. They have supported her charity. 8. What was the disaster? A. The woman

6、 forgot the couple were not coming that night. B. The woman forgot to prepare the dinner. C. The couple forgot the invitation. 9. When does this conversation take place? A. Tuesday night. B. Wednesday night. C. Thursday night. Conversation 5 10. What kind of car does the man show the woman? A. The h

7、ottest model this year. B. A sports car made in 1992. C. An old classic made in 1982. 11. What does the woman think of the car? A. It looks safe. B. It s expensive. C. Its just what she needs. the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. You ll hear the passage t

8、wice. Fast Food Nation -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - Its main features Very informative, very well 16 , and very easy to read Its fascinating parts The 17 of fast food The background information about the 18 industries The 19 of not only working for these businesses, but also eating food supplied

9、by them Its influence It ll change your 20 and the way you view the large fast-food companies. PART II LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(45 marks) Section A (15 marks) Directions: beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sent

10、ence. 21. It was very kind of you to do the washing-up but you _ it A. needn t do B. shouldn t do C. mustn t have done D. needn t have done 22.Of the three statements he has suggested _ the heating problem, I think the last one is the best. A. solving B. to solve C. to solving D. solve 23. I ve spar

11、e _ juice for you, and your half _ in the refrigerator. A. half the, is B. the half, are C. my half, is D. a half, are -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - 24. Have you got any explanation to the question _ he came here for last weekend? A. why B. what C. how D. which 25. The boy spent as much time playi

12、ng video games as he _ studying. A. does B. had been C. was D. did 26. The politician has been warned that he would be getting into great trouble _ stick to his standpoint. A. were he to B. he will C. he was to D. would he 【答案】 A 【解析】 -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - 27. -It was really very kind of y

13、ou to give me a lift home. -Oh, don t mention it. I _ past your house anyway. A. was coming B. will come C. had come D. have come 28. Next door to ours _, who has achieved much in physics. A. where lives an old scientist B. where does an old scientist live C. lives an old scientist D. does an old sc

14、ientist live 29. I don t remember how many years ago _ I last showed you around the old campus. A. it was that B. was it that C. it was which D. was it when 30. - Why does she always ask you for help? -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - - There is no one else_, is there? A. who to turn to B. she can tur

15、n to C. for whom to turn D. for her to turn 31. The teacher asked me _ I did last Sunday morning? A. no matter what B. what ever C. whatever D. whoever 32. The Oscar Award is _ all outstanding actors and actresses all _ . A. what; dream to win B. something; look forward to win C.what; dream of winni

16、ng D. something; look forward to winning it 33. Keep up a good state of mind even if you _ fail plenty of times. A. must B. will C. can D. should -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - 34. It is hoped that the education reform in English Exam to the College_ in Hunna Province next year will bring the _ res

17、ult to students. A. carried out, desiring B. carrying out, desired C. to be carried out, desiring D. being carried out, desiring 35. Thanks to the Party s opening and reform policy, people in China are _ than they were thirty years ago . A. worse off B. much better off C. more better off D. quite be

18、tter off Section B (18 marks) Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. I hadn t even got a chance to enter the store before an African American woman approached me -

19、精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - and asked if I would help her return an item. The item she has _36_ was intended for her daughter, but she had already received a similar one. The lady _37_ to exchange the item for something else in the store but she was told she needed an ID or the deal could not tak

20、e place. I went to the _38_ with the woman so we could use my ID. The sales associate immediately started _39_ her of asking the first random person she saw to help her. Although that was _40_ , I didn t understand why it mattered. After all, not everyone is given the opportunity to _41_ an ID in th

21、is country. Then, we asked to speak with a manager, who explained that there was no way to return the item without a receipt and then went on to say the woman could not _42_ she purchased the item. “ If I , a young white female, were to enter the store and request you to make an exchange without a r

22、eceipt, I would not be _43_ the privilege- as I have proof from the past.” I said. He must have realized at that moment what he had done, because he _44_ to exchange the item. There are many valuable lessons in the story. The first is to help a stranger in need. I hesitated when the woman asked for

23、my help, but _45_ in my hand I asked myself, “ Why not? What valid reasons do I usually have?” I had none, so I helped her. The second lesson is not to judge a book by its _46_. The woman looked poor, but she _47_ the same treatment as anyone else does. 【小题 1】A. purchased B. shown C. lost D. mended

24、【小题 2】 A. managed B. wanted C. refused D. promised 【小题 3】 A. counter B. department C. market D. window 【小题 4】 A. warning B. informing C. reminding D. accusing 【小题 5】 A. wrong B. true C. reasonable D. meaningful 【小题 6】 A. leave B. pay C. find D. obtain 【小题 7】 A. answer B. prove C. support D. admit 【小

25、题 8】 A. ordered B. asked C. denied D. given 【小题 9】 A. agreed B. prepared C. failed D. remembered 【小题 10】 A. totally B. gradually C. hardly D. quickly 【小题 11】 A. design B. cover C. content D. price -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - 【小题 12】 A. deserved B. required C. received D. appreciated 【答案】 【小题 1】A

26、 一副热心肠;第二,人无论贫富,都是平等的,都应享受同等的权利和地位。 -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - Section C(12 marks) Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with ONLY ONE WORD that best fits the context. -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - In our day to day life we have so many tasks in our to-do list. S

27、ome are smaller, some are bigger, some are highly important and _48_ are least important. We keep working _49_ these throughout our lives. Sometimes we prioritize and sometimes we don t. However I would emphasize that _50_ we prioritize the tasks, our daily lives can improve dramatically. However, d

28、o you really understand the differences _51_ urgent and important? _52_ really matters if you do. “ important ” is something which can not and should not be ignored at any cost. “ Urgent” means that a quick action is required to be done as soon as possible. Sometimes, urgent things are not very impo

29、rtant, for example, turning a running tap off to avoid wastage of water _53_ save the bills. However there are times _54_ urgent things are most important as well, for example, helping _55_ crying baby in the kitchen due to the fire stove. -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - PART III READING COMPREHENSI

30、ON(30 marks) Directions: Read the following 3 passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. A How can we measure animals emo

31、tions? A new study of animal s emotions suggests that, as in humans, emotions can tell animals about how dangerous their world is, and guide the choices -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - that they make. The article of the study by Bristol Universitys professor Mike Mendl was published online. An anima

32、l living in an environment where it is often threatened by predators(捕食者) will develop a negative emotion or “ mood” , such as anxiety. However, one in an environment with plenty of opportunities to get resources for survival will be in a more positive mood state. The researchers say that these emot

33、ional states not only show the animal s experiences, but also help it decide how to make choices, especially in unclear situations. This could have good or bad results. An animal in a negative mood state will make a safety-first with a “ pessimistic” response to an unclear event. For example, it con

34、siders a noise in the grass as a signal of the predator. At the same time, an animal in a positive mood state will benefit from a more “ optimistic ” response. It considers the noise as a signal of prey( 猎物) . Professor Mike Mendl, head of the Animal Welfare and Behavior Research Group at Bristol Un

35、iversity s School of Clinical Veterinary Science said, “ We can use “ optimistic ” or “ pessimistic” decision-making as a symbol of an animal s emotional state. Recent studies by our group and others suggest that this is a meritorious new approach to studying a variety of animal species.” “ Public i

36、nterest in animal welfare remains high, with widespread concern about the way in which animals are treated, used and included in society. To understand how animals should be treated, we need to better understand their emotional lives,” Mike Mendl said. The researchers believe Mike Mendl s study can

37、help them to better understand and assess an animal s emotions. 【小题 1】 When an animal is in a negative mood state, _. A. its response to an unclear event is pessimistic B. it will pay little attention to an unclear event B.it is easy for it to make right decisions C.it has more opportunities to get

38、food 【小题 2】 The underlined word “ meritorious ” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by “ _” . A. valuable B. useless C. fashionable D. hopeless 【小题 3】 We can infer from the passage that _. A. the animals with positive emotions live longer B.there is no way to assess an animal s emotions -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -

39、珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - C.few people care about animal welfare nowadays D. the environment can influence animal s emotions 【小题 4】Mike Mendl advised people to better understand animals emotions in order to _. A. tell people to build more protected areas for animals B.explain animals should be regarded as peop

40、le s friends C.raise peoples interest in studying animals D. make people know how to treat animals properly 【小题 5】 What would be the best title for the passage? A. Different kinds of Animals Emotions B. Emotions Helps Animals to Make Choice C. The Living Environment of Wild Animals D. The Best Way t

41、o Measure Animals Emotions -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - B On the high-speed train Avignon to Paris, my husband and I landed in the only remaining seats on the train, in the middle of a car, directly opposite a Frenchwoman of middle years. It was an extremely uncomfortable arrangement to be lookin

42、g straight into the eyes of a stranger. My husband and I pulled out books. The woman produced a large makeup case and made up her face. Except for a lunch break, she continued this activity for the entire three-hour trip. Every once in a while she surveyed the car with a bright-eyed glance, but neve

43、r once did she catch my eye. My husband and I could have been a blanket wall. I was amused, but some people would have felt uncomfortable , even repulsed(厌恶的) .there is something about making up in public that calls up strong emotional reactions. Partly it s a question of hygiene. And it s a matter

44、of degree. Making up - a private act- has a way of neglecting the presence of others. I was once seated at a party with a model-actress who immediately waved a silly brush and began dusting her face at the table, demonstrating that while she was next to me, she was not with me. In fact, I am general

45、ly prohibited from making up in public, except when I am in the company of cosmetics moment. In a gathering more professional than social, I would do so. Kathy Peiss, a history professor at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst says that nose-powdering in the office was an occasion for outrage

46、in 1920s and 30s. Deploring the practice as a waste of company time, trade journals advises managers to discourage it among workers. Peiss theorizes that it was female s making up in what has been an all-male field that disturb some gentlemen. Peiss tells me that after the 30 s , pulling out a make-

47、up case was no longer an issue. It became an accepted practice. I asked if she feels free to apply lipstick at a professional lunch herself. Sounding mildly shocked, she says she would save that for the privacy of her car afterward. Why? -精品文档 ! 值得拥有! - -珍贵文档 ! 值得收藏! - Because it would be “ a gestur

48、e of inappropriate feminity(女性化) .” One guess is that most professional women feel this way. There is evidence of the popularity of the new lipsticks that remain in place all day without retouching. 【小题 1】 According to the author, “ My husband and I could have been a blanket wall. ” (Line 6, Para.1) most probably means “ _” . A. We were treated with an expressionless


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