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1、山东省烟台市芝罘区2016-2017 学年七年级英语上学期期末考试试 题 二、语言基础运用。(10 分) 26. _ he is ill, _ he goes to school. A. Although, but B. /(不填 ), / C. Although, / D. But, although 27. Who helped Belly clean the bedroom just now? _. She cleaned it all by herself. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody D. Anybody 28. How often do y

2、ou chat with your friends online? _ I m busy with my strdy A. Only one month. B. About twice a month. C. Almost every day. D. Maybe in two weeks. 29. Look, this is my new house. How do you like it? Mm, it is beautiful. But it is not _. A. Large than us B. so large than ours C. so large as ours D. as

3、 large as us 30. Can you finish the work with _ money and _ workers? A. fewest, least B. the least, the fewest C. the fewest, the least D. least, fewest 31. Do you usually go to school by bike? No, _. I take the bus to school every day. A. Sometimes B. often C. always D. never 32. Taras brother is s

4、imilar _ her but he is different _ her in living habits. A. as, of B. as, from C. to, at D. to , from 33. Did you meet _? Yes, I met Yue Yunpeng. He is _ to make everyone laugh. A. interesting anyone, funny enough B. anyone interesting, enough funny C. anyone interesting, funny enough D. interesting

5、 anyone, enough funny 34. The talent show was so _ that all of us liked it very much. A. fantastic B. serious C. loud D. talented 35. “Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body” means _. A. 读万卷书,行万里路B. 读书健脑,运动强身 C. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神D. 生命在于运动 三. 完型填空。(10 分) Teenagers are always stressed out now. Th

6、ey are often too busy to think about their diets and exercise. The truth is that healthy 36 , along with regular exercise is the only way to keep fit. During your teenage years, 37 is important to give your body the energy it needs. 50% of your calories ( 卡 路 里 ) should come from rice, 38 , vegetabl

7、es and fruit. You also need to 39 a lot of water, six to eight glasses a day. 40 water will improve your skin and give you 41 hair. Exercise can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Scientists suggest that 42 should spend at least 30 minutes exercising every day. When you exercise,

8、your body produces 43 . It makes you 44 and energetic. It can even help you 45 better at night and let you pay more attention when you study in the day. 36. A. cooking B. thinking C. drinking D. eating 37. A. she B. it C. he D. you 38. A. exercise B. bread C. air D. time 39. A. eat B. drink C. taste

9、 D. feel 40. A. Some B. Little C. Enough D. Any 41. A. healthy B. bad C. dry D. ugly 42. A. teenagers B. workers C. doctors D. adults 43. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something 44. A. relaxed B. tired C. worried D. surprised 45. A. play B. sleep C. drive D. work 四. 阅读理解。(35 分。文章A、 B、C每题 1

10、 分,文章 D、E每题 2 分) A We know good health and happiness are important in life. Here are some ways to make them easy. Eat a balanced diet. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, some grains (谷物) and a little bit of meat. Exercise twice or three times a week. Get enough sleep. It is best to sleep eight hours

11、 a day. Keep yourself busy. This is good because it stops you from having bad habits. To keep yourself busy, you can work around the house, do sports, or have a hobby. Go out and make friends. Spend time and have fun with them. Talk more with them, but you must be sure not to talk about anything bad

12、. You should stay with the people who are healthy and happy themselves. 46. How many ways are mentioned (被提及 ) for keeping healthy and happy? A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six 47. The underlined work “it ” refers to (指代 ) _. A. eating a balanced diet B. keep yourself busy C. exercising more D. making

13、friends 48. _ is a bad habit according to the passage. A. Playing sports B. Cleaning the house C. Looking after your pet D. Talking about bad things with your friends 49. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage? A. We must exercise every day. B. Sleeping eight hours every night is e

14、nough. C. Keeping yourself busy is bad for your health. D. We should make friends with all kinds of people. 50. What s the best title (标题 ) for this passage? A. Eat a Balanced Diet B. Exercise and Sleep C. How to Make Friends D. How to Keep Healthy and Happy B Everyone needs friends. We all like to

15、feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. Surely, there is time when we need to be alone. We dont always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend. No two people are just the same. Sometimes friends don t get along well. That d

16、oesnt mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up (和解 ) and go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we can call them or write to them. It could be that we would even see them again. And we can make new frie

17、nds. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women who have been friendly to people in a town. Some libraries are named this way. So are some schools. We think

18、of these people when we go to these places. When we have friends, we will be very happy. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just known that someone cares. If someone cares about you, you will take better care of ourselves. 51. The first paragraph tells us _. A. no one needs friends B. w

19、e always need friends around us C. making friends is necessary in people s life D. we need to be alone. 52. In the passage the writer doesn t tell us that _. A. people are not happy when their friends leave them. B. people will never see their friends after their friends move away. C. people can kno

20、w their friends in different ways. D. people like their friends very much if they get to know them. 53. People will not name a _ after friendly people. A. city B. room C. town D. bad thing 54. When people have friends they will _. A. feel happier and are healthy B. get a lot of help from their frien

21、ds C. take better care of themselves D. A and C 55. The main idea of this passage is _. A. that people are all friends B. that people need friends C. how to get to know friends D. how to name a place C Would you like to go to Beijing, our capital? It s far away from Guangdong. Its 2313 kilometers fr

22、om Beijing to Guangdong. The city of Kunming is 2216 kilometers away from Guangdong. It s always very warm there. But its very hot in summer in Wuhan, It s 1084 kilometers from Guangdong to Wuhan. Changsha is near Guangdong. Its 726 kilometers from Changsha to Guangdong. Do you know which city is th

23、e biggest in China? It s Shanghai. It s 1811 kilometers from Guangdong to Shanghai. If you travel by air, you ll find it very interesting and fast enough to fly from Guangdong to Beijing. It only takes you about four hours and youll get there easily, safely and unhurriedly. But traveling by train is

24、 quite different. You have to stay on the train for over thirty hours to arrive in Beijing. More and more people like to travel by air. You can see why, cant you? 56. How far is it from Changsha to Guangdong? A. 1084 kilometers. B. 2216 kilometers. C. 726 kilometers D. 762 kilometers. 57. If you go

25、to Beijing, our capital, you ll know _. A. its not far away from all the other cities in China B. you have to travel long by land from Guangdong to Beijing C. its not far away from us all D. its not far away from Guangdong 58. From the passage, we know _ has the longest way to Guangdong except Beiji

26、ng. A. Wuhan B. Changsha C. Shanghai D. Kunming 59. Which one is WRONG? A. Wuhan is very hot in summer. B. Its as warm in Kunming as Beijing. C. Its 1084 kilometers from Wuhan to Guangdong. D. Its warm in winter in Guangdong. 60. It takes more than 30 hours to arrive in Beijing from _ by train. A. G

27、uangdong B. Kunming C. Changsha D. Shanghai 【任务型阅读】 D Children s life in Africa When you are having class at school or playing on the computer at home, what are the children of your age doing in Africa? Are they at school? What do they do for fun every day? Now you can find out the answers here: Edu

28、cation (教育 ) Many families there cant afford ( 买 得起 ) school clothes or exercise books. Some children are lucky enough to go to school, but they have to learn a lot. They have to take two language classes: English or French and their native language (母语 ). There are also math, science, history and g

29、eography. Housework often takes up much of childrens time after school. They have to get water for the family every day. Then they clean, wash and help with the meal. Sports Children do not need m uch money to play. They usually play in the places around their houses. They like playing football and

30、there are many football teams for children. 根据短文内容,完成下列信息。 Education 61. Going to school may be too _ for many African children. 62. As for language learning, they should study _ and their native language. 63. After school, children have to help with _. Sports 64. Children in Africa usually play _ a

31、nd football is very popular. 65. There are many football teams for _ in Kenya. E Do you have enough sleep? Here is some advice to help you get all of the sleep you need. Try to go to bed at the same time every night. It helps your body get into a routine (常规 ). Keeping this routine will help you get

32、 better sleep. Dont have a TV set in your bedroom. According to a survey, (68) kids usually sleep less with a TV in their bedrooms. Dont watch scary shows or movies when bedtime is drawing near (临近 ). They will make it hard to fall asleep. Take a warm shower or listen to quiet music. These can make

33、you feel relaxed. Dont do exercise just before going to bed. Do exercise earlier in the day, and it helps you sleep better. Use your bed just for sleep. in this way, your body will know that the bed is a place for sleep. Dont use it for reading, playing games, or talking on the phone. 阅读上面材料,完成下列任务。

34、 66. There are _ pieces of advice mentioned (被提到 ) in the passage. 67. According to the passage, taking a warm shower can make you _. 68. 将划线部分翻译成汉语。 _ 69. What shouldnt you do before going to bed? _ 70. How can you make your body know the bed is a place for sleep? _ 第 I I 卷 五. 词汇部分。(10 分) A. 根据句意和首

35、字母提示完成单词。 1. The gifts in the shop are expensive but I did buy something for my friends but n_ for myself. 2. You can join the club once or twice a weekit s up to you to d_. 3. I d like to go to the mountains on weekends. The air there is much f_ than that in the city. B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 4. I looked o

36、ut of the window and saw some boys _ (play) soccer in the playground. 5. However, if you dont take these shows too seriously, they are fun _ (watch). 6. Will you please speak _ (loud) so that we can hear you? 7. Tom is _ (care) with his homework than Tim every day. C. 根据所给的汉语提示完成单词。 8. Thanks a lot

37、for _ (邀请 ) us to your party. 9. Mary is a performer and she dresses herself _ (漂亮地 ) every day. 10. There are many _ (不同 ) between you and your twin brother. 六. 完成句子。(10 分) 1. 上个周,我们去了王叔叔的农场。我们骑马、挤牛奶还喂了小鸡。 Last week we went to Uncle Wang s farm. We _ horses, _ cows and _ chickens. 2. 塔拉喜欢跟她朋友做同样的事。

38、 Tara likes to do the _ _ _ her friends. 3. 他非常在意学习。 He _ _ study too much. 4. 请记住,旧习难改。所以赶快锻炼起来,不要等到来不及了! Please remember: _ _ _ _. So start exercising before it s too late! 5. 一个真正的朋友是在需要是给你帮助,使你感动。 A true friend reaches to your hand and _ _ _. 6. 学校在教育中起着最为重要的作用。 Schools play the _ _ _ in educati

39、on. 7. 我认为你应该多吃一些水果,比如橘子和苹果。 I think you should eat more fruit, _ _ oranges and apples. 七. 句型转换。(5分) 1. _? (根据答语写出问句) No, he surfs the Internet every day. 2. He sings more clearly than his sister. (改成原级 ) 3. Tom is the most serious boy in his class (同义句改写 ) 4. The girl goes to the movies twice a mon

40、th. (划线提问 ) 5. We couldnt go out because it rained heavily. (改成简单句 ) 八. 补全对话。(5分) 根据对话内容,选择正确的选项,两项多余。 A: Wait a minute, Wang Lin. I have something exciting to tell you. B: 1. _ A: I made friends with a boy today. His name is Frank. He comes from America. B: That s great. 2. _ A: He is thin, but he

41、looks strong. B: 3. _ A: He is as tall as I, but he is more athletic than I. B: 4. _ A: You are right. He said he would teach me how to play basketball. 5. _ B: I d love to. Thank you. A. Would you like to make friends with him? B. Frank is the same as me. C. What does he look like? D. Is Frank tall

42、 or short? E. He is very quiet. F. I think he likes sports very much. G. What is it? 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 九. 书面表达。(10 分) 烟台是个好地方,周末可以去海边玩,而且周边还有很多购物、休闲、娱乐场所。 如果你想邀请朋友来烟台的海边玩,那么请根据下表信息并适当想象,描述一下周边环 境。 要求: 1. 不必拟定题目; 2. 不能漏掉表格中的信息,鼓励拓展; 3. 字数不少于70 词。 Places Name Reason(s) The nearest restaurant The Hon

43、gkou Hotel 有友好的服务 / 美味的食物 The most popular shopping center Wanda Shopping Mall It has things of the best quality (质量 ) The best theater New Century Theater 有最大、最舒服的座位 The biggest supermarket Darunfa Supermarket 各种各样的东西,价格最便宜 2016-2017 烟台初二期末英语答案 二. 语言基础运用。(10 分) 26-30 CBBCB 31-35 DDCAB 三. 完型填空。(10 分

44、) 36-40 DBBBC 41-45AADAB 四. 阅读理解。(35 分。文章A、 B、C每题 1 分,文章 D、E每题 2 分) 46-50 CBDBD 51-55 CBDDB 56-60 CBDBA 61. expensive 62. English or French 63. housework 64. near their houses/in the places around their houses 65. the children 66. six 67. feel relaxed 68. 孩子们通常在有电视的卧室中睡的时间较少。 69. We shouldn t watch

45、scary TV shows/movies or do exercise. 70. Use your bed just for sleeping, not for reading, playing games, or talking on the phone. 五. 词汇部分。(10 分) 1. nothing 2. decide 3. fresher 4. playing 5. to watch 6. loudly/more loudly /louder 7. more careful 8. inviting 9. beautifully 10. differences 六. 完成句子。(1

46、0 分) 1. rode, milked, fed 2. same thing for 3. cares about 4. Old habits die hard 5. touches your heart 6. most important role 7. such as 七. 句型转换。(5分) 1. Does he watch TV every day? / Does he surf the Internet twice a week?.(答 案不唯一 ) 2. His sister doesnt sing as/so clearly as he/him. 3. Tom is more serious than any other boy in his class. 4. How often does the girl go to the movies? 5. We couldnt go out because of the heavy rain. 八. 补全对话。(5分) 1-5 GCDFA 九. 书面表达。(10 分) 略


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