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1、2019-2020 年高中英语人教版必修二教学案:Unit 2 Section Grammar 一般将来时 的被动语态 (含答案 ) 语法图解 探究发现 Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. Ishall be invited to speak at the opening ceremony tomorrow. They wont be stopped outside the stadium. They have tickets. W

2、e shant be asked to be there before eight. The government is going to build a new school next year and it is going to be built in the poor village. 我的发现 (1)上述例句中的黑体部分的时态为“一般将来时的被动语态”。 (2)例句为该语态的肯定句,谓语部分结构是: will /shall_be_done/ be_going_to_be_done。 (3)例句为该语态的否定句,谓语部分结构是:wont/shant_be_done。 一、一般将来时被动

3、语态的基本构成 一般将来时的被动语态表示“将要被”,其基本构成为:will/shall be done(shall 用于第一人称,will 用于各种人称)。 There is no doubt that he will be admitted into Beijing University. 毫无疑问,他会被北京大学录取的。 These old TV sets will be sent tothe factory and taken apart by workers next week. 下周,这些旧电视机将被运往工厂并由工人们拆开。 即时演练1用所给词的适当形式填空 We shall_be_

4、punished (punish) if we lose the money. If you park your car here, you will_be_fined (fine) The project will_be_finished (finish) next month. 二、一般将来时被动语态的句式变化 否定式: wont/shantbedone 一般疑问式:Will/Shall 主语 bedone? 特殊疑问式:特殊疑问词will/shall 主语 bedone? If he doesnt break these rules, he wont be punished. 如果他遵守

5、这些规则,他将不会受到惩罚。 Will a new stadium be set up here? 这里要建一座新体育场吗? When will these books be published? 这些书将在什么时候出版? 即时演练2 (1)补全句子 Where_will_the_32nd_Olympic_Games_be_held in the year 2020? 2020 年第 32 届奥运会将在哪里举行? As far as I know, the meeting wont_be_held_tomorrow. 据我所知,明天不举行会议。 (2)改写句子 A new plan will

6、be put forward at the meeting this afternoon. Will_a_new_plan_be_put_forward_at_the_meeting_this_afternoon?(改为一般疑问句) When_will_a_new_plan_be_put_forward_at_the_meeting ? (就 this afternoon 提问 ) 三、一般将来时被动语态的其他形式 1be going to be done 表示最近即将发生的动作或者按计划将要发生的被动动作。 These letters are going to be typed and se

7、nt offvery soon. 这些信件将很快打好并发出。 2be to be done (1)表示按计划或安排将要发生的被动动作。 His new book based on a true story is to be published next week. 他基于一个真实故事的新书将于下周出版。 (2)表示“应该” ,意思相当于should,可用来征求对方的意见。 What is to be done next? 下一步该怎么办? (3)表示“必须” ,意思相当于must 或 have to。 The task is to be finished before Friday. 这项任务

8、必须在星期五前完成。 3will/shall get done 表示一种动作,有时用来表示意想不到的、突然的或偶然发生的情况,多用于口语。 The workers will get paidbefore the end of December. 这些工人将在12 月底前拿到工资。 即时演练3补全句子 那个问题将在会上讨论。(be going to) The problem is_going_to_be_discussed at the meeting. 运动会将于10 月 5 日举行。 (be to do) The sports meeting is_to_be_held on Oct.5.

9、当你看到这个场面时你被感动了吗?(will get done) Will_you_get_moved by the scene when you see it? 妈妈,我想知道你是否可以借给我几块钱,到周五我发了薪水就还你。(get done) Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I get_paid on Friday. 四、注意事项 1使用一般将来时的被动语态时,学生容易遗漏被动式中的“ be”,否定句中也要注意 “ not ”的位置。 It is reported that the old offic

10、e building willbe torn down in two months. 据报道,这座旧办公楼两个月后将拆除。 The trees on the hill will notbe totally destroyed. 山上的树将不会完全被毁坏。 2在及物动词短语的被动语态中不要漏掉短语中的介词或副词。 All means will be made full use ofto solve the problem. 要充分利用一切方法来解决问题。 3含有双宾语的主动句变为被动语态时,应根据需要将其中的一个宾语变成被动句的 主语,另一个宾语保留不变。 My aunt will buy me

11、 a shirt as my birthday present. I will be bought a shirt (by my aunt) as my birthday present. 我姑姑将要给我买件衬衫作为我的生日礼物。 名师点津 如果把直接宾语改为主语,则在间接宾语前加to 或 for。如上句可以改为: A shirt will be bought (by my aunt) forme as my birthday present. 即时演练4将下面句子变为被动语态 The old man will take care of the little girl. The_little_

12、girl_will_be_taken_care_of_by_the_old_man. They will pay attention to the similar problem in their following task. The_similar_problem_will_be_paid_attention_to_by_them_in_their_following_task._ My brother will give me a book. I_will_be_given_a_book_(by_my_brother) A_book_will_be_given_to_me_(by_my_

13、brother) You will notice the change happen next day. The_change_will_be_noticed_to_happen_next_day. .用所给词的适当形式填空 1A new airport will_be_built (build) in my hometown next year. 2When our classroom is_decorated (decorate), it will be more beautiful. 3Is this bridge going to be_completed (complete) bef

14、ore the end of this year? 4If I am_given (give) more time, Im sure Ill do it better. 5Dont worry. The hard work that you do now will_be_repaid (repay) later in life. 6A tent is going to be_put (put) up in the middle of the field. 7Good news! Maybe I will/shall_be_given (give) a job soon. 8A new Engl

15、ish play will_be_put (put) on in our school this weekend. .单句写作 1A lot of friends will_be_invited_to_my_birthday_party (将被邀请来参加我的生日聚 会)(will) 2Im sure that he will_be_highly_thought_of (被器重 ) by his employer in the future.(will) 3A new road is_going_to_be_built ( 计划被建 ) around the lake. (be going to

16、) 4Only after you show your pass will_you_be_allowed (允许你 ) in.(will) 5Once our parents are away, all the housework will_be_left_to_us ( 将会留给我们)(will) 6 (全国卷作文)I hope I will_be_accepted_as ( 被接纳为 ) a member of your summer camp. (will) 7The patient is_to_be_operated_on (动手术 ) soon.(be to do) 8The wed

17、ding is_going_to_be_held ( 举行 ) next week.(be going to) 9The plan is_to_be_discussed (讨论 ) by the managers this week.(be to do) 10You wont_be_allowed ( 不允许 ) to take so much luggage with you on the plane.(will) .语段填空 (用所给词的正确时态、语态填空) The modern Olympic Games 1.started (start) in Greece in 1896. The

18、Games 2.are_held (hold) every four years. Five cities bid for the right to host the Olympic Games of 2008, Beijing, Toronto and Paris 3.included (include). The host city 4.was_decided (decide) by the IOC (国际奥委会 ) in July, 2001, and China 5.was_given (give) the honour. Chinese were all excited becaus

19、e the Olympic Games 6.had never been_held (hold) in the country before. They considered it a great honour and responsibility. So they tried their best to get ready for the Games. Finally it 7.turned (turn) out to be very successful. In 2020, the Games 8.will_be_held/are_going_to_be_held (hold) in Tokyo.


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