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1、2019 届高考英语二轮复习阅读理解推理判断题专练(一)细节推断 类 (2017云南省昆明市高三复习教学质量检测) The Masai are a people who are constantly trying to preserve their own ways in an increasingly modern world. They live along the border of Kenya and Tanzania, moving their homes from time to time to follow their cattle, the source of their li

2、ving. The Masai have become known as a people of fighters, protecting their cattle against lions and other enemies. Only men are fighters. They wear long hair, which is colored red with clay. They can have more than one wife. Women build and take care of the home, fixing food and making clothing. Wo

3、men and children keep their heads shaved. Women can also become elders,_once they have given birth to four healthy children. The Masai depend on their cattle for many parts of their life. They drink cows milk and blood as sacred drinks. They use the cows waste to cover and seal their homes. They don

4、t kill their cattle for food, but if a cow is killed, then the horns ( 角) are used for containers; the hides are used to make shoes, clothing, ropes and bed coverings; and the bones are made into decorations. The more cattle a man owns, the richer he is considered to be. A man who owns 50 or fewer c

5、attle is considered poor. A “rich ” man has a thousand or more. The cattle, though owned by the man, are considered to belong to the mans entire family. The family names the cattle and can recognize each animals unique voice. Masai houses are made from sticks and grass, but they are meant to be temp

6、orary, since the move of their cattle means that the Masai move as well. 【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了马赛人的情况。 【难句分析】The Masai are a people who are constantly trying to preserve their own ways in an increasingly modern world. 分析: 该句为主从复合句,句中who are constantly trying to preserve their own ways in an increasingly

7、 modern world为 who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词people 。 译文:马赛族是一个在越来越现代化的社会中持续努力保持他们自己的生活方式的民 族。 1What is Masai womens daily work at home? AThey protect the cattle from being hunted. BThey give birth to babies and bring them up. CThey look after as well as naming their cattle. DThey mainly deal with various housewo

8、rk. 解析:D 考查细节理解。 根据第二段的第五句“ Women build and take care of the home, fixing food and making clothing”可知,马赛族的妇女在家看护房子,准备饭菜并且做 衣服;据此可知,马赛族的妇女日常主要负责家务活;故D项正确。 2When do the Masai move from one place to another? AThey move when they have over a thousand cattle. BThey move once there are 4 children in the f

9、amily. CThey move when their cattle need new food sources. DThey move after their houses are not strong enough. 解析: C 考查推理判断。根据第一段第二句中的“moving their homes from time to time to follow their cattle, the source of their living”并结合最后一段可知,马 赛人跟着他们的牛而迁移,由此可以判断,当牛需要新的食物来源时,马赛人就会迁移。故 C项正确。 3What does the un

10、derlined word “elders ” in Paragraph 2 mean? AAged citizens. BRespected people. CBrave fighters. DWealthy hostesses. 解析: B 考查词义猜测。根据第二段最后一句中的“once they have given birth to four healthy children”可以判断,如果女子能生育四个健康的孩子,则她将成为人们尊 敬的人。画线词意为“令人尊敬的人”,故B项正确。 干扰项分析:A项意为“老年市民”,C 项意为“勇敢的战斗者”,D 项意为“富裕的 女主人”,都与语境不符

11、。 4It can be inferred from the text that _. Athe Masai raise the cattle mainly for their meat Blions are the primary enemies of the Masai Cthe Masai are living a life in a modern way Dthe total of the Masais cattle decides their status 解析: D 考查推理判断。根据第四段的第一句“The more cattle a man owns, the richer he

12、 is considered to be”可知,一个人拥有的牛越多,他就被认为越富有,据此 可以判断,马赛人拥有的牛的数量决定了他们的社会地位,故D项正确。 干扰项分析:根据第三段第四句中的“They dont, kill their cattle for food”可 知,他们不会因为要吃肉而杀牛,故 A项与文意相反; 根据第二段的第一句可知,B项错误; 根据第一段的第一句“ The Masai are a people who are constantly trying to preserve their own ways in an increasingly modern world”可

13、知,马赛人在越来越现代化的社会 中持续努力保持他们自己的生活方式,故C项与文意相反。 B (2017河南洛阳高三第一次统考) All over the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners. Other children may have manners that are not like yours. There are all kinds of manners. Many years ago, children who had good manners were seen and not heard. They kep

14、t quite quiet if grown-ups were talking. Today, well-mannered children have more freedom. Sometimes good manners in one place are bad manners in other places. Suppose you are a visitor in the land of Mongolia. Some friends ask you to eat with them. What kind of manners do they want you to have? They

15、 want you to give a loud “burp ( 打嗝) ” after you finish eating. Burping would show that you like your food. In some countries, if you give a loud burp, you are told to say “Excuse me, please. ” In many places people like to eat together. But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen ea

16、ting at all. People show good manners by turning their backs on others while they eat. What are manners like in an East African town? The people try not to see you. They are being polite. You may see a friend. He may not see you at all. If you are polite, you will sit down beside him. You will wait

17、until he finishes what he is doing. Then he will talk to you. Suppose you visit a friend in Arabia. You should walk behind the other tents until you come to his tent. If you pass in front of the other tents, you will be asked into each one. The people will ask you to eat with them. And it is bad man

18、ners if you say no. Manners are different all over the world. But it is good to know that all manners begin in the same way. People need ways to show that they want to be friends. 【解题导语】本文主要介绍了世界上一些地方的礼仪。 5How did polite children behave? ABy looking into adults eyes while talking. BBy keeping silent

19、 while adults were talking. CBy slipping into the house without being heard. DBy not opening their mouths until spoken to. 解析: B 考查细节理解。根据第二段的第二句“They kept quite quiet if grown-ups were talking”可知,过去,在大人们说话时,儿童保持沉默是一种礼貌的行为。 干扰项分析:A项错在在谈话时,看着大人的眼睛,文章中并没有提到;C项错在在不 被听到的情况下悄悄溜进屋里,文章中也没有提到;D项错在直到有人跟自己说话才

20、开口说 话,故排除。 6Which custom should we follow in order to look well-mannered? ASaying “Excuse me” on burping in Mongolia. BInviting guests to dinner together in Polynesia. CTalking with a friend before he completes things in East Africa. DAccepting an eating invitation in Arabia. 解析:D 考查细节理解。 根据第三段的最后两句

21、“The people will ask you to eat with them. And it is bad manners if you say no”可知,接受阿拉伯人一起吃饭的邀请是礼 貌的行为。 干扰项分析:在Mongolia 饭后打嗝是一种礼貌的行为,说明你喜欢对方提供的食物; 根据第三段的“ But in some parts of Polynesia it is bad manners to be seen eating at all ”可知,在Polynesia ,邀请客人一起吃饭是不礼貌的行为,故B项错误;根据第三 段的“ You will wait until he f

22、inishes what he is doing”可知,在东非,静静地坐在 朋友身旁并等他忙完是礼貌的做法,故排除C项。 7What can we infer from the text? AHear much, speak little. BLove me, love my dog. CWhen in Rome do as the Romans do. DDo what you ought to and come what can. 解析: C 考查推理判断。根据全文内容尤其是最后一段的第一句“Manners are different all over the world”可推知,礼仪因地

23、域而各有不同,因此最好的做法是入乡 随俗。 C (2017江西名校联盟5 月检测 ) Biologist Robert Pitman and his colleagues tracked orcas, or killer whales, and humpback whales off the coast of Western Australia. To research further, the scientists attached a tracker to a female orca, which allowed them to use satellites to monitor her

24、movements. They followed her for six days. During time, the orca attacked eight young humpback whales. During the seven attacks, the orca killed the humpback whale calf (幼兽 ) on three occasions. But the story doesnt end there. Humpback whales themselves are popularly thought to be large but generall

25、y, passive creatures. Pitmans study findings may let people think otherwise. When chased by orcas, humpback whales are known to try to outswim orcas. They are thought to do this at high speed so that the orcas cant keep up. On some occasions, the humpback whales sought out protection. They swam to s

26、hallow water, nearby reefs, or even under the researchers boats. These ways often reduced the attack. But at other times, the humpback whales decided to stay and fight. As the orcas approached, the mother humpback would sometimes move her calf to her side, or lift it out of the water using her head

27、or flippers. She also blew huge breaths of air to disturb the orcas, and lunged or charged at them, slashing (劈) and slapping her tail and flippers. Perhaps most surprisingly, humpback whales also have adult “escorts ( 护卫队 ) ” that try to protect calves that are not their own, joining the mother in

28、defending the smaller whale. These escort whales either charged at the orcas, or placed themselves between the attackers and calves, slashing their tails and flippers. Despite the efforts of the mother whales and escorts, the orcas were more often than not successful in their attacks. But the presen

29、ce of the escorts did reduce how many times a whale calf was killed. 【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲的是科学家使用科学仪器来观察杀人鲸是如 何追杀驼背鲸及后者是如何反击和保护幼小的驼背鲸的。 【难句分析】To research further, the scientists attached a tracker to a female orca, which allowed them to use satellites to monitor her movements. 分析: 本句为复合句。 主句为 To resear

30、ch further, the scientists attached a tracker to a female orca。which 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词tracker。 译文: 为了作进一步的研究,科学家把一个追踪器固定在一头母杀人鲸上,该追踪器使 得科学家能够使用卫星来监控母杀人鲸的活动。 8Whats the purpose of the scientists further research? ATo keep a record of whalesliving habits. BTo observe orcas hunting humpback whales. CTo

31、see what life-or-death battles whales may face. DTo find out the techniques orcas use when hunting. 解析: B 考查细节理解。根据文章第一段中的“To research further. to use satellites to monitor her movements. They followed her for six days. During that time, the orca attacked eight young humpback whales.”可知,科学家进行进一步研 究的

32、目的是观察杀人鲸追杀驼背鲸的活动。故选B 。 9Why did the humpback whales swim to shallow water? ATo avoid being attacked. BTo hunt for food. CTo protect their young. DTo trick the chasers. 解析: A 考查细节理解。根据文章第三段中的“On some occasions, the humpback whales sought out protection. They swam to shallow water, nearby reefs, or ev

33、en under the researchers boats ”可知,驼背鲸游至浅水区是出于自身的安全考虑,为了避免被攻 击。故选A。 10What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4? AWhy humpback whales fall victim to orcas. BHow humpback whales protect their calves. CThe great mother love of humpback whales. DSmaller humpback whales ways of surviving. 解析: B 考查主旨要义。

34、根据第四段的内容可知,本段主要讲的是在面对杀人鲸的攻 击时,驼背鲸是如何进行反击来保护自己的幼崽的。故B项最能概括本段的主旨要义。 11What does Pitmans study find? AOrcas are successful in their attacks. BIts not easy for orcas to obtain food. CHumpback whales swim faster than orcas. DHumpback whales could be active animals. 解析: D 考查推理判断。第二段提到“Humpback whales themselves are popularly thought to be large but generally, passive creatures. Pitmans study findings may let people think otherwise ”,驼背鲸一般被认为是大型的但是通常被动的生物,Pitman 的研究发现可能会让人不这么认为。下文接着讲了面对杀人鲸的攻击时,驼背鲸所采取的一 些应对方式,其中包含积极迎击。故选D。


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