译林英语5下 Unit2 测试卷.pdf

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1、 QDSXXYY 单元检测卷 1 五下 Unit2 单元检测卷(命题:ZWXX ZCM) (完成时间:40 分钟 总分:100 分) Class _ Name _ No._ 听力部分(30 分) 一、听句子,选择你所听到的内容。 (8 分) ( )1. A. taxi B. train C. metro ( )2. A. plane B. park C. ship ( )3. A. school B. street C. show ( )4. A. basket B. bike C. bus ( )5. A. behind B. near C. far ( )6. A. you B. old

2、C. young ( )7. A. would B. want C. why ( )8. A. when B. because C. always 二、听录音,判断下列图片是(“T”)否(“F”)正确。 (6 分) 三、听录音,根据你所听到的句子,选出相应的答语。 (6 分) ( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. C. No, she doesnt. ( )2. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, it is. C. No, she isnt. ( )3. A. By bike. B. By plane. C. On foot. ( )4. A.

3、Yes, it is. B. Yes, he has. C. Yes, he does. ( )5. A. She likes washing clothes. B. She is a taxi driver. C. She can fly a kite. ( )6. A. What a pity! B. Well done. C. Because my home is far from the school. 四、听录音,补全对话。 (10分) A: Hello, Liu Tao. Where do you _? QDSXXYY 单元检测卷 2 B: _ Moon Street, in Na

4、njing. A: Is your house _ _ your school? B: No, it isnt. Its _ my school. I often go to school _ _. A: _ does your father go to work? B: He goes to work by bike. A: Wow, you can _ your fathers bike to school. B: No, he goes to work very _. 笔试部分(70 分) 五、语音。 (8分) I. 找出句中含有与所给单词画线部分读音相同的单词,写在下面横线上。 (4分

5、) 1. I try to put on my trousers. train _ _ 2. Look, a cook is reading a book in the room. cook _ _ II. 选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音与其余不同的一项(4分) ( ) 1. A. tree B. driver C. drawing ( ) 2. A. coat B. music C. cinema ( ) 3. A. speak B. read C. head ( ) 4. A. summer B. put C. rubber 六、根据中文提示填空。 (10 分) 1.Where do yo

6、u _ (居住)now? 2. The zoo is _ (在附近)here. Lets go there_ _. (步行) 3. I often go to work _ _. (乘地铁). 4.The library is _ _ (远离)here. 5. Oh, we are late. Shall we go there _ _(乘出租车)? OK. 七、用所给动词的正确形式填空。 (8 分) 1. The fish can _ (swim) with their tails. 2. Yang Ling _ (live) in China. 3. How _ Mike _ (come)

7、 to school? 4. The boy likes _ (ride) a bike in the park. 5. Wang Bing wants _ (see) your new house. 6. How do _ (China) students often go to school? 7. Its eight oclock. You have to _ (get) up now. 8. Liu Tao always _ (take) a taxi to school. QDSXXYY 单元检测卷 3 八、单项选择。 (10 分) ( ) 1. My friend _ River

8、Street. A. live on B. live in C. lives on ( ) 2. Nancy doesnt have _ nice dresses for the show. A. a B. some C. any ( ) 3. How does Yang Ling go to the USA? _. A. By bike. B. By plane. C. On foot. ( ) 4. _! Thank you! A. What a nice pen! B. How a nice pen! C. Look at my nice pen! ( ) 5. What _ Mr Gr

9、een _? He is a great teacher. A. does; does B. do; do C. does; do ( ) 6. Why cant your sister go to school? _ she is too young. A. But B. And C. Because ( ) 7. Can you show your toy cars _ me? Sure. A. to B. for C. / ( ) 8. Where do your parents work? They work _ a big ship. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 9.

10、 They _ play football after school. A. some times B. sometimes C. some time ( )10. Is that a plane? _. It looks like a bird. A. Yes, it isnt. B. I dont think so. C. No, it doesnt. 九、按要求完成下列句子。 (12 分,每空一分,第五题 2 分) 1. My father often goes to work by metro. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ father often _ to work? 2. Mi

11、ss Li lives near Moon Street. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Miss Li live? 3. Tom usually rides a bike to school. (改为否定句) Tom _ usually _ a bike to school. 4. My home is far from the park. ( 改成一般疑问句) _ _ home far from the park? 5. she, her, to, new, wants, show, me, shoes (.)(连词成句) _ 十、认真看图,完成对话。 (7 分) Mike: Hi, Yan

12、g Ling. Where do you live? How do you _ to school? Yang Ling: I live _ school. I go to school _ _. And you, Mike? Mike: I live in Sunshine Town. I often go to school _ _. What about you, Liu Tao? Liu Tao: My home is far from my school. I go to school by _. My father is a driver. QDSXXYY 单元检测卷 4 十一、阅

13、读短文,按要求答题。 (9 分) In my city, there is a big zoo with a lot of animals in it. There are some beautiful tigers and two old lions. They eat a lot of meat every day. There are also two big elephants and one baby elephant. The elephants are cute animals. They eat a lot every day, too. They like children

14、very much, because children often give them bread and bananas. Elephants like bananas so much. In this zoo, there are also brown bears, black bears and white bears. They stand on their hind(后面的) legs, hold up their fore(前面的) legs and ask for food. They like cakes. Theres also a childrens corner in t

15、he zoo. Children can ride horses and watch the monkeys there. The monkeys are very funny. They climb up the trees and jump down again and play with each other like small children. 1. 将句子“They climb up the trees and jump down again and play with each other like small children.”译成中文: _。 (2 分) 2. 根据短文内

16、容,判断正误,用“T /F”表示。 (4 分) ( ) The zoo in our town is big. ( ) The tigers and lions eat a lot of meat. ( ) Elephants dont like children. ( ) Bears likes eating cakes. 3. 根据短文内容,在 A、B、C 中选择一个最佳答案。 (3 分) ( ) Which animals like bananas best? A. Bears. B. Tigers. C. Elephants. ( ) Which animals play like small children? A. Bears. B. Monkeys. C. Lions. ( ) Why do bears stand on their hind legs? A. They ask for food. B. They want to play. C. They want to sleep. 十二、看图完成写句子。 (6 分) 这是一篇 Mike 的游记,请根据图片内容,帮他完成。 1. 2. 3. 北京图书馆 Mike likes traveling (旅游) very much. This is his travels (游记). He . He . He .


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