译林五下-U7 Chinese festivals-Story time.ppt

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《译林五下-U7 Chinese festivals-Story time.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林五下-U7 Chinese festivals-Story time.ppt(19页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Chinese festivals (Story time),Festivals,Childrens Day,Teachers Day,Mothers Day,Christmas,Dragon Boat Festival,Double Ninth Festival,Spring Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival,July,December,November,twelve months,February,Festivals,When,Who,What,Why,How,.,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),1. 独立完成。 2. 同桌讨论。,(

2、),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),1. 独立完成。 2. 同桌讨论。,Chinese festivals,1. 独立思考。 2. 同桌讨论。 3. 小组汇报。,When are the festivals?,Spring Festival,Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival,Double Ninth Festival,in January or February,in May or June,in September or October,in October or November,(细读四个节日的活动,完成表格。),1. 独立思考。

3、2. 同桌讨论。 3. 小组汇报。,Festivals,When,What,The Dragon Boat Festival,The Spring Festival,The Mid-Autumn Festival,The Double Ninth Festival,in January or February,in September or October,in May or June,in October or November,1: _ eat dumplings,have dragon boat races 2: _,look at the moon 3: _,4: _ visit pa

4、rents and grandparents eat rice cakes,eat rice dumplings,eat moon cakes and fruit,get together with families,climb mountains,Read and fill in the form,Talk about your favourite festivals.,和同桌编个对话,谈一谈你最喜欢的一个节日吧!,Which festival do you like? Whens? What do you?,这些句型会帮助你哦!,Pair work,1. The Spring Festiv

5、al is in January or February. People also call it Chinese New Year. At this festival, people get together with their families. Some people eat dumplings. 春节在一月或二月。人们也把它叫作中国农历新年。在这个节日,人们和他们的家人团聚。一些人吃饺子。,Story time,2. The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. There are dragon boat races in some plac

6、es. People eat rice dumplings at this festival. 端午节在五月或六月。在一些地方有赛龙舟。人们在这个节日吃粽子。,3. The Mid-Autumn Festival is in September or October. People look at the moon at night with their families. They eat moon cakes and fruit. 中秋节在九月或十月。人们和他们的家人在晚上赏月。他们吃月饼和水果。,4. The Double Ninth Festival is in October or

7、November. It is a festival for old people. People visit their parents and grandparents. They also climb mountains and eat rice cakes at this festival. 重阳节在十月或十一月。它是老人的节日。人们看望他们的父母和(外)祖父母。他们在这个节日里也爬山和吃重阳糕。,A 小组选择最喜欢的一个节日集体朗诵。,B 小组内选择一个最喜欢的节日,一人领读,其他人跟读。,C 小组选择一个最喜欢的节日用其他方式朗读。,Lets read,2.You can look

8、 at the blackboard. 黑板上的关键词会帮助你哦!,1.Report it in groups. 组内四人分工,复述四个节日。每人尝试说一个节日。,Lets retell,What should we do for the old people?,Lets think,We should give them more love, more help, and spend more time with them together.,When,Seasons,Traditional food (传统食物),Activities (活动),Feelings (感受),Festivals,How to talk about festivals?,1. Read the story time. (必做) 2. Write down your favourite festival.(必做) 3. Surf the Internet(上网)and know more about festivals.(选做) a. the names of them; b. the origins(来源) of them; c. peoples activities(活动); d. ,Thanks!,


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