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1、第一组1.- Did you_(go)_(shop) yesterday? - No, I didnt , but my mother_(do). 2._(eat) too much for supper is not good for our health. 3._(保持)healthy, and you can do the work _(good). 4._paper_(make) from wood? Yes. 5.“Mary, _you_(clean) the table now?” Yes. 6.Amy smiled and said to her dog, “Its not yo

2、ur duty to catch_(mouse). 7.Can I have _(some)_(mango) juice ? Sure, here you are. 8.Daniel and Tommy_(be) in Class One. 9.Do you know the_(女人)telephone numbers? I forgot to ask them just now. 10.Dont forget_(write) “Happy Childrens Day!” 1.Everyone in our class_(go) for their favourite sport every

3、weekend. 2.He cut down too many trees and he_(be) tired. So he_(stop) to have a rest. 3.He watches TV every evening. But he_(not watch) TV last night. 4.Helens family_(be) at home last Sunday. 5.How about_(have) a glass of orange?6.I can see many_(potato) in these_(photo). 7.I must thank her for_(he

4、lp) me so much. 8.I_(be)a Chinese teacher now, but I_(be)a student five years ago. 9.It is important and good for us to brush our_after meals. (牙齿) 10.Its about ten_(minute) walk from my home to my school. 1.Jim is on my left. Im_on_his_. 2.Last Saturday, _it_(rain). 3.Listen ! Who_(shout) for help

5、next door. 4.Look at the clouds in the sky. I think it_(rain). 5.Lucy is tall and_(thin), She must eat less. 6.Mike_(not do)homework yesterday. 7.Mr Lee_(give)us a talk on the history of China tomorrow , isnt he? 8._ (swim) is good for us . It_ (make) people_ (health) and strong . 9.My brother_(stud

6、y) five days a week in the new school. 10.My shoes are too small. I would like_(buy) a new pair.1.People in poor areas have two_(餐)a day. 2.Sandy likes_(shop). Now she_(shop) with her mother. 3.She_(take) photos of the mountains last week. 4.Sugar gives us_(能量) , but it, s not always_(健康)?5.The boy

7、often_(carry) water for the old man. 6.The film usually_(begin) at eight in the evening. 7.The Mid-Autumn Festival is in September or_(十月).8.The sitting room is between the_(书房). 9.The twin brothers are_(两者都)from the USA. 10.The_(玩具)are those_(儿童)?1.There are three_(knife) in the box.2.There_(be) an

8、y rice in the bag yesterday evening. 3.This morning, I_(wake) up at six thirty. But I _(get) up at nine.4.Tom wants to buy three_(瓶)of milk. 5.Wang Bing_(know) a woman from_(UK). 6.We must keep our eyes_(open). I find the story very_(interesting) 7.We_(not get) up so early every morning. 8.What are

9、you doing? Im_(写电子邮件). 9.What_(do) your father do last Monday? He_(see) a funny TV show last weekend.10.Where are my_(眼镜)? -They were in the study just now.1.Who_(teach)_( you) Maths last term?2. How_(be) the students? They were very friendly. 3._(he)is my brother. _(he)name is Jack. Look! Those sta

10、mps are_(he)_ (friend). 4._(三明治)are very popular all over the world. 5.-_the boys_(play) football over there? Yes, they are. 6.“No_(smoke)” means we cant_(smoke) here. 7.Are you s_that Andy will give your money back before this Sunday?8.Can the little girl_(cross) the road_(safe)? Do you know anythi

11、ng about road_(safe)? 9.Daniel doesnt like football, he_(从不) plays it. 10.Do you know the_(女警察)? They are helpful (乐于助人的)?1.Dont shout. My father_(sleep) in his room. 2.Everyone_(get) ready for the sports meet these days. 3.He didnt tell me his address. He_(tell) it to my mother. 4.He_(go) to Sydney

12、 by p_next month. 5.Hello, _is that speaking? This is Miss Fox_(speak).6.How can we cross the road_(safe)? _(keep) safe, we must_(look) at the traffic lights carefully. 7.I don t know what_(wear) at the party. 8.I play basketball every day to keep_(health).9.I_(eat) some bread and_(drink) some water

13、 for breakfast yesterday. 10.It is Marys birthday next Monday, Her mother_(给) her a nice present . 1.Its only ten_(分钟)walk from my school to my home. 2.Jim, like the other boys_(wear) a red T-shirt and a pair of white trousers today. 3.Last week we_(have) a_(run) race at school. 4.Listen! They_(talk

14、) about the party of Childrens Day. 5.Look at the_(老虎). Its_(跑). 6.Lucy_(catch) a bird with her father yesterday morning. 7.Mike_(not go) to bed until oclock last night. So I_(get) up late.8.Mr Smith with two boys usually_(fly) a kite at weekends. 9.Su Hai is good at _ (sing) . 10.My father likes_(收

15、集) stamps very much. What about your father? 1.My_(生日)is in_(二月). 2.People in the West cook_(potato) in many ways (方法)?3.Sandy, _(close) the window please. Its too cold outside. 4.Shh! Be_(quiet)! We should speak_(quiet)in the library. 5.Sunday is the_(one) day of the week. 6.The boy with_(glass) is my cousin, Daniel.


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