Unit 8 Our dreams 习题.doc

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1、Unit 8 Our dreams习题一 单词1. He likes_( play) soccer very much.2. The bike is _(I). 3. Rose wants to be an _(act). 4. I want to work with_(he). 二 单项选择( )1.My sister is badly ill. She is _hospital. A. in the B. in C. in an D. at the( )2.I want to work _Jack, because he is a kind man. A. with B. between

2、C. in D.among( )3.Nurses often _ white uniform at work. A. put on B. to wear C. wear D. to put on( )4.Whats your _? Im a doctor. A. job B. work C. age D. name 三句型转换1.His father works in a bank.(对画线提问) _ _ your father work? 2.She wants to be an actor. (对画线提问) _ _ she want to be ?3.He often goes to work late. (同义句) He is often _ _ work.答案:一、1.play 2. mine 3. actor 4.him二、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A三、1.Where did 2.What does 3.late to


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