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1、第 1 页 五年级英语上册期末测试试卷 姓名班级分数 听力部分 一、选出与所听内容相符的图片。 (10 分) ()1、 A、 B、 ()2、 A、 B、 ()3、 A、 B、 ()4、 A、 B、 二、听录音,判断下列句子的意思与你所听到的对话内容是否相同,相同的 打“” ,不相同的打“”。 (10 分) ()1、Mingming doesnt water the plants. ()2、You can borrow my ruler . ()3、Meiling feels shy to sing in class. ()4、He goes to work at half past eight

2、. 笔试部分 三、连线:给图片找到对应的单词。 (20 分) ( )1、Vegetable A. 第 2 页 ( )2、A sign B. ( )3、No mobil phone C. ( )4、reading stories D. ( )5、music E. 四、读句子,将与其对应的图片连起来。 (20) 1、The boy is angry . A. 2、Roller-blading is my hobby. B. 3、Which do you want ,a thin one or a thick one ? C. 4、What time do you have an english c

3、lass? D. 5、 My mother cooks a big meal . I help her . E. 五、连词成句。(20) 1like What you would _ _ 2like I d a sandwich _ _ 第 3 页 3about you what _ _ 4You can what do _ _ 5favourite Whats food your _ _ 6or coffee Tea _ _ 六、翻译成中文。(20) 1、Can I borrow a pencil,please? 2、Which one do you want , a long one or

4、 a short one? 3、Do you want some rice ? 4、How much is this raincoat? 5、Reading stories is my hobby. 七、阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误( F) 。 (10) I have a pet . His name is Mimi.He likes eating bones (骨头). Every Saturday ,Mimi and I go to play football. He is great ! He kicks the ball very quickly. He often makes m

5、e laugh,and then he runs away ! I am very happy to play with him. Mimi is a good swimmer ,too. On Sunday ,I usually take him to the pool. He swims very well. He uses his feet to wash his face , his head and body. He looks like a smart boy. I like Mimi very much,and he likes me ,too. We are good frie

6、nds ! ( )1、My pet is a cat. ( )2、Mimi doesn t like eating bones. ( )3、Every day ,I can play football with Mimi. ( )4、Mimi can swim very much. ( )5、Mimi and I are good friend. 八、附加题:补充下列单词(10 分) 1.br_ad (面包) 2. ju_ce (果汁) 3. gr_pes (葡萄) 4. c_ffee (咖啡) 听力材料 一、 (14)raincoat ; No parking; go to bed ;lio

7、n dace 二、1、Does Mingming water the plants? 第 4 页 No,he doesn t. 2、Can I borrow your ruler ? No, you cant. 3、Meiling feels happy to sing in class. 4、He goes to work at half past seven. 参考答案 一、 (14)B A AB 二、 (14) 三、1、E 2、D 3、A 4、B 5、C 四、1、B 2、D 3、E 4、A 5、C 五、1. What would you like? 2. I d like a sandwich. 3. What about you? 4. What can you do ? 5. What s your favourite food? 六、1. 请问,我可以借你的铅笔吗? 2. 你想要哪一个,长的还是短的? 3. 你想要一些米饭吗 ? 4. 这雨衣多少钱? 5. 读故事书是我的爱好。 七、F F F T T 第 5 页 八、 (14)e ; I ; a ; o


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