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1、学习必备欢迎下载 初一英语期末模拟试卷 一、选择填空(共 20 小题;每小题1 分,满分20 分) 1_would your brother like as a birthday present? AHow BWhat CHow many DWhere 2There is some bread,juice and hamburgers on the tableAll the food_very good Ais B are Ctaste Dbe 3There is_“ k” and_“ n” in the word“ know ”,but_“ k” isn t pronounced(发音 )

2、Aan ,a,an Ba,an ,a Ca,an ,the Da,a, the 4You d better_your homework here tomorrowDon t forget it again Atake Bbring Ccarry Dcatch 5The man has two sons_is a teacher,_is a doctor AHe, another BOne ,other COne ,others DOne ,the other 6_do you_Maths? I don t think it s easy AHow , think BWhat ,think CW

3、hich love DHow ,like 7 there_water_juice in the glass? AIs ,some ,and BAre ,some ,or CIs ,any ,or DAre ,any ,and 8She is a small girl_small eyes Ahas Bhave C with D in 9We will go to the Science Museum because the price is very_ Acheap B1ittle Csmall D low 10 She is also in this bus She is now_ the

4、bus Ain front of Bin front Cin the front of Din the back 11 _lovely son they have! AWhat a BHow a CWhat DD How 12 There are many_of the road Aapples trees on both side Bpotatoes trees on each sides Capple trees on both sides Dtomatoes trees on every side 13 How long does she spend_ English every day

5、? Apractice speaking Bpracticing speaking Cpractice to speak D practicing to speak 学习必备欢迎下载 14 What time does Millie eat break fast_? Aeveryday B every day Cin everyday Don every day 15 It is very coldWould you like_? Aany hot drinks Bsome hot drinks Cany hot drink Dsome hot drink 16 How often do yo

6、u go shopping?_ ATwo hours BThree times COnce a month DToday 17 There are_of students in the meeting-room Athousand Bthousands Cthree thousand Dthree thousands 18 Mary with John_listening to the radio Ais Bare Cdo D does 19 _will you be away? About two weeks AWhen BWhat time CHow long DHow far 20 We

7、 are having a party_eight oclock_the afternoon_New Year s Day A at :in :in Bat ;on ;in Cin ; at ;on D at ; in ;on 二、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题1 分,满分l0 分) A boy is playing football in the streetHe kicks(踢 )it 21 hard that the ball flies into a house after breaking the windowsThe boy runs away 22 because a woma

8、n comes to the window and 23 at him angrily(生气地 ) The boy doesn t go home because he wants 24 his ball back An hour 25 he returns and knocks at the door of the houseThe boy says, “ Sorry, madam,my father is coming to repair(修理 )your window very 26 Can I have my ball?” “ If your father27 to repair my

9、 windows,I ll let you have it” The woman says “ He s here now,” says the boy to the woman,“ Would you please give me my ball” The woman gives him his ball and he runs away quicklyWhen the man finishes 28 the window,he gives the bill(帐单 )to her “ But aren t you the father of the boy?”。 the woman asks

10、 in surprise “ No ” The man is surprised,29 “ Aren t you his 30 ?” 21 Amuch Bso C very Dquite 22 Aquick Bquickly Cslow D slowly 学习必备欢迎下载 23 Acries B calls Cshouts Dpoints 24 Aget Bgets Cto get Dgetting 25 Aago B before Cafter D1ater 26 Aquickly Bfast Csoon D quick 27 Awill come Bhas come Ccomes D is

11、 coming 28 Ato fix(修理 ) Bfixing Cfixed Dfixes 29 Atoo Balso Ceither Dneither 30 Amother Bteacher Cclassmate D father 三、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分) (A) Mary doesn t understand these sentences like,“ She is blue today” ,“ You are yellow ” , “ He has green thumb(大拇指 ) ” ,“ He told a little white lie” a

12、nd so onAnd she goes to her teacher for help Mary :Mrs Smith there is a colour in each of these sentencesWhat do they mean? Mrs Smith :In everyday English,blue sometimes means sadYellow sometimes means afraid(害怕 )A person with a green thumb grows plants well,and a white lie is not a bad one Mary :Wo

13、uld you give me an example for a white lie?” Mrs Smith :CertainlyNow I give you a cakeIn fact(事实上 ),you dont like it,but you won t say it You say ,” No ,thanks Im not hungry ” That s a white lie 31 In everyday English,the colour blue sometimes means_ Apoor Bstrange Chappy D unhappy 32 The sentence“

14、Tom doesnt have a green thumb” means “ _” ATom s plants grow bad BTom s plants grow well CTom s plants look nice DTom s plants need light 33 Which of the following is“ a white lie”? ATom broke a glassHe said that was done by a cat BTom did not want his mother to know he was i11He said he was quite a

15、ll fight CTom did not tell the enemy(敌人 )where the gun(枪)was DTom forgot to turn off the light when he left the room 34 Which sentence means” He is yellow” ATom is happy to climb the tree 学习必备欢迎下载 BTom is afraid to climb the tree CTom is old enough to climb the tree DTom is brave(勇敢的 )enough to clim

16、b the tree (B) Bruno is a boy of eightHis father works in a cinema and his mother works in a shopHe lives not far from his schoo1He always walks there and walks homeOn his way to school, he has to pass(路过 )a playgroundIt is very wet when it rainsOne day,when he gets home, his clothes are all wet(湿的

17、)His mother becomes angry and says, “ Don t play in the water on your way home from school!” On the next day Bruno comes home with wet and dirty clothes His mother becomes even angrier“ Ill tell your father if you come back wet again,” says she “ He 11 punish( 惩罚 )you ,you know ” The third day the l

18、ittle boy is dry when he comes home “ You re a good boy today ,” his mother is very happy“ You didn t play in the water” “ No , ” the boy isn t happy and says,“ There are so many older boys in the water when I get there this afternoon There isn t any room(空间 ) for me at all!” 35 The playground is be

19、tween_ Atwo classrooms B the cinema and the shop CBruno s house and school D the shop and Bruno s school 36 Bruno is afraid of(害怕 )_most Ahis mother Bhis father Chis teacher Dthe older boys 37 The little boy likes to play on the playground_- Awhen it snows Bwhen there is some water there Cwhen the c

20、hildren play football there Dwhen his father is busy with his work 38 That afternoon the boy s clothes are dry because_ Anobody makes room for him in the water Bthere is no water on the playground Che takes off his clothes before he plays there Dhe plays in the water carefully 39 Bruno isn t happy t

21、hat afternoon because_ Ahis mother tells his father about it Bhe can t play in the water Cit doesn t rain D his father punishes him 学习必备欢迎下载 (C) Kim s Diary 7:00 a m :Wake upIt is Sunny but there is a cold wind blowing(吹) 7:30 a m :Have breakfast quickly because I get up late 7:45 a m :T0ny arrives

22、on his bike 8:00 a m :Spend morning riding our bikesWe visit Mingming and Gordon 12 :30 p m :Have lunch at Tony s houseHis mother makes hamburgersThey are good to eat 3: 00 P m : Go home after playing computer games See Simon in the Park on the way home 4:00p m :Watch TV until(直到 )dinnertime 40 What

23、 is the weather like onl the day Kim writes her diary? ACloudy BWindy CWet D Hot 41 Who does Kim see on the way home? AGordon BMingmingCTony DSimon 42 The fight order(顺序 )of the things Kim does is to_ Awatch TV,eat lunch,ride a bike and play computer games Beat lunch,ride a bike,watch TV and play co

24、mputer games Cride bike,eat lunch,play computer games and watch TV Dplay computer games,watch TV,eat lunch and ride a bike (D) Last month,Mr and Mrs Green moved(搬家 )They are beginning to be very sorry that they movedTheir new mobile(移动的 )home is large and nice Why are they sorry they moved? They are

25、 tired of(厌倦 )strangers(陌生人 ) walking into their new house At all hours of a day ,people walk into their house with letters and look for the stamp machinePeople sometimes get angry when they can t find things The Green s new mo bile house is nicebut they find it has a problemIt was a post office bef

26、ore When the post office moved to another place,the Greens moved in,but other people don t know it They still come to the same old place to post their letters and buy stamps 43 When did the Green s move? 学习必备欢迎下载 ALast week BLast month CLast year DSome years ago 44 Mr and Mrs Green live_ Ain a very

27、big city Bbehind the post office Cin a mobile house D without any stamps 45 People looking for the post office_ Asometimes aren t happy Bnever find one Care always right Dbring presents to the Greens 四、根据中文或首字母提示以及旬意填空,每空只能填一词(共 10 题;每小题1 分,满分l0 分) 46 It s_( 容易 )t0 get tired after a day s hard work

28、47 It s_snows in winter in Suzhou 48 Children should speak to old people_(礼貌 ) 49 September is the_(九)month in a year 50 There will be f_in this park on New Year s Eve 51 What s the m_of this word? 52 Ninety-nine and one is one h_ 53 You can find more i _on New York Radio 54 He went out w_saying a w

29、ord 55 My mother doesn t like meat She likes v_very much 五、用适当的介词填空共10 题;每小题1 分,满分10 分) 56 Daily life in space is so different_ that on earth 57 The members of the Art Club often ask _Linda s help 58 Thank you for telling me_my sons study 59 It takes me 20 minutes to go_the street with high building

30、s on both sides 60 I m going to spend 5 hours_my English homework 61 Let s make soup_vegetables and fishballs 62 _most of my classmates,I often have instant noodles(方便面 )for lunch 63 We do many outdoor activities _the warm winter 64 They are talking about what to make_ dinner tonight 65 It s so kind

31、 of you to help me_my English homework 六、用动词的适当形式填空(共 10 空;每空1 分,满分10 分) 66 Our teacher tells us_(not make)any noise(噪音 ) in class 学习必备欢迎下载 67 The students are busy_(get)ready for the exam 68 I often do some_(read)at home on Sundays 69 I tried_(open)the window,but I failed(失败 ) 70 Need I_(finish) 71

32、 (read)the book in 2 days? 72 Why not_(go)with us? 73 If it(snow)tomorrowwe ll take a bus 74 When spring comes,flowers begin_(come)out 75 My father wants me_(be)a doctor when I grow up 七、句型转换(共 5 题;每小题2 分,满分10 分) 76 One of them likes the yellow card( 划线部分提问) _? 77 He uses a shopping basket to carry

33、all the food(改成同义句 ) He carries all the food_ 78 Her chair is behind the table(改为同义句 ) The chair_ _ _is_ 79 I plan to go for a picnic this Sunday( 划线部分提问) _? 80 He s wearing a small shirt( 改为感叹句 ) _! 八、句子翻译:(共 5 题;每小题3 分,满分15 分) 81 我不知道该怎么做 _ 82 除了 Millie以外,所有人都在学校 _ 83 知道一些关于健康饮食的信息是很重要的 _ 84 我期待着向

34、你展示这两副图之间的区别 _ 85 我会让我表弟来告诉你这个问题的答案 _ 学习必备欢迎下载 参考答案 : 15 BACBD 610 DCCDC 11 15 ACBBB 16 20 CBACD 二: 21 25 B B C C D 26 30 C C B AA 三: 31 35 D A B B C 36 40 D B A B B 41 45 D C B C A 四: 46 easy 47 seldom 48 politely 49 ninth 50 fireworks 51 meaning 52 hundred 53 information 54 Without 55 vegetables 五

35、: 56 from 57 for 58 about 59 through 60 on 61 with 62 Like Unlike 63 in 64 for 65 with 六: 66 not to make 67 getting 68 reading 69 to open 70 finish 71 reading 72 go 73 snows 74 to come 75 to be 七: 76 Which card does one of them like? 77 with a shopping basket 78 behind the table,hers 79 What do you

36、plan to do this Sunday? 80 What a small shirt he is wearing! 八: 81 I don t know how to do it 82 Everyone is at school except Millie 83 It s(very)important to know some information something about healthy eating diet 84 Im looking forward to showing you the difference(s)between the two pictures 学习必备欢迎下载 85 1 will ask my cousin to tell you the answer to the question


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