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1、1 初中中考英语冠词讲解 一、冠词的概念 冠词是一个虚词 , 它置于名词之前 , 限定名词的意义 . 冠词可分为定冠词 , 不定 冠词和零冠词三类 . 二、不定冠词: a/an 1.a 用于辅音发音开头的词前,而不是辅音字母前面, 如:a book, a desk; 有些单词虽然是以元音字母开头, 但需用 a修饰,这些单词可以连成一句话: In a university, a European united a one-eyed man to steal a useful thing, then ran away along a one-way road. This is a usual th

2、ing.在一所大学里,一个欧洲 人联合独眼龙偷了一件有用的东西,然后沿着一条单行道逃跑了。 这是一件 平常的事。 2.an 用于元音发音开头的词前,而不是元音字母前,如:an apple, an hour. 有些单词虽然是以辅音字母开头,但发音却是以元音开头, 这些单词可以连 成一句话: An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task.一个小时 以前,一个诚实人接受了一项光荣的任务。 a/an 的用法: 1. a/an 用于单数可数名词前 ,表示“某一”“一”或者“一个”的意思 . a book a boy a man a bird

3、a dog an hour an interesting book a big dog a dangerous animal 2.表示类别:这种用法是指某人或某物属于某一种类,或者指某一种类的 人或物中的任何一个或一件,或者指某一种类的人或物,但不具体说明是 何人或何物。 例如: That is a pen, not a pencil. 那是钢笔而不是铅笔。(指属于某一种类) Give him a pear, please! 请给他一个梨。(指某一种类中的任何一个) An elephant is bigger than a horse. 大象比马大。 和 one 的区别:a/an 表示类别种类

4、 ,而 one强调数量 a bus (表示是一辆公交车而不是一辆小汽车也不是火车) one bus ( 强调是一辆车而不是两辆或三辆 ) There is a cat under the chair. 椅子下面有一只猫。(强调种类) There is one cat under the chair. 椅子下边有一只猫。(强调数量) 3.用来指某人或某物,但有不具体说明是谁或是什么,如: 2 A comrade from Shanghai is coming to give us a talk this afternoon. 一位来自上海的同志今天下午将给我们作报告。 My mother onc

5、e worked in a school. 我母亲曾在一所学校工作。 4. 表示基本单位,作 “ 每一” 讲。例如 : three times a day 10 yuan a kilo six class a day thirty miles an hour 等。 5.不定冠词 a/an 可用在一种职业,阶级或宗教的名称前。如: What s your father? He s a doctor. 你父亲是什么职业?他是名医生。 Mr Black is now a Christian.布莱克先生现在是名基督教徒。 6.用在序数词前表示“再一” , “又一”,如: You can try it

6、a second time if you fail.如果你失败了,你可以再试一次。 7.与专有名词连用表示“某一个” , “一个叫 的人” ,如: A John is waiting for you at the gate. 一个叫约翰的人在门口等你。 8.用于说明事物同一性质、 特征、 程度或大小,表示 “相同” , 相当于 the same. 如:They are all of a size. 他们大小都一样。 9.和形容词最高级连用,修饰名词,表示“非常”,如: It is a most funny story.那是一个非常滑稽的故事。 10.用于视为一体的两个名词之前,意为“一副、套、

7、只”,如: a knife and fork一副刀叉a table and chair一套桌椅 a watch and chain一只带表链的表a bow and arrow一副弓箭 11.固定短语: once upon a time 从前take a look 看一看catch a cold 感冒 a little 一点点a few 一点儿have a rest 休息 三、定冠词 the 的用法: 1.the 表示特指。表示名词所指的人或事物是同类中的特定的一个,以别 于同类中其他的人或事物,相当于汉语中的“ 那个” 或“ 这个” 的意思。 the book in my bag the bo

8、y under the tree the apples in the basket the hospital near my home 2.可以和单、复数名词,也可以和不可数的名词连用。 the books the book the rice the bread the football the old man the interesting book the teachers the women 3 3.用法: 1). 定冠词的最基本的用法是“ 特指” :表示某个或某些特定的人或物。 Do you know the girl in a red skirt? 你认识那个穿红裙子的女孩吗? Be

9、ijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。 2). 再次提到上文提到过的人或物,应该用定冠词the。例如: Tom has an apple, The apple is big and red. There is a boy under the tree.The boy is my brother. 3). 指谈话双方都知道的人或物。例如: Let s go and give it to the teacher.咱们去把它交给老师吧。 Open the door ,please!请打开门。 4). 用于某些固定词组中。例如 : in the morning

10、 / afternoon / evening 等。 5). 用在形容词前表示一类人。 the old 老人the young年轻人the rich 富裕的人 the poor_ the deaf _ the blind_ 6). 用在表示 “ 姓” 的复数名词前,表示一家人或夫妇二人。例如: The Whites are spending their holiday in England. The Greens came to China two years ago . 7). 用在由普通名词构成的表示场所的专有名词前。 the Great Wall 长城the Summer Place颐和园

11、 the United States 美国the October Revolution 十月革命 the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army 中国人民解放军 the Long March 长征 8).用在序数词或形容词最高级前 The first thing I want to say is to listen carefully in class. He is the tallest one in our class. 9).世界上独一无二的事物等(月亮、地球、天空、宇宙) the globe太阳系the universe 宇宙the atmosphere大气层

12、The sun rises in the east. The earth goes round the sun. 10).在世纪,年代名词前用冠词。 4 in the 1980s 或in the 1980s 20 世纪 80年代 in the nineteenth century 二十世纪 11).在江河、山脉、湖泊、海洋、群岛、海峡、海湾运河前用the。 the Changjang River 长江 the West Lake 西湖the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 12).在表示方位的词前,如: The sun rises in the east, and sets in the

13、west. 太阳从东边升起,从西边落下 Jiangxi lies in the south of China. 江西位于中国的南方。 13)在乐器名称前常用定冠词,如: He often plays the piano at five in the afternoon. 他常在下午五点弹钢琴。 Can you play the violin? 你会拉小提琴吗? 14)用于表示计量的名词前,如by the “以 .计算” ,如: by the dozen按打计算by the hour按小时计算 区别: by weight 按重量计算by dozens按打计算 by volume 按体积计算by

14、hundreds数以百计,很多 15)用在报刊、杂志、条约、历史、事件、时期、朝代等前面,如: the New York Times纽约时报the Middle Ages 中世纪 16)固定短语: in the morning 在早上the day after tomorrow 后天 the next day 第二天 by the way 顺便 【对比】有 the 和没有 the 意义不同的词组: at table 在吃饭at the table 在桌子旁at school 上学at the school 在学校 go to bed 上床睡觉go to the bed 朝床边走去 in hos

15、pital/prison 住院(坐牢)in the hospital/prison在医院 /在监狱 in future 今后in the future 将来take place发生take the place取代 in office 执政in the office 在办公室 go to church/college/hospital/prison/school做礼拜、上大学、住院坐牢、上学 go to the church/college/hospital/prison/school 到教堂去、到大学去、到医院去、 到监狱去、到学校去 四、零冠词: 5 所谓零冠词,即指不使用冠词的情况: 用法

16、: 1)在物质名词,抽象名词前不用冠词,如: The desk is made of wood. What is work? Work is struggle 2)专有名词前通常不用定冠词,如: England,China Mary Lilei Mr.Green 3) 在星期、月份,季节,节日等名词前,如: We have four seasons- spring, summer, autumn and winter一年有四季:春夏秋冬 We often go to sea a film on Sunday. 我们经常周日去看电影。 Tomorrow is National Day. 明天是国

17、庆节。 4)名词前有物主代词,指示代词,不定代词,名词所有格修饰时(this, my, that, those , these , her),如: this morning my pen your watch whose bike 5) 在球类运动、一日三餐、学科和语言的名词前,如: have breakfast play chess play basketball (注意:在乐器前必须加定冠词如弹钢琴 play the piano,play the violin) 6)在独一无二的职位、头衔、称呼的名词前,如: Mr. Smith, head of the group, will plan

18、for the whole trip. 小组的组长史密斯先生,将全面制定这次旅行的计划。 Doctor, I am not feeling myself today.大夫,我今天感觉不太舒服。 7)man 泛指人类时,前面不加冠词,如: Man can save the earth, man can destroy the earth. 人类能够拯救地球,人类也能够毁灭地球。 Man can t live without air and water.没有空气和水,人类不能生存。 8)名词在介词后不是抽象概念时,不用冠词,如: He is still in hospital.他任在住院。 9)单

19、数名词相对应使用时,不用冠词,如: day by day天天little by little 渐渐地step by step 逐渐地 all day and all night 整日整夜from time o time 时不时地hand in hand 手拉手 10)as/though引导的让步状语从句中,如果前置的是名词,名词前不加冠词。 如:Child as/though she is, she plays the violin perfectly. 6 尽管是个孩子,但她小提琴拉得很好。 11)有些一人兼多个身份的情况,只在第一个名词前加冠词, 其他几个不再加冠 词。如:A teache

20、r and writer will come to visit our school next Monday. 下周一,一个老师兼作家要来参观我们学校。 12)系动词 turn 后如有名词,通常不加冠词,但名词前有形容词修饰时要加冠 词。如:I hoped to become a pianist, but I turned teacher. 我本想成为一名钢琴家,可最终成了教师。 13)有些不可数名词前尽管有形容词修饰,也不能使用a/an,如: Here is good news for you! 报告你一个好消息。 What good advice you gave me! 你提的建议多好啊

21、! 14)固定短语: by bus 乘坐公共汽车after school 放学后in bed 卧床 at first 首先at noon在中午on foot 步行 take care of 照顾in trouble 处在麻烦中take part in 参加 pay attention to 注意with pleasure 高兴地,乐意地at dinner在吃饭 五、冠词的省略 冠词的省略主要指可用可不用冠词的情况。具体用法如下: 1、 文章标题、书名等前冠词的省略。 (文章的标题、新闻标题、广告语、书名、电报中,在不引起歧义的情况下,冠 词课不用,从而使行文更加简明、快捷。 ) 如:Histo

22、ry of China before Han Dynasty 汉朝以前史 2.部分并列或对称名词前冠词的省略 a.两个并列名词都有冠词在前面时,第二个名词前的冠词常可被省略。如: Is the baby a boy or (a) girl? 这个婴儿是男孩还是女孩啊? b.在一些对称结构中,常可以讲冠词省略。如: from (the) east to (the ) west 从东到西 from(the)morning to (the) night 从早到晚 3.序数词前定冠词的省略 a.日月表达中 March (the) eighth 8 3 月 8 日 b.并列使用两个序数词,后面序数词前的

23、定冠词常省略。 7 the third and (the) forth lesson 第三课和第四课 4.一些固定短语中冠词的省略 take (an) interest in 对感兴趣catch(a)cold 感冒 take (a) pride in 以为豪 练习题: 一、填空 1.There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall 2This is _ useful book Ive read it for _ hour 3 _ elephant is much heavier than _ horse 4 _ doctor told him to take

24、 _ medicine three times _ day 5Lets go out for _ walk 6Its too hotOpen _ door ,please 7There is _ woman over there _ woman is Meimeis mother 8 _ sun rises in _ east 9 _ Changjiang River is _ longest river in _ China 10Are you going to do it _ second time ? 11Washington is _ capital of _ USA 12 _ Tur

25、ners are living at the end of _ Turner Street 13He joined the army in _ spring of _ 1995 14 _ old man is _ teacher He likes playing _ basketball after _ supper 15After I had _ quick breakfast ,I hurried to school 16Are _ sheep kept by _ farmers for producing _ wool and _ meat ? 17They went to _ Peop

26、les Park ,but we both went to _ Peoples Cinema yesterday 18I often watch _ TV in _ evening 19 _ day of _ December 20 ,1999 is Monday 20What _ important news ! 二、选择填空 1.How about_ charity show? I should say it was_ success. A. the; a B. the; / C. a; a D. a; / 2. On _sunny afternoon, my parents and I

27、had a good time on the beach. A. the B. an C. a D./ 8 3.Do you play _piano in your free time? No, I likes sports. I often play _soccer with my fiends. A. /; the B. the; / C. the; the D. a; a 4._Eric, what would like to be when you grow up? -_ actor like Jackie Chan. A. The B. A C. An D./ 5. Leaning

28、_country s language is a better way of knowing _culture behind it. A. the; a B. a; the C./; the D. a; / 6. Mary has a bad cold. She has to stay in _bed. A. a B. / C. the D. an 7. _I just have _cup of milk for_ breakfast. _That s not enough. A. a; a B. the; the C. the; / D./; the 8. There is _800-met

29、er-long road behind _hospital. A. an; an B. a; a C. an; the D. a; the 9. _What about renting a bike? _It will cost you $2_hour or $4_day. A. A; the B. an; a C. the; a D. an; an 10. It is not _good idea to drive for hours without _break. A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a 11._ fine day! Lets go

30、out to fly a kite. A.What B. How C. How the D. What a 12. My brother studies in _university._university is very far from here. A.an, The B. a, The C. the, A D.a ,A 13.Bob is _eleven-year-old boy, but he knows a lot about Chinese. A. an B. a C. the D./ 14.- Will you get there by _train? No, Ill take

31、_bus. A. /,a B. a,the C. /,/ D.the,a 15 _ Great Wall is _ longest wall in the world AA;a BThe;the CA;the DThe;a 16 _ new bridge has been built over _Huangpu River AThe;a BA;CA;the DAn;the 17 _ woman over there is _ popular teacher in our school AA;an BThe;a CThe;the DA;the 18He used to be _ teacher

32、but later he turned _ writer 9 Aa;a Ba;the C; a Da; 19They made him _ king Aa Bthe Can D 20Australia is _ English-speaking country Aa Ban Cthe D 21Beijing is _ beautiful cityIts _ capital of China Aa;a Bthe;the C; the Da;the 22Shanghai is in _ east of China ABan Ca Dthe 23Ive been a student there for nearly two and _ half years Aa Ban Cthe D 24Bill is _ English teacher He likes playing _ football Aa;the Ban;the Ca;Dan; 25The museum is quite far It will take you half _ hour to get there by _ bus Aan;Ban;a Ca;D;


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