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1、学习必备欢迎下载 1There is _ old woman in the car. A/ Bthe Ca Dan 2We often go to the park _ Sundays. Aon B in Cat Dfrom 3My book _ on the desk. Ais B am Care D be 4Which language is _ ,English, French or Chinese? Adifficult Bthe difficult Cmore difficult D the most difficult 5- _ book is this? -Its Kates.

2、AWhen BWhy CWhere DWhose 6-Can you write a letter in English? -No, I _. Amay not Bmustnt Ccant Dneednt 7I _ my homework when Mike came last night Ado Bwas doing Cam doing Dhave done 8He began to _ English three years ago. Alearn Blearns Clearned Dlearning 9Jim is a driver, _ he? Adoes Bdoesnt Cis Di

3、snt 10 “Whats wrong _ you? ”the doctor asked. Afrom Bwith Cfor Dat 11He is rich, _ he isnt happy. Aor Bso Cand Dbut 12-Where is Alice? -She _ to the library. Agoes 学习必备欢迎下载 Bwill go Chas gone Dhad gone 13 “Help _ to some meat, Mary, ” my aunt said to me. Athemselves Bourselves Cyourself Dhimself 14W

4、ell stay at home if it _ tomorrow. Arain Brains Cis raining Dwill rain. 15The students _ on a farm for ten days. Then they _ to a factory. Though they _ back at school, they still remembered those farmers and workers. Ahave stayed; went; were Bhad stayed; go; are Chave stayed; go; have been Dhad sta

5、yed; went; were 16John is _ English boy. We are in the same class Aa Ban Cthe D / 17Please give _ the apple. Ame BI Cmy Dmine 18 “ _ old are you?” “Im twelve. ” AWho BWhat CWhere DHow 19 “Can you answer this question, Sam?” “No, I _. ” Acant Bneednt Cmustnt Dmay not 20They usually have a meeting _ M

6、onday. Ain Bfor Con Dat 21There _ three balls in the box. Ais Bare Cisnt 学习必备欢迎下载 Dam 22Kate was late for school yesterday, _ she? Ais Bisnt Cwasnt Dwas 23Who is _ , Tom, Mike or Jack? Acareful Bmore careful Cvery careful Dthe most careful 24Can you _ English, Li Lei? Aspeak Bsay Ctell Dtalk 25Mr Li

7、 asked me _ fishing with him. Ago Bto go Cgoes Dgoing 26He _ in this school since 1995. Astudy Bstudying Chas studied Dwill study 27English isnt easy, _ we like it. Abut Band Cor Dso 28I _ my homework when my father came in. Ado Bwill do Cwas doing Ddoes 29 “How about coming to my party if you have

8、time tomorrow?”Ill ask my mother right away if she _ me come. Alet Blets Chas let Dwill let 30 “Where are your new shoes?” “Ive thrown them away, though they _ only one month. ” 学习必备欢迎下载 Alast Blasted Cwere lasted Dare lasted 31There are many _ in the fridge. Afood Bfruit Ceggs Dbread 32They usually

9、 have the traditional turkey _ Christmas Day. Afrom Bat Cin Don 33Grandma prefers tea _ coffee. Aabout Bto Con Dof 34_ of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft and sweet. ATwo-third BSecond-third CTwo-thirds DSecond-thirds 35Taxi doesnt run as _ as an underground train. Afast Bfaster Cfastest Dmore

10、fast 36After a long walk, the old man _ be tired now. Acan Bmust Chas to Dneed 37A: Is this _ pocket calculator? B: No. Its _. Ayour; his Byours; his Chers; mine 38There are twenty teachers in this grade. Eight of them are women teachers and _ are men teachers. Athe other Bthe others Cothers Dother

11、学习必备欢迎下载 39Yangpu Bridge is one of _ in the world. Abigger bridge Bthe biggest bridge Cthe biggest bridges Dbigger bridges 40Shanghai is in _ east of China. A/ Ban Ca Dthe 41_ great day July 1, 1997 is! AHow a BWhat a Chow DWhat 42_ human beings _ animals can live without air. ANot only; but also BB

12、oth; and CEither; or DNeither; nor 43We are going to have a sports meeting this coming Sunday. Have you _ any events yet? Ataken part in Bjoined in Centered for Djoined 44The old man wondered _. Awhether the American pilot had seen UFO Bwhether had the American pilot seen UFO Chow had the American p

13、ilot seen UFO Dthat the American pilot had seen UFO 45The museum is quite far. It will take you half _ hour to go there by _ bus. Aan; / Ban; a Ca; / D/; / 46There is _ milk left. We have to go and buy some at once. Aa little Ba few Cfew Dlittle 47American take-away food is quite different from _. A

14、We Bours 学习必备欢迎下载 Cus Dour 48Wei Fang is young, but she plays ping-pong _ her mother. Aas good as Bas well as Cas better as Das best as 49How did you make the child _ while he was crying? Asmile Bto smile Csmiles Dsmiling 50It is _ today. The radio says it wont stop raining until next week. Afine Bw

15、et Cwindy Dcloudy 51English people use Mr, Mrs or Miss with their _ names. Alast Bmiddle Cgiven Dfirst 52I dont know if she _ tomorrow. If she _ , Ill call you. Acomes; comes Bwill come; will come Cwill come; comes Dcomes; will come 53-When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow morning? -I dont mi

16、nd _ time is OK. AAll BEvery CEither DBoth 54Toms father often has lunch at the factory, _ ? Ahas he Bhasnt he Cdoes he Ddoesnt he 55It is quite warm here. Youd better _ your coat Atake off Bput down Cput on Dtake down 56_ do you go to the cinema? Once a month. 学习必备欢迎下载 AHow soon BHow far CHow often

17、 DHow long 57Hurry up, _ well be late for school. Abut Bor Cand Dso 58Dont play with the knife. You _ hurt yourself Amay Bshould Chave to Dneed 59I havent milked the cow _. Ayet Balready Cnever Djust 60Beijing is _ beautiful city. Its _ capital of China Aa; a Bthe; the C/; the Da; the 61Taiwan is _

18、the east of China. Ain Bto Con Dat 62_ office is much smaller than _. AOurs; yours BOur; yours CTheirs; our DYour; their 63-Did she go to school when she was young? -No. She taught _ at home. Aher Bherself Chers Dshe 64Neither of them _ a worker. Aam Bare Cis 学习必备欢迎下载 Dwere 65September is _ month of

19、 the year. Anine Bninth Cthe nine Dthe ninth 66How often _ you _ to the park when you were in Tianjin? Ado; go Bdid; go Cwill; go Dhave; gone 67Mr Zhang felt a little tired, _ he still went on working Aand Bso Cor Dbut 68He asked _ they needed some more tea. Athat Bwhat Cwhether Dwhich 69Everyone mu

20、st _ the classroom _. Aketp; cleaned Bkeeps; clean Ckeep; clean Dkeep; cleaning 70This work is _ for me than for you. Adifficult Bthe most difficult Cmost difficult Dmore difficult 71It is one oclock, but his father hasnt come back _ Aalready Bstill Ctoo Dyet 72-Are those? -No, they arent. Theyre _.

21、 Asheep; cows Bsheep; cow Csheeps; cow Dsheeps; cows 73When they _ at the village, it was already eleven oclock Aarrived 学习必备欢迎下载 Breached Cgot Dcame 74Her grandma has _ for three years. Adied Bbeen dead Cdeath Ddie 75-May I come in? - _. AYes, please BNo, you couldnt CYes, you must DNo, you neednt

22、76The factory _ in 1958. Awas built Bis built Cwill built Dbuilt 77You are a student, _ ? Ado you Barent you Care you Ddont you 78Meimei went _ Kate with her Chinese. Ato help Bhelp Chelped Dhelps 79Did you hear _ ? Awhat did I say Bwhat I said CI said what Dwhat I say 80Bill is _ English teacher. H

23、e likes playing _ football Aa; the Ban; the Ca; / Dan; / 81You are getting too fat. Eating too much is bad _ your health Afor Bto Cabout Dwith 学习必备欢迎下载 82Who has picked _ apples, Jim or mike, do you know? Amany Bmuch Cmore Dthe most 83-Is _ here today? -No, Li Lei isnt here. Asomeone Bsomebody Cever

24、yone Danybody 84-How far away is the samll village from London? -Its about _ kilometres. Aseven hundred twenty two Bseven hundred and twenty-two Cseven hundreds and twenty-two Dseven hundreds twenty-two 85-Shall we go out for a walk? -Sorry, I havent finished my homework _. Aalready Byet Cstill Deve

25、r 86- _ do you go to the cinema? -Once a week. AHow often BHow much CHow long DHow many 87Neither the students nor the teacher _ here. Where are they? Ais Bare Cwas Dwere 88You usually have a sports meeting every term, _ ? Ahave you Bdo you Chavent you Ddont you 89-Would you like to come to my birth

26、day party? - _. ANo, I dont like BYes, Id love to CQuite well 学习必备欢迎下载 DSure. Thats right 90-Whose skirt is it? -It may be _. Amy sister Bmy sisters Cmy sisters Dmy sisterss 91Some people were reading in the library. Miss Yang asked me _ loudly there. Aspeak Bdont speak Cnot speak Dnot to speak 92Th

27、e flowers _ every day, or theyll die. Amust water Bshould water Ccan be watered Dmust be watered 93Though they had cleaned the floor, there was still _ rice on it. Alittle Ba little Cfew Da few 94John _ the factory since 1984. He is one of the oldest workers here now. Acame to Bcomes to Chas been in

28、 Dhas come to 95Ill catch up with Lucy before she _ the finishing line. Areach Bis reaching Creaches in Dwill reach 96-We are going to have a picnic tomorrow. Whats the weather like, Mike? -Why not _ the radio and listen to the weather report? Aturn on Bturn off Ctake away Dfind out 97-Excuse me. Co

29、uld you tell me _ ? -Certainly. Awhen can I get to the station BI can get to which station Cwhich station can I get to 学习必备欢迎下载 Dhow I can get to the station 98She worked _ quietly _ no one knew she was there. Aso; as Bso; that Ctoo; to Dvery; that 99 “Please _ me your new story-book tomorrow, ”Lucy

30、 said. Ato bring Bbring Cto take Dtake 100English people often talk about _. So when you meet someone in England, you should say, _ ? Aweather; Its a fine day, isnt it Bage; How old are you Cname; Whats your name, please Dtime; Whats the time now 参考答案 1 D 2 A 3 A 4 D 5 D 6C 7B 8A 9D 10B 11D 12C 13 C

31、 14 B 15 D 16 B 17 A 18 D 19 A 20 C 21 B 22 C 23 D 24 A 25 B 26 C 27 A 28 C 29 B 30 B 31 C 32 D 33 B 34 C 35 A 36 B 37 A 38 B 39 C 40 D 41 B 42 D 43 A 44 A 45 A 46 D 47 B 48 B 49 A 50 B 51 A 52 C 53 C 54 D 55 A 56 C 57 B 58 A 59 A 60 D 61 A 62 B 63 B 64 C 65 D 66 B 67 D 68 C 69 C 70 D 71 D 72A 73 A 74 B 75 A 76 A 77 B 78 A 79 B 80 D 81 A 82 C 83 C 84 B 85 B 86 A 87 A 88 D 89 B 90 C 91 D 92 D 93 B 94 C 95 C 96 A


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