最新小升初英语模拟试题(八) 湘少版三起(含答案).doc

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1、英语小升初模拟测试卷学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_一、音标题 1.选出划线部分读音不同的单词( ) A.dogB.womenC.stop2.选出下列单词中画线部分发音不同的单词( ) A.sunnyB.uncleC.menu3.选出画线部分读音不同的项( ) A.meetB.breadC.repeat4.找出划线部分发音不同的单词 A.inB.fineC.ice5.选出划线部分读音不同的单词( ) A.good B.book C.too二、选择填空 6.Its _ math book. A.meB.IC.my7. _ is the red bean mooncake? Five yuan. A

2、.HowB.How manyC.How much8.Is there a shop near here? _ Its next to the hospital.A.Yes, there is. B.No, it isnt. C.Sorry, I dont know.9.There arent _cars near there. A.someB.muchC.any10.I play sports _ my friend. A.with B .and C.but11. is Bob doing? Hes drawing.A.WhatB.WhereC.How12.Which pen do you l

3、ike, the white one the black one? A.orB.andC.but13.The leaves are the water. A.onB.underC.above14._ to meet you! A.GoodB.Glad15.Can you write? Yes, _.A.I cant. B.I canC.you can三、请根据提供的单词把下面的句子补充完整16.选择适当的单词完成下列句子 new tall fun dirty young(1)My uncle was very _ in the picture, but he is old now. (2)We

4、 can have _ at school. (3)I bought (买) a _ skirt last year, but I dont like it now. (4)There was a little tree in the playground then. Now its very _. (5)Its raining. My shoes are wet and _. 四、连词成句17.get, we, from, Father Christmas, can, presents (.)(连词成句) 18.are shoes they sisters my (.)(连词成句) 19.w

5、hat, you, to, would, like, have?(连词成句) 20.name Qiqi is My(连词成句) 21.the, that, Whats, door, behind (?)(连词成句) Whats _behind the _?五、从下面方框里选出正确的句子完成对话22.选择方框中适当的句子将对话补充完整 A. Im sorry to hear that.B. And he asked me to take some medicine and stay in bed.C. I dont feel well.D. I think youll be well soon.

6、E. And what did the doctor say?Janet: Hi, Jiamin. You dont look well. Whats the matter with you?Jiamin: _ I have a stomachache. Maybe I ate some bad food.Janet: _ You should see a doctor.Jiamin: I did. I went to the hospital this morning. I stayed there for three hours.Janet: _Jiamin: The doctor gav

7、e me a check-up. _Janet: You should be careful, Jiamin. Your health is very important. _Jiamin: Thank you.六、排序题23.给下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话 _No, he isnt. Hes playing football._Is Jack running, too?_He is on the playground._No, he isnt. He is running._Is he skipping?_Where is Tim?24.阅读下列句子并正确编号 _He is big an

8、d tall. _But he cant skip. _This is my grandfather. _He can ride a bicycle. 七、完形填空25.完形填空 Tell me what you are going to do 1 Sunday morning, Mike. Mr Zhang asks, Im going to see 2 new film. Its an English film 3 the life of the students in America. Bill tells me its 4 interesting. After seeing the f

9、ilm, what are you going to do? Mr Zhang wants 5 Im going to read Chinese. Mike says. Do you like it? asks Mr Zhang. Chinese is not 6 for me, but I like it very much. Im going 7 hard at it. After lunch Im going to do my homework. I think I 8 do it better than before. Then 9 about Sunday evening? Mr.

10、Zhang asks, After supper Im going to help Han Mei 10 her English. She wants my help. Mike says. You are going to have a busy day, arent you? says Mr Zhang. 1. A. atB. onC. inD. /2. A. aB. anC. theD. /3. A. ofB. withC. forD. about4. A. muchB. mostC. veryD. many5. A. knowB. knowingC. knowsD. to know6.

11、 A. easyB. difficultC. goodD. bad7. A. to workingB. workC. to worksD. to work8. A. amB. am goingC. canD. may9. A. whenB. whereC. whoD. what10. A. doesB. doingC. withD. /八、阅读理解26.阅读理解 There are many traditional festivals in China. hey are the Spring Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival the MidAutumn Fe

12、stival and on(等等). The Mid Autumn Festival is always in September or October. Its always cool. At the festival, we usually get together and have a big family dinner. We often eat mooncakes. I like the mooncakes very much. Because they are sweet and round, just like the moon. We also enjoy he beautif

13、ul moon and tell stories about the moon. We are very happy with our family. We love the Mid-autumn Festival, and all the Chinese festival!(1)There are many traditional festivals in China. The word traditional means _. A.重要的 B.传统的 C.国际化的(2)The Mid-autumn Festival is in _. A.spring B.summer C.autumn(3

14、)People often eat _ at the Mid-autumn Festival. A.dumplings B.noodles C.mooncakes(4)People usually _ at the Mid- Autumn Festival.(多选) A.have a big family dinner together B.enjoy the beautiful moon C.tell stories about the moon(5)The story of the Mid-autumn Festival is about _. A.Change B.Nian C.Quyu

15、an(6)When is the Mid-autumn Festival? (7)Do you like the Chinese festivals? 27.阅读理解A fine day Today is Sunday. It is a fine day. There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. Mr. Wood doesnt work today. He is with his family. Now they are walking over the bridge. There are a big ship. Th

16、e ship is going under the bridge. Mr. Wood and his wife are looking at them. Their son Danny is looking at some boats. These boats are on the river. Their daughter Lily is looking at a train. The train is running over the river.(1)Whats the weather like today ? A.Windy. B.Fine. C.Rainy.(2)Does Mr. W

17、ood work today ? A.Yes, he does . B.No, he doesnt . C.I dont know .(3)What are Mr. and Mrs. Wood doing? A.They are working .B.They are running .C.They are walking .(4)What is Danny doing ? A.He is looking at some boats .B.He is looking at a big ship .C.He is looking at a train.(5)What is Lily doing

18、? A.She is looking at a train.B.She is looking at some boats .C.She is looking at a big ship .参考答案 一、音标题1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5.C 二、选择填空 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. A 12. A 13.A 14. B 15. B 三、请根据提供的单词把下面的句子补充完整。( 16. (1)young(2)fun(3)new(4)tall(5)dirty 四、连词成句17. We can get presents from Father Chris

19、tmas. 18. They are my sisters shoes. 19. What would you like to have? 20. My name is Qiqi. 21. that;door 五、从下面方框里选出正确的句子完成对话 22. C;A;E;B;D 六、排序题23. 6;5;2;4;3;1 24. 2;4;1;3 七、完形填空25.(1)B;(2)A;(3)D;(4)C;(5)D;(6)A;(7)B;(8)C;(9)D;(10)C; 八、阅读理解26. (1)B(2)C(3)C(4)A,B,C(5)A(6)Its in September or October. Its in autumn.(7)Yes, l do./No, I dont. 27.(1)B(2)B(3)C(4)A(5)A


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