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1、Unit 2English around the world (1) .课文缩写 At the end of the 16th century,English was only spoken by people from England.They were native speakers.Today ,the largest number of people 1._ English may be in China.A lot of Chinese people speak English 2._ their foreign language. 3 _ English language 4._

2、quite a lot over the last four centuries.Old English sounded more 5._ less like German for it was 6._ on German ,but 7._ English sounds more like French than German 8._ England was once ruled by the French. Two people had great effects on the English changes.One was Shakespeare ,who 9._ the English

3、vocabulary;the other was Noah Webster,who wrote a dictionary 10._ gave American English its own identity. 答 案1.speaking2.as3.The4.has changed5.or6.based7.modern 8.because 9.enlarged 10that/which .单词拼写 1Production in the factories stopped because of _(频繁的 )power failures. 2You can always tell the dif

4、ference between the tourists and _(当地人) 3A dead body was found under the bridge,but it was hard to determine the _(身份) 4If you want to read quickly and well,you should increase your _( 词汇) 5Parents noticed the _( 逐渐的 )change in their children. 6He is not a Chinese but he can speak Chinese _(流利地 ) 7T

5、he report is written in the _( 官方的 )style and is only for officers. 8His _(公寓)covers 200 square meters ,which I like very much. 答 案1.frequent2.natives3.identity4.vocabulary5.gradual6.fluently 7.official8.apartment .翻译与仿写 1Do you know that there is more_than_one_kind of English? 翻译: _ 仿写:不止一个人在交通事故中丧

6、生。 _ 2Which country do_you_think has the most English learners? 翻译: _ 仿写:你希望我们几点来接你? _ 3Today,more people speak English as their first,second or a foreign language than_ever_before. 翻译: _ 仿写:雨下得比以前更大了。 _ 4Native English speakers can understand each other even_if they dont speak the same kind of Engl

7、ish. 翻译: _ 仿写:尽管在聚会上我谁也不认识,但仍然玩得很开心。 _ 5It was_based more on German than the English we speak at_present. 翻译: _ 仿写:以真实的事件为基础,这本书目前很流行。 _ 答案1.你知道有不止一种英语吗? More than one (person)was killed in the traffic accident. 2你认为哪个国家学英语的人最多? What time do you expect we will come and pick you up? 3如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多

8、,他们有的把英语作为第一语言,有的作 为第二语言或外语。 Its raining harder than ever before. 4以英语为母语的人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以互相听懂。 Even if I didnt know anybody at the party,I had a good time. 5当时的英语更多是以德语为基础,而不是我们现在讲的英语。 Based on a real story ,the book is popular at present. .句型转换 1A:He left the company because the boss said somet

9、hing at the meeting. B:He left the company _ _ what the boss said at the meeting. 2A:Some people now also speak English as a foreign or second language in South Asia. B:English now _ _ _ as a foreign or second language in South Asia. 3A:A great many college students were sent to the West to help the

10、 children there. B:_ _ _ _ college students were sent to the West to help the children there. 4A:I thought Betty was in the garden ,but in fact she was in her room. B:I thought Betty was in the garden ,but _ she was in her room. 5A:Hell be able to put his experience to good use in the new job. B:Hel

11、l be able to _ _ _ _ his experience in the new job. 答案1.because of2.is also spoken3.A large number of 4actually5.make good use of .单项填空 1We are badly in need of waiters _ ;could you come and help us out? Aat once Bat present Cat the end Dat first 答案B句意:当前我们急需服务员,你能来帮我们吗?at once 立刻; at present目前; at

12、the end最后;at first 首先。根据句意,应选B。 2Her wish is to have a round- the-world _ after she retires. Atravel Btour Cvoyage Djourney 答案B句意:她的愿望是退休后,能进行一次环球旅行。tour 强调“ 巡回 旅行” ,符合题意。故选B。 3 _ the bad weather , the boy couldnt go out to play, which made him annoyed. AIn spite of BAccording to CBecause of DThanks

13、 to 答案C句意:由于坏天气,这男孩不能出去玩,这使他很懊恼。 4Though he _ many difficulties on his way to becoming a doctor,he never gave up his dream. Acame to Bcame about Ccame across Dcame out 答案C句意:尽管在成为医生的过程中遇到很多困难,但他从未放弃过自 己的梦想。 come to 达到; come about 发生; come across偶然相遇; come out 出版。结合句意应选C。 5To us,Mr. Zhang is _ a teac

14、her.He is also a friend. Anot more than Bno more than Cmore than Dnot less than 答案Cmore than意为“ 不仅仅 ” ,符合题意。 6Have you ever _ been to England? Yes.I have been there two times. Agradually Bactually Cextremely Dpresently 答案B句意:你确实去过英国? 是的。我去过两次。 gradually 逐 渐地; actually 实际上,事实上; extremely 极其;presently

15、目前。 7On seeing her new classmate ,she _ and said with a smile ,“Glad to meet you. ” Acame up Bmade up Ctook up Dput up 答案A句意:一看到新同学, 她走过来并且笑着说: “ 很高兴见到你 ” 。 come up 走过来;突然出现;被提出。make up编造; take up占据; put up 张贴。结 合句意,应选 A。 8 Toms father serves in the army while Johns father is an _ in the government.

16、 Aofficial Bofficer Cwaiter Dsecretary 答案Aofficial 指政府官员, officer 指军官。 9Lets just play a game or something else. Sounds good,but give me a call before you come.My mom might try to _ something else for me to do.(2013厦门高一检测 ) Acome up with Bkeep up with Cput up with Dcatch up with 答案Acome up with“ 提出”

17、 ;keep up with“ 跟上” ;put up with“ 容忍” ;catch up with“ 赶上” 。结合句意应选 A。 10They tried their best to _ good use of the chance that their school offered to study hard. Amake Btake Cgrasp Dseize 答案A句意:他们尽力好好利用学校提供的机会努力学习。make good use of“ 好好利用 ” 为固定搭配。 11During the _ part of November ,there will be a serie

18、s of activities. Alatest Blate Clater Dlatter 答案D句意:在十一月份的后半部分,将有一系列的活动。latest最近的; late晚的; later 较迟的; latter 后面的。结合句意D 项正确。 12What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. (2013 合肥高一检测 ) Athe way Bin the way that Cin the way Dthe way which 答案A句意:使我吃惊的不是他说的话而是他说话的方式。 13The famous film is _

19、 a Chinese fairy tale and directed by a famous director. Abasing at Bbased on Cbases on Dto base at 答案B考查语态。句意:这部有名的电影是基于中国神话故事,且由著名 导演执导的。 be based on 基于,为固定搭配。 14Let children speak their own opinions,_ they are different from your own. Auntil Beven if Cunless Das though 答案B句意:让孩子们发表他们自己的观点,尽管不同于你自

20、己的。even if 即使,尽管; until 直到; unless除非; as though好像。 15Our monitor,as a student ,is excellent,who does very well in sports and games , swimming,_. Aas Blike Csuch as Dfor example 答案Dfor example 主要用于举例说明,一般只列举同类人或事物中的一 个,可以用于句首、句中或句末。符合句意。 .完形填空 When Pat Jones finished college ,she decided to travel ar

21、ound the world and see as many foreign places as she could _1_ she was young.Pat wanted to visit Latin America _2_,so she got a job _3_ an English teacher in a school in Bolivia.Pat spoke a little Spanish ,_4_ she was able to communicate with her students even when they didnt _5_ much English. A sen

22、tence she had read somewhere stuck in her mind;if you dream _6_ a foreign language ,you have really mastered( 掌握 )it.Pat repeated this sentence to her students and _7_ that some day she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in _8_. One day ,one of her _9_ students came up and explained in Span

23、ish that he had not done his homework.He had _10_ early and had slept _11_. “What does this have to do with your _12_ ?” Pat asked “I dreamed all night,Miss Jones.And my dream was in English. ” “In English?” Pat was very _13_,since he was such a bad student.She was _14_ secretly jealous(嫉妒的 )Her _15

24、_ was still not in Spanish.But she encouraged( 鼓励)her young student. “Well,_16_ me about your dream. ” “All the people in the dream _ 17_ English.” the student said.“And all the signs were in English.All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.” “But thats _18_,” said Pa

25、t. “What did all the people say to you ?” “Im sorry,Miss Jones.Thats _19_ I slept so badly.I didnt _20_ a word they said.It was a nightmare( 噩梦)!” 1A.because Bwhile Cif Dsince 答案B趁着年轻想多到国外看看,用while 合适。 2A.first Bat first Clast Dat last 答案A首先想去旅行的地方是拉丁美洲。 3A.for Bof Cas Dlike 答案Cget a job as. “ 获得一份

26、工作” 。 4A.and Bbut Cso Dyet 答案C上下文为因果关系,故用so。 5A.say Bknow Cread Dwrite 答案B学生对英语懂得不多。 6A.in Babout Cof Dfor 答案A如果能用外语思维做梦,你就真正掌握了外语。 7A.thought Brealized Choped Dwanted 答案CPat 希望他有一天能用西班牙语思维做梦,而学生们能用英语思维 做梦。 8A.English BSpanish CRussian DGerman 答案A参见 7 题解析。 9A.bright Bexcellent Cbest Dworst 答案D由文章最后一

27、段可知, 该学生一句英语也听不懂, 说明他英语学得 很差。 10A.got up Bgone to bed Cfallen asleep Dwoken up 答案B很早就睡觉了。 11A.well Bsoundly Cbadly Dheavily 答案C文章最后一段有提示。 12A.English Blanguage Cdream Dhomework 答案D学生说他的作业没有做,是因为晚上没睡好,Pat 问:这与作业有 何关系? 13A.surprised Bworried Cpleased Dexcited 答案A学习最差的学生竟然能用英语做梦了,Pat当然感到惊奇。 14A.yet Bse

28、ldom Calso Dstill 答案C惊奇之余,还有点嫉妒。因为她还不能用西班牙语做梦。 15A.study Bclass Cword Ddream 答案D使用西班牙语还不能做梦。 16A.answer Bwrite Ctell Dask 答案Ctell sb about sth“ 告诉某人 的情况 ” 。 17A.read Bliked Cspoke Dlearned 答案C由原文可知,该学生梦中的人都说英语,他自己却一句也不懂。 18A.wonderful Bterrible Cfunny Dstrange 答案C能用英语做梦当然应该是很有趣的。 19A.how Bwhy Cwhen Dbecause 答案BThats why.“ 所以” 。 20A.hear Bunderstand Cknow Dremember 答案B他们所说的我一点儿也听不懂。


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