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1、unit 3 Computers 规范训练( 2) (人教版 必修 2,课标通用) (时间: 45分钟) .短语填空 1_many others, he applied for a training place. 2Im afraid your bike is _,so I cant pass by. 3Could you _my clothes while I have a swim? 4_, the plan failed. 5What did you _ the problem? I cant wait to know it. 答案1.In common with2.in the way

2、3.watch (over) 4In total5.do with .单项填空 1Both of my brothers work at the power station that_in my hometown. Ahas set up Bhas been set up Cwas set up Dis set up 解析考查动词时态和语态。 句意:我兄弟们在我家乡的那个已经建起的发电 厂工作。此处语境工作,肯定是发电厂建起后去工作的,由此推知建厂对现在 的影响。 答案B 2_ the sports meet will be put off. AIve been told BIve told

3、CIm told DI told 解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:我已被告诉运动会已经推迟了。根据语境 可知运动会推迟为将来时,但告诉已经发生并且为被动。 答案A 3She said it was not_to buy the car at a high price. Aworthwhile Bworth Cworthy Dvaluable 解析be worthwhile to do sth/doing sth,be worthy of sth/being done sth ,be worth doing sth均用主动语态,这三个词组都表示“值得的”, 故选 A项。 答案A 4How long

4、_at this job? Since 1990. Awere you employed Bhave you been employed Chad you been employed Dwill you be employed 解析考查动词时态和语态。 句意:做这项工作已经有多长时间了? 从 1990 年开始的。根据答语Since 1990 可知问句时态用现在完成时,联系主 语与动词 employ 有逻辑上的动宾关系可知答案。 答案B 5I usually take something to read when I travel by train _I feel bored. Ain case

5、 Bso that Cas if Deven though 解析考查连词。根据此处句意“乘车旅游通常带东西读以防枯燥”,故为表 示条件的状语从句,答案A合适。 答案A 6Soon children in the camp had many new friends, _they shared food, stories and projects. Afor which Bwith whom Cof which Dto whom 解析考查非限制性定语从句。 根据对句子成分的划分确定先行词,然后把先 行词还原到定语从句中可知此处为“与朋友一起分享”,故答案 B合适。 答案B 7Have you fi

6、nished your fashion design? Not yet. Ill finish it if I_ten more minutes. Aam given Bgive C.will give Dwill be given 解析考查一般现在时的被动语态。在状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来。根 据题中的语境可以判断,此处应该用被动形式,故排除B。 答案A 8It is reported that a similar technique can be_to the treatment of cancer. Aapplied Battached Cadded Dcompared 解析考查动词

7、。句意:据报道,一种类似的技术可用来治疗癌症。apply to “应用” ; attach to“附在上”; add to“添加” ; compare to“拿与 作比较” 。 答案A 9To the parents worry, some middle school students are_computer games and completely forget their studies. Acrazy about Bvery fond of Cconcerned about Dtired of 解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:令父母担忧的是,某些中学生对电脑游戏 非常着迷并且完全忘了他们

8、的学习。从父母的担忧推知对电脑游戏的入迷。be crazy about “对入迷”。 答案A 10 _the help of this new type of calculator, people will be able to_much faster with more accurate figures as a result. AWith;calculate BUnder;work out CBy;make out DFor;count 解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:在新型计算器的帮助下,人们计算的快并 且得出的结果准确。 答案A 11How are you going to_such p

9、roblems? Ado with Bdeal with Cdeal Ddo up 解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:你如何去解决这个难题?deal with“解 决”符合句意。 答案B 12When the question_ at the meeting, no one could answer it. Arose Barose Ccame Draised 解析考查动词时态和语态。句意:当这个问题在会上提出时,没有人回答。 arise “提出”符合题意。 答案B 13They use specially trained dogs to_ their sheep at night. Atake

10、care Bget along with Cwatch over Dturn to 解析考查动词时态和语态。 句意: 在晚上他们用受过特殊训练的狗来看护羊。 由语境推知“看护;监视” 。 答案C 14George was responsible for the accident because he didnt give a_to other drivers. Anotice Bsignal Csymbol Dmark 解析考查名词词义辨析。句意:乔治应对这起事故负责,因为他未向其他司 机发出清楚的信号。 notice “通知” ;signal “信号”;symbol“符号,象征”; mark

11、“符号,记号”。 答案B 15I cant see the words on the blackboard.Your head is _. Aon the way Bin a way Cby the way Din the way 解析考查介词短语辨析。 句意:我看不见黑板上的字。 你的头挡住了。 in the way和 in ones way 均表示“挡住去路;碍事”之意。按照句意 D符合。on the way“在途中”;in a way “在某种程度上”;by the way “顺便说一下”。 答案D .完成句子 1She should have offered to pay shes a

12、 millionaire ,_ _. 她应该主动提出付款 别忘了,她是个百万富翁。 2He said he was starting his own company, which sounded _ _ _. 他说他要自己开公司,这听起来像是个聪明的做法。 3It is _ _if you know how to type. 如果你会打字,将对你有利。 4All I get is_ _ _whenever I dial his number. 我什么时候拨他的电话听到的都是忙音。 5Farmers _ _nearly 80% of the population of China. 中国农民几乎

13、占了中国80%的人口。 答案1.after all2.a smart move 3.an advantage 4a busy signal5.make up .完形填空 “Youre going to the doctor,” your mom tells you. But why go to the doctor when youre not_1_? Regular checkups are a smart idea for kids. These visits happen when youre_2_fine and are sometimes called “well-child” vi

14、sits because youre_3_. Get it? Its a chance for the doctor to see that youre growing and developing_4_. Its also a chance for your parents to talk with the_5_about any issues, such as safety or nutrition, so they can help you stay_6_. And it gives you a chance to ask any _7_you might have about your

15、 health. You might wonder when you will_8_taller, for instance, or if you weigh the right_9_. At the office: A checkup may start when a nurse _10_you and your parent from the waiting room. He or she might start by_11_your weight and height, as well as your _12_pressure and maybe your temperature. Bl

16、ood pressure: This shows how hard your_13_is pumping blood throughout your body. A cuff that gets tighter and tighter on your arm is used to_14_this. As the air drains out of the cuff, the nurse will_15_the numbers to get your reading. Blood pressure can be too_16_or too low, but yours is probably j

17、ust right! The nurse may check your hearing and eyesight. If you have _17_with either one of these, you might _18_to see a hearing specialist or an eye doctor. All of these numbers, measurements, and test results will go into your_19_chart, so the doctor can look them over. Then its time to_20_the d

18、octor. 【语篇大意】本文是一篇议论文。 作者主要提出了孩子没有病但应该经常去 看医生从而能让医生了解其正常成长的过程,如果真的发现问题尽早治疗的观点。 1A.late Banxious Csick Dmad 解析由上句 Youre going to the doctor可知去看病,故此处与“病”有 关系。 答案C 2A.feeling Bkeeping Cstaying Dremaining 解析根据此处作者提到的看医生的时机,与下文“well - child ”联系可以 推知“感觉”好的时候去看医生。 答案A 3A.ill Bwell Cnaughty Dtight 解析由此处语境“身

19、体健康去看医生” 推知“well - child ”的意思“健康” , 指身体健康用形容词well 。 答案B 4A.usually Bordinarily Cnormally Dspecially 解析从此处作者提到的定期让健康孩子去看医生是有益的,医生可以看到这 些孩子的“正常”生长和发育。 答案C 5A.doctor Bteacher Cnurse Dheadmaster 解析由上句提到孩子没有病的情况去看医生对孩子有好处,下句见面谈论的 话题包括安全、营养等,由此推知这些话题应该是父母与“医生”的交谈,吻 合题意。 答案A 6A.silent Bhealthy Ccalm Dfit 解

20、析由上下文提到的孩子看医生, 家长与医生交流的话题, 都是与孩子的“健 康”有关,由此推知这些做法都会使孩子保持“健康”。 答案B 7A.problems Banswers Cissues Dquestions 解析依据动词 ask 以及 about your health 可知此处可以“问”关于你身体 健康的问题。 problems 难题与此处仅是问的语境不吻合;issues 指争论的问 题。 答案D 8A.turn Bchange Cgrow Dleave 解析从上文提到医生对孩子正常成长的了解,联系此处语境“将高”推 知想知道什么时候“长”高,答案C吻合语境。 答案C 9A.amount

21、 Bnumber Cpile Dstrength 解析从此处的动词 weigh 可知此处想了解“合适的重量”故与“数目”有联 系,答案 A合适。 number “数字” 。 答案A 10A.invites Bcares Chates Dcalls 解析依据生活经验在医院需要排队,护士维持秩序和“呼叫”病号,“叫” 到了就可以去做诊查,故答案D吻合语境。 答案D 11A.testing Bexercising Cchecking Dinspecting 解析上句语境“到医院检查” ,此处 your weight and height可以推出这是 开始“检查”的项目。 inspect “巡视;检查

22、;视察”与此处的“核实无误” 语境不吻合。 答案C 12A.blood Bhead Chand Dpulse 解析从生活经验可知到医院检查,量“血压”是其中的检查项目,联系下文 对血压的解释可知答案A合适。 答案A 13A.mind Bheart Cbody Darm 解析依据血压流动的原理结合此处pumping 可知是“心脏”的一张一弛来使 血液在循环器官内川流不息。血液在血管内流动时,无论心脏收缩或舒张,都 对血管壁产生一定的压力。故推知答案B符合语境。 答案B 14A.hold Bdeal Csettle Dmeasure 解析根据此处描述的用袖带紧紧地扎在手臂上就是被用于“测量”血压的

23、, 故答案 D合适。 答案D 15A.notice Bcount Cwatch Dfigure 解析从此处语境可知是护士测量血压的工作情况,由此推知你的读数是护士 在血压计上面“观看”到的,故答案C合适。 答案C 16A.fast Bhigh Cslow Dsteady 解析由此处提到的血压太低可知与之相对的血压“太高”,故答案 B合适。 答案B 17A.trouble Bmatter Caffair Dthing 解析从下文语境 a hearing specialist or an eye doctor推知被检查的听 力和视力有了“麻烦” ,与 have the trouble with s

24、th. “在方面有问题” 为固定结构。 答案A 18A.have Bdare Cneed Dwant 解析从上句检查中出现问题,到下句提到a hearing specialist or an eye doctor. 的语境可知此处为“需要”去看,因为听力或视力有了问题。此处语 境为不确定的问题,故排除“不得不”意思的have。 答案C 19A.individual Bprivate Cpublic Dmedical 解析从护士所做的这些检查,依据生活经验这些结果都作为“医学”证据来 供医生诊断参考,故答案D合适。individual“个人的”;private “私人的”; public “公众

25、的”与医学没有关系,故排除。 答案D 20A.meet Bhelp Csend Dask 解析由上面提到的去看病, 联系诊查出现问题了, 医生通过这些诊查结论的 判断,因为此时医生还没有与你见面,由此可知到了与医生“见面”商量诊治 的时间了,故答案A合适。 答案A . 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两 项为多余选项。 What is your favourite colour ?Do you like yellow ,orange ,red?_1_ Do you prefer greys and blues ?Then you are probably q

26、uiet , shy, and you would rather follow than lead.You tend to be a pessimist.At least , this is what psychologists tell us , and they should know,because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colour preference , as well as the effect that colours have on human beings._2_ If you happen to

27、love brown,you did so,as soon as you opened your eyes,or at least as soon as you could see clearly. _3_ A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one;and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day._4_ A black bridge over the Thames River

28、 ,near London ,used to be the scene of more suicides( 自杀) than any other bridge in the area until it was repainted green.The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply.Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue. _5_ It is an established fact that

29、 factory workers work better, harder ,and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey. AOn the other hand ,black is depressing. BThey tell us,among other facts ,that we do not choose our favourite colour as grow upwe are born with our preference. CThe rooms

30、are painted in different colours as you like. DIf you do,you must be an optimist,a leader ,an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. ELight and bright colours make people not only happier but more active. FLife is like a picture or a poem,full of different colours. GColours do influence our moods there is no doubt about it. 答案1.D2.B3.G4.A5.E


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