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1、Unit 1Women of achievement (2) .短语填空 by chance;come across;be intended for;be devoted to;look down upon;refer to;carry on;take.into consideration 1His name has been _ many times at the meeting. 2The old man found the missing boy _. 3Surprised and happy ,I _ the very book that I was longing for. 4Thi

2、s film _ adults. 5They _ their children. 6Its bad manners to _ others. 7You should _ everything _. 8_ with your work while I am away. 答案1.referred to2.by chance3.came across 4.is intended for 5.are devoted to 6.look down upon7.take;into consideration8.Carry on .单项填空 1(2013 福州高一检测 )Dont _ them just b

3、ecause they havent been as rich as you. Alook up Blook down upon Clook back Dlook forward to 答案B考查动词短语辨析。句意:不要因为他们不如你有钱就看不起他 们。look down upon“ 蔑视;瞧不起 ” ,符合题意。 look up 查找,拜访;look back 回忆; look forward to 期待,盼望。 2I knew he was _ Joe when he spoke of the thief. Abringing up Breferring to Casking for Dt

4、aking up 答案B考查动词短语辨析。句意:当他说起那个小偷时,我知道他指的 是乔。 refer to “ 指的是;谈到 ” ,符合题意。 bring up 抚养; ask for 要求得到; take up 占据,开始从事。 3(2013 南昌高一检测 )There was _ of old people at the pop concert. Amany audience Ba few audience Cmuch audience Da large audience 答案D句意:流行音乐会上有大量老年听众。表示audience( 观众)人数多 或少时,通常用 large或 small

5、 修饰,而不用 many 或 few。 4The film,_on the novel by Simpson ,has got the first prize in the film festival. Abased Bbasing Cbases Dbeing based 答案A考查分词短语作定语。句意:以辛普森的小说为基础的这部电影 在电影节上获了头奖。 (be)based on. 意为“ 以为基础 ” ,本题中用过去分词 形式作后置定语,修饰the film 。 5I found an ancient china in the market _ and bought it for only

6、 one hundred yuan the other day. Aon purpose Bby chance Cby turns Das a result 答案B考查介词短语辨析。句意:前几天我在市场上偶然发现了一件古 代瓷器,仅仅花了 100 元就买下了。 by chance “ 碰巧;凑巧;偶然,意外 ” ,符 合题意。 on purpose 故意地; by turns 轮流; as a result结果。 6(2013 黄冈高一检测 )I _a classmate while waiting for the bus ,whom I hadnt seen for about ten ye

7、ars. Acame across Bcame out Cgot through Dturned into 答案A考查动词短语辨析。句意:在等公共汽车时,我偶然遇到了一个 大约十年没有见面的同学。 come across “ (偶然)遇见; 碰见” , 符合题意。come out 出现,结果是; get through 通过,接通电话; turn into 变成。 7It seems _ most people prefer watching football matches to playing football. Aas Bthat Cif Dwhat 答案B句意:比起踢足球来,似乎大多数

8、人更喜欢看足球赛。It seems that.“ 好像;似乎 ” ,为常用句型。 8Recycling wastes slows down the rate _ which we use up the earths resources. Ain Bof Cwith Dat 答案D句意:回收利用废物可以减缓我们消耗地球资源的速度。表示 “ 以的速度 ” 时,rate 常与介词 at 搭配。 9Can I help you? I want to buy an English story book that is _for the senior middle school students. Aus

9、ed Bread Cdevoted Dintended 答案D考查动词词义辨析。句意:请问您要买什么? 我想买本 供高中生阅读的英文故事书。be intended for.“ 专供使用的;专为 而 设计的 ” ,符合题意。 be used for. “ 用来” ,后接表示物的名词; be devoted to.“ 致力于 ” 。 10(2013 青岛高一检测 )Some folk songs have been passed down generation _ generation for centuries. Afor Bfrom Con Dafter 答案D句意:一些民歌是经过几个世纪代代

10、相传下来的。generation after generation “ 一代一代 ” ,为固定搭配。 11Is it the e-mail that you received yesterday _ makes you upset? Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhen 答案C考查强调句。句意:是你昨天收到的电子邮件使你心烦意乱了吗? 本句为强调句,是对主语的强调;that you received yesterday 是定语从句,修 饰 the e-mail;四个选项中只有that 可以与句首的 is it 一起构成强调句。 12The shop owner will get a

11、ll these ordered TV sets _ to the customers tomorrow. Adelivered Bgiven Cshown Dworked 答案A考查动词词义辨析。句意:店主明天会让人把所有预订的电视机 送到顾客手中。 deliver 此处意为 “ 递送” ,符合题意。 give 给予; show 显示; work 工作。 13Though the soldiers have been working for fifteen hours ,they _looking for the survivors in the ruins. Arelied on Bcar

12、ried on Clived on Dlooked on 答案B考查动词短语辨析。 句意:尽管战士们已经持续工作15个小时了, 但他们仍继续寻找困在废墟中的幸存者。carry on“ 继续;坚持 ” ,后接名词或 动名词,符合题意。 rely on 依靠;依赖; live on 以为生;look on 旁观。 14Jason ,a scholarship winner ,is very _ about his achievements. Amodern Bmajor Cmodest Dcurious 答案C考查形容词词义辨析。句意:奖学金获得者贾森对自己的成绩表 现得很谦虚。 modest “

13、 谦虚的;谦让的 ” ,符合题意。 modern 现代的; major 主要的; curious 好奇的。 15(2013 海口高一检测 )We need to make a new policy and market environment must be taken into _. Aconsideration Bconcern Cthought Dimagination 答案A考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们需要制订一项新政策,而且必须 考虑到市场环境。 take.into consideration “ 把考虑进去 ” ,为固定搭配。 .完成句子 1刚才你提到的那个女孩是我的朋友。 The

14、 girl you _ _ just now is my friend. 2我碰巧在机场遇见她。 I _ _ _ _ at the airport. 3这本书是专为初学者设计的 This book _ _ _ beginners. 4我们都知道玛丽是个考虑周到的女孩。 We all know that Mary is _ _ _. 5教授昨天给我们作了一次演讲。 The professor _ _ _ _ _yesterday. 6你应该继续你的新书。 You should _ _ _ _ _. 答案1.referred to2.met her by chance 3.is intended

15、for 4.a considerate girl5.delivered a lecture to us 6carry on your new book .完形填空 Harriet Tubman was born a slave.She didnt get a _1_ to go to school._2_ a child,Harriet had to work very hard in _3_ all day.That way ,her owner could _4_ a lot of money when he sold his crops.Harriet _5_ think that sh

16、e was being treated fairly. _6_ Harriet grew up,she ran away from the plantation(庄园) to the northern United States.There ,and in Canada ,_7_ could be free. Harriet liked to be free.She felt _8_for all of the black people who were _9_ slaves. Harriet returned to _10_ to help other slaves to run away.

17、She made _11_ that they got to the North and became free. Harriet was in great _12_ because of a _13_ law.The law said it was not permitted to _14_ slaves run away.She also _15_ that the slave owners said they would _16_ $4,000 to anyone who could catch Harriet Tubman. There were many stories about

18、Harriet helping slaves run away.In all ,she made nineteen _17_ back to the South and guided about 300 slaves to _18_.When the Civil War broke out,the northern states _19_ with the southern states.Harriet _20_ the northern states because the northerners believed that slaves should be free.She worked

19、as a nurse and spied behind enemy lines until the northern states won the war. 1A.day Bchance Cpermission Dmoment 答案B此处不是强调上学时间的长短,排除A、D 两项。从下文 _2_a child,Harriet had to work.可知,她是没有机会去上学,而不是别人不允许。 故选 B。 2A.As BBeing CSince DLike 答案Aas a child相当于 when she was a child 。 3A.the farm Ba school Cthe fie

20、lds Da factory 答案C从下文的 That way,her owner could _4_ a lot of money when he sold his crops. 分析,排除 B、D 两项, farm 与 on 搭配,故答案为 C。 4A.make Bpay Cgot Dspend 答案Amake money 赚钱。 5A.certainly Bdidnt Cdid Dno longer 答案B从下文她长大后,从庄园逃跑判断,她认为别人对她不公平,所 以她才逃跑,故答案为B。 6A.Since BAfter CThen DWith 答案BHarriet 长大以后,从庄园逃到了

21、美国北部。 7A.the white Bwhite Cblack Dblack people 答案D她是黑人奴隶,之所以逃到那里,是因为那里的黑人是自由的。 8A.happy Bsure Cwrong Dsorry 答案D根据下文她帮奴隶逃跑一事,她对奴隶应该感到同情、抱歉和不 安,故选 D。 9A.still Byet Conly Dnot 答案A由上题解释可知她为仍然是奴隶的黑人感到同情、抱歉和不安。 10A.Canada Bthe South Cthe North Dthe US. 答案B根据上下文,她从南部逃到北部,再返回,应该是回到南部,故 选 B。 11A.perfect Bway

22、 Cpossible Dsure 答案Dmake sure 固定词组,意为 “ 确信,确保 ” 。 12A.anger Banxiety Churry Ddanger 答案Din danger 固定词组,意为 “ 处于危险中,有危险 ” 。 13A.explained Bgained Cpassed Dbroken 答案Cpass 表决通过法律等,根据上下文,此处指“ 因为通过的一项法 律” 。 14A.help Bset free Cstop Dcatch 答案A她处于危险中就是因为法律不允许帮助奴隶逃跑,故选A。 15A.found Bnoticed Cfound out Dmade su

23、re 答案CHarriet 也发现奴隶主说他们将悬赏4,000 美元抓她。 find out 指 通过各种途径发现,符合句意。 16A.pay Bmake Cspend Dget 答案A由上题解释可知选A。 17A.letters Bincidents Ctrips Dtrials 答案C结合文章上下文, 此处指 “ 她总共返回南方 19 次” , 此处 trips 符合 语境。 make trips旅行。 18A.freedom Bsafety CNorth Dsouthern states 答案A她帮奴隶逃跑就是为了让他们获得自由,故选A。 19A.united Bfought Cmade

24、 peace Dgave in 答案B美国内战指南方和北方发生战争,fight with 和打仗。 20A.looked for Bstood for Clooked on Dwent to 答案Bstand for 意为“ 赞同,支持 ” ,符合句意,故选B。 .根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两 项为多余选项。 What do you,the trees ,and a bird have in common ?_1_All living things must have water to survive , whether they get it from

25、 a water fountain , a rain cloud, or a little bottle attached to the side of a bird cage._2_Water makes up more than half of your body weight and a person cant survive for more than a few days without it.Why ?Your body has lots of important jobs and it needs water to do many of them.For instance , y

26、our blood,which contains a lot of water,carries oxygen to all the cells of your body.Without oxygen,those tiny cells would die and your body would stop working. Water is also in lymph ,a fluid( 液体)that is part of your immune system( 免疫系 统),which helps you fight off illness._3_Water is needed for dig

27、estive juices ,urine, and poop.And you can bet that water makes up most of sweat. In addition to being an important part of the fluids in your body,each cell depends on water to function normally._4_Any fluid you drink will contain water,but water and milk are the best choices.Lots of foods contain

28、water , too._5_You could probably tell that if youve ever bitten into a peach or pear and felt the juices dripping down your chin!Vegetables ,too,contain a lot of waterthink of biting into a fat tomato from the garden. AYou need water to digest your food and get rid of waste ,too. BYou all need water. CWithout water,your body would stop working properly. DHow much is enough? EYour body doesnt get water only from drinking water. FWhen you drink is also important. GFruit contains quite a bit of water. 答案1.B2.C3.A4.E5.G


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