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1、Unit 4 Pygmalion Section Using Language .单词拼写 1The robber in arms wanted to _ ( 抢劫) the bank. 2They found it wiser to _ (妥协) with her. 3Hopes of a peaceful settlement are now _ (逐渐消失 ) 4His heart sickened at the thought of that _ ( 可怕的 ) scene. 5Do you realize how _ (令人讨厌的 ) you are? 6We could hear

2、the child _ ( 啜泣)in the dark room. 7We _ ( 俯视) the church from our office. 8The r_ whistled and the game began. 9She likes chocolate c_ with white cream filling. 10She was paralysed from the _ ( 腰部) down. 答 案 : promise3.fading4.horrible5.disgusting6.sobbing 7.overlook8.referee9.cookies10.waist .用方框内

3、所给单词或短语的适当形式完成下面短文 show.inin need ofonce morethe other day fade outoverlook As we know, we are 1._ friends. A good friend is kind enough to 2._ our mistakes and help us out when we are in trouble. And true friendship will not 3._ with time. Im grateful that I have such a good friend. 4._, I was invi

4、ted to a party. After I was 5._ , I met my old friend Jack. I remembered that I had difficulty in pronouncing those difficult words when in high school and it was Jack who gave me a lot of help. Every time I made a mistake in pronunciation, he would ask me to say the word 6._ and correct my pronunci

5、ation. Im so lucky to have a good friend like him. Thank you ,Jack! 答案: 1.in need of2.overlook3.fade out4.The other day5.shown in 6.once more .单项填空 1. If we all agree to make a(n)_ with each other when we are in disputes, wars are forever gone and we are surely living in peace. A. adjustment B. comp

6、romise C. promise D. acquaintance 答案:B考查名词辨析。句意:如果我们在有争端时彼此之间作出妥协,战 争就会不再爆发,我们想必就会和平地生活。make a compromise with“与, 妥 协”,符合句意。 2.When did the accident happen? _ when I was walking in the street. A. The other day B. Some day C. Another day D. Other day 答案:A考查短语辨析。句意:“那个事故是什么时候发生的?”“前几天 当我正在街上走着的时候。”the

7、 other day“前几天”; some day“总有一天;将 来有一天”; another day“改天”; other day 前面得有修饰词,如the, some等。 根据题意选 A 项。 3. Those cats _ me of my sleep. A. quarrelled B. robbed C. interrupted D. broke 答案: B考查动词辨析。句意:那些猫吵得我无法入睡。quarrel“吵架”; rob“抢劫;剥夺”;rob sb. of sth.“剥夺某人某物”, 符合题意。interrupt“打断”, 后直接接人或会话等。 break“打断;插嘴”。根据

8、题意选B 项。 4. I forgot to buy milk in the store; therefore I had to go there _. A. once more B. in case C. at last D. in time 答案:A考查副词短语辨析。句意:我忘记在商店买牛奶了,因此不得不再 去那儿一次。 once more “再一次”,符合语境。 in case “以防万一”; at last“最 后”; in time“及时”。 5What has happened to the president possibly? Why he hasnt _ at the mee

9、ting? I have no idea. A. showed around B. showed off C. showed up D. showed in 答案:C考查 show的短语。show around“领某人参观”; show off“炫耀”; show up“出现”; show in “领进”。结合句意C 项正确。 6The critics _ Jane Austens novels as realism rather than romanticism. A. separate B. classify C. distinguish D. estimate 答案:B句意:评论家把简

10、奥斯汀的小说归为现实主义流派而不是浪漫主义 流派。 classify“分类;归类”,符合题意。separate “分开;隔离”;distinguish“区 分;辨别”; estimate “估计;估算”。 7The music _ and this moving film came to an end. A. died out B. faded out C. blocked out D. left out 答案: B句意:音乐渐弱,这部感人的电影也结束了。fade out“(声音、画 面)逐渐模糊;渐淡”,符合题意。 die out“灭亡;逐渐消失”;block out“挡住(光 线)”;le

11、ave out“省去;遗漏”。 8The children, _ had played the whole day long, were worn out. Aall of what Ball of which Call of them Dall of whom 答案:D本题考查定语从句。句意:孩子们都玩了一整天,都累坏了。分析 结构可知,此处是非限制性定语从句,排除A、C 项;定语从句的先行词为the children, 为人,排除 B 项。所以正确答案为D。 9We have faith that the project, if _ according to the plan, will

12、definitely work out well. A. carrying out B. being carried out C. carried out D. to be carried out 答案:C句意:我们坚信,这项工程如果按照计划实施的话会进展顺利。the project与 carry out之间存在被动关系,故用过去分词置于 if 后作条件状语;if carried out.相当于一个一般现在时被动语态的条件句if it is carried out.的省略。A 项表示 主动、进行意义; B 项被动,进行意义; D 项表示将来、被动意义。 10I wonder whether I

13、 can use your computer. _ Its being repaired. A. I dont agree. B. Dont mention it. C. Im sorry. D. No problem. 答案:C句意:“不知道我是否可以用你的电脑。”“对不起。它正在 维修中。”由答语的半后部分可知,Im sorry“对不起”,符合题意。I dont agree “我不同意”,语气生硬,不礼貌;dont mention it“不要提了”;no problem“没有问题”。 .完形填空 Some years ago, an American policeman found a w

14、oman lying near a lonely road. She did not appear to have _1_, but she was trembling and clearly in a state of shock, so he rushed her to the _2_ hospital. She began to tell the doctor on duty a story which was _3_ in all respects. She had been _4_ along a country road _5_ she had been stopped by a

15、flying saucer _6_ in front of her. She had been forced to leave the car and _7_ the flying saucer by creatures which looked like human beings and which could easily make themselves _8_ although they could not _9_. They could read her thoughts and she could read _10_. They tested her politely and all

16、owed her to _11_ after carrying out a number of tests on her. As she otherwise seemed to be _12_,the doctor decided that she was probably suffering from the side effects of some medicine.The woman insisted on being _13_ to go home ,but when she gave her address, it was in a town over a thousand mile

17、s from the _14_. The police then started to make inquiries( 打听) and soon _15_ that there was already a _16_ going on for the woman, _17_ husband badly reported that she had _18_. Her car had been found with the drivers door open and the engine running. _19_ the car the surface of the road had been c

18、ompletely destroyed not by an explosion or anything of that kind,but _20_ a large, round, white-hot object had burnt through it. 1A. a rest B. an accident C. a test D. an idea 答案: B根据前后语境,排除C、D 两项, but 的转折语意告诉我们B 项是 正确的。 (have) a rest在语意上与后面的but 不形成转折。 2A. more famous B. most famous C. best D. neare

19、st 答案: D根据语境和生活常识知应选D 项。在生活中,若在路上遇到生病 的人应立刻把她 (他)送往最近的一家医院,不应为其他三个答案。 3A. funny B. sad C. moving D. astonishing 答案: D根据下文所讲述的 “She had been stopped by the flying saucer.She had been forced to leave her car and enter the flying saucer.They had carried out a number of tests on her.”等可推知,她所讲述的这一经历应是“令人

20、吃惊的”。 4A. driving B. walking C. running D. wandering 答案:A下文中的 “She had been forced to leave the car.”已明确告诉我们A 项 是正确的。 5A. as B. since C. when D. if 答案: C这是一典型的句式结构, when 在此相当于 at that time。 例如: We were to start out when it began to rain. 我们正要出发,这时天开始下雨了。 6A. rising B. flying C. running D. landing 答案

21、: D根据语境应为“降落在她面前”。 7A. enter B. visit C. watch D. clean 答案: A根据下文中的 “.and allowed her to leave after carrying out a number of tests on her.”可知选 A 项。 8A. noticed B. seen C. understood D. heard 答案: Cmake oneself understood 使某人被理解,根据下文 “They could read her thoughts and she could read theirs.”可知选 C 项。 9

22、A. move B. think C. read D. speak 答案:D与上一题是相辅相成的,即“尽管他们不能讲话,但能使他们被她 所明白。” 10A. their B. theirs C. her D. hers 答案: B根据“They could read her thoughts and she could read _.” 可 知此处应表达对等关系,故用theirs。 11A. leave B. stay C. drive D. watch 答案:A根据上文中的 “She had been forced to leave the car and enter the flying

23、saucer.”可知选 A 项。 12A. happy B. thankful C. nervous D. normal 答案: D由于句中有 otherwise这一转折词,故选D 项。 13A. told B. allowed C. advised D. ordered 答案: B由于检查的情况是 “normal”和“side effects of some medicine”可知选 B 项。 14A. earth B. car C. road D. hospital 答案: D本句的意思为“她住在一个城镇上,离这家医院有一千英里远”。 15A. decided B. believed C.

24、 supposed D. discovered 答案: D上文“.started to make inquiries( 打听)”与本空构成顺承关系, 意为“打听并不久发现”。 16A. discussion B. search C. movement D. meeting 答案: B语境表明,有人已经在找这位妇女,即为“a search for”,表示“寻 找”。 17A. which B. when C. whose D. where 答案: C分析整句可知,这是由whose引导的非限制性定语从句,whose在 句中作定语。 18A. disappeared B. fled C. retur

25、ned D. left 答案:A根据下文可知,她的丈夫知道她失踪了。disappear意为“消失,失 踪”。 19A. Behind B. In front of C. Below D. At the foot of 答案: B由“.she had been stopped by a flying saucer in front of her.”可知,飞 碟落在了车前面,所以应是车前面的路被毁。 20A. as B. if C. as if D. only if 答案: C由于这是一种推断,故答案为C 项。 .阅读理解 The works of Shakespeare and Wordswor

26、th are “rocket-boosters (火箭助推器 )” to the brain and better therapy than self-help books, researchers will say this week. Scientists, psychologists (心 理 学 家 ) and English academics at Liverpool University have found that reading the works of the Bard and other classical writers has a beneficial effect

27、 on the mind, catches the readers attention and cause moments of self- reflection. Using scanners( 扫描仪 ), they monitored the brain activity of volunteers as they read works by William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, T. S Eliot and others. They then “translated” the texts into more “straightforward(

28、通俗易懂 的)”, modern language and again monitored the readers brains as they read the words. Scans showed that the more “challenging” prose (散文)and poetry set off far more electrical activity in the brain than the more pedestrian( 通俗化 ) versions. Scientists were able to study the brain activity as it re

29、sponded to each word and record how it “lit up” as the readers encountered unusual words, surprising phrases or difficult sentence structure. This “lighting up” of the mind lasts longer than the initial electrical spark, shifting the brain to a higher gear, encouraging further reading. The research

30、also found that reading poetry, in particular, increased activity in the right hemisphere (半球)of the brain, an area concerned with “autobiographical memory ” , helping the reader to reflect on and reappraise their own experiences in light of what they have read. The academics said this meant the cla

31、ssics were more useful than self-help books. Philip Davis, an English professor who has worked on the study with the universitys magnetic resonance centre, will tell a conference this week: “Serious literature acts like a rocketbooster to the brain.” The research shows the power of literature to shi

32、ft mental pathways, to create new thoughts, shapes and connections in the young and the elderly alike. 文章大意: 本文主要讲了阅读莎士比亚的作品和其他古典作家的作品可促进 大脑发展。 1. How do classics such as Shakespeare and Wordsworth benefit the readers? A. They set off far less electrical activity in the brain. B. They light up the m

33、ind shorter than the initial electrical spark. C. They shift physical pathways in the young and the elderly. D. They draw readers attention and help make self examination. 答案:D细节理解题。 依据文章第二段 “Scientists.moments of self reflection.” 可知选 D。 2Why do they “translate” the texts into more “straightforward

34、”, modern language? A. To prove that classics are more useful than ordinary versions. B. To show self-help books act like rocket-boosters to the brain. C. To tell serious literature sets off far less electrical activity. D. To make known ordinary versions set off more electrical activity. 答案: A推理判断题

35、。根据全文内容,尤其第五段“ Scans showed that the more “challenging” prose and poetry set off far more.”可知选 A。 3What does the underlined word “encountered ” probably mean in the passage? A. found out B. met with C. learned about D. knew about 答案:B词义猜测题。根据第六段可知,科学家们能够研究大脑对每一个词 语做出反应时的活动,并记录下读者在遇到生僻词语、新奇短语或复杂的句子结

36、构时大脑如何“被激活”。根据语境可知该词意为“遇到,碰上”。 4Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Ordinary Versions Create New Thoughts B. Modern Language Increases the Brain C. Classics Help Improve the Brain Activity D. Self-help Books, Rocket-boosters 答案:C主旨大意题。综合全文可以发现:阅读莎士比亚及其他古典作家的 作品对心智发展大有裨

37、益。 选 做 题 .短文改错 此题要求改正短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在 答题卡相应的位置上画一个勾();如有错误 (每行只有一个错误 ),则按下列情况 改正: 此行多一个词:把多余的词写在答题卡相应的位置,用斜线划掉。 此行缺一个词:在答题卡相应的位置上写出该加的词,并附带前(后)词。 此行错一个词:在答题卡相应的位置上写出该错词和改正后的词。 注意:原行没有错的不要改。 I arrived in London in a rainy night. I did not know 1._ way to my hotel, so I asked a driver. I no

38、t only spoke English2._ very careful, but very clearly as well. The driver, however ,3._ could not understand myself. I repeated my question several4._ times and at last he understands. He answered me, but he spoke5._ either slowly nor clearly. “I am a foreigner,” I said. Then he6._ spoke slowly but

39、 still I could understand him. My teacher never7._ spoke English like that! We looked at each other. Then he8._ said anything and I understood it. “Youll learn English soon!”9._ he said. Now I wonder that if the English speak English.10._ 答案: 1.inon2.theway3.carefulcarefully 4myselfme5.understands u

40、nderstood6.eitherneither 7.couldcouldnt(或加 not)8.9.anythingsomething10.去掉 that .阅读表达 阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。 1 Every few weeks, Lu Jinhuas family met for dinner at a restaurant close to her home in Beijing. But the happy mealtime almost always ended with an unhappy scene: her children would

41、 insist that Lu leave the table before she embarrassed them by asking to take the leftover food home in takeaway bags. 2But on Sunday, the 63-year-old lady was delighted to discover that the restaurant had made a number of changes. A poster on the Samfdearly stated, “Save food, dont waste it ”. Inst

42、ead of persuading customers to order expensive dishes, the waitress suggested a small order that could be added later if people were still hungry. At the end of the dinner, Lus daughter even volunteered to _. 3“This is the happiest dinner I had in that restaurant so far,and I am so glad to see these

43、 changes. ”Lu said. 4A campaign against food wastage is sweeping China, a country where 128 million people live below the poverty line. Every year, food valued at 200 billion yuan ( $ 32 billion) is thrown away in China. The volume is equivalent to the amount consumed by more than 200 million people

44、 during a 12- month period. 5A proposal opposing waste in January is part of a drive by Chinas new leaders. Many provinces have launched their own more-detailed versions. Henan province has ordered that business meals should have no more than four dishes, and alcohol is prohibited. Guizhou has set a

45、 time limit of 45 minutes on meals paid for by the public purse. 6The public has also adopted the idea. Many restaurants discourage customers from ordering more than they can eat. Taking leftovers home is encouraged. Some of them have started to use smaller plates and the prices are cheaper. A propo

46、sal on the Internet calling on people to eat up everything on their plates attracted the participation of 2.74 million people within the first two weeks. 1. How does the author start the topic of the passage? (no more than 5 words) _ 2. Why did Lu Jinhuas children refuse to take the leftover food ho

47、me? ( no more than 8 words) _ 3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words) _ 4. What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about? (no more than 10 words) _ 5. Whats the publics attitude to the governments proposal? (no more than 8 words) _ 答案: 1. By telling a real story. 2. Because they felt embarrassed if she did that. 3. take the leftover food home/ask for takeaway bags 4. The government has taken measures to oppose food w


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