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1、最常用英文口语短句 1its up to you. (由你决定。) 2i envy 羡慕you. (我羡慕你。) 3how can i get in touch with you? 4where can i wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?) 5whats the weather like today? (今天天气如何?) 6where are you headed 朝方向行进 ? (你要到哪里去?) 7i wasnt born yesterday. (我又不是三岁小孩。) 8what do you do for relaxation消遣、娱乐 ? (你做什么消 遣?) 9i

2、t s a small world. (世界真小!) 10it s my treat请客、款待 this time. (这次我请客!) 11the sooner the better. (越快越好。) 12when is the most convenient 方便的;便利的 time fo r you? 13take your time. (慢慢来 / 别着急。) 14im mad about bruce lee. (我迷死李小龙了。) im crazy 着迷的;狂热爱好的 about rock music. (我 对摇滚乐很着迷。) 15how do i address you?(我怎么称

3、呼你?) 16what was your name again? (请再说一次名字好吗?) 17would you care for 喜欢 a cop of coffee? (要被咖啡 吗?) 18she turns me off. (她使我厌烦。) 19so far so good. (目前为止,一切都好。) 20it drives 逼迫;迫使 me crazy. (它把握逼疯了。) 21she never showed up出席;露面 . (她一直没有出现。) 22thats not like him. (那不象是他的风格。) 23i couldnt get through. (电话打不通

4、。) 24i got sick and tired of hotels.(我讨厌旅馆。) 25be my guest. (请便、别客气) 26can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?) 27lets keep in touch. (让我们保持联系。) 28 lets call it a day 决定或同意暂时或永久停止 (进行某事). 29i couldnt help 避免;阻止 it.(我没办法。) 30somethings come up 发生/ 出现. (有点事 / 出事了) 31lets get to the point 要点/ 核心问题 . (

5、让我们来谈要点。 ) 32keep that in mind. (记住那件事。) 33that was a close call.(太危险了 / 千钧一发) 34ill be looking forward to it.(我将期待这一天。) 35chances are slim 渺茫的;微小的 . (机会很小。) 36far from it.(一点也不。) 37i m behind in my work. (我工作进度落后了。) 38its a pain in the neck 麻烦的事(人) . (那真是件麻烦 事) 39were in the same boat. (我们处境相同。) 40

6、my mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。) 41what do you recommend? (你推荐什么?) 42i ache all over. (我浑身酸痛。) 43i have a runny nose. (我流鼻涕。) 44its out of the question. (这是不可能的。) 45do you have any openings? (你们有空缺吗?) 46it doesnt make any difference.(没什么差别 / 无所谓。) 47im fed up极其厌烦 with him. (我受够他了。) 48you can count on

7、指望;依赖 us. (你可以信赖我们。) 49it doesnt work. (坏了;不动了。) 50.its better than nothing. (总比什么都没有好。) 51think nothing of it.(别放在心上。) 52im not myself today. (我今天心神不宁。) 53i have a sweet tooth. (我喜欢吃甜食。) 54 i cant express 表示; 表达; 表明 myself very well in e nglish. (我不能很好地用英语表达自己。) 55for the time being. (暂时;暂且;目前) 56t

8、his milk has gone bad.(这牛奶变质了。) 57dont beat around the bush. (别拐弯抹角了。) 58its up in the air悬而未决 . (尚未确定。) 59math is beyond 对某人而言难以想象 / 理解/ 估计 me.(我对数 学无能为力。) 60it slipped my mind. (我忘了。) 61you cant please 使人感到满意和愉快 everyone. (你不可能 讨好每一个人。) 62im working on 着手;从事 it.(我正在努力。) 63you bet! (当然!) 64drop me

9、a line短信. (写封信给我) 65are you pulling my leg 同某人开玩笑;取笑 ? (你在开我玩 笑吗?) 66sooner or later.(迟早会的。) 67ill keep my ears open.(我会留意的。) 68it isnt much.(那是微不足道的。) 69neck and neck. (不分上下。) 70im feeling under the weather. (我觉得不舒服 / 精神不好 / 情 绪低落。) 71dont get me wrong误解. (不要误会我。) 72im under a lot of pressure. (我压力

10、很大。) 73youre the boss. (听你的。) 74it doesnt make any sense! (毫无意义!) 75if i were in your shoes 处在某人的位置 . (如果我是你的 话。) 76whats this regarding? (这是关于哪方面的?) 77over my dead body! (休想!) 78can you give me a hand 帮手;援助 ? (你能帮个忙吗?) 79we have thirty minutes to kill消磨;打发(时间) . (我 们有三十分钟空闲时间。) 80whatever you say.

11、(随便你。) 81itll come to me.(我会想起来的。) 82you name具体地(说出来) it!(你说出来。) 83time will tell.(时间会证明的。) 84i will play it by ear 见机行事;临时现做 . (我会见机行 事的;到时候再说。) 85you should take advantage of 利用 it.(你应该好好利用 这个机会。) 86lets talk over coffee. (我们边喝边谈。) 87take it easy. (轻松一点;别紧张;放松放松;再见。) 这是美国人最喜欢说的话,也可作离别用语。 88im easy

12、 to please 使高兴;讨喜欢 . (我很容易取悦 / 相 处。) 89lets give him a big hand. (让我们热烈鼓掌。) 90as far as im concerned. (就我而言。) 91im all mixed up. (我全搞混了。) 92lets get together one of these days. (找一天聚聚。) 93hes behind the times. (他落伍了 / 跟不上时代了。) 94im pressed for time. (我时间紧迫。) 95im up to my ears 忙得不可开交;深陷于某事物中 in wor

13、k. (我忙死了。) 96you cant do this to me.(你不能这么对我。) 97just to be on the safe side. (为了安全起见。) 98i hope i didnt offend you. (希望没有冒犯你。) 99it wont take much time. (不会花很长时间的。) 100its been a long time. (好久不见了。) 101it s nothing. (小事情;不足挂齿。) 102it s a long story.(说来话长。) 103its about time. (时间差不多了。) 104its incred

14、ible.(难以置信!) 105its hard to say. (难说。) 106i cant imagine why.(我想不通为什么。) 107that cant be. (不可能。) 108thats really something. (真了不起。) 109are you sure? (你确信吗?) 110are you crazy? (你疯了吗?) 111excuse me for a moment.(失陪一会儿。) 112 i mean it. im serious. im no kidding! (我是认真的。) 113ill consider this matter. (我会

15、考虑这件事的。) 114ill do something about it.(我会想办法的。) 115what are you talking about?(你在说些什么?) 116im afraid i cant.(恐怕我不行。) 117im dying 很想 to see you. (我真想见你。) 118im flattered.(过奖了。) 119im not in the mood.(我没心情。) 120im so scared. (我怕极了。) 121i cant make赶上 it.(我去不了 / 我赶不上。) 122you can never tell.(不知道 / 谁也没把握

16、。) 123i wont buy 相信;接受 you story. (我不信你那一套。) 124it hurts like hell!(疼死啦!) 125it cant be helped. (无能为力。) 126sorry to bother you. (抱歉打扰你。 事前 ) sorry to have bothered you. (抱歉打扰你。 事后 ) 127im always punctual. (我总是很准时。) 128you may leave it to me.(交给我来办。) 129i wish i could. (不行。) 委婉表达法 130whats the rush?(

17、什么事那么匆忙?) 131whats so funny/ (有什么好笑的?) 132i couldnt agree more.(我完全同意。) 133stay out of this matter, please. (请别管这事。) 134dont just shake you head. (别光摇头,想想办法!) 135dont jump to conclusions.(别仓促 / 过早下结论。) 136that was a lousy movie. (那电影糟透了!) 137have you thought about staying home? (是否考虑在家呆 着?) 138ill c

18、ome. i give you my word.(我会来的。我向你保证。) 139i swear ill never tell anyone.(我发誓不告诉任何人。) 140ill make it up to you. (我会赔偿的。) 141im very / really / terribly / awfully / extremel y sorry. (十分抱歉!) 142forgive me for breaking my promise. (原谅我食言。) 143lets forgive and forget.(让我们摈弃前嫌。) 144ive heard so much about

19、 you! (久仰大名!) 145dont underestimate me.(别小看我。) 146she gives me a headache.(她让我头疼。) 147its very annoying. (真烦人。) 必背五十句户外经典英语口语 1 Great minds think alike. (英雄所见略同,这句做第一句最合适 不过了, 不过最好翻译成英雄和美女所见略同,嘿嘿) 2 Get going!(赶快动身吧,用在开始行动时) 3 Weve got to hit the road. (我们要赶快了,和上一句用法相同, hit the road表现出紧急,很形象) 4 I ca

20、nt place his face。(碰见帅哥或者美眉给你打招呼而你不 记得他她是谁,这时可以用这个句子) 5 Once bitten , twice shy(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳) 6 look at the big picture(一大局为重,在发生分歧之时可以用 这句话来让每个人都三思) 7 Im exhausted. (筋疲力尽,对新驴懒惰如偶很少锻炼的人来说这 句肯定有用) 8 Ive got my second wind.(短暂休息后精力得以恢复,此时可用 这个句子,意思是我的体力恢复了) 9 My stomach is growling.(对于偶这样可以把任何一次活动都变 成野

21、炊郊游的人来说, 此行最重要的一部分当然是吃了,这句意思是 我的肚子呱呱叫了,很饿) 10 Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings.(既然很饿,那就饥不 择食了) 11 is now in season. (正是吃 的好季节,比如西瓜,草莓, 苹果桃子什么的) 12 Lets grab a bite to eat(让我们赶紧吃点东西吧,一般指时 间很紧) 13 This food is out of the world(此食只应天上有,人间哪得几 回吃) 14 What a bummer! (太扫兴了,原以为会来很多帅哥,结果却坐了 一车美女,这时可以偷偷用一下

22、这句话) 15 First things first (要紧的事情先做,很多场合可以用到) 16 its just my cup of tea(正合偶的口味,指人,事等等) 16 Does suit your taste( 合你的口味吗) 17 Take it easy. easy dose it.(老驴对新驴这样说,慢慢来,别 着急) 18 Do as i said(老驴对新驴说:照我说的做,有的时候抢匪也爱 用这句,嘿嘿) 19 Lets roll up our sleeves.(大家一起干吧,卷起袖子不就是 要大干一场吗) 20 Put it in my hands.(对于一个懒惰的,笨

23、笨的,象偶一样的新 驴有的时候也可以帮帮忙嘛, 比如盛饭这样的小事偶就可以说:交给 偶好了) 21 Its a short-cut.(这是条近路) 22 Ill keep my fingers crossed for you(偶将为你祈祷,比如 爬山过河的时候) 23 One boy is a boy; two boys half boy;three boys no boy. (一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃,领队GG 可 以用这样的话教育偶们要团结,要互相帮助,嘿嘿) 24 Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.(不

24、要杞 人忧天,嘿嘿,偶最喜欢的一句话) 25 Did you get the picture(你明白了没有?老驴给新驴讲解完毕 后可以用这句话) 26 Be back in 30 minutes!(还是为领队 GG准备的,一定要在三十 分钟内回来) 27 One more hour to go.(新驴走啊走,看不到头,问老驴还要走 多远,老驴可以用此句) 28 Time is running out.(没时间了。) 29 To the best of my knowlege(就偶所知,老驴传授经验 的开场白) 30 As far as i know, (同上) 31 Dont let me d

25、own.(别让偶失望,新驴问老驴问题是可以用, 老驴让新驴实践时可以用,你饿了半天问别人要吃的时候也可以用) 32 Youll get it soon.(老驴说:你也很快会的) 33 Pick up the pace.(快点) 34 You are really something. )(新驴对老驴的赞美:你真了不起) 35 You are something else.(同上) 36 How did you manage to do that(你是怎样做到的?新驴对老驴 的景仰) 37 I cant believe my eyes.(简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,还有这 样美丽的地方,或者还有这样

26、美丽的新驴MM ,嘿嘿) 38 It was really neat!(太棒了) 39 Im dying for a coke.(我真想喝杯可乐,想死了。当然你也可 以把 coke 换成 wife ,bf ,cigarette什么的) 40 wine in, truth out.(尤其是在可以喝酒的时候,可以用到,酒 后吐真言) 41 I cant carry a tune. (偶五音不全,不过此次活动请大家慎用, 因为你五音不全就意味着也许你要跳舞给大家看) 42 If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.(你在 这里做到了在一切地方

27、就都能做到) 43 My hands are sweaty.(我很紧张,手心都出汗了,比如让你第 一次攀岩,或者是当众表演节目) 44 Ive got a butterfly in my stomach.(同上,与汉语心头小鹿 撞异曲同工) 45 No way (没门) 46 its a piece of cake its a snap.(小菜一碟) 47 Go for it.(试一试) 48 is driving me up a wall.(偶快被逼疯了,比如蚊子和野 外的骄阳,寒风等等) 49 Anything you say.(偶听你的。很乖巧的一句话,新驴必背) 50 Im alrea

28、dy locked into something else.(说了这么多结果你 有别的事没法去了?没关系, 着句就给你的,我已经有别的是要做了) 中国人最易犯错的30 句英语口语 1. I very like it I like it very much. 2. 这个价格对我挺合适的。 The price is very suitable for me. The price is right. :suitable(合适的、相配的 ) 最常见的用法是以否定的 形式出现在告示或通知上,如:下列节目儿童不宜。The following programme is not suitable for ch

29、ildren在这组句子中用后面的 说法会更合适。 3. 你是做什么工作的呢? Whats your job? Are you working at the moment? : whats your job 这种说法难道也有毛病吗?是的。因为如果您的谈话对象刚刚失 业,如此直接的问法会让对方有失面子,所以您要问:目前您是在上 班吗? Are you working at the moment? 接下来您才问:目前您在哪儿工作呢?Where are you working these days?或者您从事哪个行业呢?What line of work are you in?顺带说一下,回答这类问题

30、时不妨说得具 体一点,不要只是说经理或者秘书 4. 用英语怎么说? How to say? How do you say this in English? : How to say 是在中国最为泛滥成灾的中国式英语之 一, 这决不是地道的英语说法。 同样的句子有:请问这个词如何拼写? How do you spell that please?请问这个单词怎么读? How do you pronounce this word? 5. 明天我有事情要做。 I have something to do tomorrow? Sorry but I am tied up all day tomorrow

31、. 用 I have something to do 来表示您很忙,这也完全是中国式的说法。因为每时每刻我们都 有事情要做,躺在那里睡大觉也是事情。所以您可以说我很忙,脱不 开身: I m tied up. 还有其他的说法: I m I cant make it at that time. I d love to, but I cant, I have to stay at home. 6. 我没有英文名。 I haven t English name. I don t have an English name. :许多人讲英语犯这样的错误,从语法角度来分析,可 能是语法功底欠缺,因为have

32、 在这里是实义动词,而并不是在现在 完成时里面那个没有意义的助动词。所以,这句话由肯定句变成否定 句要加助动词。 明白道理是一回事, 习惯是另一回事, 请您再说几话:我没有钱; I don t have any money.我没有兄弟姐妹; I don t have any brothers or sisters.我没有车。 I don t have a car. 7. 我想我不行。 I think I cant. I don t think I can. :这一组然是个习惯问题,在语法上称为否定前置,这 就是汉语里面说“我想我不会”的时候,英语里面总是说“我不认为 我会”。以后您在说类似的英

33、语句子的时候,只要您留心,也会习惯 英语的说法的, 8. 我的舞也跳得不好。 I don t dance well too. I am not a very good dancer either. :当我们说不擅长做什么事情的时候,英语里面通常用 not good at something,英语的思维甚至直接踊跃到:我不是一个 好的舞者。 9. 现在几点钟了? What time is it now? What time is it, please? : What time is it now这是一个直接从汉语翻译过的 句子,讲英语的时候没有必要说now,因为您不可能问 what time w

34、as it yesterday, 或者 what time is it tommorow?所以符合英语习惯的 说法是:请问现在几点了?还有一种说法是:How are we doing for time?这句话在有时间限制的时候特别合适 10. 我的英语很糟糕。 My English is poor. I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving. :有人开玩笑说,全中国人最擅长的一句英文是:My English is poor.实话说,我从来没有遇到一个美国人对我说:My Chinese is poor. 无论他们的汉语是好是坏, 他们会说

35、 : I am still having a few problem, but I getting better. 当您告诉外国人,您的英语很poor,so what( 那又怎么样呢 ) , 是要让别人当场施舍给我们一些英语呢,还是说我的英语不好, 咱们 不谈了吧。 另外一个更大的弊端是, 一边不停的学英语, 一边不停地说自己 的英语很 poor, 这正像有个人一边给车胎充气,又一边在车胎上扎孔 放气。 我坚信,先不谈别的,如果您现在就苦下功夫, 把这本薄薄的英 语吃通吃透, 您的英语水平立即就会迅速的提高。所以 您再也不用说:我的英语很poor. 您可以实事求事地说,我的英语还不算十分流利,

36、但至少我在进步。 11. 你愿意参加我们的晚会吗?Would you like to join our party on Friday? Would you like to come to our party on Friday night? :join往往是指参加俱乐部或者协会, 如: join a health club; join the Communist Party. 事实上, 常常与 party 搭配的动词的 come 或者 go。 如 go a wild party ,或者 come to a Christmas Party。 12. 我没有经验。 I have no exper

37、ience. I am I dont know much about that. : I have no experience这句话听起来古里古怪,因 为您只需要说:那方面我懂得不多,或者这方面我不在行,就行了。 I am not really an expert in this area. 13. 我没有男朋友。 I have no boyfriend. I don t have a boyfriend. 14. 他的身体很健康。 His body is healthy. He is in good health. You can also say: Hes healthy. 15. 价钱很

38、昂贵 / 便宜。The price is too expensive/cheap. The price is too high/ rather low. 16. 我们下了车。 We got off the car. We got out of the car. 17. 车速快了。 The speed of the car is fast. The car is speeding. Or “The car is going too fast.” 18. 这个春节你回家吗? Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival? 是的,我回去。 O

39、f course! (这一句是错的) 当然。 Sure. / Certainly.(这种说法是正确的) 以英语为母语的人使用of course的频率要比中国的学生低得 多,只有在回答一些众所周知的问题时才说of course 。因为 of course 后面隐含的一句话是“当然我知道啦!难道我是一个傻瓜吗?” 因此, of course 带有挑衅的意味。在交谈时,用sure 或 certainly效果会好 得多。同时, of course not 也具挑衅的意味。正常情况下语气温和的说法是certainly not. 19. 我觉得右手很疼。 I feel very painful in my

40、 right hand. My right hand is very painful. Or “ My right hand hurts(aches).” 20. 他看到她很惊讶。 He looked at her and felt surprised. He looked at her in surprise. 21. 我读过你的小说但是没料到你这么年轻。I have read your novels but I didnt think you could be so young. After having read your novel, I expected that you would

41、 be older. 22. 她脸红了,让我看穿了她的心思。 Her red face made me see through her mind. Correct: Her red face told me what she was thinking. 23. 看到这幅画让我想到了我的童年时代。 The sight of these pictures made me remember my own childhood. Correct: Seeing these pictures reminded me of my own childhood. 24. 别理她。 Dont pay attent

42、ion to her. Leave her alone. 25. 我在大学里学到了许多知识。 I get a lot of knowledge in the university. I learned a lot in university. 26. 黄山正在读书。 Samuel is reading a book. Samuel is reading. 27. exciting / excited。 28. 我遇到了很多困难。 I am having many difficulties. I am having a few problems / lots of problems. 29. 请

43、快点走,否则我们会迟到的。 Please hurry to walk or well be late. Please hurry up or well be late. 30. 她由嫉妒转向失望。 She was so jealous that she became desperate. Jealousy drove her to despair. 常用英语口语绝佳句型100句 1.I m an office worker. 我是上班族。 2.I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。 3.I m happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 4.I li

44、ke your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。 5.I m glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。 6.I ll call you. 我会打电话给你。 7.I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡 / 散步。 8.I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。 9.I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。 10.I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。 11.I have a lot of problems. 我有很多问

45、题。 12.I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。 13.I m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。 14.I m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节食 / 涨工资。 15.I heard that youre getting married. Congratulations.听 说你要结婚了,恭喜! 16.I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。 17.I can t do this. 我不能这么做。 18.Let me explain

46、 why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。 19.Let s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。 20.Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪? 21.What is your plan? 你的计划是什么? 22.When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业? 23.Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗? 24.Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗? 25.The meeting

47、was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet. 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。 26.Toms birthday is this week. 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。 27.Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要 看/ 坐一会呢? 28.Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there? 星期五能不能请你替我个班/ 你能帮我吗 / 你能告诉我到那里 怎么走吗? 29.Could yo

48、u do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙? 30.He is crazy about Crazy English. 他对疯狂英语很着迷。 31.Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?你能想象他 买那车花了多少钱吗? 32.Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25? 33.Did you know he was having an affair/cheating on his wife? 你知道他有外遇了吗? /欺骗他的妻子吗? 34.Did you hear about the new project? 你知道那个新项目吗? 35.Do you realize that a


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