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1、2014 年全国各地名校中考英语模拟试汇编 2019-2020 年中考英语模拟试卷分类汇编:完形填空 【江苏省常州市2013-2014 学年初中毕业、升学模拟】 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 When I was 15, I announced to my English class that I was going to write my own books. All the students nearly fell out of their chairs, laughing at me. “ Don t be 31 . Only geniuse

2、s ( 天 才) can become writers,” the English teacher said sarcastically(讽刺地) . “And you are getting a D this term.” I was hurt deeply and I cried sadly. That night I wrote a short, sad poem about 32 dreams and mailed it to the Capper s Weekly newspaper. To my surprise, they published it, and sent me tw

3、o dollars. I was a(an) 33 writer! I showed my teacher and my classmates. They laughed again. “ Just plain dumb luck, (纯属侥幸) ” the teacher said. However, I d tasted 34 . I d sold the first thing I d ever written. By the time I graduated from high school (with a C-minus average ), I had scrapbooks fil

4、led with my published 35 . I never talked about my writing to my teachers, friends or my family again. They were dream killers, and if people must choose between their friends and their dreams, they must always choose their dreams. Later, I wrote a book about what I understood and 36 about life. It

5、took me nine months, just like a (an)37 . I cho se a publisher and wrote a letter, which read: “ I wrote this book myself, I hope you like it. Chapters(章节 ) 6 and 12 are my 38 . Thank you.” I mailed it without an envelope. A month later, I received a letter, and a request to start working on 39 book

6、. Crying Wind became a bestseller, and was translated into 15 languages. People ask what college I attended, what degrees I have, and what qualities I have to be a writer. The answer is 40 . I just write. I m not a genius, and I m not gifted.I just write. To all those who dream of 41 , I m shouting

7、at you, “ Yes, you 42 ! Don t listen to them!” Writing is easy. It s fun, and anyone can do it. 31. A. shy B. dishonest C. silly D. proud 32. A. strange B. broken C. beautiful D. unusual 33. A. welcomed B. educated C. honored D. paid 34. A. luck B. failure C. success D. pain 35. A. works B. poems C.

8、 letters D. jokes 36. A. did B. felt C. heard D. saw 37. A. animal B. plant C. baby D. boy 38. A. explanations B. reasons C. dreams D. favorites 39. A. others B. another C. other D. the other 40. A. many B. few C. some D. none 41. A. writing B. being famous C. success D. being rich 42. A. must B. ne

9、ed C. can D. should 【答案】 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 C B D C A B C D B D A C 【江苏省丹阳市云阳学校2014 届九年级阶段性学情调研】 Around two weeks ago I was invited to be a judge(裁判 ) at a college All of the students had been given a piece of paper with a topic written on it The first one to speak looked a little 1

10、6 “ My dear friends and judges” he said loudly “ this is an unfair17 ! I have been given the paper” he continued “ to speak on the topic with just a few minutes preparation 18 those who come after me have more time to 19 their speeches!” He then left the stage and went out of the hall I met him late

11、r by chance “Who said life is 20 ?” I asked him with a smile and I asked him to walk with me to my car “ Have you seen the figures(数字 ) they show when a new car is 21 into the market saying how good it is?” “Yes” he nodded “But they put a22 after all these figures They say all the figures are in ide

12、al road conditions!” “Yes” he said again “Can you show me some ideal road conditions?” I asked him and he smiled “The car that sells well is the one 23 will provide power and speed on the 24 roads That car is the winner ” We had got to the car “Don t look for ideal competition conditions” I said “ 2

13、5 the unfair and come out a winner!” I looked back as I drove away and saw him smile and wave and I knew he would do as I said ( ) 16 A unhappyB afraidC ungratefulD tired ( ) 17 A idea B competition C topicD judge ( ) 18 A whenB soC sinceD while ( ) 19 A wait forB care about C work onD find out ( )

14、20 A easy B fairC interestingD boring ( ) 21 A producedB importedC advertisedD introduced ( ) 22 A word B guideC lineD letter ( ) 23 A thatB whatC whoD whose ( ) 24 A bestB worstC busiestD longest ( ) 25 A FightB BalanceC BlameD Change 【答案】 Liberal (自由 ) education is designed not only teach and lear

15、n knowledge but also to develop a person s character Its aim is to 16 each student to think for himself and make wise decisions Now liberal education has a great 17 on the world Much work has been done to 18 a better way of teaching In a liberal class students are 19 to have their own thoughts and o

16、wn ideas when they have 20 which are often held in the form of group discussion They are properly guided to 21 the knowledge learned Punishment no longer exists ( 存在 ) 22 and students are just like friends The idea is of course a perfect one if it can really be carried out However it 23 exists in th

17、e imagination and will never be realized We must admit (承认 ) that 24 should at least be guided properly Just close your eyes and think how many students will 25 the duties of a student if they are not pushed 26 is the use of advice only if it is not supported by a reasonable 27 of control and punish

18、ment? It is 28 for us to judge the success and failure of the kind of education now but 29 the bad behavior of children which is really the 30 of liberal education we can see that something must be done to help these children ( )16 A teach B order C learn D push ( )17 A organization B figure C effec

19、t D fact ( )18 A hold B find C make D answer ( )19 A encouraged B told C used D driven ( )20 A shopping B lunch C sports D lessons ( )21 A remember B use C review D act ( )22 A Enemies B Fathers C Teachers D Classmates ( )23 A also B only C even D never ( )24 A children B families C adults D schools

20、 ( )25 A arrange B make C perform D return ( )26 A Why B When C What D Where ( )27 A degree B rest C person D master ( )28 A easy B possible C hard D helpful ( )29 A with B against C about D from ( )30 A progress B goal C result D purpose 【答案】 16-20 ACBAD 21-25 BCBAC 26-30 CACDC 【江苏省南京市高淳区2014 年中考一模

21、】 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 A few years ago, I worked a 12-hour night shift(夜班 ) and got home from work. I was on my way back home and was very tired. I 16 at a restaurant to have breakfast. Right after I placed my order, I saw a man come in. He was carrying a small backpack

22、and looked like he had seen better times. He reached in his pocket and pulled out some 17 . He asked the waitress if 38 cents was 18 to buy a cup of coffee. She looked at his backpack and said, “ 19 . Have a seat.” (Coffee was 50 cents a cup at the time.) It really touched me how she had tried to pr

23、otect his pride and how he hadn t asked for any charity. Shortly before my 20 came, I asked the waitress to come over. I said, “ You know, I am not feeling well. I don t think I am going to be able to eat my breakfast. Do you think there is 21 here who might eat it?” She first asked if I was OK and

24、then she 22 . She said, “ I think so. Are you sure?” I told her that I was sure. She then walked over to the gentleman and told him that I had ordered food and it was too 23 to stop the order but I didn t feel like eating. Would he be so kind as to take it 24 they wouldn t have to throw it away? I h

25、ad walked to the cash register(收银台 ) and was paying for the meal. At the cash register, I asked if they had gift cards. They did. I bought one 25 $25.00 and asked them to give it to the gentleman after I left. 16. A. looked B. stood C. waited D. stopped 17. A. notes B. tickets C. change D. paper 18.

26、 A. enough B. short C. good D. able 19. A. Not really B. Never mind C. With pleasure D. Of course 20. A. menu B. food C. coffee D. bill 21. A. anyone B. everyone C. someone D. no one 22. A. accepted B. refused C. understood D. left 23. A. early B. late C. slow D. quick 24. A. because B. if C. so tha

27、t D. unless 25. A. at B. for C. with D. by 【答案】 16-20 DCADB 21-25 ACBCB 【江苏省苏州市工业园区2014 届九年级3 月调研】 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题的A、B、C、D 四个选项选出最佳选项(10 分) Mary loved small animalsOne morning while she was walking in the forest,she found 36 weak birds in the grassShe took them home and put them in a small cag

28、e She cared them with love and the birds both grew 37 They thanked her 38 a wonderful song every morning But something happened one dayMary left the door of the cage open The larger bird flew from the cage She thought that it would 39 As it flew close , she grasped(紧抓 )it She was very excited to cat

29、ch it Suddenly she felt strange She opened her hand and looked sadly at the 40 birdHer great love had killed the bird! The other bird was moving back and forth(回)in the cage Mary could 41 its great need for freedom( 自由 )It wanted to fly into the clear and blue sky At once ,Mary took the bird 42 the

30、cage and let it fly away The bird circled once ,twice,three times Mary enjoyed watching the bird flying and singing 43 Suddenly the bird flew 44 and landed softly on her headIt sang the sweetest song that she had ever heard The easiest way to lose love is to hold it too tightThe best way to keep lov

31、e is to 45 it wings ( )36 A some Bseveral Ctwo Dthree ( )37 A small Bstrong C thin Dtired ( )38 A with Bfor Cabout Dat ( )39 A return B die Cfly back Dfly away ( )40 A 1iving Binteresting Clucky Ddead ( )41 A take Bfeel Csay Dget ( )42 A out of B out from Cout off Daway of ( )43 A sadly Bhappily Cfr

32、iendly Dangrily ( )44 A higher Bfarther C closer D1ater ( )45 A show Bgive Cpass DBuy 【答案】 36-45 CBADD BABCB 【江苏省苏州市昆山市2014 年中考第一次模拟】 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Fears are something we all have. You need to face your fears and to get over them. However, its eas

33、ier 16 than done. Running away from your fears doesnt make them leave. It just makes them 17 than ever. Were never going to be 18 fearless of everything we do, but we can at least be more fearless and 19 . Before you can face fears, you need to learn more about it 20 makes you fearful, communicating

34、 your fear one way. Other people may be able to 21 your anxiety (焦虑) because they know something you dont. It could be from a past 22 ,something that you could never forget and has made you Fearful 23 then. To face fears, you have to 24 in something. Its a very healthy way of letting you feel as if

35、nothing can go 25 .When you feel that way, you will be able to believe that everything will be okay. 16.A. called B. acted C. dreamed D. said 17.A. louder B. sillier C. brighter D. bigger 18.A. similarly B. specially C. completely D. strongly 19.A.honest B. confident C. patient D. energetic 20. A. w

36、ho B. why C. where D. what 21.A.remind B. realize C. represent D. receive 22.A.season B. expression C. subject D. experience 23,A.before B. since C. after D. until 24.A.believe B. suggest C. dream D. succeed 25.A.wrong B. guilty C. direct D. correct 【答案】 16-25 DDCBD BDBAA 【江苏省泰州市第二附属中学2014 届九年级中考模拟(

37、一模)】 (阅读短文,从每题所给选项选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项)(每小题l 分,共 15 分) Dad lost his job after arguing with the boss and when Christmas came that year we had no money 41 On Christmas Eve Dad took me out into the park I had a blanket wrapped around me so I 42 to share it with Dad but he said no thanks We 43 at the sky Thos

38、e shining stars were one of the 44 treats for people like us who lived out in the wildness Rich city people he d say live in 45 flats but their air was so polluted that they 46 not even see the stars “47 your favorite star” Dad said that night He told me I could have it for keeping He said it was my

39、 Christmas 48 “ You can t give me a star” I said “49 owns the stars ” “ That s right” Dad said “ But you can suppose it is yours And when you do that it is yours” I 50 my head looked at the stars and tried to figure out which was the best one Then I found one “ I want that one” I said Dad smiled “ T

40、hat s Venus(金星) ” he said “ Venus was only a planet She looked bigger and brighter because she was much 51 than the stars Poor old Venus didn t even make her52 light She shone only from reflected (反射) light” “ I like it anyway” I said “ I had loved Venus even53 that Christmas You could see it in the

41、 early evening and if you got up early you could still see it in the morning after all the stars had disappeared” Dad said “ Ok it s Christmas I54 your decision You can have it if you want” And he gave me Venus We all laughed about the kids who believed in the Santa myth(圣诞传说)and got nothing for Chr

42、istmas but a bunch of cheap plastic toys “ Many years later when all the junk they got is broken and long forgotten” Dad said “ you will55 have your star 41 A at first B at onceC at allD at least 42 A askedB providedC requiredD offered 43 A looked up B looked for C look out D look after 44 A strange

43、B specialC importantD impossible 45 A fantasticB uglyC oldD poor 46 A neededB couldC shouldD had better 47 A pick upB take outC put outD pick out 48 A dinner B card C party D present 49 A Everybody B Somebody C Anybody D Nobody 50 A lowedB putC raisedD rose 51 A slowerB fartherC closerD higher 52 A

44、aloneB lonelyC strongD own 53 A when B beforeC afterD until 54 A dislike B refuse C accept D consider 55 A even B never C already D still 【答案】 41-45 CDABA 46-50 BDDDC 51-55 CDBCD 【江苏省无锡市2014 年初三英语模拟试卷】 先通读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从下面四个选项中选择可以填入相应空白处的最佳答 案。 (本大题共10 分,每小题1分) In Britain, people have different att

45、itudes( 态度 ) to the police. Most people generally appreciate( 欣 赏) them and the job they do although there are some people who do not believe that the police _15_ have the power that they do. What does a policeman do in fact? It is not _16_ job to describe. After all, a policeman has a number of jobs in one. A policeman often has to control traffic, either on foot in the centre of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed, in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and


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