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1、2019-2020 年中考英语试题精选:补全对话 【2010 山东滨州】九、口语交际(共5 小题,计 5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子, 并将其字母标号填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情 景。 (有两个多余选项) Jack: Was the concert good? Sadie: (96) _ Jack: Why are you angry then? (97) _ Sadie: Well, after the concert I waited outside the theatrein the rain. I wanted their autographs. Jack:

2、 Did you see them? Sadie: (98) _ Jack: Did they talk to you? Sadie: No, they didnt. They didnt wave. They didnt smile. They didnt say hello. (99) _ They just jumped into a big, black car and then disappeared. Jack: (100) _ Sadie: Yes. But that was yesterday. A.They didn t even look at us. B.No. You

3、love them as before. C.Yes, it was great! D.What s the matter? E.Were they friendly to you? F.You once loved them so much. G.Yes, I did. 答案: 1. C 问句是有was引导的一般疑问句,所以答句应该用Yes, it was. 或 No, it wasnt. 回答, 2. D 根据答句得内容是叙述的所以上一句应该是询问发生了什么事。 3. G 句是由 did 引导的一般疑问句,所以答句应该回答yes, sb did. 或 No, sb didnt. 4. A

4、选项句式与上文相同、句意递进。 5. F 根据下文句意: 是的,那时昨天的事情了。所以上文应该说的是以前的事。根据上下文的意思可知“我 以前很喜欢他们。” 【2010 四川达州】从对话后的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。 M: You look unhappy. 61 W: Oh my clothes are out of style. I dont look cool. M: Well, maybe you should buy some new clothes. W: Yes, but I dont have enough money. M: Huh. 62 W: I can t, beca

5、use my parents want me to stay at home every night. I argued with them about it. M: Well, you shouldnt argue with your parents. 63 W: And guess what else is wrong? M: What? W: 64 A. My brother plays his CDs too loud! I cant go to sleep. B. You should talk about your problems. C. Maybe you could get

6、a part-time job in the evenings. D. Whats wrong? 答案: 61 D, 看 W不高兴,所以会问怎么啦 62W没钱买衣服,建议做份业余工作挣钱。 63 M 建议和父母谈一下 64, W不愉快还因为弟弟的CD声音太大,影响了休息。 【2010 湖南娄底】完成对话(共5 小题,计10 分) 通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。 A: Hi , David! 46 ? B: Hi , Sarah! A: 47 A: 48 B: Yes , A: Oh , my God! 49 B: I hope so, A: 50 【主旨大意】这是关于去看病人的对

7、话。 答案: 46.What are you going to do 48.I m sorry to hear that 50.Can I go to see her with you 【2010 重庆】口语应用。 (每小题1 分,共 5 分) 阅读下面对话,从方框内7 个选项中选择5 个恰当的句子完成此对话,并将其番号填入题前括号内。 A. I ll take them. B. Can you go to other shops? C. I feel sorry about it. D. May I have a look at other shoes? E. How much are th

8、ey? F. I d like a pair of shoes for my daughter. G. She likes white and black. A: What can I do for you? ( ) B: 71 A: For your daughter? Look, the shoes are really nice. Do you like them? ( ) B: Yes. But Im afraid my daughter doesnt like the color. 72 A: Sure. There are different kinds of shoes over

9、 there. What color does she like? ( ) B: 73 And black is her favorite. A: What size does she need? ( ) B: Size 9. Let me see. Um, this pair of shoes must fit her. 74 A: They are not expensive, only 199 yuan. ( ) B: That would be fine. 75 Here is the money. Thanks very much! A: You are welcome. 【主旨大意

10、】这是一个买东西的对话 答案: 7175 FDGEA 【2010 四川宜宾】口语应用。(共 5 个小题,每小题1 分,计 5 分) 在下面对话的空白处填入适当的单词,使对话的意思完整、通顺,每空限填一词(含缩写词)。 (Mrs. Cook arrives home after shopping for food.) Walter: Mom, I cant find my eraser. Mrs. Cook: Again? Thats the fourth (71) this month! Have you checked your pencil box? Walter: Yes, but it

11、s not there. Mrs. Cook: Did you look (72) in your room? Walter: Yes, I did. Mrs. Cook: How about the living room? Walter: It (73) be there. I was doing my homework in my room and didnt even go into the living room. Mrs. Cook: Well, then, borrow one from your brother for now. Ill (74) you find it aft

12、er I put all the food in the refrigerator. Walter: OK. Mrs. Cook: Walter! Look what Ive (75) . Walter: My eraser! Oh, I remember! I got some juice from the refrigerator, and.and Mrs. Gook: And put the eraser in the refrigerator. Walter: Well, I dont remember that part. Mrs. Cook: Well, take it, and

13、be more careful next time. 【主旨大意】这是一个找东西的对话 答案: 71. time 72. around 73. couldnt /can t 74. help 75. found 【四川内江】口语应用(共5 小题,每小题1 分,满分5 分)从对话后的选项中选择适当的选项补全 对话,并将其正确答案写在题后相应的横线上。 (X : Xiao Lin L : Lin Xin S : Salewoman ) X :Hello ,Lin Xin ! Where are you going ? L : 71 X :To Junlin Mall ? 72 L : Don t

14、you know what the date is tomorrow ? X :Oh , I remember ! Tomorrow is Womens Day ! L : Yes , youre right ! Im going to buy a gift for my mother . 73 X :Of course , Id like to . Lets go to the mall together . (At the shop ) X : 74 L : I think scarfs are the best ones . X :That s great ! I agree . L :

15、 How about these ones ? X :They re beautiful . X and L : 75 S:¥80 for each . Theyre¥160 in all . X and L :Here you are . A. How much are they ? B. Would you like to get a gift for your mother ? C. To Junlin Mall . D. Can you go with me ? E. What kind of gifts should we buy ? F. What are you going to

16、 do there ? G. Can I help you ? 71._ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._ 【主旨大意】这是两个人妇女节为母亲买礼物的对话。 答案: 【2010 福建?晋江】 情景对话(附加题) 从每小题A、B、 C三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(10 分 ) 1 当有人赞扬你发型漂亮时,你应该回应说_. A. Thank you. B. That s right. C. Where, where. 2当你晚上和朋友分手时,你会跟对方说_. A. Good afternoon! B. Good night! C. Good evening! 3当你看到你的朋友脸

17、色很不好看时,你会问_来关心她。 A. How do you do? B. Are you OK? C. Are you sad ? 4当你在公共汽车上不小心踩了他人的脚时,你应该说_以示道歉 . A. Excuse me. B. Never mind. C. I m sorry. 5就餐时,朋友问你要不要加点汤,而你已吃饱,你会说_来委婉拒绝 . A. No, thanks. B. No, no, no. C. Why not? 1.A 由于文化差异,东方人在听到赞赏、赞美时通常表示谦虚,而西方人通常会说Thank you. 2.B Good night ! 意为“晚安” ,通常在夜晚使用,

18、有告别之意。 3.B Are you OK? 意为“你没事吧” ,是表示对方的关心。 4.C Excuse me. 有少许致歉的成份,但通常在打扰对方或给对方带来不便时使用。Never mind. 意为“别担心” ,通常用于安慰对方。而I m sorry.用于由于过失之后,是实实在在的道歉。 5.A 拒绝对方善意的要求,需委婉且不忘致谢。 【2010 河南】 六、补全对话(5 小题,每小题2 分,共 10 分) A:Hello, Charles. B: Hello, Claire. Nice to see you here. How are you? A: Fine, thanks, Wher

19、e are you going for your summer holidays, Clarles? B:76. . I m going to stay with my uncle for three weeks. A: You certainly are lucky. How are you going there? B: By air, of course. 77 ? A: Im going to visit my grandparents in a small villageI go there every summer B:Sounds great! Ive never been to

20、 the countrysideWhat do you do there? A:I do many things78 . B:It s fantastic! Are you going there alone? A:N079 By the way, whats John going to do this summer? B:He says hes going to the mountains with his parents Well ,Ive got to 90Have fun ,C1aire A:80 I 11 see you in September 76 To my hometown

21、AustraliaShanghai Im going to my hometownAustraliaShanghai/ 77 Where are you going(for your summer holidays) What are you going to do this summer What s your plan (for summer holidays)What are your plans (for Summer holidays)What plans do you have (for summer holidays) What about youHow about you 78

22、 1 help my grandparents do farm work I feed chickens, water plants and ride horses l go swimming and boating/I play basketball or tennis 79 Im going with my cousinmy brother/ With my cousinmy brother My cousinbrother is going with me My parentsare going with me 80 You too(,Charles) You,too The same

23、to you Thanks(a lot)Thank you(very much)A lot of thanks 【2010 安徽省卷】 VIII. 补全对话(共5 小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分) 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A: Whats the date today? B: Its June 16. A: 71 Then its Dragon Boat Festival today, isnt it? B: Yes. 72 A: Did you have rice dumplings this morning? B: Sure. 7

24、3 A: I didnt. B: What a pity! But I happen to have got some with me. 74 A: Id love to. By the way, why do you call it Dragon Boat, Festival? B: Because in China, people race dragon boats this day every year. A: Oh, I see. 75 B: You are welcome. A. We Chinese usually eat rice dumplings this day. B. I

25、 hate eating rice dumplings. C. Thank you for your rice dumpling. D. I dont think so. E. Would you like to have one? F. Already? G. How about you? 【主旨大意】 :对话围绕中国传统节日端午节展开,谈论了节日的日期、由来以及吃粽子、赛龙舟等 习俗。 71.F 询问对方日期后对方回答“6 月 16 日” 。后面提到这一天是端午节。此时发出感叹Already? , 意思是“已经(6 月 16 日)了吗?” 72.A 由上文的端午节以及下文对方询问有没有吃水

26、饺可知,此处是在向对方介绍中国人过端午节吃水饺 的习俗。 73.G Sure告诉对方自己今天早上吃过粽子了。根据下文对方的回答I didnt 可知,此处是 在询问对方有没有吃。How about you? 意思是“你(有没有吃)呢?”。 74.E 上文说到A没有吃粽子而B恰好带了几个。 根据下文A的回答 I d love to. ,可知 Would you like to have one?询问对方要不要吃一个符合情境。 75.C 由下句 You are welcome (不客气)可知此处是在表示谢意。 【2010 福建?晋江】(C )口语运用 补全对话:根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处

27、的最佳选项。(10 分) A: Hi, Li Jun. You were not at school yesterday. 56 B: Oh, I had a headache and I had to ask for a sick leave. A: Sorry to hear that. 57 B: Yes, my mother took me to the hospital. A: 58 B: The doctor checked me over and said I had a cold. A: 59 B: Yes, a little. The doctor told me to ta

28、ke the medicine three times a day and have plenty of water. A: 60 B: Yes, much better. But I ve missed so many lessons. A: Dont worry about it. Ill help you later. B: Thanks a lot. 【主旨大意】 :这是一段师生对话,老师(A)询问学生Li Jun ( B)昨 天为什么没有上学。当得知Li Jun生病了后,老师关心询问其病情并安慰Li Jun ,让他不要为落下的功 课担心。 A. Did you see the doctor? B. Are you feeling better now? C. Was it serious? D. What was wrong with you? E. What did the doctor say?


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