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1、2018 中考模拟测试题(一) 第一卷选择题(60 分) I. 词汇测试 (15 分) i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。( 共 8 小题,每 小题 1 分) ()1. Lucy, thanks for your suggestions. They are valuable. Youre welcome. Im glad I can help you. A. enough B. rich C. useful ()2. Mom, I cant solve this problem. Don t worry. I will help you after I f

2、inish doing the dishes. A. work out B. work with C. work as ()3. Dad, come and play with me. Sony, dear, I am working at the moment. A. just now B. later C. now ()4. How long have you lived in Beijing, Tom? For nearly two years. I came here in June, 2015. A. over B. about C. exactly ()5. It is impos

3、sible to finish the work in such a short time by yourself. Maybe, but I will try my best. A. at last B. on your own C. without money ()6. Why did they spend an amount of time on the project? Because it was difficult and they didnt get any help. A. a bit of B. plenty of C. half of ()7. My father left

4、 for London on business yesterday. Why not ask your mother to the parents meeting instead? A. arrived at B. came back to C. went to ()8. Why did you give up collecting model planes? Because it took me a lot of time and money. A. stop B. start C. keep ii.根据句子意思, 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共 7 小 题,

5、每小题1 分) ()9. If a person has a new_ of solving a problem, he or she has a new way to solve it. A. method B. machine C. note ()10. I dont think he _ how dangerous this is to him. A. replies B. realizes C. respects ()11. How do you like the new park? It s_. I want to visit it again. A. empty B. fantas

6、tic C. simple ()12. A man killed a nurse and hurt a doctor at a hospital in that city. So it is necessary to take steps to_ the safety of medical workers. A. protect B. spread C. increase ()13. What do I need to run a shop? You need money and time. _, you need to work hard. A. So far B. For example

7、C. In addition ()14. I think learning Maths is more important than learning Chinese. I don t_ you. In my opinion, they are both important. A. join in B. agree with C. prepare for ()15. When will the sports meeting _? Five days later. We have been ready for it. A. take action B. take place C. take up

8、 II.完形填空 (15 分) 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从 16-25 各小题的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 ( 共 10 小题,每小题分) There are many unusual hotels around the world. Can you imagine sleeping in a room made of 16? That is what guests do at the Ice Hotel in Sweden. Everything in the Ice Hotel is made of ice and each room has 17 features

9、 (特色 ). Some rooms have ice trees and flowers. Others have ice animals. People use special sleeping bags to keep 18 on their ice beds. The 19 the hotel is built makes it different from any other hotel in the world. In March, workers cut large pieces of ice from the Tome River and store (贮存 ) them un

10、til they are 20. Then some artists work together to plan a new hotel. In November, the building work 21 First, the workers put snow on special metal forms. Next, walls are built with the ice that has been 22. Then the artists make ice beds and other things for the rooms. Of course, people can stay a

11、t the Ice Hotel only in 23. In spring, the ice melts because of the warm weather. The hotel will not 24 until the next winter. And the process of planning and building begins 25. This means that each year people can live in a new Ice Hotel! ()16, A. paper B. grass C. ice ()17. A. common B. unusual C

12、. useful ()18. A. cold B. clean C. warm ()19. A. way B. place C. money ()20. A. heated B. formed C. needed ()21. A. costs B. begins C. finishes ()22. A. planted B. worked C. collected ()23. A. winter B. autumn C. summer ()24. A. create B. prepare C. appear ()25. A. ever B. again C. even III.阅读理解 (30

13、 分) 阅读下列短文,从下面每题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。( 共 20 小题,每小题 分) A A sweet voice can tum into money. It is reported that a woman running an online store makes 400 wake-up calls for her customers each month. Weini, born in 1989, has worked in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, for about six years. The woman is interest

14、ed in travelling. She began to charge (收费 ) 1 for each call in early 2016. Although this is still a part-time job for her, she has hired (雇 佣) seven girls to help her. All of them were born in the 1990s. You can ask them to give calls to send wishes or apologies to your friends. You can pay for a si

15、ngle call. If you would like, you can also order weekly or monthly service. The store also promises to offer the service in different styles or for different lengths of time. The price has also increased from 1 yuan to 5 yuan. Monthly orders have reached nearly 400. Weini says her customers are main

16、ly those who are worried about oversleeping and missing school, work or meetings. One of her customers was fined (罚款 ) 1,000 yuan a month for going to work late in the past and now only pays 100 yuan, according to Weini. To keep good customer relations, Weinis store provides value -added services su

17、ch as reminding customers of weather information. Comments on the store include “sweet voice ”. And “responsible ”. Weini says she doesntearn much from the part-time job but she likes the sense of fulfillment. ()26. How many wake-up calls does Weinis store make each day? A. About 400. B. About 130.

18、C. About 40. D. About 13. ()27. What does Weini like doing? A. Sleeping all day. B. Travelling to different places. C. Calling her friends to send wishes. D. Reminding her customers of weather information. ()28. Who will probably order the wake-up calls? A. The one who has difficulty getting up earl

19、y. B. The one whose mother always wakes him / her up in the morning. C. The one who is used to taking exercise in the morning. D. The one who runs an online store. ()29. What does the underlined word “Mfillment” mean in English? A. Humour. B. Fear. C. Satisfaction. D. Worry. B The highest price of C

20、hinese artwork at auction (拍卖 ) last year: million yuan Five Drunken Kings Return on Horses by Ren Renfa, a famous painter and also a high-ranking official in charge of the control of water during the Yuan Dynasty, was sold at auction for million yuan in Beijing on December 4, 2016. Scattering books

21、 on the subway in big cities Xinshixiang, a famous public account (公众号 )on WeChat started a Scattering Book project in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou last year. About 10,000 books were left in the subways, airplanes and taxis for sharing. Each book was marked with the Scattering Book project name a

22、nd anyone could read the book freely. The first Chinese woman to win the Hugo Award Science-fiction author Hao Jingfang became the first Chinese woman to win the Hugo Award The 33-year-old woman from Tianjin won the prize for Folding Beijing. Her win came a year after Liu Cixin won the Hugo Award fo

23、r his novel The Three-Body Problem. He was the first Chinese author to win the prize. Peking Opera master Mei Baojiu died at 82 Mei Baojiu, a Peking Opera master, died at the age of 82 on April 25, 2016 in Beijing. Mei Baojiu was the ninth son of Mei Lanfang (1894-1961), who is considered as the mos

24、t outstanding Peking Opera artist of all time and who brought Peking Opera to the United States and Europe in the 1930s. ()30. According to the information, we can know about the _ in 2016. A. major sports events B. major school events C. major cultural events D. major events of Beijing ()31. Who wa

25、s the first Chinese to win the Hugo Award? A. Hao Jingfang. B. Liu Cixin. C. Mei Baojiu. D. Mei Lanfang. ()32. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Hao Jingfang is known for The Three-Body Problem. B. Five Drunken Kings Return on Horses was sold at a higher price than any other artwork. C. The Scatter

26、ing Book project was only carried out in three cities in China last year. D. Now Mei Baojiu is considered as the best Peking Opera artist. ()33. Where can you probably get the information? A. From a poster. B. From a newspaper. C. From a novel. D. From a guidebook. C Plenty of people order take-out

27、when they feel too sick to cook. But an English woman asked for a side order of medicine with her food. Feeley sFish & Chip Shop received the unusual request from Fiona Cuffe on December 30. In the “additional comments” section, she wrote, “Will you please stop on the way and get me some flu pills (

28、感冒药 )? I might only get the medicine by ordering food. Im dying of sick.” Though Feeley sfelt strange, the worker finished the order and bought the medicine. Then the shop shared a photo of the order on Facebook with the caption ( 标题 ) “Words absolutely fail me” be fore the worker delivered them. Th

29、e original photo has been shared nearly 3,000 times on Facebook, with many likes from all over the world praising Feeleys customer service. Even Fionas father John showed his thanks. The restaurants social media manager,Daniel Casey, told CNN he was surprised to see such a strange request but he adm

30、ired her skill for getting what she needed!” “She told us she was dying, so of course we were happy to help her.” “Our restaurant is in a small community in Belfast, England and the woman in question has used us several times before,” he said. “She was pleased about receiving the medicine and we wis

31、h she will get better soon. Our customers are the lifeblood of our business, and we will always do what we can for them.” ()34. Fiona got the medicine by ordering food because . A. she couldn t find a drugstore (药店) B. she had a serious illness C. the restaurant sold medicine D. it was convenient fo

32、r the restaurant to buy the medicine ()35. What does the underlined sentence mean? A. The worker in the restaurant didn t want to talk with Fiona. B. The worker in the restaurant didn t do as Fiona ordered. C. The worker in the restaurant felt too surprised to say anything. D. Fionas order made the

33、worker in the restaurant unhappy. ()36. What can we know about Fiona according to this passage? A. She was lazy. B. She was disabled. C. She was smart. D. She was foolish. ()37. Which is the right order according to the passage? Fiona s father showed his thanks. The restaurant shared a photo of the

34、order on Facebook. The restaurant received the unusual request. The restaurant finished the order. The restaurant bought some pills. A. B. C. D. D Jackie Chan, the kung fu master who has starred in more than 100 movies, admits that the hardest step on his long journey to Hollywood is jumping the lan

35、guage barrier ( 障碍 ). He didn t speak a word of English when he arrived in California in the 1980s. “It will be a very long story to talk about my English-learning experience, the 63-year-old man said happily during a recent event in Beijing. can say that now Hollywood needs me, but in the past, I n

36、eeded Hollywood.” Chan wag famous as a martial-arts (武术 ) master in Asia in the mid-70s. But his employer, Golden Harvest, hoped he could break into the larger US film industry. So the company let him fly to the United States by himself to immerse ( 浸入 ) himself in the English-speaking world so that

37、 he could learn the language as quickly as possible. Jackie Chan tried his best to stand in Hollywood when it was hard to see a Chinese person there. To do that, it was the most important for him to speak English well. To improve his English, he listened and practised as much as possible. Jackie Cha

38、n, who s also a singer, used American folk songs, films and TV series to study. He listened to them again and again and practised the pronunciation. He improved his listening skills by covering the bottom of the television so that he couldn tread the subtitles (字幕 ). Once he hired four English teach

39、ers and spent nine hours a day learning English. He also practised his English while appearing in movies such as Rumble in the Bronx and Rush Hour. He often communicated with the American actors when he was free. Finally, he was able to speak English well. ()38. What was the most difficult step for

40、Jackie Chan to be famous in Hollywood? A. Playing roles in more American films. B. Knowing more famous directors. C. Flying to the USA alone. D. Learning to speak English well. ()39. The final reason for Jackie Chan going to America was to _. A. learn English well B. play roles in Rumble in the Bron

41、x and Rush Hour C. break into the US film industry D. hire English teachers for him ()40. What does the underlined word “that ” refer to? A. Becoming famous in Hollywood. B. Seeing more Chinese people in Hollywood. C. Communicating with Americans in English without difficulty. D. Learning to sing so

42、ngs in English. ()41. What cant we know from the passage? A. Jackie Chan has played roles in over 100 movies. B. Jackie Chan was born in 1954. C. In the mid-70s, Jackie Chan was already famous around the world. D. Jackie Chan learnt English by watching movies and listening to music. E A survey has f

43、ound that college students in China prefer paying bills through mobile phones. According to the survey, 92 percent of those who were born in the 1990s used mobile phones to pay in 2016, with each college student paying an average of 40,839 yuan through Alipay. It is an increase of 97 percent over 20

44、15. Chen Lin, who studies at a university in Beijing, said she seldom uses cash (现 金) now and has been using mobile payments for a long time. Usually she carries only 100 or 200 yuan with her. The survey also finds that girls use e-payments more often than boys, though boys spend more. Hu Hao, a stu

45、dent at a university in Shanghai, said that he spent about 16,000 yuan buying things online in 2016. It was about 70 percent of his total expenditure (支 出) for the whole year. He said male college students seem to spend more because they seldom compare prices when buying things according to his own

46、experience. “ ln addition, some male students may have to buy gifts or pay bills for their girlfriends, which may also be a reason why they spend more,” Hu added. Jin Xiaotong, a teacher from Jilin University, said most of college students still ask their parents for money. “They should spend the mo

47、ney on the right things. They should plan ahead and learn to know which things must be bought and which are not necessary so that they wont waste their money, ” she said. ()42. The survey showed _ of those born in the 1990s used mobile payments in 2016. A. 97% B. 70% C. 90% D. 92% ()43. How much did

48、 Hu Hao spend buying things in 2016? A. About 16,000 yuan. B. About 40,839 yuan. C. About 23,000 yuan. D. About 11,200 yuan. ()44. What can we know from the last paragraph? A. College students should learn to use money properly. B. College students should try to use the least money. C. College stude

49、nts should not ask their parents for money. D. College students should not pay through mobile phones. ()45. Whats the passage mainly about? A. College students in China are used to paying bills through mobile phones. B. Girls use e-payments more often than boys. C. Male college students spend more money than female college students. D. College students should learn to save money. 第二卷非选择题(25 分) IV. 语法填空: 用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上


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