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1、1 1 2008 高考专项练习大全年书面表达11-20(及答案) (十一 ) 面对中学生 “ 出国热 ” ,社会对此有不同的看法。请你以Studying Abroad 为题,根据以下提供的 信息,谈谈自己的看法。 Advantages Disadvantages 1.良好的语言环境,更利于语言学习。 2.拓宽视野,学习国外先进的科学技术。 3.传播各民族间的不同文化。 1.年纪小,缺乏生活经验,自理能力差。 2.情感孤独,思乡 3.生活学习费用高 注意:1 第一句已为你写好,不计入总词数。 2词数 120 左右。3参考词汇: 媒介,中间人 mediator Studying Abroad In

2、 recent years,studying abroad has been popular_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (十二 ) 上网是中学生最热门的话题之一。对此,有的同学说好,有的同学则持反对意见。请你根据下 面所提供的信息写一篇短文。 优点缺点 1.对学生帮助大2.可查阅有关课程信息, 上因特网( internet)学习 1.大部分同学上网聊天,玩游戏, 甚至上不良网站 ( web sites)2.影响学生正常的学习 3.了解最新信息,开阔眼界,扩大知识面3.对学生身心都造成伤害 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 2 (十三 ) 最近,你校同学参加了某英文报组织的一场辩论

3、。辩题是:中学生要不要参加社会实践?请你根 据下表所提供的信息,给报社写一篇短文,客观地介绍辩论情况。题目已经给出。 正方同学认为:. 反方同学认为: 1.应参加社会实践 2.有助于了解社会,获得经验 3.有助于培养能力,学以致用 1.不应参加社会实践 2.太年轻,不能很好地适应社会 3.浪费时间、精力、也没有机会 注意: 1词数: 100 左右。 2参考词汇:辩论debate 正方 the pros 反方 the cons A Heated Debate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (十四 ) 假如你是学生会生活部长,向教你们班英语课的校长用英语写一封信反映食堂的情况。词数 10

4、0 左右。信的内容要点如下表: 满意的方面不满意的方面建议 品种较多、价格较廉 味道可口、环境改善 份量不足 座位不够 改进质量 改善服务 参考词语:食堂canteen 一份食物helping _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 3 (十五 ) 假如你叫李华,你的学校在学习上减轻了学生负担。你们有了很多课余时间,请根据下面的内 容向一家英语报社写一封信,陈述以下内容。 1.有时间进入图书馆,阅读你想读的书 2.有时间参加各种体育活动 3.有时间开发自己的特长 4.发表自己的看法 注意: (1)词语为 100 词左右; (2)可增加适当的内容;(3)不可逐条翻译。 Dear editor

5、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (十六) 随着网络的发展,目前很多人给亲朋好友发电子贺卡。请根据以下提示,阐述电子贺卡优 越性。 1.可播放动画和声音2.传递速度快3.形式多样4.有利于环境保护 注意:文章包括以上要点,可适当发挥。不要逐条翻译。 词数: 100 左右 . 生词:电子贺卡:electronic card _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 4 (十七 ) 假如你是李华,昨天学校为你们举办了十八岁成人仪式。请根据下列要点给你在美国的笔友发 一封电子邮件,描述仪式过程并简述你的感受。 1成人宣誓2感谢家长和老师的教育和培养3老师送贺卡4表演节目 注意: 1邮件

6、必须包括以上要点,可适当发挥;2词数: 100 左右; 3开头结尾已为你写好。 生词:宣誓make an oath 仪式ceremony Dear Tom, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (十八 ) 你校学生会办的英语月报最近在Our Words 的栏目上有个议题:毕业的学生把课本留给下一届的 学生使用。请你以Is Recycling Textbooks a Good Suggestion? 为题,写一篇100 词左右的稿件表示赞 同。你的理据是: 1可以节省资源,减少浪费;2书上的笔记很有用;3国外 (如澳大利亚 )已有成功的做法; 4其它。注意:不要逐字逐句翻译。 _ _ _ _

7、 _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 5 (十九 ) 为了配合植树节活动,一家英文杂志社邀请中学生参与环境保护的讨论。假设你是李华,请根 据下面四幅图,介绍你家乡的变化,向杂志社投稿,呼吁大家植树造林,保护环境。 注意: 1词数 100 左右。 2信的开头已为你写好,词数不计入总词数内。 3参考词汇:wasteland 荒漠; sandstorm 沙尘暴; environment 环境 Dear editor, I m writing t o tell you about the changes in my hometown In the past my hometown used to be a b

8、eautiful place _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (二十 ) 假如你是某英文报刊的通讯员,请根据下列表格以A Big Forest Fire 为题,写一篇报道:(字数 100 左右 ) 起火地点美国西南部森林 起火时间一九九二年十一月末 火因一青工吸烟 持续时间三个多星期 参加救火人员数千名消防队员和当地居民 伤亡人数九人死亡,约八十人受伤 经济损失至少两千万美元 影响震惊全国 _ 6 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 书面表达练习答案11-20 ( 一 ) I did a survey about our school uniformI asked groups o

9、f my classmates what they think about our uniform The majority like it20 of them say it is very fashionable and the colour is nice.30% think it neat and tidy and symbol for students In some students opinion when we wear our school uniforms ,we feel equal and no need to follow the fashion 0thers don

10、t like the school uniform Some of them feel it uncomfortable and the colour too dull Some consider it old fashioned In the eyes of others,its style is very simple The rest have no idea about it ( 二 ) Great changes have taken place in our country in recent years More and more people in our country ar

11、e getting well-off and their living standards have been remarkably raisedWhat people were dreaming of has largely been turned into realities Quite a number of families are proud of cars of their own Houses which used to be Small and old are replaced by large, modern, and comfortable ones Besides, pe

12、ople nowadays no longer limit themselves to their homes all the year roundThey make trips at home ,and some even go abroadHowever, all these were unthinkable twenty years ago It is believed that the people of our country will have a better and happier life ( 三 ) Dear Mr Liu I have a friend named Mar

13、k Baker who is now teaching history in Washington UniversityHe was born in New York in April,1968He began his study in Julliard Primary School in 1974 and graduated from Sidwell Friends Secondary School in 1986 Then he entered Columbia University ,where he studied for more than six years and got the

14、 doctor s degree of history Meanwhile , he studied Chinese as his second language He has good experience in teaching and his health is in good condition He has always dreamt of coming to China to teach Chinese students He would be most grateful if you would give him the chance Looking forward to hea

15、ring from you Sincerely Your , Wang Ping (四) 0n Recreation It is impossible for us to keep fit unless we often take part in activities of recreation There are various kinds of games in our daily life after studyFor example,listening to music, watching TV ,playing chess,going to the cinema But I thin

16、k wed better have more outdoor activities to supply our muscles with exercise because we usually sit too long in our classroom,and our eyes and brain get tired So it s a good idea to play basketball , football , table tennis,go swimming and do some running , even go for a picnic 0ur brain also needs

17、 changes to make it smart and active, Remember the old saying:“All work and no 7 7 play makes Jack a dull boy ” ( 五 ) As can be seen from the chart,great changes have been taking place in the ownership of mobile phones in ChinaAt the end of 2002 ,there were 20 million users By the year2005,the numbe

18、r will reach up to 30 million People have found mobile phones very convenient They can get in touch with each other whenever and wherever they like There are many different functions for different needs ,such as sending short messages and surfing the Internet However,it may also bring us some troubl

19、e For example,you will have to pay for a wrong number ,and the radiation from the phone may do harm to our healthIn spite of this ,the number of people having mobile phones is still increasing greatly ( 六 ) 0n March the eighth ,Women s Day , Tang Hua had a good idea that he was going to do something

20、 to celebrate it He asked his father to help him First they did some housework , which was always done by his motherTang Hua cleaned the house completelyHis father washed all the dirty clothes Then they made a good meal,cooking fish ,pork,chicken and some other delicious dishes Tang Hua laid the tab

21、le and set a vase in the middle of the table After that,they hid themselves behind the door, waiting for his mother They wanted to give her a happy surprise Indeed, when his mother came back and saw all of this , she felt very curious and happy They had a pleasant festival ( 七 ) April 10 Thursday Sunny I learned that Iraq War broke out on March 20,2003 Eager to know about the event ,I turned on the TV set the moment I got back home What was broadcast shocked me The coalition forces were striking Iraq with the help of th


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