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1、1 新版牛津英语八年级下学期Unit5试题 Class: Name: Marks:(满分 100分) . 单项选择 (每小题 1分,共 15分) ( ) 1. Would you please not speak so loudly in public? Sorry. I will remember to speak in lower voice. A. the; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; / ( ) 2. Which of the following signs can you often see beside a lake? A.B. C. D. ( ) 3.

2、 Excuse me, sir. But you?re my way. Sorry. I didn?t know you were passing by. A. on B. by C. with D. in ( ) 4. The of new inventions should be to make life easier, not to make it harder. A. rules B. subjects C. secrets D. purposes ( ) 5. I have spent on this job. I think I can finish it this afterno

3、on. A. sometime; sometime B. sometimes; some time C. some time; sometime D. some times; some time ( ) 6. Boy, didn?t you see people were waiting in line? Don?t in! I am sorry, sir. A. push B. pull C. put D. carry ( ) 7. Jim always keeps the tap running he finishes washing his face. A. since B. while

4、 C. as D. till ( ) 8. Sir, please put out your cigarette (香烟). Sorry. I the sign. A. don?t notice B. didn?t notice C. haven?t noticed D. won?t notice ( ) 9. Checking your answers before handing in your paper can help you mistakes. A. make B. provide C. avoid D. advise ( )10. You?d better fix the mac

5、hine I have told you. Otherwise, you may make more problems. A. like B. with C. as D. follow 2 ( )11. Jack is always to wait for a long time without getting angry. A. too patient B. patient enough C. enough patient D. very patient ( )12. You?ve spelt the word wrong again, Judy. Sorry. Maybe I am use

6、d to the mistake to think of the right one. A. so B. very C. quite D. too ( )13. Mum, can you give me some advice on how to behave myself at the table? Well, I do have some advice. , please keep quiet while eating. A. In all B. Of all C. At all D. Above all ( )14. Do you think the question too hard?

7、 I don?t think so. He can answer it easily. A. of Jim to answer B. of Jim to answer it C. for Jim to answer D. for Jim to answer it ( )15. Mrs Green. Do you think I can get an “A” in the final exam if I start working hard now? Of course. . A. Better late than never B. Many hands make light work C. Y

8、ou cannot burn the candle at both sides D. Actions speak louder than words . 完形填空 (每小题 1分,共 10分) Pearl necklaces (珍珠项链 ) are very beautiful. Can you believe that these shining pearls 16 a kind of little animal named oyster? The animal lives in a shell (壳), deep down at the bottom 17 the sea. 18 do t

9、hese beautiful pearls form (形成) inside an oyster? A grain ( 颗粒) of sand enters an oyster?s shell. This makes the oyster 19 . Just as 20 some dust enters your eyes, your eyes will water and the tears ( 眼泪) from your eyes will try to 21 out the dust! But when a grain of sand enters an oyster?s shell,

10、it can?t wash it out. 22 , the oyster?s body keeps building a white23 “coat ” around the annoying sand. The coat covers the sand and 24 that makes a pearl. Today people raise pearls on a pearl farm. They 25 the oysters? shells softly and place some sand inside them. When a pearl is made, people get

11、it out again. 3 ( )16. A. turn into B. take in C. get married D. come from ( )17. A. for B. of C. on D. over ( )18. A. How B. Where C. Why D. What ( )19. A. happy B. shy C. upset D. silly ( )20. A. before B. when C. unless D. though ( )21. A. wash B. come C. pull D. throw ( )22. A. Inside B. Perhaps

12、 C. Instead D. Besides ( )23. A. dirty B. serious C. shining D. dangerous ( )24. A. typically B. recently C. suddenly D. finally ( )25. A. break B. open C. save D. protect . 阅读理解 (每小题 2分,共 20分) A Perhaps you?ve seen the English letters “WC ” in your city. They show public toilets. But do you know it

13、 is far from elegant (优雅的 ) English? In fact, foreigners from English-speaking countries rarely use the letters. Workers in our city are changing “WC ” signs all over the city. The government is spending much money changing all the bad English on signs and restaurant menus. Many other places in Chin

14、a are following our steps. “WC, or water closet, is old-fashioned English. It sounds dirty to me,” says Charlie Shifflet, a young man from the US. The old sign will become “Gents/Men” and “Ladies/Women”. “I see lots of poor English in everyday life, and not only on signs,” he says. “I know what they

15、 mean. But they are Chinglish, not real English. For example, when someone says to me ,My hometown is Henan Province?, I know he should say: ,My hometown is in Henan Province?. ,Hometown? is a smaller place in a province.” The common mistakes he picked up include “Not Entry”, which should be “No Ent

16、ry ”, “Direction of Airport” should be changed to “To the Airport”. And it is “room rate ”, not “room price ”. And remember to “Keep off the grass ”, rather than “Care of the green”. ( )26. What does the writer think of the use of “WC ”? A. He doesn?t think it means water closet. B. He doesn?t think

17、 it old -fashioned English. C. He doesn?t think it proper for a sign. D. He thinks it elegant English. 4 ( )27. The underlined word “rarely” means . A. sometimes B. seldom C. often D. always ( )28. Charlie Shifflet . A. is a Chinese living in America B. thinks Chinese people are sometimes using inco

18、rrect English C. likes to hear or see Chinglish D. sometimes uses Chinglish ( )29. Which of the following signs does NOT use Chinglish? A. B. C. D. ( )30. The last paragraph is about . A. why there are so many Chinglish signs B. examples of Chinglish C. where Chinglish signs are D. who uses Chinglis

19、h signs B People use their mouths for many things. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word “mouth”. But some of them are not so nice. Sometimes, people say something to a friend or a family member. Later they regret because it hurts that person?s feelings. Or they tell the

20、 p erson something they didn?t mean to tell. The speaker might say: “I really put my foot in my mouth this time. ” Sometimes when one person is speaking, he says the same thing that his friend is going to say. When this happens, the friend might say: “You took the words right out of my mouth!” Somet

21、imes a person has a bad or sad experience with another person. He might say that experience “left a bad taste in my mouth.” Or the person possibly has a very frightening (可怕的 ) experience, like having an angry dog running after him. He might say: “I had my heart in my mouth.” 5 Some people have lots

22、 of money because they were born into a very rich family. You might say the person “was born with a silver spoon (银勺) in his mouth”. He is the opposite of a person living fro m “hand to mouth”. This person is very poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life, like food. ( )31

23、. The underlined word “regret ” may mean . A. feel sorry B. feel excited C. feel proud D. feel surprised ( )32. When a man says “I had my heart in my mouth”, usually he means he was . A. excited B. afraid C. surprised D. happy ( )33. Your best friend Tony has said what you are going to say, you migh

24、t say: “! ” A. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth B. You really put my foot in my mouth C. You really left a bad taste in my mouth D. You took the words right out of my mouth ( )34. Tom says that he is living from hand to mouth. He means he is living a(n) life. A. busy B. hard C. easy D

25、. rich ( )35. Which of the following might be the best title for this passage? A. Different Uses of Mouth B. People and Their Mouths C. Expressions about Mouth D. The Importance of Mouth . 填空 (每小题 1分,共 15分) A. 根据所给汉语意思或者首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 36. Don?t (触摸) anything on show in the museum. 37. As everyone k

26、nows, (练习) makes perfect. 38. If nobody drops l, the park will be a clean and comfortable place. 39. The swe are going to talk about is “Online Manners”. 40. If you don?t look after your pet bird inpways, it will get ill easily. B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 41. Tom didn?t mean to be (polite) when he shouted. He

27、 was just too excited. 42. We Chinese often greet each other by(shake) hand. 43. After hours of (discuss), they let through the report in the end. 44. People in our country often queue (patient) while waiting in public places. 45. Mrs Lin is too busy (explain) any of the long sentences right now. 6

28、C. 从方框中选择合适的词 (组),并用其适当形式填空 , 完成下面的句子。 soon after, cut in, bump into, conversation, success 46. The party was very . Everyone had a good time. 47. Both of us enjoyed nice food and at the dinner. 48. The teacher was angry because Tom several times when she was speaking. 49. Jack was walking along the

29、 street in a hurry when he a boy. 50. we sat down, the play started. . 根据所给汉语意思填空,完成下面的句子。(每小题 2分,共 10分) 51. 你应该在外面等着轮到你。 You should outside. 52. 这道题太难了,他们算不出来。 The problem is . 53. 我昨天意外地在街上碰到了李老师。 Yesterday I met Mr Lee on the street _. 54. 你应该把花放在屋子里,这样它们就不会受冷了。 You should put the flowers inside

30、to _. 55. 他还没大到可抽烟的年纪。 He is _ smoke. . 任务型阅读(每小题 1分,共 15分) A. 阅读下面的材料,根据其内容填空,完成后面的表格。 Playing with friends, going to a party, having a meal in a restaurant or receiving a birthday giftas a teenager, you go to different places and meet different kinds of people. Everything you do leaves an impressi

31、on (印象 ). So manners are very important. Arriving 30 minutes late for a date may say: “This isn?t that important to me.” Taking a cell phone call while talking to your friend may say: “The caller is more important than the person standing in front of me.” Failing to show thanks to a gift-giver may s

32、ay: “I don?t like the gift.” Is that the message you really want to send? Maybe not. You do not want to be rude, but sometimes what you do makes people think you?re impolite. How can you change that? First, you should know the proper ways to behave around people. We call this manners. Manners are ab

33、out being honest, respectful (尊 重) and considerate (考虑周到的 ). Good manners show in small things. Start to make your manners better now! 7 You could start by adding “please ” and “thank you” to your vocabulary and avoiding bad language. You could start by holding a door open for someone after you to g

34、o through. You could start by showing up on time instead of letting others wait for you. Start now! Start a new life and start to be a teenager with good manners! Having good manners The importance of manners Everything you do leaves an impression. Examples of bad manners Arriving late may mean the

35、date is not important. Taking a call while talking to a friend may mean your friend is (56) important than the caller. Not showing thanks to a gift-giver may mean you (57) the gift. Start to (58) your manners Use “please ” and “thank you ” to (59)bad language. Hold a door open for someone (60)you. S

36、how up on time. B. 阅读下面的短文,根据所给首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 Are you going to have dinner at your Western friend?s home? Then be (61) c with your table manners. Good manners will make you a nice (62) g. You may find Western table manners are (63) dfrom Chinese manners. Here is some good (64) ato keep you cool. Wh

37、en you are (65) rto eat, sit up straight on the chair. Usually, don?t put your elbows (胳膊肘 ) on the table. First (66) pyour napkin (餐巾) up and put it on your lap. You can use it to clean your hands or mouth, but not your face. When you finish eating, put it (67) bon the table. Don?t make any noise w

38、hen you eat or drink the soup. It?s not good to speak when your mouth is (68) f. If you do that, people will see the food in your mouth. If you want to get some food but you can?t ( 69) rit, ask others to pass the dish to you. Put bones on the edge of the plate. And remember, take bread with your (7

39、0) h, not with a fork. . 书面表达 (共15分) 8 学生会将要邀请 Mr Black做一个关于电话礼仪的演讲,请根据下列内容,写 一个不少于 70词的通知,不包括所给的开头和结尾。 Name of the talk: Good telephone manners Time: 2 p.m., 13 May Place: The school hall Content: Some important rules, for example: answer a phone as soon as possible, say sorry for delays (延误), keep

40、 your voice down, be yourself and speak naturally, say good-bye before hanging up Hello, everyone, May I have your attention, please? _ _ Of course, there is a lot more to learn about. Please go and attend the speech. 9 参考答案 . 1-5 BADDC 6-10 ADBCC 11-15 BDDCA . 16-20 DBACB 21-25 ACCDB . 26-30 CBBDB

41、31-35 ABDBC . A. 36. touch 37. practice 38. litter 39. subject 40. proper B. 41. impolite 42. shaking 43. discussion 44. patiently 45. to explain C. 46. successful 47. conversation 48. cut in 49. bumped into 50. Soon after . 51. wait for your turn 52. too difficult for them to work out 53. by accide

42、nt 54. keep them from the cold 55. not old enough to . A. 56. less 57. dislike 58. change 59. avoid 60. behind B. 61. careful 62. guest 63. different 64. advice 65. ready 66. pick 67. back 68. full 69. reach 70. hand(s) . One possible version: Hello, everyone, May I have your attention, please? Ther

43、e will be a speech in the school hall at 2 o?clock on the afternoon of 13 May. Mr Black is going to tell us something about good telephone manners. There are many rules on making or answering phone calls. Please keep some of them in mind. For example, we should always remember to answer a phone as soon as possible. It is polite of you to say sorry for delays. And please keep your voice down on the phone. You should be yourself and speak naturally and politely. Before you hang up, never forget to say good-bye. Of course, there is a lot more to learn about. Please go and attend the speech.


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