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1、精选文档 新版中华人民共和国公司法(2005 年修订 )-英汉对照法律英语 2010-12-22 11:21 大 中 小 纠错 中华人民共和国公司法(2005 年修订 ) COMPANY LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA (revised in 2005) (1993 年 12 月 29 日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议通过根据 1999 年 12 月 25 日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十三次会议关于修改 中华人民共和 国公司法的决定第一次修正根据 2004 年 8 月 28 日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员 会第十一次会议关于修改中

2、华人民共和国公司法的决定第二次修正2005 年 10 月 27 日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议修订) (Adopted at the Fifth Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National Peoples Congress on December 29, 1993. Revised for the first time on December 25, 1999 in accordance with the Decision of the Thirteenth Session of the Standing C

3、ommittee of the Ninth Peoples Congress on Amending the Company Law of the Peoples Republic of China. Revised for the second time on August 28, 2004 in accordance with the Decision of the 11th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China on

4、Amending the Company Law of the Peoples Republic of China. Revised for the third time at the 18th Session of the 10th National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China on October 27, 2005) 第一章总 则 Chapter I General Provisions 第一条为了规范公司的组织和行为,保护公司、股东和债权人的合法权益,维护社会 经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制定本法。 Art

5、icle 1 This Law is formulated for the purposes of regulating the organization and operation of companies, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, maintaining the socialist economic order, and promoting the development of the socialist market economy.

6、第二条本法所称公司是指依照本法在中国境内设立的有限责任公司和股份有限公司。 Article 2 The term “company“ as mentioned in this Law refers to a limited liability company or a joint stock company limited established within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China in accordance with the provisions of this law. 第三条公司是企业法人,有独立的法人财产,享有法人

7、财产权。公司以其全部财产对 公司的债务承担责任。有限责任公司的股东以其认缴的出资额为限对公司承担责任;股份有 精选文档 限公司的股东以其认购的股份为限对公司承担责任。 Article 3 A company is an enterprise juridical person, which has independent juridical person property and enjoys the property right of the juridical person. And it shall bear the liabilities for its debts with all i

8、ts property. As for a limited liability company, the shareholders shall be responsible for the company to the extent of the capital contributions they have paid. As for a joint stock limited company, the shareholders shall be responsible for the company to the extent of the shares they have subscrib

9、ed to. 第四条公司股东依法享有资产收益、参与重大决策和选择管理者等权利。 Article 4 The shareholders of a company shall be entitled to enjoy the capital proceeds, participate in making important decisions, choose managers and enjoy other rights. 第五条公司从事经营活动,必须遵守法律、行政法规,遵守社会公德、商业道德,诚 实守信,接受政府和社会公众的监督,承担社会责任。公司的合法权益受法律保护,不受侵 犯。 Articl

10、e 5 When undertaking business operations, a company shall comply with the laws and administrative regulations, social morality and business morality. It shall act in good faith, accept the supervision of the government and the general public, and bear social responsibilities. The legitimate rights a

11、nd interests of a company shall be protected by laws and may not be infringed. 第六条设立公司,应当依法向公司登记机关申请设立登记。符合本法规定的设立条件 的,由公司登记机关分别登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司;不符合本法规定的设立条 件的, 不得登记为有限责任公司或者股份有限公司。法律、 行政法规规定设立公司必须报经 批准的, 应当在公司登记前依法办理批准手续。公众可以向公司登记机关申请查询公司登记 事项,公司登记机关应当提供查询服务。 Article 6 For the establishment of a c

12、ompany, an application for establishment and registration shall be filed with the company registration authority. If the application meets the requirements for establishment of this Law, the company registration authority shall register the company as a limited liability company or a joint stock lim

13、ited company. If the application fails to meet the requirements for establishment of this Law, it shall not be registered as a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company. If any law or administrative regulation stipulates that the establishment of a company shall be subject to approv

14、al, the relevant approval formalities shall be gone through prior to the registration of the company. The general public may consult the relevant matters on company registration at a company registration authority, which shall provide consulting services. 第七条依法设立的公司,由公司登记机关发给公司营业执照。公司营业执照签发日期 为公司成立日

15、期。公司营业执照应当载明公司的名称、住所、注册资本、实收资本、经营范 精选文档 围、法定代表人姓名等事项。公司营业执照记载的事项发生变更的,公司应当依法办理变更 登记,由公司登记机关换发营业执照。 Article 7 For a lawfully established company, the company registration authority shall issue the company business license to it, and the date of issuance of the company business license shall be the da

16、te of establishment of the company. The company business license shall state the name, domicile, registered capital, actually paid capital, business scope, the name of the legal representative and etc. If any of the items as stated in the business license is changed, the company shall modify the reg

17、istration, and the company registration authority shall replace the old business license by a new one. 第八条依照本法设立的有限责任公司,必须在公司名称中标明有限责任公司或者有限 公司字样。 依照本法设立的股份有限公司,必须在公司名称中标明股份有限公司或者股份公 司字样。 Article 8 For a limited liability company established according to this Law, it shall indicate in its company na

18、me the words “limited liability company“ or “limited company“. For a joint stock limited company established according to this Law, it shall indicate in its company name the words “joint stock limited company“ or “joint stock company“. 第九条有限责任公司变更为股份有限公司,应当符合本法规定的股份有限公司的条件。 股份有限公司变更为有限责任公司,应当符合本法规定的

19、有限责任公司的条件。有限责任公 司变更为股份有限公司的,或者股份有限公司变更为有限责任公司的,公司变更前的债权、 债务由变更后的公司承继。 Article 9 The change of a limited liability company to a joint stock limited company shall satisfy the requirements as prescribed in this Law for joint stock limited companies. The change of a joint stock limited company to a limi

20、ted liability company shall meet the conditions as prescribed in this Law for limited liability companies. Under any of the aforesaid circumstances, the creditors rights and debts of the company prior to the change shall be succeeded by the company after the change. 第十条公司以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。 Article 10 A

21、 company shall regard the locus of its main office as its domicile. 第十一条设立公司必须依法制定公司章程。公司章程对公司、股东、董事、监事、高 级管理人员具有约束力。 Article 11 The company established according to this law shall formulate its articles of association which are binding on the company, its shareholders, directors, supervisors and se

22、nior managers. 精选文档 第十二条公司的经营范围由公司章程规定,并依法登记。公司可以修改公司章程,改 变经营范围, 但是应当办理变更登记。公司的经营范围中属于法律、行政法规规定须经批准 的项目,应当依法经过批准。 Article 12 The companys business scope shall be defined in its articles of association and shall be registered according to law. The company may change its business scope by modifying it

23、s articles of association, but shall go through the formalities for modifying the registration. If the business scope of a company covers any item subject to approval pursuant to laws or administrative regulations, the approval shall be obtained according to law. 第十三条公司法定代表人依照公司章程的规定,由董事长、执行董事或者经理担任

24、, 并依法登记。公司法定代表人变更,应当办理变更登记。 Article 13 The legal representative of a company shall, according to the provisions of its articles of association, be assumed by the chairman of the board of directors, acting director or manager, and shall be registered according to law. If the legal representative of t

25、he company is changed, the company shall go through the formalities for modifying the registration. 第十四条公司可以设立分公司。设立分公司,应当向公司登记机关申请登记,领取营 业执照。分公司不具有法人资格,其民事责任由公司承担。公司可以设立子公司,子公司具 有法人资格,依法独立承担民事责任。 Article 14 The company may set up branches. To set up a branch, the company shall file a registration a

26、pplication with the company registration authority, and shall obtain the business license. The branch shall not enjoy the status of an enterprise juridical person, and its civil liabilities shall be born by its parent company.The company may set up subsidiaries which enjoy the status of an enterpris

27、e juridical person and shall be independently bear civil liabilities. 第十五条公司可以向其他企业投资;但是,除法律另有规定外,不得成为对所投资企 业的债务承担连带责任的出资人。 Article 15 A company may invest in other enterprises. However, it shall not become a capital contributor that shall bear the joint liabilities for the debts of the enterprises

28、it invests in, unless it is otherwise provided for by any law. 第十六条公司向其他企业投资或者为他人提供担保,按照公司章程的规定由董事会或 者股东会、 股东大会决议; 公司章程对投资或者担保的总额及单项投资或者担保的数额有限 额规定的, 不得超过规定的限额。公司为公司股东或者实际控制人提供担保的,必须经股东 会或者股东大会决议。前款规定的股东或者受前款规定的实际控制人支配的股东,不得参加 前款规定事项的表决。该项表决由出席会议的其他股东所持表决权的过半数通过。 Article 16 Where a company intends t

29、o invest in any other enterprise or provide guarantee for others, it shall, according to the provisions of its articles of association, be decided at the 精选文档 meeting of the board of directors or shareholders or shareholders convention. If the articles of association prescribe any limit on the total

30、 amount of investments or guarantees, or on the amount of a single investment or guarantee, the aforesaid total amount or amount shall not exceed the responsive limited amount. If a company intends to provide guarantee to a shareholder or actual controller of the company, it shall make a resolution

31、through the shareholders meeting or shareholders convention.The shareholder as mentioned in the preceding paragraph or the shareholder dominated by the actual controller as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall not participate in voting on the matter as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Suc

32、h matter requires the affirmative votes of more than half of the other shareholders attending the meeting. 第十七条公司必须保护职工的合法权益,依法与职工签订劳动合同,参加社会保险, 加强劳动保护, 实现安全生产。 公司应当采用多种形式,加强公司职工的职业教育和岗位培 训,提高职工素质。 Article 17 The company shall protect the lawful rights and interests of its employees, conclude employ

33、ment contracts with the employees, buy social insurances, strengthen labor protection so as to realize safe production.The company shall, in various forms, reinforce the vocational education and in-service training of its employees so as to improve their personal quality. 第十八条公司职工依照中华人民共和国工会法组织工会,开展

34、工会活动,维护职 工合法权益。 公司应当为本公司工会提供必要的活动条件。公司工会代表职工就职工的劳动 报酬、 工作时间、福利、保险和劳动安全卫生等事项依法与公司签订集体合同。公司依照宪 法和有关法律的规定,通过职工代表大会或者其他形式,实行民主管理。 公司研究决定改制 以及经营方面的重大问题、制定重要的规章制度时,应当听取公司工会的意见,并通过职工 代表大会或者其他形式听取职工的意见和建议。 Article 18 The employees of a company shall, according to the Labor Union Law of the Peoples Republic

35、of China, organize a labor union, which shall carry out union activities and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the employees. The company shall provide necessary conditions for its labor union to carry out activities. The labor union shall, on behalf of the employees, conclude the collect

36、ive contract with the company with respect to the remuneration, working hours, welfare, insurance, work safety and sanitation and other matters.Pursuant to the Constitution and other relevant laws, a company shall implement democratic management in the form of meeting of the representatives of the e

37、mployees or any other ways.To make a decision on restructuring or any important issue related to business operation, or to formulate any important regulation, a company shall solicit the opinions of its labor union, and shall solicit the opinions and proposals of the employees through the meeting of

38、 the representatives of the employees or in any other way. 精选文档 第十九条在公司中,根据中国共产党章程的规定,设立中国共产党的组织,开展党的 活动。公司应当为党组织的活动提供必要条件。 Article 19 An organization of the Chinese Communist Party shall, according to the Charter of the Chinese Communist Party, be established in the company to carry out activities

39、of the Chinese Communist Party. And the company shall provide necessary conditions for the activities of the Chinese Communist Party. 第二十条公司股东应当遵守法律、行政法规和公司章程,依法行使股东权利,不得滥 用股东权利损害公司或者其他股东的利益;不得滥用公司法人独立地位和股东有限责任损害 公司债权人的利益。公司股东滥用股东权利给公司或者其他股东造成损失的,应当依法承担 赔偿责任。 公司股东滥用公司法人独立地位和股东有限责任,逃避债务, 严重损害公司债权 人利益

40、的,应当对公司债务承担连带责任。 Article 20 The shareholders of a company shall comply with the laws, administrative regulations and articles of association, and shall exercise the shareholders rights according to law. None of them may injure any of the interests of the company or of other shareholders by abusing t

41、he shareholders rights, or injure the interests of any creditor of the company by abusing the independent status of juridical person or the shareholders limited liabilities.Where any of the shareholders of a company causes any loss to the company or to other shareholders by abusing the shareholders

42、rights, it shall be subject to compensation.Where any of the shareholders of a company evades the payment of its debts by abusing the independent status of juridical person or the shareholders limited liabilities, and thus seriously damages the interests of any creditor, it shall bear joint liabilit

43、ies for the debts of the company. 第二十一条公司的控股股东、实际控制人、董事、监事、高级管理人员不得利用其关 联关系损害公司利益。违反前款规定,给公司造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。 Article 21 Neither the controlling shareholder, nor the actual controller, any of the directors, supervisors or senior managers of the company may injure the interests of the company by taking

44、 advantage of its connection relationship. Anyone who has caused any loss to the company due to violation of the preceding paragraph shall be subject to compensation. 第二十二条公司股东会或者股东大会、董事会的决议内容违反法律、行政法规的无效。 股东会或者股东大会、 董事会的会议召集程序、表决方式违反法律、 行政法规或者公司章程, 或者决议内容违反公司章程的,股东可以自决议作出之日起六十日内,请求人民法院撤销。 股东依照前款规定提

45、起诉讼的,人民法院可以应公司的请求,要求股东提供相应担保。公司 根据股东会或者股东大会、董事会决议已办理变更登记的,人民法院宣告该决议无效或者撤 销该决议后,公司应当向公司登记机关申请撤销变更登记。 Article 22 The resolution of the shareholders convention, shareholders meeting or board of directors of the company that has violated any law or administrative regulation shall be null and 精选文档 void.W

46、here the procedures for convoking and the voting form of a shareholders convention or shareholders meeting or meeting of the board of directors, violate any law, administrative regulation or the articles of association, or the resolution is in violation of the articles of association of the company,

47、 the shareholders may, within 60 days as of the day when the resolution is made, request the peoples court to revoke it.If the shareholders initiate a lawsuit according to the preceding paragraph, the peoples court shall, in light of the request of the company, demand the shareholders to provide cor

48、responding guarantee.Where a company has, in light of the resolution of the shareholders convention, shareholders meeting or meeting of the board of directors, completed the modification registration, and the peoples court declares the resolution null and void or revoke the resolution, the company s

49、hall file an application with the company registration authority for revoking the modification registration. 第二章有限责任公司的设立和组织机构 Chapter II Establishment and Organizational Structure of a Limited Liability Company Section 1 Establishment 第一节设 立 Section 1 Establishment 第二十三条设立有限责任公司,应当具备下列条件: Article 23 The establishment of a limited liability company shall satisfy the following conditions: (一)股东符合法定人数; (1) The number of shareholders accords with the quorum; (二)股东出资达到法定资本最低限额; (2) The amount of capital contributions paid by the shareholders reaches the st


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