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1、新东方听力特训CD2 1 CD2- Track2 Mistake 1. Why does the student say this? A To confess that he lied to the professor. B To emphasize what he is about to say. C To prove that he is innocent. D To warn the professor not to ignore him. (B) 2. What is implied when the professor says this? A Even if the profess

2、ors colleagues recommend that she change the students grade,she will not necessarily change it. B She will change the grade right away if her colleagues agree with the idea of changing the grade of the student. C She will give the student another report to work on when the decision is made. D She wo

3、nt change the grade of the student no matter what advice she gets from her colleagues. (A) CD2- Track3 Emily Carr What does the professor mean by saying this? A He is sure that some slides are missing. B He thinks it possible that some slides are missing. C He is sure how slides can disappear from t

4、he library. D He thinks that some slides are just misplaced in the library. (B) CD2- Track4 Report on Disk What does the student mean by this? A He thinks that the professor is making a fool of him. B He feels that he himself should have figured out the solution earlier. C He thinks that he was very

5、 stupid to ask such a question to the professor. D He feels insulted at the professors suggestion. (B) CD2- Track5 Air Pollution Why does the man say this? A He is afraid that the area that they havent covered might make them change what they have already written. B He is afraid that the area that t

6、hey havent covered might require them to change the project deadline. C He hopes that there will be a limited number of topics they can deal with. D He hopes that the one area that they havent covered will be the main idea of the project so that PDF 文件使用 “pdfFactory Pro“ 试用版本创建 新东方听力特训CD2 2 they do

7、nt have to care what they have done before. (A) CD2- Track6 The Vikings Why does the professor say this? A He thinks that those towns are just a myth. B He thinks that students will, find it hard to believe the fact. C He does not want students to believe that those towns still exist. D He does not

8、care whether students believe the fact or not. (B) CD2- Track7 Windows Why does the professor say this? A The professor thinks that it is necessary to remind students of its spelling. B The professor thinks that it is the most important term in the lecture. C The professor thinks that students do no

9、t know the term. D The professor fells that it is necessary to use the board more often. (C) Windows usually look like theyre all made of glass and wood. However, there is more to windows than meets the eye. Things that look like “wood” could be aluminum, vinyl or some other composite material. As p

10、eople prefer things that are “low- maintenance”, there has been an explosion in materials that look like wood being used for frames; they dont need sanding and painting and still look like high quality wood. Sometimes a layer of aluminum is used to coat the exterior surfaces of a window to provide a

11、 long- lasting., low- maintenance surface. It is called “cladding”. I think I should write down the word on the board. It refers to the application of one material over another to provide a weather- proof layer. For aluminum there are fewer color options than with wood finishes and usually the thick

12、er the aluminum is the more durable it is. However, it doesnt have the insulating qualities of windows made of other materials so theyre not widely used. Vinyl is another popular low- maintenance option. It can also be applied over other materials, like wood or wood products. Like aluminum, the thic

13、ker the vinyl the more durable it will be. Composite windows and vinyl windows are gaining popularity nowadays as non- wood, energy efficient and low- maintenance alternatives which dont warp or rot like wood windows can in extreme conditions. CD2- Track8 Kerron Clement 1. Why does the professor say

14、 this? A To confirm that the student is capable of beating Clement. B To show how sincere he is. C To give an example of how to run fast. D To make a joke about the students comment. PDF 文件使用 “pdfFactory Pro“ 试用版本创建 新东方听力特训CD2 3 (D) 2. What does the professor mean by this? A The answer is close but

15、 not exactly correct. B The answer is totally out of target. C The answer is really correct. D The answer is too obvious. Pro: Do you like to run? Student A: Yeah, when the police are chasing me. P: Fast like Kerron Clement? A: Who? Student B: Kerron Clement. He just broke the world record in the 40

16、0 meter. P: Right, and did you know that hes only 19 year sold. Did you see it on the news? B: I heard a bit about it. P: Okay. Well, lets look at the rest. This Florida sophomore ran the 400 meter in 44.57 seconds at the NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championships. He broke the mark of 44.63 seconds

17、set by Michael Johnson in 1995. A: Hey, Im fast, I could beat him any day. P: Yeah, only if there is a $20 bill blowing in the wind in front of you. Lets get back to the story now. Clement is from Trinidad and Tobago and moved to the United States when he was 13. He was a highly desirable athlete at

18、 La Porte High School in Texas. Big sports schools like Louisiana State University, Texas and Tennessee were after him. He chose Florida and wasted no time in making his mark. He won the NCAA championship in the 400 meter hurdles and then won the world junior championship in the same event. At the j

19、unior championships, Clement competed for the United States after earning his U.S. citizenship last summer. He probably could have gone to the Olympics for Trinidad and Tobago last year, but preferred to become an American. Why do you think he wanted to become American? B: Probably America is his ne

20、w home and it has better living conditions than back home. P: Yeah, something like that. He said he loves competition and he wants to train with the best in the world, the Americans. CD2- Track9 Tattoo Why does the lecturer say this? A To tell students that tattooing is not scary. B To suggest stude

21、nts not to get a tattoo. C To warn students to be aware of risks. D To tell students that she was joking. (C) Lecturer: Lets look at this interesting piece of news. OH, first, do any of you have a tattoo? Student: Ive got an eagle on my back. L: Anybody else? No? Okay. Did you know that 16% of adult

22、 Americans have tattoos? Christina Aguilera and Beyonce have tattoos. Do you think they are safe? Did you know that PDF 文件使用 “pdfFactory Pro“ 试用版本创建 新东方听力特训CD2 4 absolutely no national regulations exist? When you get a tattoo, you put yourself at riskallergies to the dyes, keloid scarring, and infe

23、ctions including hepatitis, tetanus and even HIV. Now isnt that scary! If you still want one and you have thought about what it will look like in 30 years, there are some tips you should follow. Everything should be clean and sanitary, even the appearance of the person doing the tattooing. Take a go

24、od look at the sterilizing equipment. Does it have a recent testing certificate? If you can , try to watch someone else getting tattooed. The needles, in sterilized packages of course, should be opened in front of the customer. There should be a biohazard container for ones that have been used. Watc

25、h the artist to see if he or she changes gloves after touching things other than needles. There are no regulations governing tattooing, but there are state licensing regulations. Look for the certificate on the wall. If the artist belongs to the Alliance of Professional Tattooists, thats a sign of a

26、 good reputation. Be patient. Your tattoo will take seven to ten days to heal. CD2- Track10 Samuel Adu- Poku Why does the professor say this? A To see if any student felt the same way as she did. B To ask students to explain what the viewpoint shift is. C To confirm that none of students experienced

27、 a shift in perspective. D To show how people differently react to one viewpoint. (A) Professor: Recently we discussed the research of Samuel Adu- Poku, an African- Canadian. He considered the curriculum in the average North American school under the perspective of regarding Africa as being the crad

28、le of civilization. He discussed how North American education disadvantages students of African descent by not recognizing Africa as being the source of many discoveries and knowledge. He explained how North American Writers incorrectly attribute many discoveries and early knowledge to European sour

29、ces. Adu- Poku recommended the reorganization of some North American art courses to provide a multicultural viewpoint that acknowledges African discoveries and to encourage African children to learn the traditions of their African ancestors. In total, Adu- Pokus research helped to expose our assumpt

30、ions as readers and show us where we are positioned . For North American readers this relative position would be different from that of Asian readers and both would be different from that of Adu- Poku. As a North American I was made aware of my historical view relative to Great Britain and Europe.,

31、His writing made me aware of my position. Did any of you experience a shift in your viewpoint? Adu- Pokus research confronted me also with some of my assumptions. It certainly showed me how education can instill prejudicial attitudes that can mark learners for life and limit ones experience and view

32、s of others. I would like to think some more about this today. Specifically I would like to examine other ways in which education is not an advantage. CD2- Track11 The Function of an Art School PDF 文件使用 “pdfFactory Pro“ 试用版本创建 新东方听力特训CD2 5 Why does the professor say this? A To give them some clue a

33、bout what they are. B To make students realize how forgetful they are. C To skip the explanation that the professor have already given. D To give totally different explanations to what they have studied already. (A) Professor: Id like to discuss what the function of an art school should be. But firs

34、t let me tell you something about the changing purposes of art education in one art school. That is the Halifax Art School on the east coast of Canada. I want to suggest the purposes it was trying to serve throughout its history. Researcher Donald Soucy showed that the purposes of the Halifax Art Sc

35、hool varied according to changing external supporters. External supporters refer to the people in the community who were in favor of financially supporting the existence of the art school with public money. Can you think of some of the purposes of art education throughout North American in the late

36、19th century? Student: Was this to train artists as workers, people who would have employable skills? P: Yes, exactly. Soucy concluded that the most common goal for art throughout the history of the Halifax Art School was to train artist- workers. In many cases this included improving the graphic sk

37、ills of industrial designers,. Providing instruction in the decorat6ive arts, and training teachers for public and private schools. However, the Halifax Art School at times also aimed to elevate the publics taste and appreciation of design. Soucy described two 19th century philosophical roots that w

38、ere reflected at the art school. We have discussed them in other contexts. Can you think of what they may be? S: Is utilitarianism one of them? P: Yes. Utilitarianism centered on art training to serve industrial needs. Utilitarianism became associated with the training that aimed to provide mechanic

39、al and industrial careers for men and with improved products for commerce. Specifically the concern was to produce goods that were designed better. Tell me of another philosophical root. S: Romantic idealism? P: Right. Romantic idealism was concerned with aesthetic education and the role of imaginat

40、ion. It was associated with genius in art and art as a cultural study. CD2- Track12 Platypus Why does the professor say this? A She wants students to answer what a monotreme is. B She is almost sure that students do not know the term. C She is not sure whether the class has already covered the term

41、or not. D She feels that it is not necessary to explain the term. (B) P: Today we are going to learn about a strange animal, the platypus. What can you tell me about the platypus? S: Nothing, never even heard of it. PDF 文件使用 “pdfFactory Pro“ 试用版本创建 新东方听力特训CD2 6 P: The platypus has a duck bill and w

42、ebbed feet and is a unique Australian animal. It and the two species of echidna, an animal that looks a bit like a porcupine, are the only monotremes. You might be wondering what a monotreme is, right? S: Like the platypus, we have no idea. P: Simply put, It refers to an egg- laying mammal. The plat

43、ypus has a lower body temperature than other mammals and legs which extend out, then vertically below it. These features together with its egg- laying are more like that of a lizard than a mammal. Platypuses, or platypi, are readily identified by their streamlined body, webbed feet, broad tail and c

44、haracteristic muzzle or bill which is soft and pliable. An adult platypus is from 45 cm to 60 cm in length and may weigh up to 2.7kg. Females are generally smaller than males. It is deep brown on the back and on the sides of the head, body and upper surfaces of the limbs. The underside is a golden c

45、olor although silky grey is not uncommon. They have two layers of fur- a dense waterproof outercoat and a grey woolly underfur to provide much needed insulation. The fur on the broad flat tail is coarse and bristly. CD2- Track13 Photography Why does the professor say this? A He doesnt want to discus

46、s such a controversial issue. B He thinks that students dont have any idea what he is talking about. C He feels that students are overwhelmed by his endless questions so he himself is going to answer the question right away. D He thinks that it is a good subject for todays assignment. (A) P: Primari

47、ly I am a black- and white photographer. To me, the context of the subject is best conveyed when I use a black- and- white film, without the visual clutter of colors to distract from the point I am trying to make. Without exception, I use film with ASA 800 rating. Why do you think I do this? S: You

48、can use it everywhere. P: You are right. I can go everywhere. It allows me to go indoors or out without changing the film. Because of this, I stay focused on my subject. Over the years I have found that I work best when I keep most essential camera details very simple. I use two identical Nikon 35mm

49、 camera bodies. Why the same camera body? S: Simplicity. P: Right, I dont have to think about the camera I am using. It just makes life easier. For most shooting assignments I have a 28mm wide angle lens on one camera body and a 105mm short telephoto lens on the other. These lenses are most like the way humans see- one female and one male. The wide angle or female lens, shows everything around the subject, the foreground, background, sky above and ground below with almost everythi


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