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1、初一英语下册试卷 一. 单项选择 1. There is some _ on the plate. A. cakes B. meat C. potato D. pears 2. Uncle Wang wants _ the machine like a bike. A. ride B. riding C. rides D. to ride 3. Tom usually goes to bed _ ten oclock in the evening. A. at B. in C. on D. of 4. _ picture books in class, please. A. Not read

2、B. No read C. Not reading D. Dont read 5. The box is too heavy. Let _ help you to carry it. A. we B. us C. ours D. our 6. Hurry up, _ well be late for the meeting. A. and B. but C. then D. or 7. People usually _ “hello“ to each other when they make a phone call. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk 8. Lo

3、ok! She _ a kite for her son. A. makes B. is making C. make D. Making 9. These shoes are yours. Please _. A. put on them B. put on it C. put them on D. put it on 10. She often gets _ very late. A. home B. at home C. to home D. in home 11. I think the shop is closed _ this time of day. A. in B. on C.

4、 at D. for 12. I want _ of meat, please. A. half kilo B. a half kilo C. half a kilo D. a kilo half 13. - Is this black ruler _? - No. Its _. A. yours, his B. your, his C. yours, him D. you, he 14. _ book on the desk is a useful (重要的) one. A. A B. An C. The D. / 15. Grandma is ill. We have to take he

5、r to the _. A. farm B. post office C. hotel D. hospital 16. Liu Mei often helps her mother _ housework. A. does B. do C.doing D. to doing 17. We watch evening news on _ at 7:00 in the evening. A. CCTV B. CAAC C. WTO D. MTV 18. There _ a box of apples on the desk. A. are B. is C. has D. have 19. Woul

6、d you like _ with me? A. go B. to go C. going D. goes 20. Sometimes his brother _ TV after supper. A. watch B. sees C. watches D. is watching 二. 填空 A. 根据句义和首字母写出所缺的单词 1. Kates glass is empty. She wants a f_ one. 2. I think my father can help you m_ your broken bike. 3. I have two pencils. One is sho

7、rt, the other is l_. 4. Please open the w_. Its getting hot here. 5. Something is w_ with my bike. May I borrow yours? B. 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1. There are some _ there, talking loudly. (woman) 2. This blouse isnt hers. Its _. (my) 3. The people on the farm are very _. (friend) 4. Do you know _? (he)

8、 5. Toms uncle can drive cars. He is a good _. (drive) C. 选词并用其适当形式填空 work, close, look, have, teacher, pen, eat, China, play, climb 1. This is our _ desk. Ours are over there. 2. Bill has three _. One is new and the other two are old. 3. His uncle _ very young but he is over forty. 4. Lets _ basket

9、ball after class. 5. Look! The cats are _ up the trees. 6. The shop isnt open. Its _. 7. My brother _ some new picture books. 8. In our classroom there is a large map of _. 9. Mum, please give me something to _. Im very hungry. 10. Does Mr Green like _ in this Chinese school? 三. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子完成

10、对话 A. Please give it back soon. B. Its over there C. Certainly. When do you want it? D. Thank you very much. E. Black and red, and its not very new. A: Excuse me, Lin Tao! B: Yes? A: My bike is broken. Can I borrow yours? B: _1_. A: This afternoon. B: OK. Heres the key. A: _2_. But where is it? B: _

11、3_. A: What colour is it? B: _4_. A: I see. I think I can find it. B: _5_. A: All right. See you! 四. 完型填空 These days men and women , young and old are _1_ the same kind of _2_, and a lot of _3_ have long hair (头发) . We often cant _4_whether they are boys or girls, men or women. _5_ old man often goe

12、s to walk in the park. He is sitting on a chair now. A young person is _6_ _7_ him. “Oh, goodness!“ the old man says to the other one. “Do you _8_ that person with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?“ “A boy,“ says the other one. “He is my son.“ “Oh,“ says the old man, “Please _9_ me. I dont know you

13、are his _10_.“ “Im not his mother, Im his father,“ says the other one. 1. A. having B. wearing C. put ing D. buying 2. A. clothes B. trees C. pictures D. Bags 3. A. we B. your C. them D. Theirs 4. A. talk B. teach C. say D tell 5. A. An B. A C. The D. / 6. A. running B. flying C. standing D. driving

14、 7. A. on B. beside C. in D. At 8. A. see B. watch C. look D. Read 9. A. help B. excuse C. teach D. Ask 10. A. baby B. sister C. father D. Mother 五. 阅读理解 ( A ) Mr Li teaches Chinese in the USA. He comes back to China every year. He gives us a talk. He says,“ K Day in the USA is very interesting. All

15、 children like it very much. It is on March 7th. When you go out on that day, you can see children running with kites in the open air( 露天 ). When you look up, you can see different kites in the sky(天空) . Some are big, and some are small. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string(长线

16、 ). The children begin to run when they get the kites up. Every child has a good time that day. 1. Mr Li is _. He works in the USA. A. a worker B. an English teacher C. a doctor D. a Chinese teacher 2. Mr Li says something about _. A. how to study English B. K Day in the USA C. his work in the USA D

17、. playing in the open air 3. March 7th is _. A. Childrens Day B. Teachers Day C. K Day D. Tree planting Day( 植树节 ) 4. Every kite has _. A. a short string B. a long string C. the same colour D. the same size(大小 ) 5. There are _ kites in the sky on that day. A. all kinds of B. one kind of C. three kin

18、ds of D. three ( B ) Paula Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Get up 7:10 a.m. 7:10 a.m. 7:10 a.m. 7:10 a.m. 7:10 a.m. morning school school school school school lunch pizza rice rice rice rice afternoon Yo-yo Table-tennis Table-tennis Table-tennis football evening homework homework television

19、 homework clothes Go to sleep 10:15 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 10:15 p.m. 根据表格内容选择最佳答案。 6. On _, Paula usually gets up at 7:10 am. A. Thursdays B. Wednesdays C. weekdays D. weekends 7. Pizza is a kind of _. A. drink B. fruit C. toy D. food 8. Paulas favourite sport is _. A. volleyball B.

20、table-tennis C. yo-yo D. football 9. On Wednesday evenings Paula usually _. A. watches TV B. does her homework C. washes her clothes D. goes to see her friends 10. Which is wrong? A. Paula goes to school from Monday to Friday. B. Paula goes to bed after ten oclock. C. Paula has sports in the afterno

21、on. D. Paula usually has Pizza for lunch. 初一年级(下) 【试卷答案】 一. 1. B.2. D.3. A.4. D.5.B.6. D. 7. A.8. B.9.C.10.A. 11. C.12.C. 13. A. 14. C. 15. D.16. B 17. A.18. B.19. B.20. C. 二. A.1. full 2. mend 3. Long 4. window 5. wrong B. 1. women 2. mine 3. friendly 4. him 5. driver C. 1. teachers 2. pens 3. look

22、s 4. play 5. climbing 6. closed 7. has 8. China 9. eat 10. working 三. 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.E 5.A 四. 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.D 五. 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.D. 8 B.9.A 10.D 奔波在俗世里,不知从何时起,飘来一股清流,逼着每个人优秀。 人过四十,已然不惑。我们听过别人的歌,也唱过自己的曲,但谁也逃不过岁月的审视,逃不过现实的残酷。如若,把心中的杂念抛开,苟且的日子里,其实也能无比诗意。 借一些时光,寻一处宁静,听听

23、花开,看看花落,翻一本爱读的书,悟一段哲人的赠言,原来,日升月落,一切还是那么美。 洗不净的浮沉,留给雨天;悟不透的凡事,交给时间。很多时候,人生的遗憾,不是因为没有实现,而是沉于悲伤,错过了打开心结的时机。 有人说工作忙、应酬多,哪有那么多的闲情逸致啊?记得鲁迅有句话:“ 时间就像海绵里的水,只要挤总是有的。” 不明花语,却逢花季。一路行走,在渐行渐远的时光中,命运会给你一次次洗牌,但玩牌的始终是你自己。 坦白的说,我们遇到困扰,经常会放大自己的苦,虐待自己,然后落个遍体鳞伤,可怜兮兮地向世界宣告:自己没救了!可是,那又怎样?因为,大多数人关心的都是自己。 一个人在成年后,最畅快的事,莫过于

24、经过一番努力后,重新认识自己,改变自己。学会了独自、沉默,不轻易诉说。因为,更多的时候,诉说毫无意义。 伤心也好,开心也好,过去了,都是曾经。每个人都要追寻活下去的理由,心怀美好,期待美好,这个世界,就没有那么糟糕。 或许,你也会有这样的情节,两个人坐在一起,杂乱无章的聊天,突然你感到无聊,你渴望安静,你想一个人咀嚼内心的悲与喜。 透过窗格,发着呆,走着神,搜索不到要附和的词。那一刻,你明白了,这世间不缺一起品茗的人,缺的是一个与你同步的灵魂。 没有了期望的懂,还是把故事留给自己吧!每个人都是一座孤岛,颠沛流离,浪迹天涯。有时候,你以为找到了知己,其实,你们根本就是两个世界的人。 花,只有在凋

25、零的时候,才懂得永恒就是在落红中重生;人,只有在落魄的时候,才明白力量就是在破土中崛起?. 因为防备,因为经历,我们学会了掩饰,掩饰自己内心的某些真实,也在真实中,扬起无懈可击的微笑,解决一个又一个的困扰。 人生最容易犯的一个错误,就是把逝去的当作最美的风景。所以,不要活在虚妄的世界,不要对曾经存在假设,不要指望别人太多。 有些情,只可随缘,不可勉强;有些人,只可浅交,不可入深;有些话,只可会意,不可说穿。 或许,有这么一段情,陪你度过漫长冰冷的寒冬;有那样一个人,给你抑郁的天空画上了温暖的春阳。 但时光,总会吹散很多往事,把过去一片片分割,移植到不同区域,并贴上标签,印着不同的定义,也定义着自己的人生态度。 正如庄子所说:“ 唯至人乃能游于世不避,顺人而不失己。” 外在的世界,只是一个形式,而你内在的世界,才是真正的江山。 丰富自己,取悦自己,随缘,随顺,随境,你的心才会敞开,才会接纳更多的有可能。这样的人生,眼睛里的笑意,尽是踏实与真味。 年少时,那些说给蓝天白云的梦想,早已遗忘在风中,再也飞不到岁月的枝头。褪去稚气与懵懂,我更喜欢现在的自己,心里撑着宽阔,却不动声色。 即便,一份静谧的从容是多么的难,但我依旧期待。我相信,人生还会很长,还会一直邂逅,但最美的,必是那个明天的自己。


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