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1、BEC 中级写作电子讲义 第一讲 BEC 写作概述 本课程安排简介 写作共 6 次课,第1 次讲概述。 BEC 写作简介: 1写作目的与要求 1 Can make notes that are useful to both him/herself and to colleagues. 2 Can write most letters he/she is likely to be asked to do; such errors as occur will not prevent understanding of the message. 3 Can write a simple report.

2、 写作考试共进行45 分钟,占总成绩的25%,小作文占10 分,大作文占20 分。 更多的报名信息和成绩查询方法请上网了解: 教育部考试中心 2测试范围与选材 1、身份介绍(Personal Identification) 2、 工作环境与日常事务(The office ,general business,environment and routine) 3、接待与闲暇活动(Entertainment of clients ,free time,relationships with colleagues and clients) 4、商务旅行(Travel) 5、健康(Health) 6、购买

3、与销售(Buying and selling) 7、公司结构、系统及程序(Company structures,systems,processes) 8、产品与服务(Products and services) 9、成果与成就(Results and achievements) 其外,还会涉及其他的一般商务话题(Business issues)。 3测试题型分析 An Overview of BEC Vantage Writing PARTFunctions/Communicative Task InputResponseRegister 1Business Correspondence: e

4、.g. giving instructions, explaining a development, asking for comments, requesting information, agreeing to requests Rubric only (plus layout of output text type) Note, message, memo or e-mail (40-50 words) Neutral/ informal 2Correspondence: e.g. explaining, apologising, reassuring, complaining Repo

5、rt: describing, summarising Proposal: describing, summarising, recommending, persuading One or more pieces of input from: business correspondence (medium may be letter, fax or e-mail), internal communication (medium may be note, memo, or e-mail), notice, advert, graphs, chart, etc. (plus layout if o

6、utput is fax or e-mail) Business correspondence (medium may be letter, fax or e-mail) or short report or proposal (medium may be memo or e-mail) (120-140 words) Neutral/ formal 题型:1商务便条类;2商务便函类;3商务书信类;4. 商务报告类 注意: BEC 不是单纯的英语考试,也不是考察商务知识。 对策:学习、模仿高水平的论文 例题解析: You work for a company which produces la

7、ser printersYou are visiting another company ,Softcell, to buy some computer software for your department They have expressed an interest in your company s printers and you would like to take twenty brochures and three sample printers with you 相关词汇: laser, inkjet, projector (Barco), photocopier (Xer

8、ox), fax machine, scanner, computer, monitor 相关词汇: company literature; brochure; leaflet; flyer; white book; data sheet; prospectus Write a short note to Mr. Jim Asano ,the Sales Manager Asking for his permission to take these items Explaining why you want them Mentioning the time and date when you

9、want to collect them Write 40-50 words on your Answer Sheet. 便函便条类题目的结构 Input: situation description Task: memo, note, email content points Write: internal message (40-50 words) 注意:格式;发挥部分要确切 评分标准 BEC 写作评分方法 级别第一部分分数 5 全部完成答题要求 所有内容点都已包括在内并在答题要求允许的 情况下加以发挥 语言规范、自然;错误最少,均属小错。 多样化的语言结构和丰富的词汇量。 组织效果好,注

10、意前后呼应。 语域和格式完全适当。 给读者的印象极佳。 9 或 10 分 4 较好的完成答题要求 所有内容点都处理得不错。 大体准确;运用复杂语言时有错误。 结构合理,用词准确。 大体上组织较好,注意逻辑关系。 语域和格式总体来说适当。 给读者的印象良好。 7 或 8 分 3 尚能达到答题要求 所有的主要内容点已包括进去,遗漏了一些次要 的内容。 出现一些错误,但不妨碍交流。 结构和词汇掌握范围适度。 组织和安排总的来说令人满意。 语域和格式尚可,虽然并不完全成功。 给读者的印象较好。 5 或 6 分 2 不能完全达到答题要求 遗漏了一些主要的内容点或者处理得不充分,可 能有些不切题。 有时错

11、误影响清楚交流,错误较多,使读者感到 迷惑。 结构、词汇掌握范围有限。 内容条理不清、不连贯,造成理解困难。 语域和格式不适当。 给读者的印象不佳。 3 或 4 分 1 未能达到答题要求1 或 2 分 显著的内容遗漏/或大量内容不相关,可能由于对 题目要求的误解。 严重不规范,经常出现基本错误。 题目要求的结构和词汇几乎没有提到。 缺乏组织,造成交流失败。 几乎没有使用适当的语域和格式。 给读者的印象极差。 0 什么要求也没达到。字数少于所需字数的25%,或是 完全不能辨认或是完全不切题。 0分 注意: content; accuracy; conciseness 【例题】 Christmas

12、 is coming. Your company is going to hold the annual Christmas party. As the secretary of the general manager, you help arrange the preparation for it. Write a memo to all employees. Announcing the planned party. Welcoming all employees to join it. Introducing the programs of it. Mention the time an

13、d place that it takes place. Write 40 50 words on your Answer Sheet 商务书信类 这一题型要求考生根据所提供的短文,如书信、传真、便函、留言条(电话留言条 )等,起草一封书信, 字数要求达到120140 词左右。 题目结构: Input: 1 situation description 2 task 3 target reader Reading: texts in note, letter, fax, memo + content points (handwritten notes; second letter) Write:

14、 business letter (120-140 words) 注意英美拼写问题 【例题】 You have organised a production conference for your company which will be held on 10 October 2005. The following is the letter of confirmation you received from the Conference Centre. Read the letter and fax below, which gives details of the conference.

15、 Then, using all information from the fax, write your letter to John Smith at the Nuffield Conference Centre, explaining the changes to the arrangements. Do not include postal addresses. Write 120-140 words on separate sheet. Dear Conference Organiser, I am writing to confirm the arrangements for th

16、e conference. DATE AND TIME: 10th October-10 a.m. to 5 p.m. NUMBER OF GUESTS: 50 ROOMS RESERVED 10 a. m. to 12: 30 p.m. CONFERENCE HALL 3 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. SEMINAR ROOMS 1, 2, and 3 CATERING: Coffee-11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Lunch-12:30p.m. to 2p.m. Conference Centre Restaurant Tea-4 p.m. We look forward

17、 to welcoming your company to the Nuffield Conference Centre. Yours faithfully, John Smith Today your Production Manager has sent you the fax below with changes he would like to make to the conference arrangements FAX I m afraid we have to make some last-minute changes to the arrangements for our pr

18、oduction conference. 1.Ten more guests have accepted. 2.The President wants only one hour for lunch, and just a simple buffet-not seated in the restaurant. The Conference Speaker(Tom Moors )can t come until 2 pm. So he will give his presentation in the afternoon. Can we move the seminars to the morn

19、ing? Sorry about this! Sam 注意: 1 不要跑题 2 适当发挥 3 目标读者 4 不要抄袭 三种对策: a 换句型 e.g. This rule applies in every case. There are no exceptions to the rule. (肯定句变否定句) b 换同义词 e.g. The arguments put forward by these two authors are nearly the same. The views expressed by the two writers are almost identical. c 改

20、词性 e.g. The English language has had a major impact on developing other world languages. Other world languages have been greatly affected by the English language in their developments. 商务报告类 【例题】 You recently attended a one-day course on office management. Below is the course programme, with the com

21、ments you wrote on it. Write a short report about the course for your Manager. Include all your comments and say whether your company should send other staff on this course. Write 120-140 words. Write on your Answer Sheet. Do not write in capital letters. OFFICE MANAGEMENT SEMINAR Field House, Londo

22、n 26 May 1999 PROGRAMME 9.00-10.45 Managing people and developing productive Working relationships 10.45-11.00 Coffee 11.00-12.45 Planning the day, work-flow, prioritising 12.45-1.30 Lunch 1.30-3.15 Problem-solving and decision-making 3.15-3.30 Tea 3.30-5.00 Staff appraisal and staff development ver

23、y general, nothing new too short to meet people useful ideas Recommend? fell asleep! good, practical 第二讲 BEC 写作的语言、语法、组织和文体 评分标准: 级别第一部分分数第二部分分数 5 全部完成答题要求 所有内容点都已包括在内并在答题要求允许的 情况下加以发挥 语言规范、自然;错误最少,均属小错。 多样化的语言结构和丰富的词汇量。 组织效果好,注意前后呼应。 语域和格式完全适当。 给读者的印象极佳。 9 或 10 分18 或 20 分 4 较好的完成答题要求 所有内容点都处理得不错。 大

24、体准确;运用复杂语言时有错误。 结构合理,用词准确。 大体上组织较好,注意逻辑关系。 语域和格式总体来说适当。 给读者的印象良好。 7 或 8 分14 或 16 分 3 尚能达到答题要求 所有的主要内容点已包括进去,遗漏了一些次要 的内容。 出现一些错误,但不妨碍交流。 结构和词汇掌握范围适度。 组织和安排总的来说令人满意。 语域和格式尚可,虽然并不完全成功。 给读者的印象较好。 5 或 6 分10 或 12 分 2 不能完全达到答题要求 遗漏了一些主要的内容点或者处理得不充分,可 能有些不切题。 有时错误影响清楚交流,错误较多,使读者感到 迷惑。 结构、词汇掌握范围有限。 内容条理不清、不连

25、贯,造成理解困难。 语域和格式不适当。 给读者的印象不佳。 3 或 4 分6 或 8 分 1 未能达到答题要求 显著的内容遗漏/或大量内容不相关,可能由于对 题目要求的误解。 严重不规范,经常出现基本错误。 题目要求的结构和词汇几乎没有提到。 1 或 2 分2 或 4 分 缺乏组织,造成交流失败。 几乎没有使用适当的语域和格式。 给读者的印象极差。 0 什么要求也没达到。字数少于所需字数的25%,或是 完全不能辨认或是完全不切题。 0分0 分 评分五个方面: 1 content 2 language 3 structure *informing her when and where the s

26、ales presentation will be held 有同学写成Mr Smith told me to ask who wants to attend 有同学写成Please write a note to Ms Liu asking her to attend a sales presentation. 一定要把题目看清楚,再下笔写。 (一)商务便函 一般公司企业往往都印有按照自己公司风格的商业便函,请看下列例子: Memo To:(收信人 ) From:(发信人) Date:(日期) Subject:(事由) Message:(正文) 大企业往往拥有许多分支机构,其商务便函信笺就包

27、含较多的内容,如: Memo To:(收信人 ) Company:(分公司 ) Dept:(部门 ) Location could you please open the door? I would be grateful if you could open the door for me. I would appreciate it if you could open the door. 例文 You are the manager of a small export company. Peter Watson, an important client, is visiting your c

28、ompany for three days from 22 October. Write a note of 40-50 words to your secretary: Asking her to book a hotel room Saying where the hotel should be Giving her the dates 范文 比较下面三篇作文,注意内容点和语气的区别。 作文 1:Dear Ms Jones, I am writing to inform you that Mr Peter Watson will be visiting our company. Would

29、 you please be so kindly as to reserve a suitable room for him? Yours sincerely 作文 2:Hi Mary, Look. I m really sorry to have to trouble you but Peter Watson a really important client is visiting the company for three days in October, starting on 22nd, to discuss a contract with us. Please will you b

30、ook for Mr Watson a really nice hotel room as soon as possible? Thanks very much. See you soon! 作文 3 Mary, Mr Peter Watson is visiting us in October. Could you please hire a hotel room for him? He is arriving on 22nd October and will stay for three nights. If possible, the hotel should be one near t

31、he office. Thank you. 3 询问信息类 例 5 You are the factory manager of a car company. You are waiting for urgently needed components from your purchasing department. Write a note to Mr Grayson, the Assistant Purchasing Manager: enquiring about the reason for the delay; stating when the components are need

32、ed; suggesting a meeting to discuss future deliveries. Write 40 - 50 words on your Answer Sheet. 范文 I am writing to enquire about the reason of the late delivery of the ordered components. We need the components by next Monday. In order to smooth our cooperation, I suggest that we have a meeting to

33、discuss future deliveries. 4 征求意见类 例文 You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to postpone your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad. Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team: informing them of the postponing and giving the reason stating a new date

34、 and time for the meeting requesting suggestions for the agenda. Write on your Answer Sheet. 词汇: postpone; delay agenda, schedule, timetable 范文 I am writing to inform you that the next project meeting will be postponed. Because several team members will be abroad for another project, we will hold ou

35、r next meeting on 1 August, starting from 9am. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to the agenda of the meeting. 最后一句话可以替换为: Do you have any suggestions regarding the schedule? I welcome your suggestions concerning the timetable. 5 求助申请类 例题 You have lost your calculator, and you want t

36、o order a new one. You need to make a written request to your supervisor, Ann Ray. Write a memo to her saying that you need a replacement explaining what happened to the old one asking her to approve the request Write about 40-50 words. 范文 I am writing to apply for a replacement calculator. I found

37、the old one missing after the client meeting yesterday. As a calculator is essential to my daily work, could you kindly approve this request? 例题 You would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills. Write an email to your line manager: requesting time off work to go to the seminar saying when th

38、e seminar is explaining why you want to go Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet. 词汇: line and staff management, line manager, staff manager 句型: May I have your permission to do sth? 范文 To: Nick Johnson Subject: Presentation Skills Seminar I would like to attend a seminar on 3 April. It is about pre

39、sentation skills. Since I have to make many presentations to customers, this seminar will be very useful. Could you tell me if it s possible to take time off work to attend this seminar? Thanks Angela 6 推荐建议类 例题 Your company s Sales Department has asked you to give a talk next Friday on your most re

40、cent project. Write an email to Mrs Jay in the Sales Department: agreeing to give the talk and suggesting a time saying what equipment you will need requesting information about the participants. Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet. 句型: I think. Why not Shall we I suggest. 总结用法: 总结 suggest用法 sugge

41、st suggest doing sth suggest eg suggest a holidy suggest that sb do sth recommend recommend recommend some articles recommend to sb (eg a friend) recommend doing sth (eg putting another board up) recommend that sb do sth 范文 To: Anna Jay Subject: Talk Next Friday I would like to give the talk suggest

42、ed by you and I think 9.30am, after the break, would be the perfect time. Required equipment: - Overhead Project -Flipchart with Pens Please give me some information about the people participating. Renate 第四讲 商务信函(上) 与前面题型的共性 区别:值得注意的是,大作文本身的特性 1 读者不同对内 /对外 2 信息点数量3/5 3 阅读量小/大 4 字数要求40-50 / 120-140

43、信函要求: 1、 研究收信人的兴趣所在 2、 采用恰当的语气 体谅对方的态度(You-Attitude) / 自我为中心的态度(I-Attitude or We-Attitude)。 3、语气自然真诚 请比较下面两组例句: Instead of Say I have pleasure in informing you I am pleased to tell you to say 4、言简意赅 5、有礼有节,善解人意 礼貌用语,如your kind enquiry ,your esteemed order,your valued custom 6、避免行文冗长 请比较下面两组例句: Inste

44、ad of Say Please see that an enquiry is conducted to determine the reason. Please find out the reason. 7、避免陈词滥调 请比较下面的例句: OPENINGS Instead of Say Adverting to your favour Re (your letter) The writer, wished to acknowledge Referring to your letter Or Thank you for your letter We are in receipt of We

45、began to acknowledge We have to acknowledge We have received We beg to inform you We beg to think you We are writing to inform you We thank you Your esteemed favour to hand We have received your letter Your letter to hand Yours to hand ENDINGS Instead of Say The favour of your early reply will be ob

46、liged I shall be glad to hear from you. Assuring you d our best attention at all times We beg to remain We remain Awaiting the favours of your early reply Omit all these. MISCELLANEOUS Instead of Say as per according to idem., inst., prox., ult. name the month if it is within our power if we can it

47、will be our constant aim. we shall try of even date of today only too pleased to very glad to per by Please be good enough to advise us please tell us take an early opportunity act promptly yesterday s date Yesterday your communication your letter, phone, message, etc. your good self you your favor

48、yours of the 15th your letter your letter of the 15th Under separate cover separately, or better still, by registered post, etc. 8、措词精确有力 (1)选用简单的词汇 请比较下面两组例子: 在书信中多使用单词而不是词组,在报告中词组应比单词使用频率高一些。 请比较下面两组例子: Instead of Say will you be good enough to please in the near future soon at the present time no

49、w come to a decision decide express a preference for prefer for the reason that because 前面的语言报告表述多,后面的语言书信表述多。 运用简明的语言表达观点。 请比较下面两组例子: Instead of Say Every consideration will be given to your request. Your request will be carefully considered. It gives us much pleasure to inform you. I am pleased to tell you (or to say). (2)保持词语释义的一致性 避免出现一词多义 避免多词一义的错误 (3)用词准确 避免词义不清的表达方式,如considerable quantity, favourable price ,appreciable rise。 (4)措词具体、形象 请比较下面两组例句: Instead of Say We have no hesitation in advi


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