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1、学习 -好资料 更多精品文档 中考英语总复习七年级试题一 一、选择填空 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 1.-Take a seat and make yourself at home here in our flat. -_ . A. The same to you B. You are welcome C. Thank you D. Id love to 2. Mary likes the of the cake. It is like a heart. A. size B. colour C. shape D. smell )3. Youd better g

2、et up early, you will miss the wonderful concert. A. so B. and C. but D. or )4. Dont let in. Im too busy to see the whole morning. A. anybody; nobody B. anybody; anybody C. nobody; somebody D. somebody; anybody )5. All the judges liked the young girls singing. Her voice sounds . A. friendly B. clear

3、ly C. lovely D. rarely )6. -Can you understand what I said? -No problem. I can follow you. A. slowly B. easily C. hardly D. probably )7. Are you sure you will go to the forest alone? You lose your way in A. need B. must C. may D. should )8. -Excuse me, could you tell me ? -Surer Take Bus No. 2, and

4、youll see the museum just on your right. A. how far the museum is B. where is the bus stop C. how I can get to the museum D. which bus should I take ) 9. The theme park opens 7 days a week throughout the year, closing only Christmas Day. A. in B. for C. at D. on )10. As a local journalist, Helen big

5、 events of the city every day. A. will report B. reported C. is reporting D. reports )11. Here is the short story. First it and then tell me what you think of it. A. look through B. look for C. look up D. look after )12. -Excuse me. Is it my _ now? -Not yet. Please wait on the chair until you are ca

6、lled. A. turn B. opinion 学习 -好资料 更多精品文档 C. chance D. experience )13. I tried my best to get on the bus, but it started moving I could get on it. A. before B. while C. as soon as D. after ) 14. Lily bought a new pen. And it her twenty yuan. A. spent B. paid C. gave D. cost )15. -Tony cant join us in

7、the school trip because he has gone to his hometown. - The trip wont be perfect without him. A. Never mind B. Its a pity C. It doesnt matter D. Thats OK 二、完形填空 根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、 C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Katie Clarks parents came to London from the USA. They lived in a tall building. A man named Nell Johnson

8、 lived in the building, too. He 16 a toy company. One day Neil gave Katie, the 4-year-old girl, a new 17 She played with the toy and said, “This is fun! A few weeks later Nell gave her 18 toy. She played with it. She said, “Im not 19 this toy. It doesnt work.“ She was a (n) 20 little girl. Neil like

9、d her honesty, and they became friends. For years Nell gave Katie new toys, and she gave him very good 21 about the toys. When Katie was thirteen years old, Nell 22 her a new ball. The ball had a balloon inside it. Katie wanted to fill the balloon with water. She wanted to paint the ball in crazy co

10、lors. She wanted to 23 rice or beans ( 豆子 ) in it to make it noisy. The company made these 24 Katies ideas were a great success! The company 25 thousands of the halls. That Christmas Nell gave Katie a (n) 26 gift. He made her a vice-president (副董事长 ) of the toy company. 27 made $200,000 a year. Her

11、job was to see 28 the new toys were fun. She took a car from her school to her office. She worked for three or four hours a day at her job, 29 she had to do her homework. Katie was a busy teenager. She had 30 time to be with her family. Her parents taught her that working hard and doing her best is

12、very important. Today Katie works at a college. The little vice-president with bright ideas helps students think about their future. ( )16. A. owned B. found C. helped D. chose ( )17. A. gift B. book C. toy D. bag ( )18. A. one B. another C. other D. the other ( )19. A. angry with B. surprised at C.

13、 tired of D. interested in ( )20. A. kind B. honest C. helpful D. lovely ( )21. A. ideas B. kills C. names D. facts 学习 -好资料 更多精品文档 ( )22. A. lent B.called C. returned D. showed ( )23. A.grow B.eat C. put D. cook ( )24. A.inventions B.rules C. mistakes D.changes ( )25. A. sent B.had C. sold D. receiv

14、ed ( )26. A.amazing B. interesting C. beautiful D.boring ( )27. A.He B.She C.It D.They ( )28. A. that B. if C.how D. why ( )29. A.so B. but C. or D. then ( )30. A. less B. more C.much D.most 三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、 C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Global English Club English training in four skills: listening, s

15、peaking, reading, and writing. 4-month (800 yuan), 6 month (1,400 yuan) and one year (2,500 yuan) courses. Choice of morning or evening classes, hours per day, Mon. - Fri. All native teachers from Canada and USA. Tel: 8872806 Add.: 306 Xinhua Road 学习 -好资料 更多精品文档 31.In English training class you will

16、 have teachers. A. Canadian B. Australian C. British D. Italian 32. If you want to improve your English, you will 。 A. dial 6353188 B. have classes either in the morning or in the evening C. go to 808 Park Road D. have classes both in the morning and in the evening 33. How much do you need to pay fo

17、r one-to-one piano training every time? A. 150 yuan B.300 yuan C. 450 yuan D.800 yuan 34. If Jim is exercising in the Body building Club, where can you find him? A. 808 Park Road. B. On the highest floor of Sunny Hotel. C. 696 Dunhuang Road. D. 306 Xinhua Road. 35. Which of the following is not true

18、? A. You have to pay 800 .yuan for 4-month English training. B. You have to pay more for using the piano supplied in the class. C. It is very convenient to get to the Piano Club. D. You can enjoy drinks and fruits during body-building exercises. B An Englishman, a Frenchman and a Russian were discus

19、sing happiness. “Happiness,“ said the Englishman, “is when you return home tired after work, you find your slippers (拖鞋 ) warming by the fire.“ “You English have no romance,“ said the Frenchman. “Happiness is when you go on a business trip, meet a pretty girl who entertains (招待 ) you-then afterwards

20、 you part (分手 ) without regrets.“ “You are both wrong,“ said the Russian. “True happiness is when you are at home in bed and at 4:00 am, you hear a ring at the door and outside stand the secret police, who say to you, Ivan, Ivan, you are under arrest ( 逮捕 ) , and you say, Sorry, Ivan lives next door

21、. “ Body-building Club All facilities ( 设备 ) supplied. On the top floor of Sunny Hotel. Every evening from 6:00 to 9: 00, Mon. - Sun. Drinks and fruits ready for you during breaks. Tel: 6353188 Add.: 369 Dunhuang Road Piano Club One-to-one training on Sat. Sun. From 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (150 yuan per

22、hour) Experienced teachers. Pianos supplied (设备 ) for free. Convenient transportations. Tel: 8756038 Add.: 808 Park Road 学习 -好资料 更多精品文档 36. The Englishmans happiness suggests that_ . A. he should have no time to warm his slippers B. he thinks it the most important to have slippers C. he wants someon

23、e to warm his slippers D. he enjoys the warmth of the family 37. The meaning of the Russians words is that_ . A. he would like to have a good sleep at night B. he will feel happy if his neighbour is arrested C. he thinks it happiness to feel safe D. he will feel afraid if anyone knocks at his door a

24、t night 38. The best title for this story is_ . A. The Difference in Happiness B. How to Get Happiness C. The Definition ( 定义 ) of Happiness D. The Importance of Happiness 四、选用方框内的单词填空 light, won, discussion, ninth, bridge, differently, shapes, properly, fresh, straight 39.Septmber is the _ month of

25、 a year. 40. I didn t want to be treated _ from anyone else . 41.I was cooking in the kitchen when suddenly the _ went out . 42. The students are having a _ about how to achieve their dreams . 43.Why are you so happy today ? - Because I _ the badminton match. 44. Vegetables are best when they are _

26、. 45. How clever the boy is! He turned the waste into boxes in different _ . 46. English is like a It makes people in the east and west understand each other. 47. Walk on and you will see the bank on your right. 48. Dress the day when you go for an interview. 五、阅读短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词 It wa

27、s the evening of July 4th, American Independence Day (独立日). Rose was in the yard watching the fireworks with her family. Rose felt bored because all the fireworks were the same. As the whole town looked at the sky, Rose looked at the ground. She saw a lovely cat sitting beside her feet. Then she gav

28、e him something to eat and called him Frank. That summer, Rose ed Frank every day. But she couldnt make the decision to take him into her house. Frank just came at about six oclock every evening. Rose would feed him whatever she could find. She didnt know where he went after meals, but she knew he w

29、ould always come back the next day. Though the weather changed, their routine didnt change. Then winter came. In the first cold month, Frank came five times a week. During the next month, he only came every three days. By the end of the year, Rose hadnt seen Frank for two weeks. Rose was very worrie

30、d. She told her mother about it. “Dont worry, honey,“ said her mum. “I think Frank will appear again when it warms up. And when he comes, I think you can invite him to move inside.“ “Really? Thank you. Mum!“ Rose said happily. She was so eager to see her friend again. 学习 -好资料 更多精品文档 The story of Roa

31、d and Frank 六、书面表达 假如你是李华,下周将有来自英国的十位同学来你校交流学习,你给英方负责人Mr Potter 写封电子邮件,申请一位同学住到你家里。内容需包括以下三个方面: (1) 简要描述一下你的家; (2) 你希望接待什么性格的学生; (3) 你打算向这位学生介绍中国的什么。 注意: (1) 90 词左右。开头结尾已经给出,不计人总词数。 (2) 文中不能出现真实姓名和校名。 Dear Mr Potter, I am very happy to have a student in my home._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours sincerely, Li

32、Hua 学习 -好资料 更多精品文档 七年级一 一、选择填空 1 5 CCDBC 6 10 BCCDD 11 15 A.4DB 二、完形填空 1620 ACBDB 2125 ADCDC 2630 ABBDA 三、阅读理解 31-35 ABCBB 3638 DCA 四、 五、选用方框内的单词填空 39. ninth 40. differently 41. light 42. discussion 43. won 44. fresh 45. Shapes 46. bridge 47. straight 48. properly 六、 七、阅读短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的

33、单词 49. down 50. fed 51. summer 52. pm 53. house 54. cold 55. three 56. Weeks 57. Mum 58. warm 八、 九、书面表达 Dear Mr Potter, I am very happy to have a student in my home. There are three people in my family, my mother, my father and me. We live in a big flat in the city center, so transportation is very

34、easy. We have a spare bedroom at home, so the exchange student who lives in my flat can have his own bedroom. I hope I can have a student who is easy-going and humorous. He doesnt have to be hard-working or generous, though.I love playing ball games, so I hope lhe student loves to do sports too. I can show him around our city and tell him some Chinese traditions, such as using 学习 -好资料 更多精品文档 chopsticks and doing paper-cutting. I can also reach him to play Tai-chi if he is interested. Yours sincerely, Li Hue


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