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1、教学课 题: Unit2 HEALTHY EATING Period1.Warming-up and Pre-reading 授课课时: 1 教学目的: 1.了解什么是均衡饮食 2.了解食品三种分类 3.预测课文内容 教学重点 : 1. 了解均衡饮食养成良好的饮食习惯 教学难点: 1.预测课文内容 教学步骤: STEP1 :Warming-up 1.In Unit1 we have learnt many festivals around the world. Can you list them? Can you tell us what we ll eat in these festival

2、s? Answer: eg: We ll eat Zongzi in Dragon Boat Festival. We ll eat turkey in Christmas. 目的:回顾上单元的内容同时引出第二单元有关食物的内容。 2.Game: Let s have a check. Look who knows the most food. We ll name this food group by group. 3.Every one has his favorite food. Garfield like Spaghetti and collar of brawn best. What

3、 about you? What food do you like best? Do you know whether you eat a healthy diet or not? 4.Proverb: There is a proverb about food : “ You are what you eat!” Please choose the best explanation for this proverb. A.You will become what we eat. B. Your health is decided by what you eat. C. You should

4、buy and eat nutritious food. D. What you eat can make you healthy. Answer: B. 吃什么长什么。人如其食。 5. Classify three kinds of food. Different food give us different nutrition. There are three kinds of foods which help us grow in different ways. Do you know what they are? food to give you energy-energy givin

5、g food food to grow bones and muscle-body- building food 强身健体的食品 food that helps the body fight diseases-protective food 防护食品 6. Read the form on P9 Warming-up. Let s read the form of Warming-up to know detail food of the above three kinds of food. Which groups of food do you like best? Which do you

6、 eat most often? 7. Food pyramid. 8. According to the food pyramid and what we learnt, can you give us a definition about healthy diet? Answer: A healthy diet is one that has some energy-giving, body-building and protective foods every meal without too much fat, sugar and salt. We also call it as a

7、balanced diet. A balanced diet=a lot of energy-giving food+ plenty of protective food+ some body-building food Important phrases: ( have PPT) diet和food的区别: diet 指的是习惯的食物或规定的食物,特指维持健康的食物,如病人的疗养食物, 减肥者的食物;on a diet 减肥 food 是一般指凡能吃能喝的具有营养的东西。 She has been on a diet for a week, so she is very weak now.

8、He is too fat. He has to go on a diet or he can t get out from the door. A balanced food: balance v. n. Everyone ought to have a balanced state of mind. 每个人都应该保持心态平衡。 Can you balance yourself while skating? 滑冰时你能保持身体平衡吗? Please gain a better balance between work and play. 请争取把工作和娱乐更好地结合起来。 9. If we

9、don t have a balanced diet, what will happen? Answer: If you eat too much energy-giving food you will become fat and suffer from high blood pressure. If you eat too much body-building food you will grow taller and stronger but not necessarily healthier. If you eat too much protective food for every

10、meal you may lack energy. If you don t eat enough food of any of the three kinds you may get too thin. STET2: PRE-READING 1.Competition between groups. Look at the topic and the pictures. Predict what the passage is about. Write answer on the paper and then compare whose answer is the most close to

11、the passage.() Answer: This reading passage introduces the students to two unbalanced diets through the story of Wang Peng and Yong Hui. Food at Wang Peng s restaurant contains too much fat while Yong Hui s restaurant offers little energy-giving food. STET3: HOMEWORK Task 1 Compare the two restauran

12、ts( 蓝色为要填的内容) Wang Peng s restaurantYong Hui s restaurant Food barbecued mutton kebabs;roast pork; stir-fried vegetables; fried rice rice; raw vegetables; fruit drink colawater price lowhigh strength of the diet giving its customers energy-giving food making its customers thin/ slim weakness of the

13、diet causing the customers to be fat Making the customers become tired quickly 复习重点词汇:a healthy diet,food to give you energy-energy giving food food to grow bones and muscle-body- building food food that helps the body fight diseases-protective food , a balanced diet 复习 Warming-up 中出现的新单词 授课日期 :序号:

14、12、 13 授课进度:正常 教学课题: Unit2 HEALTHY EATING Period2. ReadingI 授课课时: 2 教学目的: 1. 通过老师简述课文配合填空熟悉课文内容 2. 掌握课文中的疑难句子和重点词汇 3. 通过自主提问来培养学生的自主学习的能力 教学重点: 1. 熟悉课文掌握疑难句子 教学难点: 1.学会跳读和快读课文 教学步骤: STEP1 :Review 1.Check homework. Wang Peng s restaurantYong Hui s restaurant Food barbecued mutton kebabs;roast pork; s

15、tir-fried vegetables; fried rice rice; raw vegetables; fruit drink colawater price lowhigh strength of the diet giving its customers energy-giving food making its customers thin/ slim weakness of the diet causing the customers to be fat Making the customers become tired quickly STEP2: Reading 1.Ques

16、tions about two posts. There are two posts of Wang Peng s and Yong Hui s restaurant. Can you find out? Q1 : What is the advantage of Wang Peng or Yong Hui? Q2: How about their disadvantages? Q3: Who will win? 2.Important phrases in the two posts: tired of, lose weight, slimming food, feel good, disc

17、ounts tired of lose weight slimming food feel good discounts 3.Introduce the story. One day, Wang Peng felt frustrated. Why does he feel so frustrated? Because by lunch time, his restaurant was _empty_, which _ought to be_ full of people. (原句即疑难句一:line4. By now his restaurant ought to be full of peo

18、ple. But not today! ) Let s find out what happened to Wang Peng s restaurant. This is the menu in his restaurant. There are barbecued mutton kebabs, roast pork, stir-fried vegetables, fried rice. (即疑难词汇之一 Line2/3) (Who can be the waiter to explain the menu for us? ) For this menu Wang Peng thought n

19、othing could be better .(原句即疑难句二:Line7) That means Wang Peng thought his food and drinks were the best. One day, Li Chang hurried by. Li Chang was not coming to eat in Wang Peng s restaurant _as_ he always did. So Wang _followed_ him Oh! My god! This restaurant is full of people. _curiosity_ drove h

20、im inside. (原句 Line16)Yong Hui _came forward_ and gave a _menu_ to him, saying, “ Ill help you _lose weight_ and _be fit_ in two weeks. ” (原句Line16-19) He found the menu in Yong Hui s restaurant are only rice and raw vegetables. Even more, he was amazed at this and especially the price on the menu.

21、(原句 Line22 be amazed at=couldn t believe ) Why there are so many people in his high price restaurant? It cost more than a good meal in his restaurant. He could not believe his eyes. (疑难句: Line23)In order to find out the reason, he went to the library, because he could not have Yong Hui getting away

22、with telling people lies!(疑难句: Line27) What did he find? Wang s restaurant Yong s restaurant serve far too much fat serve far too little fat no enough energy-giving food Wang thought out a good idea to win his customers back. what idea did he think out? Important phrases: barbecued mutton kebabs, ro

23、ast pork, stir-fried vegetables, fried rice, hurry by, curiosity, drive inside, come forward, be fit, be amazed at, customers Curiosity N. 好奇心 Curiosity killed the cat. 好奇害死猫。 Curious anj. 好奇的 ,渴望知道的 ;爱探究的 (+as to/about)+to-v+wh- The boy was curious about everything he saw. 那男孩对所见的一切都感到好奇 奇怪的 ;稀奇古怪的

24、 ,难以理解的 I heard a curious noise last night. 昨晚我听见一个奇怪的响声。 Serve V.N. 1. 为.服务 ;为.服役 ;供职2. 招待 ,侍候 ;上酒 ,端菜 1.为.服务是 serve sb. 不要加 for serve the people 2. serve in 在。任职 serve in the navy在海军中服役。 3.at your serve 随时为你服务/效劳 My car is at your serve. Be amazed at 对.大为惊奇 be amazed to see 到听到 , 发现 .感到吃惊 be amaze

25、d to hear 看到 听到 , 发现 .感到吃惊 be amazed to find 到 听到, 发现.感到吃惊 相似: be difficult to do Get away with telling lies Difficult sentences: By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. But not today! nothing could be better. He could not believe his eyes =He was very surprised or amazed at what he saw. h

26、e could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!=He could not let Yong Hui tell lies while are not found out. 4.Comprehending A. When Wang Peng thought “ Nothing could be better” , he means _ A. His food and drinks were the best. B. His food and drinks were the worst. C. His food sho

27、uld have been improved. D. He could do nothing with his food and drinks. B. Why did Wang Peng go into the newly-opened restaurant? A. Because he was angry. B. Because he was curious. C. Because he wanted to blame its owner. D. Because he wanted to ask for advice. D. What is Wang Peng s impression on

28、 Yong Hui s restaurant? A. All the customers in it were very slim. B. It was too small and too noisy. C. The food in it was very nice and better than that in his. D. There was so limited food but the price was much higher. C. We can infer from the last sentence that _ A. Wang Peng would learn from Y

29、ong Hui B. Yong Hui would learn from Wang Peng C. The competition had began and would continue D. The two restaurants would give up the competition 5. read the text again, and put forward questions by themselves. STEP3: Homework 1.复习重要词组背诵疑难句子 2.P11 Comprehending 1/3/4 授课日期 :序号: 14 授课进度:正常 教学课题: Uni

30、t2 HEALTHY EATING Period3. Reading II 授课课时: 1 教学目的: 1. 通过老师简述课文配合填空熟悉课文内容 2. 提炼文章的德育目标 3. 学习各种表示“说”的单词 教学重点: 1. 通过老师简述课文配合填空熟悉课文内容 教学难点: 1. 提炼文章的德育目标 教学步骤: STEP1 :COME AND EAT HERE 1.Predict the story Q1: Can you tell me the last sentence of the Come and Eat Here? The competition between the two res

31、taurants was on. Q2: How do you think the story ends? Q3: Look at the picture on P15, How and why do Wang Peng and Yong Hui get married? 2. Introduce the story 1 st paragraph: Read the 1 st paragraph and fill in the blanks. A week later, Wang Peng s restaurant was _nearly full_ . He felt happy becau

32、se he was able to _earn his living_ and did not look forward to _being in debt_. He smiled as he _welcomed_ some customers warmly at the door. Yong Hui was very angry and glared at him when she came to Pengwei s restaurant because_She thought he had spied on her restaurant._ Wang Peng explained that

33、 he found her menu so limited that he stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of his food. Earn one s living by=make one s living by They earned his living by fishing. After all 毕竟all in all 总的来说first of all 首先,第一at all 根本,完全 Above all 首先,最重要的是 Be in debt 欠债out of debt 不欠债 Glare at Gla

34、re, stare, gaze 辨析? Glare: 怒视They stopped arguing and glared at each other. Stare: 盯着看The old man stared up and down at the guest. Gaze: 凝视 Spy onV. 暗中监视,侦查,看见,发现 From the little hole in the back door he could spy on the whole class. Sigh V. 叹气、叹息 惋惜 ;思念 (+for) She sighed for home and friends Benefi

35、t V. For one s benefit 为了某人的利益 For the benefit of sb 为了某人的利益 Combine 使结合 ;使联合 (+with) Some films combine education with recreation.有些电影把教育与娱乐结合起来。 Cut down 夺取某人的生命He was cut down by cancer at an early age. 缩短、删除某物Your article is too long. Please cut it down to 1000 words. 减少数量The doctor asked him to

36、 cut down his fat. Cut down the price 降价 Before long/long before区别? Before long: 不久以后,很快,多于将来时或过去时连用 I shall visit you again before long. 很快我就会再来看你的。 Before long he had to move on. 不就他有得搬迁。 Long before: 很久以前,多余完成时态连用 He had taken a doctors degree long before. 他很久以前就获得了博士学位。 注: long before 有时表示早在。 。之

37、前 He had come to America long before the war. 他早在战争之前就来到美国。 Provide 装备 ,供给 (+with) Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing 2 nd paragraph: Can you predict the context of 2 nd paragraph from the 1st one? Answer: sit down and try a meal.(the last sentence of 1 st paragraph.)

38、 Read the 2 nd paragraph and fill in the blanks. How did Yong Hui feel when she had the meal in Wang s restaurant? “ I feel sick with _ all this fat and heavy food I miss my _vegetables and fruit _.I do have to _rest _ a lot. But don t you think it would be better_if you were a bit thinner _?” 3 rd

39、paragraph: What did they find after their chat? 让学生根据以下一段文字填空。 They found they didn t offer balanced diets. Because Wang didn t offer enough fibre and Yong Hui didn t offer enough body-building and energy-giving foods. “ My research has shown me that _neither_ your restaurant _nor_ mine offers a _ba

40、lanced food_. Perhaps we ought to _combine our menu_ and provide a balanced menu with food _full of energy and fiber_.” 让学生对比以上两段内容paraphrase填空的内容。 How did they change their menu? raw vegetables with the hamburgers boiled the potatoes fresh fruit with ice cream, In this way, they _cut down_ the fat

41、and _increased_ the fiber in the meal, became _such a success_ that _business cooperation_ had turned into a _a personal one_. Got married and lived happily ever after 3. Different words instead of “ said” If you are careful readers you will notice that many different words are used instead of “ sai

42、d” . Underline these and classify them. Then go back to the first reading and classify the words instead of “ said” too. How a person spoke Why a person spoke Shouted Explained, added, admitted Add: whispered, smiled, laughed, cried Add: agreed, wondered, advised, replied 4. summary: The purpose of

43、this reading: It is never too late to change bad eating habits and begin afresh. STEP2 :Homework 1. P15 1. 2. Translate: 1.能量食品 2.健身食品 3.保健食品 4.平衡膳食 5.减肥食品 6.感到沮丧 7.到吃午饭时 8.烤猪肉 9.炒饭 10.应当,应该 11.羊肉串 12.生菜 13.对感到惊讶 14.对厌倦 15.减肥 16.不能容忍 做 17.被放过 18.说谎 19.作些研究 20.过多的脂肪 21.保持健康 22.赢回顾客 23.谋生 24.期待 25.欠债

44、26.不再 27.怒视 28.暗中监视 29.宣传的好处 30.同意做 31.油腻、难消化的食物 32.把和结合起来 33.提供 34.而不是 35.削减 36.不就以后 37.增加体重 38.转变为 二 Retell the passage: Usually Wang Peng got up early and _ his menu of mutton kebabs. His restaurant _ _ be full of people. But not today! “ Nothing could have been _ ,” he thought. He _ Li Chang int

45、o a _ small restaurant, which was run by Yong Hui. It was _ _ people. He was _ at this and especially at the prices. It _ more than a good meal in his own restaurant. He _ _ the menu and decided that he couldnt _ Yong Hui _ _ _ telling people _! After doing some _, he _ what was _ with Yong Hui s re

46、staurant. The next day, his restaurant was full of people again. He did not look forward to being _ _. Suddenly Yong Hui walked in. She _ _ him. She thought he came to her restaurant only to _ _ her and menu. Wang Peng invited her to try a meal in his restaurant. They _ _ the ice cream. And they had

47、 a good time. After that, they _ their menus and _ a balanced menu _ food full of energy and fibre. At last, they _ _ and lived happily. 授课日期 :序号: 授课进度:正常 教学课题: Unit2 HEALTHY EATING Period5. Modal Verbs 授课课时: 1 教学目的: 1. 学习掌握情态动词的用法 2. 练习情态动词 教学重点: 1. 掌握情态动词的用法 教学难点: 2.学会正确使用情态动词 教学步骤: STEP1 : EXERCE

48、SE 1.Underline the sentences containing modal verbs in the reading passage and use the function words below to explain the meaning of the modal verbs. Then by lunchtime they would all be sold. (Possibility) By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. (Possibility) What could have happened? (Possibility) Nothing could be better. (Possibility) Something terrible must have happened if (Guessing) I ll help you lose weight (Intention) He could not believe his eyes. (Ability ) Perhaps he should go to the library and


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