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1、实用文档 文案大全 S11E01 of The Big Bang Theory 生活大爆炸前情提要Previously on The Big Bang Theory. 我得到了普林斯顿大学的夏季研究奖学金I was offered a summer research fellowship at Princeton. 很不错的大学A fine institution. 阿尔伯特爱因斯坦教过书的地方The place where Albert Einstein taught, 莱纳德也是在那里拿到博士学位and where Leonard got his PhD, 所以那学校可能没落了so it

2、may have gone downhill. 各位还记得诺维茨基博士吗Gentlemen, you may remember Dr. Nowitzki. 她又回来加州理工读博士后啦Shes back at Caltech for her postdoc. 问一下你是想和我发展恋爱关系吗Question. are you seeking a romantic relationship with me? 如果我是呢What if I were? 这会引起一系列的问题Well, that would raise a number of problems. 我们是同事我现在有女友Were colle

3、agues, Im currently in a relation. 艾米艾米Amy? Amy. 艾米Amy? 时至今日and now 你愿意嫁给我吗Will you marry me? 请稍等我一下One moment, please. 不是吧你要在这节骨眼接电话吗Really, youre going to answer that right now? 是莱纳德打来Its Leonard. 我不想失礼嘛I dont want to be rude. 你好Hello? 你上哪去了Oh, hey, where you been? 打你电话找你好久了Weve been calling you f

4、or hours. 抱歉我的手机之前开了飞行模式Oh, Im sorry, my phone was on “Airplane“ mode. 为什么Why? 因为我在飞机上啊Because I was on an airplane. 开免提Hey, put him on speaker. 你去哪里了Yeah. ?Hey, where are you? 我来普林斯顿大学找艾米I came to Princeton to see Amy. 说来也挺有意思Its a funny story, actually. 我当时在跟诺维茨基博士共进午餐I was having lunch with Dr. N

5、owitzki, 然后她亲吻了我and she kissed me. 什么Excuse me? - What? 你说什么Im sorry? 在那一刻我意识到And in that moment, I realized 艾米才是我余生that Amy was the only woman I ever wanted to kiss 唯一想亲吻的女人for the rest of my life. 所以我来新泽西跟她求婚So I came to New Jersey to ask her to marry me. 你真是太贴心了Oh, thats so sweet. 谢尔顿 . -不过呢- She

6、ldon. - Yeah, although 我的确是先去征求了某位男士的祝福there was one man whose blessing I needed first. 我想过了我确实想要Ive thought about it, and I really want to spend 与艾米共度余生the rest of my life with Amy. 实用文档 文案大全 你会祝福我吗Do I have your blessing? 谢尔顿Well, Sheldon. 我觉得你应该将她的手指像土星一样.I think you should make her finger like S

7、aturn 套一个 “环“在上面and put a ring on it. 你去问了霍金博士而不是艾米的父亲吗You asked Stephen Hawking and not her father? 霍金博士是个天才Stephen Hawkings a genius. 如果他不支持我才不要浪费时间去问她爸呢If he said no, I wasnt gonna waste my time on her father. 那你有问过我父亲吧But you did ask my father? 有他同意I did. He said yes. 但不是用机械人式语音说的所以没那么酷 Although

8、, not in a robot voice, so it wasnt nearly as cool. 我的天啊真不敢相信你们订婚了Okay. Oh, my God, I cant believe you guys are engaged. 还没订上婚呢Were not engaged, yet. 她还没答应我Shes taking forever to answer. 那是因为你一直在讲电话Because youre on the phone! 我们稍后回电Well call you back. 她同意了She said yes. 恭喜你们Yay! ?Congratulations! 母亲我

9、有好消息与你分享Mother, I have some good news to share. 我们订婚啦Were engaged. 我真为你们开心但我一点都不惊讶I am so happy for you two, but Im not surprised. 我一直在为这事祈祷Ive been praying for this. 这件事上帝没半点功劳Well, God had nothing to do with it. 完全是因为我跟别的女人接了吻It happened because I was kissing another woman, 令我意识到我想跟艾米共度余生and it ma

10、de me realize I wanted to be with Amy. 居然有超过一名女性对你有兴趣More than one woman was interested in you? 我可能祈祷得太猛了I might have prayed a little too hard. 等等我想先 . Wait, oh, and I just. 我想现在就跟你说清楚I want to let you know right now 我们不会在教堂里成婚that we are not getting married in a church. 没关系谢尔顿Thats all right, Sheld

11、on. 耶稣在哪里那便是教堂Anywhere Jesus is is a church. 但他不会在我们婚礼上Well, he wont be at our wedding. 他会在我心里所以只要我人在Hes in my heart, so if Im there, 他就在hell be there. 行那他就是你带的伴Okay, well, then, hes your plus-one. 你带人的名额就用完了You dont get to bring anyone else. 没关系爱你Thats fine. Love you. 我也爱你再见Love you, too. Bye. 主啊谢谢

12、您Lord, thank you. 虽然您无所不能Even though you can do anything, 但这事真显出了您的无上威能that was mighty impressive. 我们订婚了Were engaged. 天啊太棒了Oh, my God, thats amazing! 实用文档 文案大全 慢着快告诉我整个经过Wait, uh, tell me everything. 是这样的诺维茨基博士亲了我Well, Dr. Nowitzki was kissing me. 你可以别再用这事当故事开头了Okay, you can stop leading with that p

13、art of the story. 恭喜你们啊Well, congratulations. 太为你们俩高兴了Im so happy for you two. 稍等我得告诉伯纳黛特Hold on, I have to tell Bernadette. 妮妮你猜怎么着Hey, Bernie, guess what? 谢尔顿跟艾米订婚啦你相信吗?Sheldon and Amy got engaged. Can you believe it? 天啊我真不敢相信Oh, my God. I cannot believe it. 她好像高兴到 . 在喜极而泣啊Shes so happy. I think s

14、hes crying. 你觉得谢尔顿会想要办类似Do you think Sheldons gonna want 奇葩的星舰迷航主题的婚礼吗some weird Star Trek wedding? 我不知道I dont know. 莱纳德当时想说Well, Leonard could barely finish the words “神秘博士婚礼蛋糕“ , “Doctor Who wedding cake“ 还没说完就被我狠狠拒绝before I shut that down hard. 你有在听我说话吗Are you listening to me? 有啊你对莱纳德毫无人性我听到了Yeah

15、, youre mean to Leonard. I heard you. 你还好吗Is everything okay? 我要告诉你一件事Look, Im gonna tell you something, 但你不许惊慌失措but you cant freak out, 因为我已经很手足无措了because Im already freaking out. 天啊什么事Oh, my God, what is it? 我又怀孕了Im pregnant again. 什. Wha. 有点儿意思Interesting. 霍华德知道了会疯的Howards gonna lose his mind. 慢着

16、你还没告诉他吗Wait, you havent told him yet? 没有No. 你第一个告诉我吗噢,妮妮小亲亲You told me first? Oh, Bernie! 这事不应该啊我们很小心的This wasnt supposed to happen- we were careful. 对啊我本来还以为哺乳期内Yeah, I didnt even think you could get pregnant 女人是不会怀孕的呢while you were breastfeeding. 结果呢老娘就怀了Well, guess what? You can. 好吧听着这是一件好事Okay,

17、look, look, this is a good thing. 这样哈雷就会有个弟弟Halleys gonna have a little brother 或者妹妹陪她玩了or sister to play with. 我想那应该是会挺可爱的I guess that would be pretty cute. 你知道吗我也是我爸妈的意外之喜And, you, know, I was a surprise to my parents, 我爸说我是发生在他们身上and my dad said it was the best thing 最美好的事that ever happened to th

18、em. 好吧也许这个宝宝是上天的恩赐Okay. Maybe this baby actually is a blessing. 天啊亲爱的当然了Oh, my God, honey, of course it is. 我怎么会又怀上了呢How am I pregnant again? 实用文档 文案大全 对啊你们怎么搞的Yeah, what were you thinking? 机票确认好了All right, Im all checked in to my flight. 我好难过你要走了Well, Im sad youre leaving. 为什么你会订当天来回呢Whyd you only

19、book a flight for one day? 我来是为了求婚I came here to propose. 要是你拒绝我我可不想If youd said no, I wouldnt want to stick around 留下来看着你的蠢样looking at your stupid face. 是这样的只有你在拒绝我的情况下Now, mind you, your face is only stupid 你才会是一脸蠢样in the “No“ version of the story. 但我答应了所以我一辈子得到了这个聪明样But I said yes, so I get a lif

20、etime of this. 是啊聪明样Yes, you do, smart face. 不如你多待几天吧Why dont you stay a few extra days? 我没带别的衣服Well, I dont have any other clothes. 我们可以去买Well get you some. 不要了吧我这个人很挑的Oh, I dont know, Im pretty particular. 离这儿不到 1 英里的地方有家漫画店Well, theres a comic book store less than a mile from here. 棒买买买Perfect, l

21、ets go shopping. 对了我今晚要跟同事共进晚餐Oh, um, and Im having dinner with some colleagues tonight. 他们会很高兴见到你的Im sure theyd love to meet you. 来嘛好不好Come on, what do you say? 你开始用烦我的招数了Aw, youre nagging me. 感觉我们已经结婚了似的Its like were already married. 那到底好不好嘛Is that a yes or a no? 天啊留点力给蜜月吧Geez, save some for the h

22、oneymoon. 瞧那是诺维茨基Look at Nowitzki over there. 不敢相信她想从艾米身边抢走谢尔顿I cant believe she tried to steal Sheldon from Amy. 瞧好了You know what? 我现在要过去告诉她他们订婚了Im gonna go there and tell her that theyre engaged now 她的小把戏落空了and that her little plan didnt work. 这是因为你想维护谢尔顿Because youre sticking up for Sheldon, 还是因为

23、你还在气她拒绝了你or because youre still mad she rejected you? 距离太远听不到你在讲什么Too far away, cant hear you. 你好拉蒙娜Hello, Ramona. 你好Hello. 怎么独自一人坐在这呢Why are you sitting by yourself? 我知道了Oh, thats right, 谢尔顿在新泽西他和艾米订婚了Sheldons in New Jersey being engaged to Amy. 我听说了I heard. 现在谢尔顿已经是过去式Now that Sheldons out of the

24、picture, 我可以再给你个机会跟我约会I could give you one more chance to go out with me. 谢邀不用了Nope, Im good. 你确定吗You sure? 我可不会再问第二次I will not ask again. 我真心希望你不会再问了I sincerely hope not. 实用文档 文案大全 行Very well. 那在气氛变尴尬之前我先离开了Im going to leave before this gets awkward. 要我做晚饭吗Want me to make dinner? 好啊不过你能先坐下来吗Uh, sur

25、e, but first, why dont you have a seat? 我有东西给你看Theres something I need to show you. 是晚饭教程的话就完美了Ooh, if its how to make dinner, thatd be great. 这是. 验孕棒吗Is this a. pregnancy test? 是的Yes. 这表示 . 有了吗That means. positive? 是的Yes. 不是吧No. 是的Yes. 不不是N- No. 是的Yes. 别啊No! 这怎么可能发生呢How could this even happen? 我们这么

26、小心Uh, w- we were careful. 就是发生了-不可能- Well, it did. - ?No! 我不能接受-接受现实吧-Yes! Yes! - ?No! No! 好吧好吧行吧Okay! Okay! Okay! 那我们该怎么办Well, w-what are we gonna do? 什么叫 “我们该怎么办 “ What do you mean what are we gonna do? 我们又要生一个宝宝了Were gonna have another baby. 不不-别叫了- No! No! ?- Stop that! 就是怀了-我也想不叫啊?- Yes! - No,

27、Im trying! 我知道这感觉很可怕但是Look, I know its scary, but. 我们都是负责任的成年人我们能行were both responsible adults, we can do this. 你真这么想吗You really think so? 不No! 你好斯图尔特-你好拉杰- Hey, Stuart. - Oh, hey, Raj. 有什么能帮到你的What can I help you with? 我要买一份订婚礼物I need to buy an engagement gift. 那你来错地方了Well, you came to the wrong pl

28、ace. 是送给谢尔顿和艾米的Its for Sheldon and Amy. 不是吧他们订婚了-是的- No way! Theyre engaged? - Yeah. 真是个令人激动的好消息Well, thats exciting news. 谁能想到谢尔顿和艾米会是下一对Who wouldve thought Sheldon and Amy would be the next two 喜结连理的呢to tie the knot? 可不是嘛我才是那个Tell me about it. Im the one 在莱纳德和佩妮婚礼上接到捧花的人who caught the bouquet at L

29、eonard and Pennys wedding. 通常是女生抢捧花 /抢到捧花的人会延续幸福/最快下一个结婚 好吧Okay. 我看看Uh. you know, 他们可能会喜欢这个they might like this. 实用文档 文案大全 超人和神奇女侠挺浪漫的Superman and Wonder Woman, its kind of romantic. 其实呢You know what? 我干嘛给他们买礼物Why am I buying them a gift? 他们已经拥有爱了They have love. 去他们幸福脱单的Screw them and their happines

30、s. 你有没有适合苦逼单身狗的东西What do you have for someone whos bitter and alone? 基本上全部都是Literally everything. 谢尔顿这两位是我研究小组的领导Sheldon, these are the heads of my research team. 你好-赞恩博士哈里斯博士- Oh, hello. - Dr. Zane, Dr. Harris, 这是我未婚夫谢尔顿库珀博士this is my fiance, Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 这是我第一次这样说Thats the first time Ive sa

31、id that 我都得起鸡皮疙瘩了and it kind of gave me the goose bumps. 库珀博士Dr. Cooper, 很高兴能见到你we are so excited to meet you. 太客气了Well, thats very kind of you. 如果你希望的话,饭后我可以帮你们在菜单上签名If youd like, I could autograph your menus after dinner, yeah? 但最好别让我发现你们拿去网上拍卖But I better not see those on eBay. 不不我们只是很开心能见到No, no

32、, no, were just excited to meet the man 赢得这位才华横溢的女士的男士who landed this brilliant woman here. 那一点都不难That wasnt hard, 是她倒追我的she threw herself at me. 但要让宇宙向我展露“私密之处 “ Now, getting the universe to show me its naughty bits, 那才需要费一番功夫that-that took some doing. 谢尔顿是物理学家Sheldons a physicist. 挺不错啊Oh, thats ni

33、ce. 艾米我最近读了你Amy, I recently read your paper on lesions 关于嗅觉受体损伤的论文in the olfactory receptors in the brain. 非常受到启发It was inspired. 看来水平不算太臭Oh, well, I guess it didnt stink. 但即使臭了那只老鼠也闻不到But if it did, that rat wouldnt have known it. 抱歉?Im sorry, 你肯定不想坐在这儿Im sure you dont want to sit here 听我们聊工作and li

34、sten to a bunch of work talk. 不我很喜欢Oh, no, I love it. 我们来聊工作吧No, but lets talk about work. 艾米的工作我的工作Amys work, my work. 不如就先聊我的工作吧Yeah, why dont we start with my work? 我还真有个问题想问库珀博士Actually, I do have a question for Dr. Cooper. 艾米首次告诉你她对突触追踪的切入点时When Amy first told you about her approach to synaptic

35、 tracing, 你有意料到会给这个领域带来巨大变革吗did you think it was gonna revolutionize the field? 不是吧Really? 你要问的就是这个吗Thats your question? 实用文档 文案大全 怎么你是综艺节目今夜娱乐的人吗What are you, Entertainment Tonight? 这样吧You know what? 我来给你提供一个更好的问题听着Let me give you a better question. Here, “库珀博士um, “Dr. Cooper, 听说你正在为美国军方I heard you

36、 were working on a top-secret project 研究一个最高机密项目for the U.S. Military. 不如跟我们说说这个吧“ Why dont you tell us about that?“ 这才是个好问题See, thats a great question. 好吧那项目怎么样Okay, what was that like? 我不能告诉你那可是最高机密Oh, I cant tell you that, its top-secret. 刚才好心累Boy, that was exhausting. 无意冒犯但你的同事很无礼You know, no of

37、fense, but your colleagues were pretty rude. 是吗是他们无礼吗Really, they were rude? 是啊Yes. 他们只会一直说你的事说你有多了不起They just kept talking about you and how great you are, 完全无视我多次提起我自己no matter how many times I brought me up. 他们是我的同事You know, these are my colleagues 想谈论我的工作成果and they want to talk about my work. 这有

38、什么好让你不爽的Why does that bother you so much? 因为我也在场啊Because I was there. 就像请变形金刚的擎天柱来吃饭Its like having Optimus Prime over to dinner 却不叫他变身卡车一样and not asking him to turn into a truck. 你知道吗谢尔顿You know what, Sheldon? 你并非永远是所有空间里最聪明的人Youre not always the smartest person in every room. 你很可能都不是这房间里最聪明的人You m

39、ay not even be the smartest person in this room. 不好意思Oh, I am sorry. 难道尼尔德格拉塞泰森躲在沙发后面吗What, is Neil deGrasse Tyson hiding behind the couch? 著名天体物理学家 如果真是他也没多聪明Cause if he is, hes not that smart, 因为后面挺多灰的its pretty dusty back there. 你要去哪里Hey, where are you going? 我要气冲冲地回我的房间Im storming off to my room

40、. 那我能气冲冲地走去哪儿Well, then where am I supposed to storm off to? 你那么聪明怎么不自己想Well, youre so smart, why dont you figure it out? 还有其他卧室吗Is there another bedroom? 或者小房间之类的Perhaps a-a den? 你们对你子宫里那个新事物So, how are you guys doing with all the new 适应得怎么样events in your womb? 挺好的,你知道吗?Good, you know? 很明显这事我们也没预料到

41、Obviously, it was a surprise. 之前发生了一些哭泣和争吵There was some crying and some yelling. 有些“和好性事”的提议也被拒绝了Some suggestion of make-up sex that did not go over well, 哪怕我们不可能怀上加怀even though its not like we can get more pregnant. 但我们意识到这是一份礼物But then we realized that its a gift, in the sense 实用文档 文案大全 虽然我们没有主动要

42、求that we didnt ask for it, 也没有主动选择and we may not have chosen it. 而且我们已经有一个了And we already have one. 你知道吗?每当我买到喜欢的上衣You know, whenever I find a top I like, 我就会回去再买一件同款不同色的I always go back and get a second one in a different color. 我希望你们的宝宝不会是不同色Which I hope is not the case with your baby. 我知道你们吓坏了但你们

43、是很好的父母I know you guys are freaked out, but youre great parents 你们如果需要帮忙我们随时都在and if you ever need help, we are here for you. 是啊不管什么忙开口就是了Yeah, anything at all, just ask. 你知道你们能做什么吗Ooh, you know what you could do? 你们可以也生个宝宝You could have a baby, too. 不好意思你说什么Im sorry, what? 真是个好主意我们可以一起经历这个过程No, that

44、s a great idea, we could go through it together. 那一定会很好玩对吧Wouldnt that be fun? 你们刚刚才在说You guys were just saying 你们有多害怕多凄惨how freaked out and miserable you are. 我经常说疯话I say a lot of crazy things. 毕竟我怀孕了体内激素发生变化Im pregnant and hormonal. 快点生个宝宝干起来Do it! Have a baby, do it! 那画面超级萌我们的孩子在一起玩耍Come on, itd

45、be so cute, our kids playing together? 怎么样你们俩快去把床单滚起What do you say, why dont you two hit the old mattress 赶紧搞出个娃娃来and whip up a family? 我们才不会为了让你们开心Okay, were not gonna have a baby 就赶紧生孩子呢just to make you guys feel better. 想让我俩生孩子除非是我们准备好了Yeah, if were gonna have a baby its gonna be when we are rea

46、dy, 或者我确定佩妮要抛弃我了or when Im certain Penny is gonna leave me. 没错Exactly. 他们都是我的朋友我应该为他们高兴Theyre my friends, and I should be happy for them. 我也努力过了A-And Im trying, 但我只感到满腹纠结和莫名的空虚but all I feel is this gnawing, empty sensation in my gut. 我也曾有过这种感觉I had that once. 后来发现是我肚里长了绦虫Turned out it was a tapewor

47、m. 好吧. Cool. Uh. 只是. 这种事很难跟其他朋友聊Its just.its hard talking to my other friends about this, 但我想你可以理解我but I knew you would understand. 为什么Why is that? 因为你和我都是单身狗Because you and I are both alone, 想想还真是抚慰人心which is actually kind of comforting, 至少我们单着的路上有个伴because at least we can be alone together. 这真是太尴尬

48、了Mm. This is-this is awkward. 我今晚本来打算提早关店I, um, I was actually gonna close up a little early tonight 因为我要去约会cause I have a date. 真的吗Really? 实用文档 文案大全 真的Yeah. 请原谅我无法为你感到开心Forgive me if Im having trouble being happy for you. 小傻瓜痛在你身乐在我心Dont be silly, Im loving your pain. 这会是我俩结婚以后的状态吗Is this how our m

49、arriage is going to be? 有时候人们会更愿意和她说话Sometimes people will be more interested 而不是和我说话吗in talking to her than to me? 你现在人在厕所吗Are you sitting in a bathroom? 是的Yes. 我需要一个能让我发泄的地方I needed a place to storm off to 这里是唯一可以的地方and it was all that was available. 好吧Fine. 但如果我听见马桶冲水的声音谈话立刻结束But if I hear a flush, this conversation is over. 即使有一位世界级的智者在那些人的面前Those people were in the presence of a world-class mind, 而他们却只想聊那些无聊废话and all they wanted


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