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1、实用文档 标准文案 美国家庭万用亲子英文Chapter01 起床 该起床了!Time to wake up!起床了,你这个贪睡鬼 ! Wake up, you sleepyhead! 太阳都晒到屁股了!Rise and shine! 快点起床!该去学校 /幼儿园了 Get up, please! Time to go to school/kindergarten. 还在睡梦中吗?Still dreaming? 再不起床的话,我要抓痒了哦I ll tickle you if you dont wake up. 你要早睡早起。You should go to bed early to get up

2、 early. 还想睡吗?Want to sleep more? 我可以多睡一会吗?Can I sleep some more? 我太累了,起不来。I m so tired that I cant get up. 妈妈,我睁不开眼睛!Mom, I can t keep my eyes open! 只能再睡五分钟。Just five more minutes. 我倒数三。快点起床!I ll count to three. Come on! 快点,否则你要迟到了。Hurry up, or you will be late. 我醒了。I m awake. 你不用叫我也没关系。 我已经醒了。 You

3、dont have to wake me up. Im already up. 哇!你自己起床的吗?Wow! Did you get up by yourself? 你没有听到闹钟响吗?Did you not hear the alarm? 不要打瞌睡。做好。Don t doze off. Sit right up. 看看谁先起来了?Lets see who gets up first. 实用文档 标准文案 你还在沉睡。You re still sound sleep. 伸展一下你的身体。Stretch your body. 以后我不会再叫你起床了。I m not going to wake

4、you up anymore. Chapter 01-02 早晨打招呼 你睡的好吗?Did you sleep well? 早!睡的好吗?Hey! Did you get a good nights sleep? 宝贝,睡得好吗?Did you sleep tight, my sweetie? 你睡懒觉了。You slept in. 晚上不冷吧?Was it not chilly at night? 已经醒了喔?为什么这么早醒呢?You re already awake? Why so early? 哇!太阳打西边出来了。Whoa! I ve never seen this before! 我

5、刚睁开眼睛。My eyes just opened. 看起来你的心情很好。Seems like you re in good mood. 睡个好觉后, 你看起来心情很好。 You look happy after a good night s sleep. 为什么今天早上你看起来心情不太好?Why do you look grumpy this morning? 我还想睡。I m still sleepy. 起床后,你应该先打招呼。You should say hello first thing in the morning. 你应该说: “ 早安! ”You should say, “Goo

6、d morning!“ 亲一下,说 “ 早安” 吧!Lets kiss and say, “Good morning!“ 你做了好梦吗?Did you have sweet dreams? 妈妈,要听听我做的梦吗?Mom, want to hear about my dreams? 你可以叫你弟弟起床吗?Can you wake up your brother? Chapter 01-03 洗脸 实用文档 标准文案 起床洗脸了哦。Get up to wash your face./Get up and wash your face. 洗脸刷牙。Wash your face and brush

7、your teeth. 脖子也要洗哦。Wash your neck, too. 谁要先洗?Who wants to wash up first? 需要妈妈帮你吗?Want Mom to help you? 妈妈,你可以帮我吗?Can you help me, Mom? 自己洗的话,我会弄湿衣服的。 If I do it by myself, I will get my clothes wet. 我不想洗脸!I don t want to clean my face! 我要吃饭后再洗。I ll wash myself after I eat. 都洗好了吗?Are you done? 我正在洗,妈

8、咪。I m working, Mom. 拿一条干净的毛巾。Get a clean towel. 妈,没有毛巾。Mom, there s no towel. 妈,可以拿条毛巾给我吗?Mom, can you get me a towel. 洗好后,你看起来好美喔。You look pretty after cleaning. 厕所的地板很滑,要小心喔。Watch out for the slippery floor. Chapter 01-04 刷牙 一天要刷三次牙。You should brush your teeth three times a day. 好好地刷牙。Brush your t

9、eeth properly. 刷牙要上下刷。Brush up and down. 不要忘记也要刷里面。Don t forget to brush deep inside. 牙和牙床都要彻底地刷干净。Clean your teeth and gums thoroughly. 不要忘记刷舌头。Don t forget to brush your tongue. 实用文档 标准文案 漱口,然后吐掉。Gargle and spit. 牙刷上要沾点牙膏。Put only a little toothpaste on your toothbrush. 妈妈,帮我挤牙膏。Mom, squeeze the t

10、oothpaste for me. 我们没有牙膏了。We re out of toothpaste. 一定要刷三分钟。Brush for three minutes. 三分钟到了吗?Has it been three minutes yet? 不要忘记关水。Don t leave the water running. 我讨厌刷牙。I hate brushing my teeth. 妈妈,帮我刷牙。Brush my teeth for me, Mom. 要好好刷牙,不然你的牙齿会变黑。Brush your teeth well, or they will turn black. 如果你不好好照顾

11、你的牙齿的话,你会蛀牙。 If you dont take care of your teeth, youll get cavities. 不好好刷牙地话,会有口臭。If you dont brush well, youll have bad breath. 不要用错误的方法刷牙。Don t brush your teeth the wrong way. Chapter 01-05 吃早餐 到吃早餐时间了。It s time for breakfast. 快来吃早餐吧。Come and eat your breakfast. 在餐桌前坐好。Sit at the table. 爸爸,快来和我们一

12、起吃饭吧。Dad, come and eat with us. 能把弟弟也叫过来吃饭吗?Can you call your brother,too? 谁能帮妈妈放饭桌呢?Who wants to help me set the table? 谁能帮妈妈把饭勺放到桌上呢?Can you put the spoons on the table? 吃饭前,做个祷告吧。Lets say grace before we eat. 实用文档 标准文案 吃早饭吧。Lets have breakfast. 味道怎么样?是不是很好吃呢?How is it ? Isnt it good? 不好吃吗?Don t y

13、ou like it ? 没有胃口吗?Don t you feel like eating? 为什么不吃?Why arent you eating? 不太想吃东西。I don t feel like eating much. 早晨不爱吃饭。I can t eat in the morning. 早餐要吃好,身体才会棒噢。Eating breakfast makes you strong. 再吃一口吧。Just take one more bite. 先尝一尝,看看是不是好吃。Just try and see if it s good. 要迟到了,快点儿吃吧。You ll be late. Hu

14、rry up and eat. 喝点儿水吧。Lets drink some water.不要把牛奶撒出 来哟。Don t spill the milk. 那个菜离我太远了。I can t reach that dish. 米饭太多了。There is too much rice. 妈妈来喂你。I ll feed you. 太烫了。It s too hot. 吹一吹,凉得快。Blow on your food to cool it off. 吃完了吗?Are you finished? 好了,别吃了。Stop eating now. 我吃不了。I can t eat anymore. 肚子饱儿了

15、。I m full. 剩点儿,可以吗?Can t I leave some? 实用文档 标准文案 吃不完,可以吗?Is it okay if I dont finish it all? 快吃完了。I m almost done eating. 看起来很好吃。谢谢。Looks good. Thank you. 谢谢你的这一餐美食。Thank you for the nice meal. 真是极品美味,谢谢!The food was fabulous. Thanks. Chapter 01-06 用餐习惯及礼仪 不要挑食啊。Don t be picky with your food. 吃饭的时候不

16、要来回乱跑。Don t walk around while you eat. 不许剩饭。Don t leave your food uneaten. 要自己吃噢。You should eat by yourself. 小心,不要掉饭粒。Be careful not to drop your food. 你看看!掉了。Oops! You dropped your food. 没关系,妈妈会给你擦。It s okay. Ill clean it. 慢点儿,不要着急。Eat slowly and dont rush. 要细嚼慢咽。Chew well. 要正确使用筷子。Use your chopsti

17、cks right. 不要把东西吐出来。Don t spit out the food. 要坐在餐桌前吃饭。Sit down and eat at the table. 在餐桌前做好。Sit properly at the table. 嘴里嚼东西时,不要讲话。Don t talk with your mouth full. 把你吃饭用的碗碟放进水槽里吧。Put your bowl in the sink. 来帮妈妈收拾餐桌吧。Help me clean up the table. Chapter01-07 上厕所 实用文档 标准文案 我要去尿尿。I have to pee. 我要去便便。I

18、have to poop. 我快要大出来了。I m about to poop. 妈妈先把你的裤子脱下来。Take off your pants first. 不要忘记冲水。Don t forget to flush. 不要用太多卫生纸。Don t use t oo much toilet paper. 呦!好臭喔!Phew! It stinks! 如果你要尿尿的话,要告诉我。Tell me if you have to pee. 尿不出来吗?Is it not coming out? 不要忍。去尿。Don t hold it. Go pee. 憋尿是不好的。It s not good to

19、hold your pee. 儿子我讨厌坐马桶。I don t want to sit on the toilet. 妈妈你可以自己尿尿吗?Can you pee by yourself? 便便后,要洗手。Wash your hands after you poop. 水冲一次就好。Flush the toilet only once. 好了叫我哦。Call me when you re done. 儿子妈,我好了。I m done, Mom. 你可以帮我擦屁股吗?Can you wipe my bottom? 我一直要放屁。捏住你的鼻子。I keep farting. Hold your n

20、ose. 妈妈恶,谁放屁了?Ugh, who cut the cheese? 放屁在我脸上的话,我会抓住你。Fart in my face, and Ill get you! 你尿在裤子上了吗?Did you pee in your pants? 看起来,你很急。It looks like you were in a rush. 实用文档 标准文案 你肚子痛吗?Does your tummy ache? 下次,不可以忍到尿在裤子上。 Dont hold it till you have to pee in your pants next time. Chapter01-08 爸爸去上班 爸爸要

21、去上班了。Daddy is going to work. 爸爸要出门了,说再见。Daddy is leaving. Say goodbye. 说再见,甜心。Say bye-bye, Sweetie. 爸爸,祝你有美好的一天。Have a good day, Dad! 爸爸,祝你好运。Good luck, Dad! 亲一下爸爸。Give Daddy a kiss. 宝贝,要帮爸爸擦皮鞋吗?Honey, want to polish Dads shoes? 爸爸,我帮你拿鞋子。Let me get your shoes ready, Dad. 晚的话,打个电话回来。Call us if youre

22、 going to be late. 你要跟同事去聚餐吗?Are you eating out with your coworkers. 早点回来。Come home early. 不要太晚,爸爸。Don t be too late, Dad. 你什么时候回来?When are you coming back? 我想跟爸爸一起出门!I want to go with you, Dad! 早点回来跟我玩。Come home early to play with me. 不要喝酒,早点回家。Don t drink and come home early. 爸爸,一会见。See you later,

23、 Dad! 回来时,要买好吃的给我。Bring me some goodies when you get back. 爸爸,你看起来很帅!Dad, you look great. 实用文档 标准文案 甜心,今天也玩得开心。Have fun all day, Sweetie. 爸爸去上班了。Dad will go to work. 当我在的上班时,我会想你的。I ll miss you while I work. 午餐时,我会打电话给你。Dad will call you at lunch hour. 我可以买什么好东西给你呢?Shall I bring you something good?

24、跟妈妈好好玩。Have fun with Mommy. 下班后,我会尽可能早回家。I ll come back from work as fast as I can. Chapter01-09 挑衣服 你想要穿什么呢?What do you want to wear? 挑一件你想穿的吧。Choose what you want to wear. 今天我要穿裙子。I want to wear a skirt today. 今天你需要穿什么?What do you need to wear today? 今天,你需要穿学校制服。Today, you need to wear your school

25、 uniform. 今天,你需要穿体育服。Today, you need to wear your PE clothes. 给我运动服。Get me my gym clothes. 这个天气不适合穿短裤。Shorts are not good for this weather. 天气很冷,你应该穿外套。It s chilly, so you should wear a jacket. 我讨厌穿那些衣服。I don t want to wear those clothes. 我讨厌穿这件衬衫,给我另一件。I don t want to wear this shirt. Give me anoth

26、er one. 明天,我也要穿这件外套。I will wear this coat tomorrow, too. 这条裤子你什么时候买的?When did you buy this pants? 这件夹克太女孩子、男孩子气了。This jacket is too girlish/boyish. 实用文档 标准文案 这件衬衫很不舒服。I don t feel comfy in this shirt. 这件太薄了。This is too thin. 外面非常冷。It s very chilly out there. 这条裤子跟那件衬衫不搭。The pants don t match the shi

27、rt. 这件衬衫要洗了,拿其他的吧。We need to wash this shirt. Get another one. 那件还没干,等明天再穿。It s not fully dry yet. Wear it tomorrow. 那件连衣裙穿在我们公主身上,太好看了。That dress looks perfect on my princess! Chapter01-10 穿衣服 让我们来换衣服吧。Lets get changed. 你可以自己穿衣服吗?Can you get dressed by yourself? 你需要妈妈帮忙吗?Do you want Mom to help you

28、? 把袖子摺起来。Fold your sleeves. 戴上帽子。Put on your hat. 你的袜子不是同一双。Your socks don t match. 你的另一只袜子在哪?Where is your other sock? 拉上裤子的拉链。Lets zip up your pants. 扣上你的衬衫纽扣。Lets button your shirt. 你的纽扣扣错了。You buttoned your shirt wrong. 你的衬衫穿反了。You put on your shirt inside out. 脱掉你的内衣。Take off your underclothes.

29、 我们换新的内衣吧。Lets change into some new underwear. 你可以帮我穿上这个吗?Can you help me put this on? 你可以帮我解开衬衫的扣子吗?Can you unbutton my shirt? 实用文档 标准文案 你可以帮我拉开拉链吗?Can you unzip me? 这太小/大了。This is too small/large. 这裤子现在太小了。These pants are too small now. 你长大了,这些衣服都不能穿了。You have outgrown these clothes. 妈妈,我看起来好看吗?Do

30、 I look good, Mom? 衣服的种类 衬衫 shirt T 恤 T-shirt 外套,夹克jacket 运动衫sweatshirt 套衫 pullover 无袖上衣tank top 帽衣 hoodie 裤子 pants 牛仔裤 jeans 休闲裤slacks 短裤 shorts 工作裤 overalls 裙子 skirt 连衣裙 dress 外套 coat 军用雨衣 trench coat 运动服 gym clothes 睡衣 pajamas 内衣 underwear 制服 uniform Chapter01-11 自己穿衣服 换衣服了。Change your clothes. 我

31、要穿哪一件?What should I wear? 在你的衣柜里找找。Look into your closet. 换上舒服一点的衣服。Change into some comfortable clothes. 换上干净的衣服。Change into some clean clothes. 穿你想穿的衣服。Wear what you want to wear. 换上居家服。Change into what you wear at home. 我可以穿这件吗?Can I wear this? 不会太热吗?穿其他的。Isn t that too hot? Wear something else.

32、我只要穿这件衣服。I ll just stay in this clothes. 实用文档 标准文案 那脏了,要换掉。Thats dirty. Change now. 把脏衣服放进洗衣篮内。Put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket. 内衣也要换。Change your underwear, too. 换上准备好的衣服。Put on the clothes that are ready. 妈妈,我要穿的衣服在哪?Mom, where are the clothes ready to wear? 你不穿衣服,还在做什么?What are you do

33、ing not getting dressed? 你自己可以穿衣服了。现在你是大男孩/女孩了。 You got dressed by yourself. Now you are a big boy/girl. Chapter01-12 梳头发 我们来梳头发吧。Lets comb your hair. 我会把你的头发绑得很漂亮。I will tie your hair pretty. 你要绑成马尾还是辫子?Do you want it tie in a ponytail or pigtails? 让我来帮你把头发分边。Let me part your hair. 不要动。Don t move.

34、你的头发长很多了。Your hair has grown a lot. 你的头发很蓬松。Your hair is fluffy. 你需要去理发室剪头发。You need a haircut at a beauty shop. 你要别个发夹吗?Do you want a hairpin? 你要绑发带吗?Do you want a hairband? 你想要绑哪一个发带?Which hairband do you want? 你的头发都打结了,我梳不开。Your hair in tangles up, so I cant comb it. 轻轻地帮我梳头发。Brush my hair softly

35、. 妈妈,好痛!Mom, that hurts! 实用文档 标准文案 要我帮你绑辫子吗?Want me to braid your hair? 我来把你的头发梳起来。Let me put your hair up. 你能把发夹拿给我吗?Can you hand me the hairpin? 请把梳子拿给我。Please bring me the comb. 你能帮我绑头发吗?Can you tie my hair? 你能帮我剪掉刘海吗?我的头发戳到我的眼睛了。 Can you cut my bangs? My hair is poking me in my eyes. 可以帮我绑跟昨天一样的

36、吗?Can you tie my hair like you did yesterday? 我不喜欢这个发型。I don t like this hairstyle. 请帮我重新绑,好吗?Can you tie it again, please? 今天,我要把头发放下来。I want to untie my hair today. 请把我的头发绑成马尾。Tie my hair in a ponytail. 请把我的头发绑成辫子。Tie my hair in pigtails. 请不要绑太紧。Don t tie it too hard. 你要把刘海留长吗?Do you want your ban

37、gs to grow? Chapter01-13 准备学校用品 今天的学校用品是什么?What are your supplies for school today? 你整理好书包了吗?Did you pack your bag? 教科书放进去了吗?Did you get your books? 作业放进去了吗? Did you get your homework? 便当和水瓶都准备好了吗?Did you have your lunchbox and water bottle? 室内拖鞋准备好了吗?Do you have your indoor shoes? 啊,我忘了。Oops, I for

38、got. 实用文档 标准文案 我忘记我要带什么了。I can t remember what I should bring. 我应该要带美术用具。I should bring some art supplies. 这份考试卷需要签名。I need to get this paper signed. 我都准备好了。I got everything ready. 老师叫你要带什么呢?What did your teacher ask you to bring? 今天有美术课吗?Do you have art class today? 你应该事先准备好美术用品。You should have you

39、r supplies prepared in advance. 从明天开始,要事先准备。Starting tomorrow, have it ready beforehand. 你准备好了吗?Are you ready? 确认你有没有都带了。Make sure you have everything. 我忘记装你的便当了。I forgot to pack your lunchbox. 你还需要其他的吗?Do you need anything else? 哇,你都准备好了。真棒!Wow, you got it ready. Good job! 今天没有作业 /学校用品。I have no ho

40、mework/supplies today. 我不知道要带什么去学校。I don t know what to bring to school. 我们老师从不和我们说任何事。My teacher never told us anything. 妈妈,我的学校用品在哪?Where are my supplies, Mom? 我以为我已经把它们放进你的书包了。I thought I put them in your backpack. 准备学校用品是你自己的事情。Its your job to get your supplies. 去学校时顺道去一下文具店。 You should stop by

41、the stationery store on your way to school. Chapter 01-14 催促 实用文档 标准文案 快点,宝贝!Hurry up, Honey! 妈妈在等喔。Mom s waiting. 你要迟到了。You ll be late. 我们还有时间,妈咪。We still have time, Mommy. 如果你不快点的话,你上学就会迟到。 Youll be late for school if you dont hurry. 一天都要结束了。The day will be over soon. 喔,不,太晚了。Oh, no! Its too late.

42、 你会错过校车的。You re going to miss the school bus. 你能开车送我去吗?Can you give me a ride? 看一下时钟,你能告诉我几点了吗?Look at the clock. Cant you tell the time? 你知道你晚了多久了吗?Do you know how late you are? 五分钟把它完成。Finish in five minutes. 现在几点了?What time is it now? 我正在尽全力。I m doing my best. 不好意思,我会快点。 I m sorry. Ill speed up.

43、我不等你了。I m not waiting for you any longer. 我要先走了。I m leaving before you. 如果你一直迟到的话,这些习惯将很难改掉。 If you keep on being late, it will be a hard habit to break. 妈妈在外面等你。I ll be outside waiting for you. 我数到三之前要完成。Finish before I count to three. 现在我们一定要出发了。We need to leave now. 实用文档 标准文案 你的时间已经不够了。You dont h

44、ave enough time. 时间飞快过去了。Time is ticking away. 为什么每天早上都要这样混乱?Why should this happen every morning? 对不起,不会再这样了。Sorry. It wont happen again. Chapter 01-15 穿鞋子 穿上你的鞋子。Put on your shoes. 背好背包,穿好鞋子。Get your bag and put on your shoes. 换上运动鞋。Change your shoes to sneakers. 你的鞋子穿错边了。Your shoes are on the wro

45、ng feet. 交换穿一下。Switch shoes. 不要踩到鞋后跟。Don t step on the back of your shoes. 如果你要跑步的话,你需要穿运动鞋。You need your sneakers if you want to run. 现在你的鞋子好旧了。Your shoes are old now. 这鞋子又旧又破。These shoes are old and torn. 我还是很喜欢这双鞋子,不要丢掉它们。 I still love these shoes. Dont throw them away. 妈妈,我的鞋带松开了。My shoelaces ar

46、e untied, Mom. 我的鞋带一直松开。My shoelaces won t stay tied. 你能帮我绑鞋带吗?Can you tie my shoes? 那鞋子跟你的衣服不搭。Those shoes don t match your clothes. 把鞋子放在该放的位置上。Put your shoes in the right place. 把鞋子放在鞋架上。Put your shoes on the shoe rack. 实用文档 标准文案 它们应该放在鞋架上。They must be on the shoe rack. 你鞋子的大小是130 公分。Your shoe si

47、ze is 130mm. 合脚吗?Do the shoes fit? 鞋子不太大 /小。Are they not too big/small? 你已经长到鞋子穿不下了。You ve outgrown your shoes. 让我买双新的给你吧。Let me buy you a new pair. 因为穿新鞋,脚好痛。These new shoes hurt my feet. 我要穿我的皮鞋。I want to wear my dress shoes. 妈妈,我要穿哪双?What shoes should I wear, Mom? 它们都好脏哦,要洗一洗了。They are very dirty

48、. They need to be washed. Chapter 01-16 上学前的打招呼 祝你有个美好的一天。Have a good day. 祝你度过美好的时光。Have a good time. 跟朋友们好好玩哦。Have fun with your friends. 一整天都要快乐哦。Be happy all day long. 要恭敬地鞠躬打招呼,宝贝。Bow your head politely, Honey. 你应该说再见。You should say goodbye. 你不该跟爸爸说再见吗?Shouldnt you say bye to Dad? 亲一下,宝贝。Give m

49、e a kiss, Honey. 你没有忘了什么吗?(意思是要亲我一下)Didnt you forget something? 再见,我走了。Goodbye! I m leaving. 在学校好好用功。Study hard at school. 好好待在学校,要听话。Be good at school. Behave! 实用文档 标准文案 放学后,打电话给我。 Call me after school./ call me after youre done. 等一下下午见。I ll see you later in the afternoon. 放学后,立刻回家Come home right after school. 我会准备好吃的点心等你。I ll be waiting with a tasty snack ready. 我回来时,你会在家吗?Will you be home when I come back? 等一下,来接我。Come pick me up later. 我会去接你。I ll go pick yo


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