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1、实用文档 文案大全 1. 全面答题(Task Response) ,2. 段落连贯(Coherence and Cohesion),3. 词汇恰当 (Lexical Resource),4. 文法正确(Grammatical Range and Accuracy) 一、总的短语 在某方面冲突的观点 Conflicting views on 令人担忧的趋势 Worrying trend 水平的下降 The declining level of 有关于的记忆 With memories of 积极 /消极作用 Positive/negative effect 看起来是不可缺少的 Seem to b

2、e indispensable 大量旅客 A spate of visitors 出租房屋 Let out rooms 忽视掉了细节 Leave out a detail 给予很高的关注 Be given great consideration 某人有义务做 Sb. Be obligated to do sth. 度过难关 Pull sb. through ordeal 从某方面来说 In terms of 以后者替代前者 Replace A with B 鼓励某人做某事 Encourage somebody to do something 由于导致的 As a result of 相对少 R

3、elatively small 与不相容 Incompatible with 实用文档 文案大全 有着错误的认知 Harbor/embrace misconception 与一致Be consistent with 习以为常的 Take for granted 分配 /指派 Assign to 学会的感受 Learn the sense of feeling 充分利用方法 Make good use of method 在的环境下 On the context of 二、工作和事业 很高的工作满意度A high level of job satisfaction 提高工作满意度Increase

4、 job satisfaction 薪酬优厚的工作A well-paid job 符合他们的技能和兴趣Match their skills and interests 感到受到了尊重和重视Feel respected and valued 有一种荣誉感和归属感Feel a sense of pride and belonging 实现他们的职业发展目标Achieve their career goals 获取新技能 Gain new skills 人际交往能力 Interpersonal skills 实用文档 文案大全 受到公平对待be treated fairly 拥有平等的升职机会Hav

5、e equal opportunities for promotion 确保求职者获得平等的机会Ensure equal opportunities for all job applicants 工作单位的歧视Workplace discrimination 卓有成效的团队合作Effective/productive teamwork 鼓励创新Encourage innovation 发挥员工的潜力Achieve their potential 压制创新Stifle innovation 从事重复性劳动Perform repetitive tasks 感到无聊和沮丧Feel bored and

6、 frustrated 一份很有回报的工作A rewarding job 经济上的、心理上的回报Financial/emotional 保持他们的动力Keep them motivated 提高 /打击员工工作积极性Improve/damage employee morale 让员工更高效Make employees more productive 给员工带来挫败感Make employees frustrated 产生影响 Generate impact 在社会中 In society 实用文档 文案大全 三、生活与健康 久坐的生活方式 Sedentary lifestyle 赖在屏幕前 C

7、ollapse in front of a screen 使成为一种生活习惯Make sth a regular part of our life 适合任何年龄人群 cater for all ages 所有程度的身体状况All levels of fitness 陶冶情操 Mould one s sentiment 便捷的健身中心Easy-to-reach sports centers 素食为主的膳食 A diet rich in vegetables 低脂 /低糖膳食 A low-fat/low-sugar diet 健步走 Brisk walking 对消费者构成健康风险 Pose he

8、alth risks to cunsumers 坚持有规律的作息 Keep a regular sleep schedule 增强免疫系统 Boost the immune system 减压 Relieve stress 四、犯罪 上升的犯罪率 The increasing crime rates 犯罪Commit crimes 从根本上解决犯罪问题 Address the root causes of crime 在监狱服刑Serve prison sentences 实用文档 文案大全 使监狱人满为患 Lead to prison overcrowding 可能会再次犯罪 Be like

9、ly to re-offend 没有稳定收入来源 Do not have a steady source of income 改造罪犯 Reform criminals 误导公众 Mislead the public 社区服务 Community service 对犯罪过度渲染Sensationalize crime 侵犯人们的隐私 Invade people s privacy 震慑罪犯 Deter criminals 伤及无辜 Shoot/hurt the innocents 建立、伤及自尊 Build/damage self-esteem?sti?m; e - 坏榜样 Negative

10、role models 五、学习 获得对的更深理解 Gain better understanding of/ Deepen their knowledge about 提升领导才能Sharpen leadership skills 一个全面发展的人/课程 A well-rounded individual/curriculum 理论知识Theoretical knowledge 以知识为主导的经济 The knowledge-based economy 批判思维Critical thinking skills 减少干扰 Reduce distractions 死记硬背 Learn by ro

11、te 实用文档 文案大全 和同学密切合作 Work closely with 艺术技能Artistic skills 六、教育 七、环保 释放温室气体 Release greenhouse gas 有益于生态的 Eco-friendly 八建筑与城市 为形式牺牲功能 Compromise function for form 建筑的室内 /室外The interior/exterior of building 商业建筑 /办公建筑 Commercial/office building 拆毁旧建筑Demolish old buildings 破坏历史脉络 Destroy historic fabr

12、ic 著名地标 Famous landmarks 赋予城市性格 Give character to a city 形成我们文化特征的一部分 Form part of our cultural identity 房地产泡沫 Housing bubble 城市居民 Urban residents/city dwellers 造成乡村劳动力短缺Cause labor shortages in rural areas 更高的生活成本 Higher living costs 面对激烈的就业竞争Face tough competition for jobs 感到孤独、孤立Feel lonely and i

13、solated 实用文档 文案大全 居住 /休闲区域 Residential/recreational areas 实现土地高效利用 Achieve efficient land use 展厅 Exhibition hall 交税 Pay taxes 修缮和维护 Repairs and maintenance 九、交通与运输 安全监控摄像头 Security cameras 十、权利与责任 限制的选择 Restrict one s choices 能获得更多的信息 Have access to more choices 应该属于个人选则 Should be a personal choice

14、应避免受到政府干涉 Should be free from government intervention 按自己的进度学习 Study at one s own pace 在家上班 Work from home 在教室面授的课程 Classroom-based courses 可以进行面对面的讨论 Have face-to face discussions 带薪休假 Paid holiday 医疗保险 Health insurance 求职者 Job applicants 实用文档 文案大全 提高员工对公司的忠诚度 Increase employees loyalty to the comp

15、any 对存在偏见 Have a bias against 使男女比例更平衡 Improve gender balance 传统性别角色 Traditional gender roles 身体的力量 Physical strength 确保公平 Ensure fairness 在学校表现良好 Perform well at school 不遵守学校规定 Breaking school rules 为慈善组织捐款 Make donations to charities 政府发放的养老金 State pensions 保卫国家安全 Protect national security 医疗服务 He

16、althcare services 维持法律和社会秩序 Maintain law and order 改善基础设施 Improve infrastructure 减少饥饿 Reduce hunger 旅行家庭责任 Fulfill one s family responsibility 引入法律来 Introduce laws to 短视政策 A short-sighted policy 举办大规模宣传活动来鼓励人们 Run campaigns to encourage people to 促进公平竞争 Promote fair competition 提供可靠的信息 Provide relia

17、ble information 帮助消费者做出更好的决定Help consumers make better decisions 实用文档 文案大全 一种可靠的能源A reliable source of energy 十一数据与图表 高估,比起到更大作用Overweigh 图解 Diagram 折线图 Line chart 通过产生,由孵化而来 Be produced by 集中于 Cluster between and 一段时间之后 After a period of 异常数值 The outlier 最大部分The greatest proportion 相较而言 by contrast

18、/comparison 最小部分 The smallest percentage of 占据 的比例 Take up a proportion of 约占 10% Some 10% 非常明显的最高 By far the highest 最不受欢迎 The least popular 向上的趋势 Upward trend 缩小 (the gap)Narrow down 随后 Followed by 实用文档 文案大全 增长量 Increment 增长到Increased by 从增长到 Jump from to 情况大不相同 Show a different pattern 十二、家庭与亲情 一

19、起做家务 Do family chores together 共同分担培育孩子的责任 Share parenting responsibilities 建立良好的家庭关系 Build good family relationships 增进亲情 Strengthen family bonds 溺爱孩子 Spoil one s children 对有着很强责任感 Have a strong sense of responsibility towards 代沟 Generation gap 与孙辈分享人生经验 Share one s experience with their grandchild

20、ren 句型 尽管他很年轻,但他懂得很多。Young as he is, he knows much. adj./adv./ n.+as +主语 +谓语 +主句 早些引入外语的政策已经被一些学校采纳, 各有地方产生了积极的和消极的影响。 Policy of introducing foreign languages earlier has been adopted by some schools, with both positive and negative outcomes. 由于全球变暖,更极端的天气会影像英国。 More extreme weather will affect the UK as a result of global warming. 是很重要的/不怎么重要的 It is of much/little account that 实用文档 文案大全


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