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1、Unit 6 Shopping 核心词汇 glove (手套)scarf(围巾)umbrella(伞)sunglasses (太阳镜)pretty(美观的) expensive (昂贵的) cheap(便宜的)nice(好的)try on(试穿)size(尺码) of course(当然么)too(太,过于)just(正好)how much(多少钱)eighty(八十) dollar (美元)sale(特价销售)more(更多的)us(我们)help(帮助) sixty(六十) seventy(七十)ninety-nine(九十九) hundred(百) thats = that is(那是)

2、 big(大的) small(小的) long (长的)short(短的)want(想要) pair(一双;一对)a pair of一双for (为;给)son(儿子) take(买;拿走) all right (好吧;好的)well = we will (我们将) them(他们)they (他们【主格】 ) 【跟踪练习】选出所给单词不同类的选项。 ( ) 1. A. hamburger B. banana C. pear ( ) 2. A. am B. is C. them ( ) 3. A. sixty B. how much C. how many ( ) 4. A. sneakers

3、 B. pants C. scandals ( ) 5. A. pretty B. cheap C. expensive 情景交际 1. Well take it . 我们买它了。 2. Ill take it . 我买它了。 3. Theyre not for sale . 他们不是用来销售的。 4. Look at that dress. Its pretty. 看那件连衣裙。它是漂亮的。 5. -Can I help you ?-Yes. These shoes are nice. 我能为您做点什么?是的。这双鞋不错。 -Can I try them on? Size 6, please

4、. 我能试试吗?请给我拿6号的。 6. -How much is this dress ? 这件连衣裙多少钱? -Its ninety-nine yuan . 它是九十九元。 7. Its too expensive .它太昂贵了。 8. I want that dress .我想要那件连衣裙。 9. It fits me well . 它非常适合我。 10. -How do you like this skirt? 这条短裙你觉得怎么样? -It s very pretty. 它很漂亮。 11. How about this pair ? 这双怎么样? 12. Are they all ri

5、ght ? 他们可以吗? 13. How much is this skirt? It s $89. 这条短裙多少钱?它89美元。 【跟踪练习】在B栏里找出 A栏的正确答句,把字母编号写在题前的括号里。 A B ( ) 1.Are they monkeys? A. Size 6. ( ) 2.What size? B. Yes, they are . ( ) 3.Is this the library? C. Its cool. ( ) 4.Whats the weather like today? D. Its ten oclock. ( ) 5.Whats time is it now?

6、E. Yes, it is. 语法专项 一、 Can I help you ? 是一般购物时,售货员的礼貌用语。 二、 How much 与 How many 的区别: 1、How much意思是多少钱?用来问物品的价格。在回答时一般要有表示价钱的单位。 如:问一件 物品的价钱时用How much is? How much is this jacket?这件夹克衫多少钱? Its forty-five yuan. 它是 45元。 问多件 物品的价钱时用How much are ? How much are these books?这些书多少钱? They are ninety-nine yua

7、n. 它们是 99元。 2、How many 意思是多少。用来询问物品的数量有多少,后面跟名词的复数形式,回答时一般数字 后面没有单位。 如:How many cows do you have? 你有多少头奶牛? I have 12.我有 12头。 How many horses are there ?那儿有多少匹马? They are 12.有12匹。 【跟踪练习】选择适当的答案。 ( ) - pens do you have? -I have 2. A. How many B. How much C. What ( ) - is your pen? -12 yuan. A. How muc

8、h B. What colour C. How many ( ) - How much the pen? A. are B. is C. Do ( ) - How much the apples? A. has B.is C. Are ( ) - Can I help you? - A. Yes, please. B. No, please. 课堂训练 一、判断下列每组单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写T, 不同的写F。 ( ) 1. cup cute ( ) 2. music student ( ) 3. put bus ( ) 4. how window ( ) 5. color rose

9、 二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. _ books do you have? A. How many B. How much C. How ( ) 2. Can I help you? _. A. Thank you. B. No, you can t. C. Yes, please. ( ) 3. Are they nice? Yes, I like _. A. them B. they C. their ( ) 4. I want two _ and _ three _. A. pear, apple B. bananas, orange C. apples, bananas ( ) 5. T

10、his shirt is OK, but it s too _. A. long B. good C. nice ( ) 6_ that speaking, please? A. Whats B. Whose C. Who s ( ) 7. Look at that dress. It s _. A. colourful B. colour C. shirt ( ) 8. I want _sneakers. A .a B. a pair C. a pair of ( ) 9. A pair of boots _ my son. A. for B. to C. at ( ) 10. I want

11、 _that skirt. A. see B. look C. to see 三、按正确顺序排列下列句子。 ( ) OK, Ill take it. ( ) How much is it? ( 1 ) Can I help you? ( ) What size? ( ) Its ninety yuan. ( ) Size six. ( ) Yes, please. I want a pair of shoes. 四、阅读短文,然后判断,对的写T,错的写F。 Im Mike. Im in Shanghai. Its very hot and sunny now. I can wear my ne

12、w T-shirt. And my old hat is too small. I want to buy a new one. But its too expensive. Its fifty yuan. ( )1.Its cool in Shanghai. ( )2.Mike has a new T-shirt. ( )3.The hat is forty yuan. ( )4.Its sunny in Shanghai. 五、根据中文提示填上正确的英文单词。 1. I like the (红苹果) 2. (是) that a computer? (是) 3. Its (.的时间) P.

13、E. class. 4. (你爸) is strong. 5. (这是) the teachers desk? 六、根据所给的图片书面回答所提的问题(答案需要完整)。 1. How much is the bag? 2. Are rabbit s pants short? 3. What are they? 4. How much are the sandals? 5. Is it hot today? 七、从下列每组单词中圈出与其它单词不同类的一个。 ( ) 1. A. boots B. sneakers C. dinner ( ) 2. A. sunny B. thirty C. snow

14、y ( ) 3. A. green B. brother C. red ( ) 4. A. shirt B. short C. small ( ) 5. A. apples B. pears C. banana 八、找朋友,给下列英语单词找正确的中文意思。 l. colourful () 2. expensive() 3. cheap() 4. pretty() 5. dress()6. skirt() 7. shirt() 8. T-shirt() ¥22 ¥15 A. 便宜的 B短裙 CT 恤衫 D昂贵的 E连衣裙 F漂亮的 G色彩丰富的 H 衬衫 九、根据问句,选出相应的答语,并把其编号

15、写在括号里。 ()1、How much are the sandals? A. It s 20 yuan. ()2、Can I help you? B. Size 9. ()3、What size? C.Thank you. ()4、How much is that shirt? D. They are 35yuan. ()5、Your dress is colourful! E. Yes,please. 十、仔细读句子,根据提示,排列对话吧! ( 3 ) A. What colour do you want ? ( ) B. Here you are. ( ) C. Twenty yuan.

16、 ( 6 ) D. How much are they ? ( 1 ) E. Can I help you ? ( ) F. That s fine .I ll take them. ( ) G. I want to buy two pens. ( ) H. A blue one and a black one. 家庭作业 一、写出反义词或对应词。 1.big 2. long 3. yes 4. hot 5. that 二、看看你能买到多少水果吧?填好单词,并连线。 三、把对应的词和图连线吧!要细心哦。 四、仔细读一读,选出读音不同的一项吧! 1. A student B up C bus D

17、 run 2. A toothbrush B music C run D umbrella 3. A run B bus C hundred D tube 4. A cup B use C music D cute b_n_n_ w_t_rm_l_n or_ _g_ p_ _r a_ _l_ 25+35= ? 55+45= ? slippers seventy boots sixty sneakers ninety-nine sandals hundred 23+47=? 66+33=? () () () () 五、脑筋快转,选择最佳答案。 ( )1.Mary:_ -Assistant: Si

18、ze seven. A What is size ? B What size ? C What size is ? D Can I help you. ( ) 2.-Ann:_ -Tom: Yes, please. A Can I help you ? B How much is it ? C Can I wear shirt ? D Is it size five ? ( ) 3.-John: How much is it ? -Amy:_ A It is eight yuan B It is an apple. C It is not eight yuan D They are eight yuan. ( ) 4.-Kate:_ -Jim: They are forty yuan . A How much are they ? B How much is it ? C How much they are ? D How much it is ? 六、选词填空。 long small nice short big a. The rabbit has(有) _ tail(尾巴) b. The elephant has(有) _ nose(鼻子) c. The ant(蚂蚁) is _,but the elephant is _ d. The flower (花) is _


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