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1、2008-2009 学年度潍坊市奎文区初中学段第一学期八年级期末考试 英语试卷 考试时间: 90 分钟注意:只交第卷 第卷( 75 分) 一、听力部分(计20 分,每小题1 分) (一)听句子,选择正确的答语。 1AYes,pleaseBNothanks CYou have 2AHes tallBHes fine CHes polite 3AFine,thank youBThat s OKCNot bad 4AYes,I do BI m sorry to hear thatCHere you are 5AYes,pleaseBNo,neverCI like it (二)听短对话,选出问题的正确

2、答案。 6What does the man like best? APizzaBHamburgers CSoup 7How many times has the woman been to China? ATwiceBThree times COnce 8When will the man meet his aunt? AAt one BAt two CAt three 9How does the woman feel? AExcitedBNervousCHungry 10 WhatdidT0nvlose? AHis booksBHis bagsCHis glasses (三)听对话选择正确

3、答案。 听第一段对话完成11-13 小题。 11 Where does the conversation take place? AIn a restaurantBIn a bookshopCIn a library 12 Where does the woman find out who has taken the book? AFrom a bookshelf BFrom a notebookCFrom a computer 13 How long has David Smith had The Dialogues? AFor three daysBFor two daysCFor fou

4、r days 听第二段对话完成14-15 小题。 14 Why is Tony going to Hawaii for his holiday? Because _ AHe likes swimming BHe likes Snow CHe likes hot weather 15 Why doesn t the woman go to Hawaii? Because _ AIt is cold there BIt is hot thereCIt is windy there (四)听短文,根据短文内容完成表格。(请将答案写在卷相应的位置上) Meeting Place In front of

5、 the school 1_ Meeting Time 2At _ a.m. Clothing 3A_ shirt and a red cap Return Time 4At _ p.m. Transporta tion (交通) 5By _ 二、单项选择(共16 小题,满分为16 分) ()16This kind of apples tastes _ and it sells _ in the supermarket Anice; good Bwell ;well Cnice; well Dgood;well ()17-What _ your father _ ? -He s tal l a

6、nd handsome Ais; like Bdoes;like Cdoes;look like Ddoes;think of ()18Do you want to know how I feel about _ to China? Acome Bcomes Cto come Dcoming ()19-Can you tell me the way _the Peoples Hospital? -It s _ Yuhe Road and Yuanfei Road Aof; between Bof;on Cto;between Dto;along ()20It just isn t right

7、_ elephants _their meat Ato kill ;for Bto kill ;with Ckill ;for Dkills ;for ()21Could you please give me a piece of paper _ ? Awrite Bto write on Cwrite on Dwriting on ()22My daughter is 12 years old and she is _ to look after herself Aenough old Benough young Cbig enough Dold enough ()23-Must I han

8、d in my homework before class? -No,you _ You can hand it in after class Aneedn t Bmustn t Cmust Dneed ()24The head teacher told the boys _football in the street It s dangerous Anot play Bplay Cnot to play Dto play ()25The maths problem is very difficultWe had better _ the teacher for help Ato ask Ba

9、sking Casked D ask ()26-Is there _ in today s newspaper? -NO,_ Asomething special;special nothing Bspecial something;special nothing Canything special ;nothing special Dspecial anything ;nothing special ()27-Why can Lingling speak English so well? -Because she _ New York for six years Agoes to Bhas

10、been to Chas been in Dhas gone to ()28Please remember _ your photos here tomorrow Abring Bto bring Cbringing Dtaking ()29There is little water in the bottle ,_? Aisn t it Bis it Cis there Disn t there ()30I _ my homework _ the telephone rang at 8 last night Awas doing;when Bdid; when Cwas doing;whil

11、e Ddid; while ()31She cant wait _ the winter holiday Ato have Bhave Chas Dhaving 三、完形填空(共15 小题,满分为15 分) Thomas Edison was a great American inventor He was in school 32 only three months His teacher didn t understand 33 this new pupil had so many strange questions Most of the questions had nothing 34

12、 with his lessonsThe teacher didn t want to teach Tom 35 He asked Toms mother 36 the boy homeToms mother taught him to read and write and she found him to be a very good pupil He learnt very fast and became very 37 in scienceWhen he was only ten,he built a chemistry lab for 38 At the age of 12 ,he s

13、tarted 39 his own newspaperHe printed it and sold copies on the trainsIt was the first newspaper 40 on trains in America One day in August , 1862, Edison saw a little boy ,41 on the railway at a station A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was too frightened 42 Edison rushed out and carried

14、the boy to 43 The boys father was so thankful 44 he taught Edison how to send messages by telegraphEdison soon became good at it and later left home to work in different 45 This gave him a new start in life 46 , he was only 16 32 Ain Bsince Cfor D on 33 Awhat Bwhy Chow Dwhen 34 Ato do Bdo Cdoing Ddo

15、es 35 Amore Bno more Cany more Dany 36 Ato take Btake Ctakes Dtook 37 Ainteresting Binterested Cinterest Dinterests 38 Ahimself Bhim Chis Ditself 39 Awrites Bwrote Cwriting Dwritten 40 Asold Bselling Csells Dsell 41 Aplayed Bplays Cplaying Dto play 42 Ato move Bmoved Cmoves Dmoving 43 Asafe B safety

16、 Csafer Dsafely 44 Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwhen 45 Acity Bcountry Cvillage Dcities 46 AAt this time BWhen CAt that time DNow 四、阅读理解(共16 小题;每题1.5 分,计 24 分) A A lot of boys and girls in Western countries are wearing the same kind of clothes,and many of them have long hair ,so it is often difficult to tell

17、 whether they are boys or girls One day,an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington and when he was tired,he sat on a chair A young person was standing on the other side of the pool “Oh!” the old man said to the person sitting beside him on the chair “Do you see that person with the glasses a

18、nd long hair? Is it a boy or a girl? “A girl ” said the neighbour“ She is my daughter” “Oh!” the old man said quickly “ Please forgive meI did not know that you were her mother” “I m not” said the other person,“ I m her father” 47“ Is it a boy or a girl?” The word “it”here means _ Ahe Bshe Cthe pers

19、on Dthe pool 48 The meaning of“forgive”is _ A忘记B责骂C 放弃D原谅 49 The old man thought his neighbour was _ Aa woman Ba man Ca girl Da boy 50 The old man thought that his neighbour was the girl s mother because his neighbour _ Awas wearing a skirt Bhad a beautiful face Chad long hair Dwas young B In warm w

20、ater there is a kind of sea mammal(哺乳动物)called dugongsThey live a comfortable life They have no natural enemies(敌人)and never fight(打架) Dugongs lived in the oceans during the age of dinosaurs (恐龙) They have funny faces and no front teeth! Their teeth grow only along the sides of their mouths Some thi

21、nk they are ugly Only their mothers may love them,but as we know, they are important and helpful for us! Dugongs only eat plants They swim slowly so that they can eat the sea grass They often dig down into the sand and eat sea-grass roots Dugongs relax during the day During most of the night,they ea

22、t They eat noisily and you can often hear the sounds of their chomping teeth Dugongs give birth to only one baby every three to five years They take the newborn baby to the surface of the water so that the baby can take its first breath of air It stays with its mother for two years and sometimes res

23、ts on its mothers backDugongs feed their young with milk Dugongs can live for about 60 years , but every year more and more people move to the warm coasts and rivers which are also the homes to dugongs 51 Which is the best title for this article? AThe Kind Animal BDugongsLives CDugongs Are Nice DMot

24、her Loves Dugongs 52 The underlined words “chomping teeth”mean _ Awashing teeth Bchanging teeth Ceating loudly Dopening the mouth 53 Which of the following is TRUE? ADugong babies live with their mother when they are 3 years old BDugongs eat animals and plants CDugongs give birth every year DDugongs

25、 can live for as long as 60 years 54 Why do dugongs have fewer places to live and feed? Because _ Athey live a comfortable life Bthey only eat plants Cmore and more people move to the warm coasts and rivers which are also the homes to dugongs Dthey give birth to many babies every year C Here are som

26、e peoples comments(评论) about Liu Yifei on line : Yummy (USA ) Many Chinese artists helped the Wenchuan earthquake victims (受害者)Liu Yifei was one of them A-mei (Shanghai) Her acting skill is so goodI watched all the movies she actedI like her Andre w(London) She is so beautiful and shes always so kin

27、d to peopleThats why I love her Melai (Poland) Liu is one of my favorite movie stars I am amazed (惊奇的) by her pretty, kind face and friendly way to all peopleGood luck! Majoy (New York) She knows what to do and what not to do, and she can speak English well Sam (Australia) Wow! She sso cute ,so youn

28、g and works so hard I admire her 55 Liu Yifei is _ Akind Bbeautiful Cfriendly D all of the above 56 How many countries do the net friends come from? A3 B4 C5 D6 57 What does the underlined word “admire”mean in Chinese? A讨厌B钦佩C挑战D关注 58 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ALiu

29、 Yifei is happy to help others BLiu Yifei is too young to act well CLiu Yifei can speak English wellDLiu Yifei is very popular on the Internet D Being more polite(有礼貌的)to people can win you friends and make you a popular personA small act of kindness makes not only others happy, but also brings happ

30、iness to ourselvesIt is never too late to begin Here are a few tips : 1Be nice to peopleGive help to someone who needs it Remember that by helping them , you are also making yourself happy and in the long run helping yourself 2Be polite to everyone ,even to people who are not polite to you You may f

31、ind that they are nice to you in return (作为报答) 3Help strangersHelping someone who has difficulty climbing(爬) stairs is a good way to startRemember that some day you could be in need of help and a stranger could come to lend a hand 4 Writing thank-you notes , make get-well cards for sick friends and

32、say goodbye to people who are leaving 59 Being more polite to people can _ Ahelp you make friends Bmake you famous Cget some money Dmake you tired 60 If someone is not polite to you you should _ according to the passage Afight with him Bbe polite to him Cplay with him Dmake him happy 61 Its polite o

33、f you to _ if your friend is ill Awrite a thank-you note Blend him a book Csend a get-well card Dsay goodbye to him 62 The passage is mainly about _ Ahow to become popular Bhow to be polite to people Chow to act at a party Dwhy we should help others 第卷( 45 分) 五、词汇考查(共10 小题,满分10 分) 1We should protect

34、 the animals in d _ 2The work is very hard and it s i _ for hjm to finish it in 2 hours 3-What will the weather be like next week? -It ll p _ be snowy 4-Where is your school? -It is on the other side of the street and o _ the school 5All living things d _ on the sun for their growth(生长) 6My daughter

35、 s main _(兴趣) is music,and she sings well 7We are _ (惊讶的) to see the surprising film 8They are _ (德国人), they come from Germany 9He was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the _ (第二十) century 10 Americans usually shake _ (手) with each other when they first meet 六、阅读表达(10 分) There was a farmer He h

36、ad four sons 1 _ The farmer was very worried about his sons,but he didn t know what to do The man grew old and fell illWhen he was dying he told all his sons that he hid lots of money on his farm After the farmer died , his sons began to look for the money They spent a few days digging(挖掘)the farm,

37、but could find nothing A neighbour said to them , “Since you dug the ground,why not plant some seeds(种了) in it?” The four sons planted the seeds in the groundAfter a few weeks the seeds camp up,and n a few weeks more the seeds grew into plants A few weeks later ,the plants started to bear grains (谷物

38、) Later the four sons harvested them and sold them at the market2 _At last , they knew what their father meant by his words 根据短文内容,完成下列任务: 任务一:将下面两个句子放在文中合适的位置(2 分) 1_ 2_ AThey made a lot of money BThey were very lazy and did not do anything 任务二:猜测词义。(4 分) 3The underlined word “hid”means _ in Chines

39、e A种植B隐藏C制造D保护 4The underlined word harvested” means _ in Chinese A收割B采摘C捆绑D卖掉 任务三:写出下列句子的同义句(2 分): 5They spent a few days digging the farm It _ them a few days _ the farm 任务四:将文中划线句子翻译成汉语(2 分) 6_ 七、动词应用(共10 小题,满分为10 分) 阅读下面短文,用文中括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 Forests help to keep water from running away, so droug

40、ht ( 干 旱 ) doesn t often happenChinese people have built a“ Great Wall ”of trees,millions of trees across the northern part of the country The Great Green Wall 1 _ (be) 7,000 kilometres long , and it will stop the wind from 2 _(blow )the earth awayIt 3 _already _ (save)a lot of land Wang Feng is a w

41、orker at Yulin in Shanxi Province He 4 _ (work )on the Great Green Wall with many other people We 5 _ (visit )him at his workplace and when we saw him he 6 _ ( work)among the trees He told us something about his work“ We must 7 _ (plant)many thousands of trees every year,” he said “ You see all thos

42、e small trees over there on that hill? That was sand five years ago Now its a young forest! In a few years time,we 8 _(cover)those mountains with trees,too!”He pointed to the high mountains far away Was it difficult 9 _ (work)on the Great Green Wall? Yes, Its hard work but its very important The onl

43、y problem is we have to 10 _ (grow ) our own food But thanks to the Great Green Wall , the land produces more crops So the more trees there are, the better harvest we have” 八、书面表达(15 分) 假如你是学校编辑部的一名记者,你通过名种媒体了解到很多种动物已经濒危,甚至灭 绝,究其原因,是因为: 1由于利益驱使,人们随意捕杀动物。 2乱砍树木,大量建筑房屋、工厂等,使动物生存的空间越来越少。 3环境污染致使动物无法生存,

44、以致于濒临灭绝。 你想通过你们的报纸,呼吁全校师生行动起来,号召人们爱护动物保护动物。请你以 “Protecting Our Animals ”为题写一篇80 字左右的短文,刊登在你们的校报上。要求语法 正确,字迹清楚。 Protecting Our Animals _ 2008-2009 学年度潍坊市奎文区初中学段第一学期八年级期末考试 英语试卷参考答案 一、听力( 20 分): 1-5 ACCAB 6-10 AACAC 11-15 CCAAB (听力四) 11ibrary 27:40 3White 44:20 5bus 二、单项选择(16 分): 16-20 DCDCA 21-25 BDA

45、CD 26-31 CCBCAA 三、完形填空(15 分): 32-36 CBACA 37-41 BACAC 42-46 ABCDC 四、阅读理解(24 分): 47-50 CDAC 51-54 BCDC 55-58 DCBB 59-62 ABCB 五、词汇考查(10 分): 1danger 2impossible 3probably 4opposite 5depend 6interest 7 surprised 8 Germans 9 twentieth 10hands 六、任务型阅读(10 分): 1B 2A 3B 4A 5Took;to dig 6他们花了几天的时间挖地找钱,但是什么也没找到。(只要意思对就可得分) 七、动词应用(共10 小题,满分为10 分); 1is 2blowing 3has saved 4works 5visited 6Was working 7plant 8will cover 9to work 10grow 八、书面表达(15 分): One possible version: Everyone knows animals are our friendsBut in recent years ,many kinds of ani


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