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1、2019高考英语二轮(文章题)训练(16 )及解析 阅读理解 (A) Once upon a time two brothers who lived on neighbouring farms fell into conflict. It was the first serious one in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed. Then the long cooperation fell apart. It began with a small

2、 misunderstanding and it grew into a major difference, and finally it exploded into an exchange of bitter words followed by weeks of silence. One morning there was a knock on John s door. He opened it to find a man with a carpenter s toolbox. “ I m looking for a few days work, ” he said, “ Perhaps y

3、ou would have a few small jobs here and there I could help with. Could I help you? ” “ Yes, ” said the older brother, “ I do have a job for you. Look across the creek(河 沟) on that farm. That s my neighbour, in fact, it s my younger brother. Last week there was a meadow(草地) between us and he took his

4、 bulldozer(推土机) to the river levee (堤) and now there is a creek between us. Well, he may have done this to spite me, but I ll give him one better. I want you to build me a fence an 8-foot fence so I won t need to see his place or his face any more. Cool him down, anyhow. ” The carpenter said, “ I th

5、ink I understand the situation. I ll be able to do a job that pleases you. ” The older brother had to go to town, so he helped the carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter worked hard all that day measuring, sawing, nailing, and hammering. About sunset when th

6、e farmer returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. The farmer s eyes opened wide, his jaw dropped. There was no fence there at all. It was a bridge a bridge stretching from one side of the creek to the other! A fine piece of workand his younger brother, was coming across, his hand spread ou

7、t. “ You are quite a fellow to build this bridge after all I ve said and done. ” The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they met in the middle, taking each other s hand. They turned to see the carpenter lift his toolbox on his shoulder. “ No, wait! Stay a few days. I ve a lot of

8、other projects for yo u, ”said the older brother. “ I d love to stay on, ”the carpenter said, “ but, I have many more bridges to build. ” 21. What was the life for the two brothers before the conflict? A. They live a poor, miserable life. B. They were friendly neighbours, helping each other. C. They

9、 never speak to each other. D. They live together as one family. 22. The underlined word “ spite” in Paragraph 4 probably means _. A. try to please B. make angry on purpose C. laugh at D. look down upon 23. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The younger brother used his

10、bulldozer to dig a creek. B. After the conflict John was angry with his younger brother. C. At first the carpenter planned to build an 8-foot fence as John asked him to. D. The two brothers made peace at last. 24. The best title for this passage is _. A. A Fine Piece of Work B. A Clever Carpenter C.

11、 A Conflict between Two Brothers D. Two Brothers 【文章大意】木匠利用自己旳技术,在俩兄弟之间搭建了一座木桥,化解兄弟间旳冤仇 21. 【解析】选B细节理解题从第一段可知,两兄弟在发生冲突之前非常友好,彼此互相帮 助 22. 【解析】选B词义猜测题结合上下文语境可知,哥哥认为弟弟有可能是故意惹怒他,但 他要更胜一筹,于是请求木匠给他搭建一个篱笆 23. 【解析】选C细节理解题从第五段木匠旳答语来判断,他根本就没打算按要求修建隔开 兄弟俩旳篱笆 24.【解析】 选 A主旨大意题 全文讲述木匠利用自己旳技术,在两兄弟之间搭建了一座木桥, 化解兄弟间旳

12、冤仇因此,无论从具体旳桥还是寓意旳桥来讲都是一件“ 杰作 ” 答案 A 作题目寓 意深刻,耐人寻味 *结束 (四) Speech at Stanford University School of Medicine When I direct actors, I often try to put them in a place where they have no control, where they are most scared and have to be completely open, living in that moment, only able to deal with 1._

13、 is happening at that exa ct moment in time. And when it happens, they realize they re not going to die from it. The experience is very important. It s a re-affirmation( 重申 ) of faith; a connection with something that is larger 2._ themselves and to which they concede( 让步 ) all control. And this “ c

14、onnection” 3._ something larger is what one might call “ being creative” . Whether it is acting, painting a sunset, telling 4._ story, inventing a new piece of software, selling a new line of dresses, discovering a cure, healing a patient 5._affecting a dialogue between mortal (不 共 戴 天 旳 ) beings, i

15、t is what we, as human beings, are all about. We live to commune( 与默默分享情感). We live to create. Our enduring biological and spiritual drive is to create, to lie in the act of becoming. It is not a choice. It is not something over 6._ we have any control. It is our experience of our existence. Our cho

16、ice is what we do with 7._ minds and what we do with our fear. When we experience fear, when we say the words, “I am scared,” we have the choice and the ability to accept the fact 8._ “ being scared” is not who we are. It is not our identity. Michael Glaser (五) Each year, the British Queen, Elizabet

17、h , and other members of the royal family attend the “ trooping the color” ceremony. 1._ takes place on Horse Parade, the entrance to the Royal Palace. The Queen used to wear a military uniform to the ceremony, 2._ is held each year on the closest Saturday to June 11, the day when he r birthday is o

18、fficially celebrated. It is a very colorful event, one that has become 3._ custom for celebrating the King or Queen s birthday. It has been practiced 4._ the earliest times of war in Britain. The“ colors” are the flags carried into battle 5._ different army and navy units. Each unit leader needed a

19、flag, or color, to be easily seen for identification during a battle. The colors were carriedor troopedpast soldiers daily to drill them and ensure that all of 6._ could recognize the flag of their own unit. The parade is performed by a fully trained military unit. The soldiers ride on horses and ma

20、ke a circuit from Buckingham Palace, the Queen s home in London, 7._ Horse Guards Parade and back again. Many people come to view the parade every year. They cheer and wave flags 8._ the Queen and her soldiers march by. It is one of the most colorful traditions in Britain. (六) Stonehenge(巨石阵 ) is on

21、e of the greatest and most mysterious monuments in the world.It was built several thousand years ago on the Salisbury Plain, 1._ the southwest of England.2._ are circles of stones in the main monument.The outer one has been seriously damaged over time.It doesnt seem very different 3._ other circles

22、in the world, 4._ it gets much more attention.Maybe this is because of the way it was built and its functions. Stones used in the building can be found in places far away and some are said to have come from 5._ place 35 kilometers away.How builders took these stones, 6._ are four tons each, to the s

23、ite remains a mystery.After that, builders had to put all the stones up in the correct position.This would have taken amazingly advanced techniques so long ago. No one knows exactly 7._ Stonehenge was built, but many people have their own suggestions.Its widely accepted 8._ Stonehenge was a meeting

24、place for religious ceremonies.However, people have no evidence to show that its true. (七) Some people have very good memory 1._ can easily learn quite long poems by heart.There are 2._ people who can only remember things when they have repeated them again and again. A good memory is 3._ help in lea

25、rning a foreign language.Everybody learns his own language by remembering 4._ he hears when he was a small child, and some children who live abroad with their parents seem to learn two languages 5._ easily as one. A mans mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see 6._ a

26、lso what we feel, hear, smell and taste.When we take a real photo with a camera, 7._ is much to do before the photo is finished and is ready for us to show to our friends.In the 8._ way, there is much work to do before we can keep a picture forever in our minds. Memory is the diary we all carry abou

27、t us. (八) A few days ago, I noticed a boy standing alone in the cafeteria before school.The cafeteria was filled 1._ girls and boys, laughing and talking to each other.I had never seen this boy before, so I supposed that he was 2._. As I looked closer at him, I noticed he seemed very sad.I then walk

28、ed 3._ to him and started a conversation.I found he was very kind but a little shy.After the bell rang, I had to go to class 4._ I told him that I would see him tomorrow. 5_ I said, I did see him the next day.But to 6._ surprise, he was standing, talking to a group of kids.I felt warmth in my heart when I saw this.7._ talking to him yesterday, I obviously made him gain confidence in himself.8._ group he was talking to seemed to really like him.They always sat with him at lunch, and engaged him in conversation. *结束


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