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1、英语必修外研版m4 课时演练 Ain preference to Bin place of Cin agreement with Din exchange for 解析: 句意:对于一个公务员来说,为人们做点好事就向人们要钱要物是不合法的。in preference to“优先于”;in place of “代替”; in agreement with “与一致”; in exchange for“交换”。 答案: D 4(2010 重庆高考 )The book has been translated into thirty languages since it _ on the market

2、 in 1973. Ahad come Bhas come Ccame Dcomes 解析: 句意:自从1973 年上市以来,这本书已经被翻译成了30 种语言。主句是现在完成时, since 引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时,表示动作发生在过去。 答案: C 5(2010 四川高考 )Because of the heavy traffic ,it was already time for lunch break_she got to her office. Asince Bthat C when Duntil 解析: when 引导时间状语从句。句意:因为交通拥挤,当她到达办公室时已是午休时间

3、了。 答案: C 6(2010 陕西高考 )John thinks it won t be long_he is ready for his new job. Awhen Bafter Cbefore Dsince 解析: 句意:约翰认为不久他就能为他的新工作做好准备。本题考查句式It won t be long before.,表示 “过不了多久就” 。 答案: C 7(2010 上海高考 )_the city centre ,we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height. A Approaching BApproached CTo a

4、pproach DTo be approached 解析: 句意:接近市中心时,我们看到了一座大约10 米高的石雕。考查非谓语动词作状语。由 语境可知逗号前部分为时间状语,不是表目的,故排除C、 D 项; approach 和主句的主语we 之 间是主动关系,应用现在分词,而B 项为过去分词,也被排除。 答案: A 8A notice was_in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time. Asent up Bgiven up Cset up Dput up 11 Didn t you have a good time

5、at the party? Of course I did.As a matter of fact ,I had such fun that time seemed to_so quickly. Ago by Bgo away C go out Dgo over 解析: 句意: 舞会上你玩得不开心吗? 我当然玩得很开心了。事实上,我如此开心以 至于时间似乎过得很快。go away 离开; go out 出去; go over 复习; go by(时间 )过去;故选A。 答案: A 12 Let s go to the park tomorrow morning. Sorry ,I ve got an important appointment at 9 o clock and I can t_to miss it. Amanage Bhelp C wait Dafford 解析: 考查动词辨析。afford 指担负得起费用、损失、后果等。manage to do sth.“设法做成某 事” ;can t help to do sth. “不能帮着做某事”;can t wait to do sth. “迫不及待做某事”。只有 D 符合题意。 答案: D


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