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1、云 南2019高 三3月 第 一 次 练 习 统 一 检 测 - 英 语 云南省 2013年第一次高中毕业生复习统一检测 英 语 试 题 注意事项: 1本试卷分第1 卷(选择题 )和第 1I 卷(非选择题 )两部分答题前,考生务必用黑 色碳素笔将自己旳姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡,并认真核准 条形码上旳准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号及科目,在规定旳位置贴好条形码 2回答第 1 卷时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目旳答案标号涂黑如 需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号写在本试卷上无效 3回答第卷时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效 4考试结束后,将本试卷和答

2、题卡一并交回 第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共15 小题,每小题1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处旳最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 1 Mr Green, can you spare me a few minutes? I still have some questions about your assignment . AIt s a pleasure BNot at all CHelp yourself DSure, go ahead 2We live in _ rapidly changing world

3、 and must learn to adapt if we are to succeed in_ future Aa; 不填Bthe; the Cthe; 不填Da; the 3The landlord wants to _ the rent by $30 a month, which I think is unacceptable Amake up Btake up Ccut up Dput up 4 Look, where are you going? I cant _ the map and drive at the same time, can I? Awatch Bread Cse

4、e Dnotice 5_ the opportunity to speak at the graduation ceremony made him overjoyed ABeing offered BTo offer CHaving offered DOffered 6All are welcome to join the Yoga Club _ age or sex Abecause of Bregardless of Cin case of Din terms of 7The locals think highly of what _ to bring housing prices to

5、reasonable levels in the past two years Ahas been done Bhas done Cwas being done Dwas done 8The conference will be open to _ shows interest in this research Awhomever Bwhoever Cno matter who Dno matter whom 9You are always throwing things about How _ I know where youve left your key? Amay Bwould Csh

6、ould Dmight 10Although Hurricane Sandy has gone, it will be months _ the damage is cleared up Asince Bthat Cwhen Dbefore 11_ an effective learner, you must have good study strategies ATo be BBeing CHaving been DTo have been 12Baggage Reclaim is a place at an airport _ you collect your baggage after

7、arriving Athat Bwhen Cwhere Dwhich 13It is unclear what caused the accident, but the police believe that the driver_alcohol Ahas drunk Bhad drunk Cwould drink Ddrank 14 Beautiful sunshine! I hope to stay here longer _Shall we put off our flight? ASo am I BSo do I CSo is it DSo I do 15 Im leaving for

8、 Thailand on vacation tomorrow . ASo long BCheers CHave fun DBest wishes 第二节完型填空(共20 小题;每小题15 分,满分30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给旳四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上涂黑 When I was young I wanted to be a model, so I convinced my parents to take me for an audition (试演)I was 16 by the judges and told I had potentialT

9、hey said that for only $900 I could 17 a weekend event that dozens of the most well-known 18 agencies would attend At 13, my 19 of fame and fortune clouded all judgment and I begged my parents to let me go We have never been rich, but they saw my 20 and agreed I 21 being signed by some famous model

10、companiesFor months, any boredom or 22 I faced was pushed aside because I knew I would soon have the chance to be a real modelI thought I would grace the 23 of famous magazines! Of course, I wasnt signed, but what 24 most was being told that if I grew to 1 75 meters I could be a 25 I prayed for a gr

11、owth spurt (冲刺)26 I could not imagine giving up my dreamI made a(n)27 with a local modeling agency and the agent demanded S500 for classes, and S300 for other expenses My parents only agreed after hours and hours of my 28 The agency sent me out on a few auditions, but with every day I didnt receive

12、a call, I grew more 29 The final straw came in September after I had decided to 30 commercial modeling There was an open call in New York CityWe spent hours driving and another few hours waiting, only to be told that I was too 31 I was extremely upset Years later, I 32 that the trip to New York was

13、good as it made me notice I didnt 33 love modeling, just the idea of itI wanted to be 34 and I was naively (天真地) determined to reach an 35 goalThe experience has made me stronger and that will help me later in my life 16Aselected Binvited Cignored Drefused 17 Awitness Bcelebrate Crecord Dattend 18Aa

14、cting Btravel Cmodeling Dadvertising 19Asenses Bhopes Cattitudes Ddoubts 20Afortune Btraining Cpreparation Denthusiasm 21Aconsidered Bimagined Cappreciated Dadmitted 22Adisappointment Bembarrassment Cexcitement Damusement 23Aarticles Bsales Ccovers Deditions 24Amotivated Bhurt Ccomforted Dsatisfied

15、25Agiant Bbeauty Cdresser Dsuccess 26Abecause Bthough Cunless Dbefore 27 Awish Bappointment Ccomment Dpromise 28Acomplaining Bquestioning Cbegging Dadvising 29Adepressed Bannoyed Cpatient Dcurious 30Atake in Bshow off Cput away Dfocus on 31Asuitable Bworried Cshort Dpretty 32Arealized Bassumed Cconf

16、irmed Ddeclared 33Agradually Beventually Cextremely Dactually 34Arealistic Bgenerous Cspecial Dconsiderate 35Aimpossible Bimmediate Cachievable Dideal 第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15 小题,每题2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给旳四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑 A One of the candidates TIMEs editors are choosing as

17、 the Person of the Year 2012 is a beautiful, little, dark-haired girl from remote, rural Pakistan who simply wanted to go to school On October 9, 2012, 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman in Pakistan She survived the attack and was sent by helicopter to have a bulle

18、t removed from her head in a hospital 6,000 miles away in Birmingham, England Malala has now become the most famous teenager on earth, a symbol of womens rights and has even been nominated for next years Nobel Peace Prize However, Malala is no shallow, empty-headed, media-created idol -she is a real

19、 flesh-and-blood young woman who has already challenged the fearsome Taliban militants (武装 分子)Reportedly, she wants to return to Pakistan, where her life would be in constant dangerSuch courage would be rare for such a young girl Malala began writing an anonymous (匿名旳)blog for BBC when she was only

20、11 years old, criticizing the Taliban for their activities in her hometown and advocating for womens education in Pakistan “I have a new dream,“ she once said “I must be a politician to save this country There are so many crises in our country I want to remove these crises “ How many little girls ha

21、ve uttered something so mature, selfless and elegant as that She also possesses extraordinary courage ?years ago, militants had been threatening her lifeIn response to these threats, Malala calmly responded: “I think of it often and imagine the scene clearly Even if they come to kill me, I will tell

22、 them what they are trying to do is wrong Education is our basic right “ 36What happened to Malala in the year 2012? AShe was given the Nobel Prize for Peace BShe began writing a blog for BB C CShe was wounded by the Taliban DShe rose to fame because other words 37 What does Malala call for in her c

23、ountry? APeace for all people BResearch into crises CWomens right to education DEquality of men and women 38According to the text, Malala is a young girl who is _ Acourageous and mature Bpoor and ill-educated Cfearless and generous Dsensitive and careful 39What is the best title for this text? AThe

24、Voice of a Heroine BMalala, Candidate of Person of the Year CPortrait of a Girl Blogger DPakistani Girl Shot by Taliban B One hundred and fifty years ago, the worlds first underground railway began operating in London, running for just six kilometres from Paddington to FamngdonToday, the network cov

25、ers 408 kilometres, with 11 lines running through 270 stationsAnd despite every major city in the world now having its own metro system, Londons is still the second-longest (Shanghais is the first) Its no surprise that locals and travellers will all be wishing Londons “Tube“ a very happy 150th birth

26、day Londoners have an unspoken code of conduct when they travel on me Tube, and a bit of local knowledge is essential for getting around the British capitalHere we provide some tips and etiquette (礼节)for your next visit to London Do Stand on the right on escalators (自动扶梯), walk on the left -Londoner

27、s will be quick at reminding you should you forget this Let other passengers off before getting on Give up your seat if someone needs it more than you Mind the gap (between the train and the platform edge) -they are sometimes pretty wide Dont Block doorways-move down inside the carriages Talk to peo

28、ple you dont know Even if the train is delayed you should merely sigh or shake your head, rather than strike up a conversation Travel on the Hammersmith & City or Circle lines if you can help it-they have a poor record for delays and disruptions Expect air-conditioning-the low tunnels mean theres no

29、 space on most lines to install air-con equipment so expect to set hot and sweaty in summer 40According to the text, the London Underground _ _. Awas brought into use 150 years ago with only 6 miles Bincludes eleven lines, covering 270 kilometres Cranks first in the world in terms of the total lengt

30、h Dis nicknamed the “Tube“ 41On the London Underground, passengers are supposed to _ _. Aurge people to walk on the right Bget on quickly when the Underground arrives Cgreet the people sitting next to them Dtolerate the heat in the carriages 42What is the authors purpose in writing this text? ATo wi

31、sh the London Underground a happy birthday BTo provide tips for traveling by underground in London CTo explain the operation of the London Underground DTo inform passengers of the inconveniences on the Underground C Some of the worlds most well-known brands, including Ericsson, Volvo and Ikea, all o

32、riginated from Sweden The country also brought us the zipper, used by many men in the world on a daily basis, according to Swedish Wire, a news website With a population of barely over 9 million and gross domestic production (GDP) at about $538 billion in 2011-just a thirteenth that of China-Sweden

33、seems like an unlikely candidate for a leader of innovation (创新)Yet, for the past three years, it has consistently topped the European Commissions Regional Innovation Scoreboard, coming first in 2010 and 2012, and second in 2011 Swedens neighbors, including Denmark ?famous for such brands as Nokia a

34、nd Lego, are also known for their innovative cultures How have these Scandinavian countries managed to make these achievements? Pasi Sahlerrg, Director General of the Finnish Ministry of Education and Cultures Centre for International Mobility, believes the education system is central to the success

35、 of Scandinavian countries A key feature of tins system is that every childs education is personalized and teachers are highly trained “In Finland, School-readiness means getting the school ready to meet the needs of its students, rather than getting the students ready for school,“ said Sahlerrg Lim

36、ited homework, no standardized tests and the absence of a national curriculum are intended to teach students how to manage themselves independently and to organize their time creatively -both vital for encouraging innovation Of course, there are factors beyond the education system that also determin

37、e the rate of innovation So how to imitate Scandinavias success in innovation? Foster (培育)a well-educated generation, provide it with the necessary financial resources, establish a supportive policy environment for it to turn the innovative ideas it generates into success 43The first paragraph is wr

38、itten to _ Aintroduce the topic of the text Bdescribe some quality products Clist some famous brands from Sweden Dquote a Swedish website 44As a leading country in innovation, Sweden _ Awas Number One in innovation over the past three years Bis well-known for its innovative cultures Cpresents to the

39、 world such brands as Nokia and Lego Dhad a very high GDP in 2011 45According to Pasi Sahlerrg, Scandinavias success in innovation lies in _ Aschool-readiness Bthe system of education Cteacher training Dpersonalized teaching 46What is a feature of Scandinavias education? ALoads of homework BStrict e

40、xaminations CNo national curriculum DNecessary financial resources D Do lobsters, crabs (蟹)and other crustaceans (甲壳类) feel pain? We certainly act as if they dont Most chefs cook lobsters and crabs alive, usually by dumping them in boiling water Along with melted butterThats the appeal of crustacean

41、s-theres no fresher foodWe may feel a bit of guilt, or maybe just discomfort, when we hear the creatures rattling (卡嗒响) around the inside of the pot as the water boils But that feeling usually dissolves for lobster lovers by the time we crack open a claw and dig out the delicious meatWe wouldnt drea

42、m of doing the same thing to a live chicken or pig which are dead well before die cooking process begins, but those crustaceans are different They dont even feel pain Right? Actually, they just might Thats the conclusion of a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology Robert Elwood a

43、nd Barry Magee of Queens University in Belfast examined the reaction of common shore crabs to small electrical shocks Ninety crabs were placed in a brightly lit area and were given the choice of moving to one of two dark shelters (Shore crabs like to hide in dark, tight spaces ) Once theyd made thei

44、r choice, the crabs in one of the shelters were exposed to an electric shockAfter a rest period, the crabs were returned to the lit tankMost of the crabs went back into the dark shelters, and then the same crabs were given another electric shock When they were placed back into the lit tank for the t

45、hird time, the majority of the shocked crabs instead went to the other dark shelter, avoiding the one where they had repeatedly been shocked As Elwood put it, the crabs choice indicated they wanted to escape the shocks: Having experienced two rounds of shocks, the crabs learned to avoid the shelter

46、where they received the shock They were willing to give up their hideaway in order to avoid the source of their probable pain 47 According to the author, people cook the crab alive due to the belief that . Ait is not guilty to treat a crab cruelly Bit is too hard to kill a crab Ca crab doesnt feel p

47、ain as a chicken or a pig does Dthe crab is a popular and healthy seafood 48The underlined word “dissolves“ in Paragraph 1 probably means _ . Abecomes weaker Bstrengthens gradually Ccomes into being Dremains unchanged 49In the experiment, the shore crabs _ Awere placed into two dark shelters Bwere g

48、iven electric shocks in the lit tank Cwere able to choose which shelter to go to Dwere put into the lit tank twice 50What does Robert Elwood and Barry Magees new study prove? AIt is hard to tell whether a voiceless shore crab is feeling pain or not BShore crabs react to electric shocks and seemingly feel pain CShore


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