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1、宁夏育才中学2019高三第一次重点考试- 英语 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节 :(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分) 1. How did the woman get the bag? A. she bought it. B. She got it as a prize. C. She got it from her friend. 2.What will the man do tomorrow? A. Attend a ceremony. B. Go shopping. C. Visit Jack. 3.Where did the man go yeste

2、rday? A. To the art museum. B. To the history museum. C. To the automobile museum. 4.What is good about the restaurant? A. The food. B. The menu. C. The position. 5.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A jazz band. B. Preparations for a party. C. Western and Japanese food. 第二节 :(共 15 小题;每小

3、题 1.5 分,满分22.5 分) 听第 6 段材料,回答第6,7 题 6.Who is making the telephone call? A. Mr. Blakemore. B. Jason Cash. C. Essex Messenger. 7.What is the message about? A. An appointment. B. A shopping plan. C. A new office. 听第 7 段材料,回答第8,9 题. 8.Where does the conversation take place? A. At an airport. B. At the C

4、ustoms. C. At a subway station. 9.What is the man doing? A. Handing in his knife. B. Buying a mobile phone. C. Passing the security check. 听第 8 段材料,回答第10 至 12 题 10. Why does the man send the e-mail? A. To quit his job. B. To apply for a job. C. To get some information. 11. What is the relationship b

5、etween the man and Mr. Trotter? A. Teacher and student. B. Director and job applier. C. Employer and employee. 12. How does the man most probably feel about Mr. Trotter? A. Pleased. B. Dissatisfied. C. Admired. 听第 9 段材料,回答第13 至 16 题 13. What are the speakers talking about in general? A. A comfortabl

6、e car. B. A strange friend. C. A travel experience. 14. How did the man feel when he was picked up by the Dutch guy? A. Happy. B. Confused. C. Tired. 15. Why did the Dutch guy pick up the man? A. To have someone to talk to. B. To ask him to watch the road. C. To look for a guide to Netherland. 16. W

7、hat was Tony doing when the man found him? A. Lying on the road. B. Sleeping. C. Laughing. 听第 10 段材料,回答第17 至 20 题 17. What do we know about Ranulph Fiennes and Mike Stroud? A. They both came first. B. They came from New York. C. They didn t break the record. 18. Why were the fans disappointed? A. Th

8、ey didn t see the race. B. Fiennes suffered a heart attack. C. The winners didn t turn up at the celebration. 19. What will Fiennes do next week? A. Return to work. B. Take an operation. C. Have his body examined. 20. What program will be broadcast next? A. A news report. B. A football game. C. A we

9、ather forecast. 第二部分:英语知识应用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节:单项填空(共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分) 21. Come along. Theres _ room for another _ few people at the back of the bus. A. a; a B. the; a C. /; / D. /; a 22. I paid him $ 50 for the painting, but its true _ must be at least $ 500. A. price B. money C. value D. cost 23

10、. - Look at the lady over there, she s already forty. - You are joking. She doesn t look _. A. so B. one C. it D. this 24. Because of _ mail we receive, we may not be able to replay to your letter. Please remember to include your full name with your letter. A. a great many of B. the large amount of

11、C. a large number of D. a great plenty of 25. This is not my story, nor_ the whole story. My story plays out differently. A. is there B. there is C. is it D. it is 26. - You failed again in the maths exam yesterday. - Don t tell Dad about it; if he knows that, Im _ dead. A. as well as B. as good as

12、C. as possible as D. as far as 27. After the interview, the manager said that the company was not going to _ any more staff for the moment. A. take up B. take off C. take on D. take down 28. - Why are you so depressed, Shelly? - I lost the contest, or I _ the award of 10,000 dollars. A. had gained B

13、. would have gained C. would gain D. must have gained 29. _ his homework made his father very angry. A. The boys not having finished B. The boys having not finished C. The boy not having finished D. The boy having not finished 30. We all know that the Anti-Japanese War _ in 1937 and _ for eight year

14、s. A. was broken out; was lasted B. was broken out; lasted C. broke out; was lasted D. broke out ; lasted 31. It is the country _ you studied _ you are going to visit next week? A. in which; which B. where; that C. that; that D. where; where 32. The Arabian Nights _ well known all over the world; ma

15、ny a story in it _ interesting and instructive. A. is; are B. are; is C. are; are D. is; is 33. I think he would be able to achieve success in his field, _? A. would be B. wouldn t be C. did I D. didn t I 34. - I want to go camping, just for a change. - OK, _ A. who cares? B. whatever you say. C. wh

16、ats up? D. it s nice of you. 35. - Are you pleased with what he has done? - Not a bit. It couldn t be _. A. so bad B. much better C. any worse D. best 第二节 : 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 30 分) To be or not to be - to live intensely and richly, or merely to exist, that fits with 54 . Let s widen and streng

17、then our relations. 55 we live let live. 36. A. literature B. arts C. history D. architecture 37. A. talked B. carved C. spoken D. written 38. A. devoting B. thinking C. demanding D. suffering 39. A. poorly B. lonely C. independently D. richly 40. A. as if B. that C. who D. whether 41. A. eventually

18、 B. occasionally C. apparently D. slowly 42. A. until B. therefore C. however D. whatever 43. A. definition B. summary C comment D. feedback 44. A. reality B. relations C. order D. sight 45. A. create B. increase C. decrease D. narrow 46. A. Hopefully B. Happily C. Luckily D. Unfortunately 47. A. pr

19、eparation B. demonstration C. illustration D. occupation 48. A. focused B. dependent C. concentrated D. keen 49. A. other B. the other C. another D. others 50. A. alive B. lively C. dead D. live 51. A. achieve B. acquire C. control D. earn 52. A. unworried B. uneasy C. unaware D. unhappy 53. A. atte

20、ntion B. confident C. interest D. patience 54. A. ourselves B. itself C. themselves D. yourself 55. A. While B. Although C. Even D. Because 第三部分 : 阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节 :(共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分) A Enterprises, especially those targeting young customers, have realized the value of marketing on micro bl

21、ogs. Ads, if forwarded by popular bloggers, will enjoy widespread Internet coverage. Therefore, it appears that running a popular micro blog and forwarding several ads per day is a financial rewarding career choice nowadays. However, in order to be successful, you need to ensure that your micro blog

22、 has a large number of followers. Launching a micro blogging sensation can be tough for rookies( 新手 ) In Zhao s opinion, it s not necessary to come up with a totally original micro blog. “ You can publish a popular post you have found in other online communities on your micro blog. But to become a s

23、ensation, you have to be the first one to publish the post,” said Zhao. Therefore, a micro blogger needs to be aware enough to sense a post s potential to become an online sensation. He or she also needs to be daring enough to publish potentially controversial posts or launch activities which could

24、be risky. Running a popular micro blog is an exhausting job, both physically and mentally. Publishing ads also requires energy and commitment. In order to hunt for the most up-to-date, hot topics online, Zhao has to spend almost all of his spare time surfing the Internet. He often stays up late. 56.

25、 The best title of the passage is _. A. Micro Blogger Strikes Gold B. The powerful Micro Blog C. Zhao Cheng- a Post-90s D. How to Run a Popular Micro Blog 57. We can know from the passage that_. A. Zhao tries to forward as many ads as possible in his blog B. Zhao s parents once thought little of his

26、 micro-blog C. Zhao has given up to further his study in a university D. Zhao thinks it easy to launch a micro blogging sensation 58. According to the passage, enterprises like marketing on micro blogs because_. A. the price of advertising on micro blogs is much lower B. ads on micro blogs can be sp

27、read more widely C. young customers only pay attention to ads online D. it s much easier to advertise on micro blogs 59. Zhao Cheng often stays up late in order to_. A. forward ads on his micro blogs B. escape from his parents supervision C. collect proper topics for his micro blogs D. make up the t

28、ime spend on micro blogs B August 17, 2011 Lauren, As the big weekend approaches I am more and more worried that I might break up during my toast so as a pre-emptive strike(先发制人 ) please accept this letter and gifts. My feeling about you and your marriage are personal and while I hope to share the f

29、eelings with those at the dinner, it s more important to me that you realize how much I love you and how proud I am of the amazing woman you have become. My memory for specifics is terrible but my memory for how precious you were as a child is clear. I loved cradling you in my arms in the morning wh

30、en you awoke for a bottle, carrying your sleepy body over my shoulder when you were too tired to walk, tossing you high in the air in the pool, and reading kids books with you on my lap. From the first days you were quiet, beautiful, and kind. You were thoughtful, sensitive, caring and loving. You w

31、ere and still are an angel. When I thin k of you as an adult, I think of your big heart. It s your heart that has led you to be a bright point of light causing millions of meals to be served to hungry kids. It is your heart that has led you to your vegetarian lifestyle. It is your heart that helps y

32、ou care for us. For these reasons I have selected three hearts as a gift to you. One heart is a locket ( 吊坠 ) with a picture of you and me together. It s a reminder that of the men in your life I loved you first and will always love you, forever. The second heart is made of jade that has the Chinese

33、 character “ Fu” . Jade represents luck and “ Fu” means happiness. Third heart is just pretty and represents your beauty. Finally, the wedding will be amazing. I can t wait to see you in your beautiful dress. My hope is that the event will bring lasting memories. My hope is that your life is filled

34、with joy. P . S. I can t wait to love your kids the way I love you. 60. The writer of the letter is Lauren s _. A. boyfriend B. father C. brother D. colleague 61. “ the big weekend” in the first paragraph refers to_. A. Lauren s birthday party B. Laurens graduation ceremony C. Lauren s wedding cerem

35、ony D. Laurens wedding anniversary 62. Which of the following about Lauren is TRUE? A. Lauren was lazy as a child. B. Lauren was naughty as a child. C. Lauren prefers meat to vegetables. D. Lauren likes to help those in need. 63. The writer might break up during his toast because_. A. he has been il

36、l for a long time B. he doesn t want his Lauren to get married C. he is ashamed of Lauren s performance D. he deeply loves Lauren and hates to marry her off C. Looking for a new weight loss plan? Try living on the top of a mountain. Mountain air contains less oxygen than air at lower altitudes, so b

37、reathing it causes the heart to beat faster and the body to burn more energy. Studies have found that athletes training at high altitudes tend to lose weight. Doctor Florian Lippl in Germany wondered how the mountain air would affect obese individuals if they weren t doing any more physical activity

38、 than usual. Lippl and his colleagues invited 20 obese men to an environmental research station about 300 meters below the summit of Zugspitze, a mountain around 2,970 meters near the Austrian border. This was no hiking expedition. They were allowed to eat as much as they liked. The men also gave bl

39、ood so that researchers could test for hormones( 荷尔蒙 ) linked to appetite and obesity. At the end of the week, the men, whose weight starting out was 105 kilograms, had lost about 1.5kg on average. The men s blood pressure also dropped, which the researchers owed to weight lost. Exactly what caused

40、the weight loss is uncertain. Loss of appetite is common at higher altitudes, and indeed the men ate significantly less than usual-about 700 calories fewer per day. Appetite loss at high altitudes could certainly be key, notes Damian Bailey, a physiologist, who himself recently lost 11 kg during a 3

41、-month expedition to the Andes in Chile. Unfortunately, for the average person theres no treatment that can resemble living at high altitudes, says Lippl. He says, half-jokingly, “ If obese people plan their holidays, they might not go to the sea, but maybe to the mountains ” 64. The underlined word

42、 “ obese” in the first paragraph probably means “ _” . A. unhealthy B. swollen C. very fat D. weighty 65. Hormones were tested in the research because they could affect _. A. ones body weight B. ones blood pressure C. ones way of living D. ones heart-beating rate 66. What was found about the 20 obes

43、e men in the process of the research? A. What they eat was controlled. B. They took in fewer calories than usual. C. They lost appetite because of lack of physical activities. D. They were provided with a healthier diet than before. 67. Why does Damian Bailey agree with the idea of appetite loss at

44、high altitudes? A. He experimented with the new weight loss plan in the Andes. B. He found no other reasons for his loss of weight in the Andes. C. He researched the related subject in the Andes. D. He lost much weight in the high-altitude Andes. D. Brown didn t give up. Instead, he kept looking. An

45、d he kept finding more of these strange and speedy stars, called hypervelocity stars. Hyper means “ above” and velocity has to do with speed. He and his team just found six more of these “ above speed” stars bringing the total to 16. And, he says, hes found even more, and is just waiting for the sci

46、entific community to confirm them. When he found the first hypervelocity star, Brown had a hard time believing his own results. He measured the star s speed to be about 1.6 million miles per hour. Thats fast enough to escape the galaxy and fly away into deep space. To make matters worse, the star wa

47、sn t flying around the galaxy, like most stars. Instead, it was flying out, like a pop fly that just keeps going up, up, up, out of the ballpark(活动领域 ) and out of sight. Not only was the star going faster than anyone had ever seen a star move, it was going in the wrong direction. “ I think we can sa

48、y a lot more in five years than what we can say now, ” he says. “ The future of hypervelocity stars is boundless. ” 68. The stars have been described as strange because_. A. they are on the edge of the Milky Way B. they move around the galaxy we live in C. they travel too fast in the wrong direction

49、 D. they escape from the Milky Way into deep space 69. From what Brown says in the last paragraph, we can infer_. A. there is no end to learning about hypervelocity stars B. it is no use for people to learn about hypervelocity stars C. there is no possibility to research on hypervelocity stars D. it takes a few years before scientists kn


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