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1、.精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 9 人教版八年级上册英语第十一单元复习测 试卷 八年级上英语阶段目标检测( 十一) Unit 11 lass_ Nae _ N._ 听说部分 (25 分) 一. 听说 :( 第 1-2 节是听力测试 , 第 3-5 节是口语测试 ) 第一节:听小对话, 选择正确图片 .(5分) ( ) 1. hat des the wan want t drink? ( ) 2. here are they talking? ( ) 3. hat pet des Peter have? ( ) 4. Hw des Ea

2、g t shl? ( ) 5. hih is the right piture? 笔试部分 (75 分) 二. 单项选择 .(15 分) ( ) 1. -uld yu please sweep the flr? -_. I have t d y hewrk. A. yes, sure. B. hy nt? . Srry, yu ant. D. Srry, I an t ( ) 2. -i, e ut. Lets g t play ftball. - Srry. I _ a ath prble. .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 9 A.

3、wrking ut B. wrking n . wrking fr D. wrking with ( ) 3. Nany, thanks fr _ are f y gldfish. A. take B. takes . taking D. tk ( ) 4. -uld I please _? -Srry, yu ant . yur father has t use it. A. d hres B. g t the vies . use the ar D. g t shl ( ) 5. -uld yu like t e t y party? -Id lve t, _I t busy. A. an

4、d B. if . s D. but ( ) 6. y ther ften _ y little sister _ f the huse and plays with her in the garden. A. take.ut B. takes.ut . takes . t D. take t ( ) 7. I _ ding the dishes beause its bring. A. hates B. hate . like D. likes ( ) 8. uld I _ ten yuan fr yu? I will give it t yu next week. A. brrw B. g

5、ive . send D. help ( ) 9. I ften help y ther dinner. A. did B. d . ake D. akes ( ) 10. I uld _ y bed and _ y lthes. A. ake; fld B. ake; d . fld; d D. fld; wash .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 9 ( ) 11. uld yu please the windw? Its very ld. A. t pen B. nt t pen . pening D. nt pen ( ) 12.

6、 r Sith didn t have ney ,but he had gd friends. A. uh; uh B. any; any . uh; any D. any; uh ( ) 13. I _ y aunt in Australia this winter vaatin. A. visit B. a ging t visit . visited D. was ging t visit ( ) 14. hen yu ant find the way, yu ay the plie help. A. ask, fr B. ask, t . tell, with D. tld, fr (

7、 )15. Please put the fd in the fridge(冰箱) , it ay g bad. A. and B. fr . rD. s 三. 完型填空 .(10 分) Bill Gates _1_n tber 28, 1955. He grew up in Seattle, ashingtn. He was a very _2_ by. His favrite subets at shl were siene and ath. _3_ he was 13 years ld, Bill started t play with puters. At that tie, pute

8、rs _4_very large ahines. ne he was very interested _5_ a very ld puter. He and se f his friends _6_lts f tie ding unusual things with .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 9 it. In the end, they wrked ut (开发 ) a sftware prgra ( 软件程 ) with the ld ahine. Bill _7_it fr $ 4200 when he was nly 17.

9、 In 1973, Bill _8_Harvard University. In his third year, he left Harvard t wrk fr a pany( 公司 ) alled irsft. Bill began his pany in 1975 _9_his friend Paul Allen. They thught the puter wuld e int every ffie and every he sn. S they began develping the sftware fr persnal puters: They iprved the sftware

10、 t _10_ it easier fr peple t use puters. ( ) 1. A. is brn B. was brn . did brn D. brn ( ) 2. A. talented B. luky . lving D. shy ( ) 3. A. At B. Until . hen D. At the ent ( ) 4. A. is B. are . was D. were ( ) 5. A. at B. in . n D. fr ( ) 6. A. tk B. put . paid D. spent ( ) 7.A. sell B. sale . sld D.

11、bught ( ) 8. A. went B. went t . want D. wanted ( ) 9. A. and B. with . fr D. by ( ) 10. A. take B. begin . ake D. start 四. 阅读理解 : (20 分) A .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 9 Betty is an Aerian shl girl. She is very happy beause her parents will take her t hina fr a visit. They are ging

12、t fly fr New yrk n une 30 and get t Beiing n uly 1. They will stay at Lid Hliday Inn. Their hinese friends will shw the arund Beiing. They are ging t visit the Palae useu, the Suer Palae, the Teple f Heaven and the Great all. They will als visit se hinese hes and try se hinese fd. They will spend a

13、week in Beiing and then g t Xi an, Guilin and se ther plaes fr sightseeing. The whle trip will take three weeks and she is sure she will have a great tie in hina. ( ) 1. Betty is very happy beause she will _ with her parents. A. visit hina B. g he . wath TV ( ) 2. Their _ friends will shw the arund

14、Beiing. A. Australian B. hinese . Aerian ( ) 3. Fr the text we an knw that they will _ in Beiing. A. k hinese fd B. Learn t speak hinese . try se hinese fd ( ) 4. After they visit Beiing , they will g t .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 6 / 9 _. A. Xi an and Guilin B. The Suer Palae . Shangha

15、i ( ) 5. Hw lng will the whle trip take? A. ne week B. tw weeks . three weeks B There is ne language,peple ,yung and ld,en and wen,use it very ften,in every untry in the wrldIt is everynes send languageyu an t hear it but it is very easy t understand It is sign ( 手势 )language hen yu wave ( 招手 )t a f

16、riend in the street,yu are using sign languagehen yu put up yur hand in lass, yu are saying“Please ask e,l think l knw the right answer” hen a plie ffier wants t stp ars r buseshe puts up his handHes using sign language hurhill s( 丘 吉 尔 )faus“ V fr Vitry ( 胜 利 ) ” is als sign language Sign language

17、is useful (有用的 )in quiet plaes r plaes full f nise Even when yu are swiing with yur friends,yu an have a talk under water ( ) 6_ in the wrld use sign language Aany peple BPlie ffier All peple DStudents and teahers ( ) 7yu an t hear sign language beause its .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 7

18、/ 9 _ language Aa diffiult Bnt a an easy D nt a spken ( ) 8 hen yu put up yur hand in lass, yu ean _ Ayu an answer the questin Byu want t ask a questin yu an use sign language Dbth A and B ( ) 9In a nisy (吵闹的 ) plae the best way t talk is t _ Aspeak luder Buse sign language speak in a lw vie (小声 ) D

19、 stp nise ( ) 10hih f the fllwing is TRUE? _ AT nd ne s head( 点头 )isn t sign language Bnly hurhill used“V fr Vitry” Teahers dn t knw sign language DPeple ften use sign language 五词汇运用: (10分) 1. an I use yur D player? _(我的 ) is at he. 2.He has t take _( 照顾 ) f his little sister. 3.y brther ften _( 忘记

20、) t ake his bed 4.rs Blak always_(带)her dg fr a walk after supper. .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 8 / 9 5.uld yu please buy se _(小吃,快餐 ) fr e? 6.I _(憎恨) thieves. 7.hat is yur father ding? He s having a _( 会议 ). 8.yesterday ary_(邀 请 ) e t her birthday party . 9. I like t _(洗)the dishes. 10.

21、 ._( 青少年 ) need t help their parents with husewrk. 六. 任务型阅读 (5 分) 下面有六段电视节目内容的解说词。请把其中的五段, 填入相应的节目名称。 A. Peple ight grw plants and vegetables in the sea in abut 50 years. B. A hild in Hainan fell fr the seventh flr but lukily he was nt hurt at all. . The lst wrld is an exiting Aerian fil. Peple, esp

22、eially shl students, ay like it better. D. Even if yu uld buy the wrld, yu uld nt buy a happy faily, gd friends r knwledge. E. Fr failies with hildren, an iprtant prble is .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 9 / 9 getting the hildren away fr the televisin t d their hewrk. F. hen yu need help fr

23、 yur hewrk, g t the library. yu ay find agazines, newspapers, and big ditinaries there. They an always help yu. (1)-ney Isnt Everything (2)-Ativities Fr Free Tie (3)-Study Tls (4)-Fars f the Future (5)-Parents Headahe 七. 书面表达 (15 分): 这个周末你与父母去海滨度假,你的宠物小狗需要好 友 Ted 帮忙照顾。请用下面的提示词给Ted 写份留言。 take are f , take fr a walk, feed and give se water, play with hi, lean


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