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1、口语地道表达集锦汇总 1 / 16 1. All chalked up, ready to go? 都记下了,准备好了吗? 2. Teddy, ready to roll? 泰迪,准备好演出了吗? 3. Are you here to frame us again? 你到这儿又来陷害我们吗? 4. The buck starts and stops with me. 一切后果都得由我来承 担。 5. Now I know youre mental. 我现在知道你疯了。 6. I feel a connection, too. 我也觉得亲切。 7. Lawrence, I couldnt sit

2、 idly by. 劳伦斯,我根本闲不住。 8. Doesnt ring a bell. 不怎么熟悉啊。 9. It computes with him. 他总算明白了。 10. He was the one that took the fall for me. 就是他代我受罪。 11. They will boot you out, you know, if you dont decide. 你要是再定不下来,就要被请出去了。 12.Stay long, Brian. Keep long, Brian! 坚持住,布莱恩。加把劲,布莱恩! 口语地道表达集锦汇总 2 / 16 13. Sod o

3、ff! 一边去 ! 14. Ma makes a cracking roast. 我妈烤的肉特别好吃。 15. Chop-chop. 快点。 16. Yes, its very bracing. 是啊,可提神了。 17. I havent got all day. 我可没空陪你耗。 18. Now you are recognized everywhere. 现在您已是名扬四 海。 19. Sort of felt like I was playing hooky. 感觉有点像在旷工。 20. Come rain or shine, Im at my Starbucks by 7:15. 无论

4、雨晴,每天7 点 15 分前,我就在星巴克了。 21. I love them to pieces. 我爱死他们了。 22. Cover letters are so old-fashioned. 求职信太老套。 23. Well, I guess thats meeting me. 我想这正合我意。 24. We got to do that again, for sure, but okay if we take a rain check?我们当然得再吃一次,但我们改天可以吗? 25. I want you to know Ive been a company man all my lif

5、e. 口语地道表达集锦汇总 3 / 16 我想让你们知道,我这辈子都是一名以公司利益为重的人。 26.Hey, you check this one off your list, okay? 27. 嘿,这件事别顾虑了,好吗? 28.Maybe hero the girl in the red shirt. 或许该突出穿红衬衫的那个姑娘。 29.I need you to sign off on this, like, two hours ago. 大概两小时前,我就要你审核了。 30. Its your call, Justin. 你说了算,贾斯汀。 31. Because you have

6、 to set the tone. 因为你得起表率作用。 32. Im pretty psyched myself. 我自己也很激动。 33. I like how you roll. 我喜欢你的风格。 34. Dont dawdle in any way. 反正别磨叽。 35. Baby steps. 慢慢来。 36. Im happy to cover for Mike. 我很乐意给麦克代班。 37. Goes without saying. 不说我也知道。 口语地道表达集锦汇总 4 / 16 38. Hes major. 他是最佳人选。 39. Word travels fast. 消息

7、传得真快。 40. Be there or be square. 不见不散。 41. Over the hump. 渡过难关。 42. Cracks me up. 让我笑到不行。 43. Im so slammed next week. 下周我真忙不过来。 44. Totally saved our butts. 给我们帮了很大的忙。 45. Were doing a fiesta lunch next Friday. 下周五我们要举行一次节日午餐。 46. Taking the high road is exhausting. 秉持正确的理念真累人。 47. She works on all

8、 cylinders all the time. 她每时每刻都在竭力工作。 48. Im not trying to brownnose you. 我不是想拍你马屁。 49. She could just, like, transport you. 她能让你身临其境。 50. Hold your horses, maniac! 悠着点儿,疯子 ! 口语地道表达集锦汇总 5 / 16 51. I bust my ass for her 14 hours a day, and she never notices. 我每天 14 个小时为她累死累活,而她从没注意到。 52. Lets clean-s

9、late it. 让我们重新开始。 53. Busy man about town. 社交繁忙啊。 54. Everyones flipping out about it. 大家都很激动。 55. I think thats kind of self-explanatory. 我觉得答案显而易见。 56. Double-time it, dude. 赶紧啊,老兄。 57. Hey, whats with the waterworks, little one? 嘿,小朋友,你哭什么呢? 58.Whats your whole take on the CEO thing? 首席执行官这事你是什么看

10、法? 59.I mean, youre more on the inside than I am. 我意思是,你比我更了解。 39. I know Jules is trying to do right by everybody. 我知道朱尔斯试图让所有人都称心。 口语地道表达集锦汇总 6 / 16 60. You dont look like you. 你看上去不在状态。 61. Under all this man stuff that you so admire, Im just a big bowl of mush. 在你十分欣赏的那类男性形象下,我只是一个情感很脆弱的人。 62. Y

11、oure not actually taking the rap for any of this, are you? 你可不会因此而责备自己,对吧? 63. He bowed out so that I could do this. 他辞职了,好让我创业。 1. Between us we could afford them. 我们一起应该能付得起房 租。 2. Do stop loitering by the door and come in. 别在门外晃了,进来吧。 3. My Boswell is learning. 我的传记作者学到了东西。 4. Beyond a doubt, it

12、is her. 这肯定是她,无可置疑。 5. More to the point, whats your problem? 更重要的是,你什么毛病? 6. These are deep waters. 此案非常复杂。 口语地道表达集锦汇总 7 / 16 7. I thought you might be a little out of your depth there. 我觉得那案子你会有点力不从心。 8. And where would be the sport in that? 那还有什么意思呢 ? 9. The game is afoot. 游戏开始了。 10. Chewing the

13、fat. 聊着天。 11. Well show ourselves out. 我们告辞了。 12. Im glad you re seeing sense. 很高兴你在逐渐开悟。 13. Press are having a ruddy field day. 媒体都乐疯了。 14. Ive been rushed off my feet making tea. 我一直忙着泡茶。 15. Ive returned the courtesy. 我也礼尚往来了。 16. I beg to differ. 我不敢苟同。 1. I took a detour through your defense l

14、ab. 我绕道来你的国防实验室。 2. I formally tender my resignation.我正式提交我的辞职报告。 3. Whats the occasion? 为了什么呢 ?/什么状况 ? 口语地道表达集锦汇总 8 / 16 4. Dont worry, shes in good hands. 别担心,她被照料得很好。 5. Youre in for a treat.你今天有口福了。 6. Just a tall tale. 不过是一个荒诞的故事。 7. You dont know the first thing about being a father. 你完全不知道如何做

15、一个父亲。 8. They were really rooting for you.他们真的很挺你。 10. Im getting the hang of this. 我摸到其中的窍门了。 11. We dont have time to screw around.我们没时间瞎折腾了。 12. It took a toll on me.它对我的身体产生了副作用。 1. London terminal is compromised. 伦敦终端机被破坏了。 2. Lets cut the bull. 少跟我胡说八道。 3. Leveling an accusation actually. 事实上提

16、出了指控。 4. Tell me what you make of them. 告诉我你看出了什么。 5. Hes taken up scrap booking? 他开始对拼贴感兴趣了? 口语地道表达集锦汇总 9 / 16 6. Ethan Hunt is still out there in the field, and Im stuck here answering for it. 伊森? 亨特在外面逍遥自在,我却被困在这里为他的所作所为负责。 7. Benji, we are trying to keep a low profile. 班吉,我们正努力保持低调。 8. I went th

17、rough the motion, thats not the same thing. 我只是走过场,这不是一回事。 9. You thought you put him in the hospital, take him out of harms way 你以为你把他送进医院,就能让他脱离险境。 10. Finding Hunt is no longer our pet project. 找到亨特已经不再是我们的宠物计划。 11. Things.got a little out of hand. 情况已经有点失控。 12. And in every instance, you did so

18、on you own volition. 每一次你都是按自己的意志去做的。 13. You sent me to do a job. I did it. Now, you bring me in. 你派我去完成一项任务。我完成了。现在,你让我归队。 口语地道表达集锦汇总 10 / 16 14. Im of it. 我敢肯定。 15. Desperate times, desperate measures, sir. 先生,非常时期要用非常手段。 16. Namely, how you frame her. 也就是说,你是如何陷害她 的。 17. Youre cutting it very cl

19、ose, Ethan. 伊森,你给自己留的余地太小了。 1. At long last. 终于要结束了。 2. Just slipped out. 一时口误。 3. Sir, the city is taking fire. 先生,城市正遭到攻击。 4. We wish to avoid collateral damage. 我们希望避免附带伤 害。 5. We will not yield! 我们决不屈服 ! 6. We will send them back in bags. 我们决不让他们活着回去。 7. Were gonna need evac. 我们得撤退了。 8. Do not e

20、ngage. 不要接触。 口语地道表达集锦汇总 11 / 16 9. Javis, take the wheel. 贾维斯,你来驾驶。 10. Is that cool with you? 没问题吧 ? 11. Top of the line. 堪称一流。 12. Its a smoke screen. 这是个烟雾弹。 13. Well shake it off. 我们会摆脱困境的。 14. Well for now Id stay in stealth mode. 从现在开始我要进入隐身模式。 15. Hey, want to switch out? 想换班吗 ? 16. I figured

21、 its a good place to lay low. 我觉得这个是隐姓埋名的好地方。 17. If theyre sleeping here, some of them will have to double up. 如果他们要睡这里,有些人得挤一间房了。 18. Thats not gonna sell. 这可行不通。 19. Missed our window. 我们错过了。 20. Im not being pushy. 我不是在催你。 口语地道表达集锦汇总 12 / 16 21. Its time for me to tap out. 我也该休息一下了。 1. She saw t

22、he world not always as it was, with just a little bit of magic.因为一点点魔法,她眼中的世界于是变得与众不同。 2. True, she had no title, nor crown, nor castle, but she was the ruler of her own little kingdom, whose borders were the house and meadow on the forests edge where her people had lived for generations. 的确,她没有头衔,没

23、有皇冠,也没有城堡,但 她管辖着自己的小小王国,国界就在那森林边际的屋子和牧场, 她的子民世代生活在那里。 3. I want to tell you a secret. A great secret that will see you through all the trials that life can offer. You must always remember this. Have courage and be kind. 我要告诉你一个秘密, 这个巨大的秘密能帮你度过,人生所有 的艰难困苦。你一定要好好记住。秘密就是,要勇敢,要善良。 4.Time passed, and pai

24、n turned to memory. In her heart, Ella stayed the same. 时光流逝,伤痛已成为往事,艾拉的内心从未改变。 5. His widow, an honorable woman, finds herself alone, though still in the prime of her life. 口语地道表达集锦汇总 13 / 16 他的遗孀是位令人尊敬的女士,日子过的很寂寞, 其实她还风 华正茂。 6. Shes skinny as a broomstick! And that stringy hair! 她瘦得像个扫把。头发像乱麻。 7.

25、Ellas stepmother, high-spirited lady that she was, set out to restore life and laughter to the house. 艾拉的继母是个充满活力的女士,打算把活力和笑声重新注入 这所房子。 8. Bring me the first branch your shoulder brushes on your journey. 给我带回第一支划过你肩头的树枝。 9. Sometimes I could scratch your eyes out! 有时候我都想把你眼珠子挖出来。 10. I think theyre

26、finding the sleeping quarters rather confining. 我想她们肯定觉得房间太挤了。 11. Cant you see? None of that matters. Were ruined. 口语地道表达集锦汇总 14 / 16 你们还不懂吗那些都不重要。我们完蛋了。 12. And by and by they considered Ella less a sister than a servant. 渐渐的,她们不把艾拉当家人看待,而是当作佣人。 13. And punctuality is the.politeness of princes. 守时

27、是王子应有的礼貌。 14. Just because its whats done doesnt mean its what should be done. 只因一直如此,并不代表就该如此。 15. If I must marry, could I not wed, say, a good, honest country girl?要是我一定要结婚,我能不能娶一个善良又诚实的乡村姑娘呢? 1. Give Daddy some sugar! 给爷来点掌声 ! 2. We are doomed! 我们死定了 ! 3. Who would wanna leave this behind? I hav

28、e got to fix this. 谁愿意抛下这一切 ?我非得搞定不可。 口语地道表达集锦汇总 15 / 16 4. Im trying to hide from the Boov. Im not bringing one with me. Youll just turn me in. 我正试图躲避波波星人,我才不要身边还带着一个波波星人, 你会出卖我的。 5. Seriously? You guys had to ruin the Statue Of Liberty? You will not get away with this. 开玩笑的吗 ?你们一定要毁掉自由女神像吗?你们会遭报应的

29、。 6. What is the purpose of your face? 你这副表情是什么意思? 7. Enough with the ripping!不要再撕了 ! 8. Youre getting the hang of it!你已经找到窍门了嘛! 9. And to show I do not hold against you any grudges, I have brought you delicious snacking. 为了表示我对你没有任何不满,我给你带了美味小零食哦! 10. You cannot just leave someone alone like that! Put yourself in my shoes! 你不能像那样把别人丢下!你有没有替我着想 ! 11. Do you know how hard it was for me to fit in? 你知道适应生活对我来说有多难吗? 口语地道表达集锦汇总 16 / 16 19. Thats what Im here to hash out. 我就是来商量这个。 20. Your judgement is askew. 你的判断力有问题。


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