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1、第 1 页 年级课时教学设计 课题B let s learn 单元Unit5 Dinners ready 学科English 年级四 学习 目标 1.能听、说、认、读单词:chopsticks,bowl,fork,knife,spoon。 2.能听懂、会说句子: Would you like some.? Pass me the. ,please 3.能够听、做 Let s do 内容: Make a salad. 重 点 来源 :学. 科.网 学习单词: chopsticks,bowl,fork,knife,spoon。 难点运用所学单词及句型Pass me the .,please. 教学

2、过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课1.Sing the song What would you like? 2.活动:真真假假 活动方式:教师随机出示一张单词卡,例如 出示单词卡noodles,教师读 noodles,学生 就立即跟读单词noodles,如果教师读成 vegetables或其他单词,学生就不能跟读并要 说:No。可以用小组竞赛的形式进行,比如 学生跟读正确的单词时, 反应快的小组加分, 当教师表达不正确时,如果学生跟读不正确 的表达,那他所在的小组就要被扣分,教师 可适当加快速度,活跃现场的气氛。 3. Free talk: A:What would you li

3、ke? B:I d like some., please. A:Would you like s ome.? B:Yes, please./ No, thanks. 第 2 页 讲授新课 1.读图。 PPT呈现 John在吴一凡家做客用餐场景。 来源:ZXXK 1)提问: Who are they?Where is John? 生: Hes at Wu s home. T:Yes, hes at Wu Yifan s home. They are eating dinner. 2)提 问 :What are the y eating? Ss: beef, soup,and vegetables

4、. 2.情景教学新单词 (1)T: sharp eyes. 提出问题让学生猜测: What does mom say to John? Ss: What would you like John?/ John, have some beef. /John, would you like some soup? 来源: (2)师评价。呈现答案。学生模仿妈妈对John 说:John, would you like some beef? 师模仿 John回答: Yes, please. Pass me a knife and fork, please. 师边说边做拿刀叉状。强调knife 和 fork

5、的发音。图片,词卡分别学习knife 和 fork。 (3)Knife 通过 i-e 发音进行拆音练习。 Fork 拆分为 f-or-k 进行学习。操练。老师引导学 生总结左叉右刀的使用方法。边做动作,边 说: Use a fork. Use a knife. Have some beef. PPT呈现几种食物需要哪种餐具。 (4)学生熟练后,老师介绍有关刀叉的基本知 识,刀叉是西方饮食中常用的配套餐具。 (5)T:John wants to eat some beef. He uses the knife and fork. How about Wu Yifan? What does he

6、use? Ss :He can use chopsticks. 拆分 第 3 页 学习 chop-stick-s,运用所学语音 -o-, -i-的发音 进行操练。 What about you? How to eat the noodles? Use the chopsticks.How to eat the beef? 和学生一起 chant: Use chopsticks. Have some beef/ noodles /vegetables. (6)师总结 Use a knife and fork. Have some beef. Use chopsticks. Have some n

7、oodles. 同 时 PPT呈现刀叉筷子及食物图片。Now, I want to have some soup. 呈现汤的图片。 What should I use ? 呈现图片,词卡,学习spoon. 强调-oo-的发音。 操练。 边说边做 :Use a spoon. Have some soup. 还是呈现汤的图片, look,the soup is in the bowl.学习 bowl.强调-ow-的发音。利用实物, 让学生把 bowl 递给自己: Pass me the bowl. 来源 学#科# 网 1.Liste n and imitate. (1)Listen and rep

8、eat. (2)Read in pairs. Check several pairs. 2.Practice (1)Sharp eyes (2)Play games and practice the words :Whats missing? (3)Look and match. 2.Lets do (1)教师现场边制作色拉,边说这些句子。例 如: 请上一位学生,对他说:Pass me the bowl , please. 学生递上碗后,教师接着说:Pass me 第 4 页 the knife, please.学生递上刀后,教师对他说: Thank you. Go back to your

9、seat. 教师拿出事先准备的蔬菜, 边切边说:Cut the vegetables. 拿出色拉酱倒入碗中, 拿出勺子进 行搅拌说: Use the spoon. 最后拿起叉子品尝 色拉说: Use the fork. Now lets try it! (2)教师出示这六个句子并带读。 3.活动:自制色拉 活动方式:四人一组自制色拉,要求他们边 制作,边用所学的句子介绍制作过程。 4.排序 5.Make a new dialogue. -Would you like some rice? -Yes, please, and pass me the chopsticks please. -Her

10、e you are! . 课堂小结1.结合板书和课件,让学生归纳所学内容。 1)能听、 说、 认读单词:chopsticks, bowl, fork, knife,spoon。 2)能够熟练运用上述单词及句型Pass me the .,please. 熟练地表达就餐时需要的餐具。 3)了解中西方餐具差异。 2.对学生课堂学习情况进行评价,对各小组 进行总结与评价。 板书Unit5 Dinner s ready! B Let s learn A:Would you like some beef? 第 5 页 B:Yes, please. Pass me theknife and fork , please. chopsticks spoon bowl


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