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1、资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 2017新版 PEP五年级下册知识点归纳 Unit 1 重点单词 吃早饭 eat breakfast 吃午饭 eat lunch 吃晚饭 eat dinner 看电视 watch TV 打乒乓球play ping-pong 进行体育运动play sports 做早操 do morning exercises 做作业 do homework 上课 have class 打扫房间clean my room 洗衣服 wash my clothes 起床 get up 上床睡觉go to bed 散步 go for a walk 返回学校go b

2、ack to school 去买东西go shopping 去游泳 go swimming 上舞蹈课take a dancing class 在西班牙in Spain 在家at home 在周末 on the weekend 午饭后 after lunch 早上 in the morning 晚上at night 在 3 点 at 3 o clock 昨晚 last night 善于,擅长be good at 许多 a lot of/ lots of 重点句子 1. When do you finish class in the morning? 你们上午的课到几点结束? We finish

3、class at 1 o clock . 我们一点钟结束。 2. When do you usually eat dinner in Spain ? 在西班牙你们通常什么时候吃晚饭? Usually at 9:30 or 10 o clock. 通常在九点三十或十点钟。 3. Why are you shopping today? 今天为什么是你购物? My mum workedlast night . So I m shopping today. 我妈妈昨晚上班了。 所以今天我购物。 4. What do you do on the weekend? 你周末干什么? I often watc

4、h TV and play ping-pong with my father. 我经常看电视,也常和我爸爸打乒乓球。 5. That sounds like a lot of fun. 那听起来 好像很有趣 。 6. But I also hard-working. I usually wash my clothes. Sometimes I cook dinner. 但我也很勤劳的。我 通常洗衣服, 有时我做晚饭。 7. Here is a letter from him. 这是一封 来自他的信。 (倒装句) 8. I live on an island . 我住在一座岛上 。 9. I a

5、lways get up early every day. 我每天 总是 很早起床。 10. Friday is good at sports. 星期五 擅长体育活动。 11.Classes start at 3 o clock. 三点开始上课。 语音 辅音字母组合cl, pl 的发音: /kl / / pl / 重点知识及语法 1. 询问作息时间:When do you do morning exercises/? At 7 o clock/. 2. 询问周末活动: What do you do on the weekend? I always/usually/often/sometimes

6、(频率副词) 频率副词的用法: 频率副词意思频率位置 always 总是100% 一般位于实义动词之前,be 动词之后 usually 通常约 80% 句首或实义动词之前,be 动词之后 often 经常,时常约 60% 一般位于实义动词之前,be 动词之后 sometimes 有时约 30% 句首,句末或实义动词之前,be 动词之后 重点作文 描写周末活动:My weekends 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 I am Lin Ping. I am very busy on the weekend. On Saturdays, I often take a danc

7、ing class in the morning. In the afternoon, I often do my homework and help my mother clean the house. On Sundays, I always play ping-pong with my father in the morning and go shopping in the afternoon. I am busy but happy on the weekends. How about yours? Unit 2 重点单词 在雪中玩play in the snow 种花plant fl

8、owers 去野餐 go on a picnic 摘苹果pick apples 吃雪糕eat ice cream 暑假 summer vacation 堆雪人make a snowman 看 look at 去游泳go swimming 寒假winter vacation 做得好good job 孩子们(复数) children 重点句子 1. Do you like the music, children ? 孩子们, 你们喜欢 这首音乐 吗? 2. Which season do you like best?你最喜欢那个季节? I like spring best. There are b

9、eautiful flowers everywhere. 我最喜欢春天。(因为)到处都有 美丽的花。 3. Spring is green with flowers and songs. Summer is hot and the days are long. Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. Winter is white and the year is gone. 春天火红柳绿歌声扬。夏天炎 热白昼长。秋天金色农民忙。冬天白色年已终。(歌谣句子可选用于写作) 4. The weather is good and the colours are b

10、eautiful! 天气很好, 色彩很美丽! 5. I like summer, but I can t swim. 我喜欢夏天, 但是我不会游泳。 6. What lovely colours! 多美丽的颜色啊 ! (感叹句) 7. I want to paint a picture, too! 我想画画! 8. There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere. 有许多雪 。到处都是白的。 9. I like winter because I can play in the snow. 我喜欢冬天 因为我可以在雪中玩。 10. I like sum

11、mer best because of Children s Day. 我最喜欢夏天 因为(有)儿童节。 11. I often go on a picnic with my family. 我经常和家人去野餐。 语音 辅音字母组合 br, gr 的发音: br , gr 重点知识及语法 1. 询问喜欢那个季节的问与答: Which season do you like best? ( I like ) spring best. 2. 询问喜欢某个季节的原因的问与答:Why (do you like summer/ )? Because I like summer vacation. 3. b

12、ecause和 because of的区别: because+ 从句,because of+ 名词(词组) /V-ing 4. w, w 真神奇, 问出许多大问题。what, what, 问 “什么”, when, when, 问 “时间” , where, where, 问“哪里”,which, which , “哪一个”,why, why, “为什么”。 Why do you like spring best? 你为什么最喜欢春天? Because the weather is nice. Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?I like spr

13、ing best. When do you go to school? 你什么时候去学校?I go to school at 8 o clock. What do you often do on the weekend?在周末你经常做什么?I often go shopping. Where is your photo? 你的照片在哪里?Its on the wall. 重点作文 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 描写自己最喜欢的季节:My favourite season There are four seasons in a year. But I like spri

14、ng best. Because its warm and windy. The trees turn green and the flowers are beautiful. I can fly kites when its windy. And I can go out for a picnic with my friends when its sunny. In spring, I can plant trees, too. I love spring. Do you like it? Unit 3 重点单词 1. 元旦New Years Day 2. 寒假winter vacation

15、/ holiday 3. 植树节 Tree Planting Day 4. 复活节派对an Easter party 5. 劳动节May Day 6. 母亲节Mother s Day 7. 父亲节Father s Day 8. 儿童节 Childrens Day 9.教师节Teachers Day 10. 中秋节Mid-Autumn Day 11. 中国国节庆Chinas National Day 12. 美国感恩节American Thanksgiving Day 13. 圣诞节Christmas 14. 学校郊游school trip 15. 运动会sports meet 16. 歌唱比赛

16、singing contest 17. 长城the Great Wall 18. 今年this year 19. 最喜欢的季节favourite season 20. 一些a few 21. 寻找look for 22. 制作卡片make a card 23. 给她唱歌sing to her 24. 说“ 谢谢 ” say “Thank you ” 25. 给她写信write her a letter 26. 给她讲故事tell her a story 27. 为她弹琵琶play the pipa for her 28. 复活节兔子Easter Bunny 29. 滚复活节蛋roll East

17、er eggs 30. 玩游戏play games 31. 许愿make a wish 32. 唱生日歌sing the birthday song 33. 吃面条eat noodles 34. 吃生日蛋糕eat a birthday cake 35. 吃月饼eat mooncakes 36. 在聚会上at the party 重点句子 1. We have a few fun things in spring. After the sports meet, we have an Easter party. 在春天我们有一些趣事。 2. When is the party? 派对在什么时候?

18、Its in April. 在四月份。 3. Teachers Day is in September. 教师节在九月。 4. Autumn is my favourite season.秋天是我最喜欢的季节。 5. We ll go to the Great Wall. 我们将去长城。I love the Great Wall ! 我爱长城! 6. It s usually in September or October. I ll eat mooncakeswith my family. 通常在九月或十月。我将和我家人一起吃月饼。 7. Will you come to the party

19、? Please send me an email at by March 23 rd. 你回来参加派对吗?请在3 月 23 日前发送电子邮件至。 8. That s very kind of you. 你真是太好了。 9. What will you do for your mum on Mother s Day? 母亲节那天你将为你妈吗做些什么? Ill cook for my mother. 我将为我妈妈做饭。 语音辅音字母组合ch, sh 的发音:/t / / 重点知识及语法 1、询问活动或节日在几月份: When is ? It s in+ 月份 . 2、表示将要做某事:We ll

20、/We will + 动词原形 3、介词 in, on, at的用法: in+ 大致时间(年月,季节,早中晚等)on + 具体某一天(年月日,星期等) at + 时刻 . Unit 4 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 重点单词 1. 奶奶的生日grandmas birthday 2. 爸爸的生日dads birthday 3. 妈妈的生日mum s birthday 4. 我的生日my birthday 5.爷爷的生日grandpa s birthday 6. 陈老师的生日Miss Chen s birthday 7. 生日派对 birthday party 8数学测验

21、math test 9. 英语测验 English test 10. 制造噪音make noises 11. 开着的be open 12. 煮面条cook noodles 13. 两者(都) both (of) 重点句子 1. When is Mother s Day? 母亲节是什么时候? Its on the second Sunday in May. 在五月的第二个星期日。 2. Monday is his fourth birthday. 星期一是他的四岁生日。 3. There are somespecial daysin April. 四月份有 一些特殊的节日。 4. When is

22、 your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? Its on April 4 th. 5. What will you do for your mum ? 你将为你妈妈做些什么? Ill cook noodles for her. 我将为她煮面条。 6. Chinese noodles are delicious! 中国的面条很好吃! 7. We can have a birthday party for both of you! 我可以为 你们两个 举办一场生日派对! 8. The kittens are six days old. 小猫 六天大 了。 9. They make noi

23、seswhen they are hungry. 当他们饿了,它们会弄出响声 。 10. Their eyes are open ! 它们的眼睛 睁开 了! 11. They can play with Robin. 它们可以 和罗宾 玩儿 。 语音 字母组合th 的两个发音: / / 在实词中(名词、动词、数词、形容词等),如 three, th in, ma ths /e/在冠词、代词、介词、连词、词尾是-the,-ther中,如th is, th at, mo ther, bro th er 重 点知识及语法 1、询问节日、活动的具体日期: When is the sports meet

24、/? Its on April 1 st/ 2、询问对方将为别人做些什么? What will you do for sb.? I will for sb. 3、序数词: (1)基数词变序数词口诀:基数词,表示“几” 。序数词,表“第几” 。前有 the, 指日期,用序数,别怀疑。基 变序,有规律。 1、2、3,t、d、d. th 要从 4 加起。怎么加?真好记。八去t,九去 e, f 来把 ve 替,ty 变成 tie。 若要变成几十几,只变个位就可以。 (2)考点: 1)first, second, third, fifth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth 2)the

25、+ 序数词 ,如the first 第一 修饰词 +序数词 ,如my first bike 注: 序数词可用缩写形式:first1st second2 nd third3rdfourth4 th twenty- second22nd 重点作文 May, 12 th Monday hot Today is my nine-year-old birthday. I am very happy because my father buys a big cake for me. After dinner, my family celebrates(庆祝) my birthday. I make a w

26、ish and blow out(吹) the candles. Then I cut the cake and my family share(分享) the cake with me. How nice today! 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 Unit 5 重点单词 1.带他去公园take him to the park 5. 在起居室里in the living room 9. (正在)听音乐listening to music 2. 过来come here 6. 在树下under the tree 10. 互相each other 3. 在厨房里in th

27、e kitchen 7. 在学校at school 11. 和 玩play with 4. 在公园里in the park 8.在动物园at the zoo 12. 当然可以of course 重点句子 1. The yellow picture is mine . Are these all ours ? 那幅黄颜色的花是我的 。这些都是 我们的 吗? 2. That picture of Beijing is beautiful. 那幅北京 的画真漂亮。 3. Whose book is this? 这本书是谁的?It s Mikes. Its his . 是迈克的。是他的。 Whose

28、book are these? 这些书是谁的? They re mine . 是我的。 4. It s your dog. The dog is yours. 这是你的狗。这狗是你的。 5. Where is Fido now? Fido 现在在哪里?Hes in the kitchen. 他在厨房里。 6. Is he drink ing water? 他正在喝水吗?No, he isnt. Hes eating. 不,他不是。他正在喝水。 7. Can you take him to the park? 你能带他去公园吗?Yes, of course. 当然可以。 8. Are these

29、 rabbit s eat ing ? 这些兔子在吃东西吗? No. They re playing with each other. 不,他们在互相玩耍。 9. I m looking atan elephant. Im walking like an elephant. 我正在 看一只熊。我正在像熊那样跳舞。 10. I want to be a bird. 我想成为 一只鸟。 I don t want to be a fish.我不想成为一条鱼。 11. My dog is so cute. I love him so much.我的狗好可爱。我很爱他 。 语音 辅音字母组合ng, nk

30、的发音:? k 重点知识及语法 1、物主代词 形容词性物主代词 (用在名词前,译为“ 的” ,不能单独 使用) 名词性物主代词 (后面不跟名词,可以单独使用) 单 数 第一人称my mine 第二人称your yours 第三人称 his his her hers its its 复 数 第一人称our ours 第二人称your yours 第三人称their theirs 解题小窍门: 1)做题时, 在意思为 “的” 前提下,可根据物主代词后面有没有名词来判断是用形容词性还是名词性; 2)在横线后,有名词时,前用形容词性物主代词;如果没有名词,就用名词性物主代词。 2、名词所有格 (1)定

31、义: 用来表示人或物的所有,以及领属关系,即“ (名词)的” 。 类 别 人 称 数 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 (2)名词所有格的主要有形式: 1)s所有格: -s, -s 2)of 构成的所有格:of + 名词 如, Mikes book 迈克的书the picture of Shanghai 那幅上海的画 重点作文 At the zoo Hi, I am Ann. It s a fine day today. I go to the zoo with my friends. We see many animals in the zoo. Look! There

32、 are many birds flying in the blue sky. The tiger are running. The koalas(考拉 ) are climbing the trees. The baby rabbit is jumping and its mother is sleeping. They re so cute. The pandas are eating bamboo(竹子). Look! The monkey is taking pictures. Its so funny Unit 6 重点单词 1.(正在)做早操doing morning exerci

33、ses 2.(正在)上 课 having class 3.(正在)吃午饭eating/ having lunch 4.(正在)吃晚饭eating/ having dinner 5.(正在)看书reading a book 6.(正在)听音乐listening to music 7.(正在)喝水drinking water 8. (正在) 画画 drawing a picture 9. (正在) 打功夫doing kung fu 10. 靠右 keep to the right 11. 保持你的课桌干净 keep your desk clean 12. 小声讲话talk quietly 13.

34、安静工作 /学习 work quietly 14. 禁止吃东西No eating! 15. 还有其它事吗 ?Anything else? 16. 演奏音乐play music 17. 讲中文speak Chinese 18. 制作寿司make sushi 19. 按顺序来take turns 20. 看一看have a look 重点句子 1. What are they doing ? 他们在干什么? They re eating lunch. 他们正在吃午饭。 What are you saying ? 你在说什么? I m speaking Chinese. 我正在说中文。 2. Wha

35、t s the little monkey doing ? 那只小猴子在干什么? It s playing with its mother.它正和它妈妈玩。 3. It s 7:30 p.m. What s Chen Jie doing ? 现在是晚上7:30 。陈洁在干什么? She s listening to music. 她正在听音乐。 4.Are you cooking? Yes, I am. I m cooking rice.你正在煮饭吗?是的,我在煮米饭。 5. Do you see any elephants? 你看见大象了吗? 6. Look at the pandas. T

36、hey like bamboo. 看这些熊猫。它们喜欢竹子。 7. I can show you the English books. 我可以给你指出英语书(在哪里)。 Here they are. 它们在这里 。 (倒装句) 8. Can I read the books here? 我能在这儿读书吗? Yes. of course. 好的, 当然 。 Can we use your crayons? 我们能用你的蜡笔吗? OK. Take turns. 好的, 按顺序来 。 Can we play music with you? 我们能和你一起演奏音乐吗? Sure . Please ta

37、ke turns. 当然 ,请按顺序。 Can you teach me? 你能教我吗? Sure. 当然可以。 9. Are you from China? 你来自中国吗?Yes, I am. 是的。 语音字母组合wh 的两个发音 w 大部分发如 what, where, which, when h o 前发如 who, whose 重点知识及语法 现在进行时的基本结构: be (am/is/are)+动词 -ing如:Tom is playing football now. . 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 动词加 -ing (即现在分词)的变化规则: 1)一般在

38、词尾加-ing ;dodoing read reading cook-cooking 2)以不发音的字母e 结尾的动词,去e,再加 -ing ;write writing make-making have-having 3)以一个元音加一个辅音结尾,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ing ; get getting run running swim-swimming shop-shopping ski-skiing begin-beginning plan-planning 4)以 ie 结尾的,改ie 为 y 再加 -ing 。lie-lying (躺) 现在进行时的变化: 1)否定句:在am/i

39、s/are后加 not 如:Tom is not playing football now. 2)一般疑问句:把am/is/are调到句首,回答用:Yes 或者 No. 如: Is Tom playing football now? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. 重点作文 描写某人正在进行的活动,一般以看图作文的形式进行写作:My family My family There are six people in my family. They are my grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, my brother and me. My grandpa is answering the phone(接电话) . Grandma is doing housework. My mom is cooking dinner. My dad is writing e-mail. My brother is listening to music. I am drawing pictures. How happy we are!


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