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1、江苏省 20192020 年第一学期牛津译林版期中复习初三英语9AUnit5 易错题整理 (word 版含答案 ) 1 / 8 20192020学年第一学期牛津译林版期中复习初三英语 9AU5 易错题整理 一、单项选择 1.- Do you know how to spell _ word “ mathematics” in English? - Yes. It begins with _ “ m ”. A.the; a B. the; an C. a; the D. the; the 2.-How was your recent trip to Hangzhou? - I ve never

2、had _ one before. A.a pleasant B. a most pleasant C. a more pleasant D. the most pleasant 3.-What brought joy to Linda just now? - A. Receiving a gift B. She received a gift C. Received a gift D. Because she received a gift. 4. It s known _ all that Xi an is famous _ Terra Cotta Warriors(兵马俑 ). A. t

3、o; as B. to; for C. for; for D. for; as 5. _ people think that Charlie is the perfect person _ the main role in the film. A.A number of; for B. A number of; to C. The number of; for D. The number of; to 6. After a short break, he went on _ the rest of the text. A. reading B. to read C. reads D. read

4、 7. The heavy rain _ for a few days and caused a flood, which influenced people s life greatly. A. started B. ended C. lasted D. stopped 江苏省 20192020 年第一学期牛津译林版期中复习初三英语9AUnit5 易错题整理 (word 版含答案 ) 2 / 8 8. At that time, my mother was too busy_ care of me. I felt a bit lonely. A. work taking B. working

5、 to take C. to work to taking D. working take 9. I won t _ any more of your time. But would you give me a direct “ yes ” or “ no”? A. give up B. make up C. take up D. put up 10. The manager asked the worker _ , but he didn t get any replies. A. how long he came to the officer B. how could he work ou

6、t the problem C. why he was late again D. whether he can help repair the broken machine 11.My daughter asked me _. A.who was the first computer invented by B.how life would be like in the year of 2020 C.whether would we go to Hong Kong for a holiday D.if Stephen Hawking was the writer of A Brief His

7、tory of Time 12- Wow, a new computer, what a big surprise! Thanks, mum! - I m glad that you ll have more spare time to do the things you like. But please read the _ carefully before using it. A.information B. instruction C. introduction D. instrument 13.My family is always _ me no matter what I deci

8、de to do. That makes me very pleased. A.above B. behind C. against D. through 14.100 dollars for such a shirt? You _ be joking! A.must B. may C. need D. can 15. - Shall we phone Mary and say sorry to her? - _? It was our mistakes. 江苏省 20192020 年第一学期牛津译林版期中复习初三英语9AUnit5 易错题整理 (word 版含答案 ) 3 / 8 A. Wh

9、at for B. What s wrong C. What about it D. Why not 16. - The cakes are quite delicious! Can I have one more? - Sorry, there is _ left. What about some biscuits? A. none B. no one C. nothing D. nobody 17. What? You stayed up all night and ran ten kilometers. You know you can t _, don t you? A. be too

10、 old to learn B. put all your eggs in one basket C. burn the candle at both ends D. say the grass is always greener on the other side 18. After running a 1000-metre race, he was_. A. out of breathe B. breathed heavily C. took a deep breath D. out of breath 19. Your spoken English is all very good. H

11、ow do you improve it? Thanks. Mrs. Wang always ask us to _ dialogues in our English classes. A. take up B. turn up C. make up D. end up 20. They were_ busy_ with each other_ the time. A. too; to talk; to forget B. too; talking; to forget C. so; to talk; that they forgot D. so; talking; that they for

12、got 21. Suzhou is very famous_ the Chinese-style gardens. Yes,They are all _the Chinese style. A. for; in B. as; in C. in; in D. by; of 22. _ your father is well again, you no longer have anything to worry about. A. Since B. Before C. Though D. While 23. What do you_ the TV series? 江苏省 20192020 年第一学

13、期牛津译林版期中复习初三英语9AUnit5 易错题整理 (word 版含答案 ) 4 / 8 It is_. I ve never seen such a better one before. A. like about, thought highly of B. think of, highly thought of C. think about, thought well D. think about, highly though about 24. Three_ and two _ were talking when we walked past them. A, Germen ;Ame

14、rican B. Germans; American C. Germans ;Americans D. Germen ;Americans 25. Could you please tell me something about his performance in yesterday s_ show? Excellent! He is really has a great _ for performance. A. gift; talent B. gift; gift C. talent; talent D. talent; gift 26. This kind of suit will b

15、e sold for $600, which is far more than its real _. A. cost B. price C. value D. money 27. -_you_ your book to the library yet? - Yes. I returned it yesterday. A. Did; return B. Have; returned C. Will; return D. Do; return 28. -_ he is rich, _ there is something that he cant buy. - Yes. Such as frie

16、ndship and love. A. Because; / B. Though; / C. Because; so D. Though; but 29. The song played _ a Western style _ a guitar sounds beautiful. A. by; in B. in; with C. in; by D. by; with 30. I have warned him that the weather may not be as _as it is here today. A. please B. pleased C. pleasant D. plea

17、sure 31. - Do you know _ this afternoon? 江苏省 20192020 年第一学期牛津译林版期中复习初三英语9AUnit5 易错题整理 (word 版含答案 ) 5 / 8 - Im not sure, but III tell you as soon as she_ . A. how Betty will arrive; will start B. what time Betty will arrive; starts C. when will Betty arrive; starts D. if Betty will arrive; will start

18、 32.- Kate has won the first prize in the writing competition. -_ pleasant surprise she gave her teacher! A. What a B. How C. What D. How a 33. What _ most is that he _ his best but still failed in the exam. A. matters; did does B. mattering; does do C. mattered; does D. matters; did do 34. -How wou

19、ld you like your coffee? - _ . A. Its well done B. Very nice, thank you C. One cup. Thats enough D. The stronger, the better 35. After reviewing the new words, he _the text. A. went on to explain B. went on explaining C. preferred explaining D. stopped explaining 36. The music _by Tan Dun sounds_. A

20、.was written; wonderful B. written; wonderfully C. was written; wonderfully D. written; wonderful 37. You d better _here_ the heavy rain. A. not to leave; because B. not leave; because C. not leave; because of D. not to leave; because of 江苏省 20192020 年第一学期牛津译林版期中复习初三英语9AUnit5 易错题整理 (word 版含答案 ) 6 /

21、8 38. At last, the girl was made to music and began to do her homework. A. stop listening B. to stop to listen C. to stop listening D. stop to listen 39.一 Oh,so many people are standing outside the hall._will the film start? 一 _seven oclock AHow soon;Not until BHow long;Not until CHow soon;Until DHo

22、w long;Until 40. Tan Dun won _Oscar _his music in the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. A. a; to B. an; for C. a; for D. an; to 二、完成句子(共6 小题,每小题1 分,满分6分) 1. 王医生最为人知的是为无家可归的孩子提供住所。 Doctor Wang _ with homes. 2. 通过控制水流的速度,我们可以制造出不同的声音。 We can make different sounds _. 3. 既然你女儿对音乐表现出兴趣,为何不让她学弹钢琴呢? _,

23、why not let her learn to play the piano? 4. 我宁愿说实话也不要编造一个故事出来。 I would _ a story. 5. 这个小男孩在摄影方面的确是很有天赋的。 The little boy_ photography. 6. 这个不知名的作者写的小说受到了高度评价。 The novel written by the unknown author _. 三、 阅读填空(本大题共5 小题,每小题1 分,共 5 分) Sweet wormwood( 青蒿 ) is a plant that has the power to cure the deadl

24、y disease called malaria(疟疾 ). Tu 江苏省 20192020 年第一学期牛津译林版期中复习初三英语9AUnit5 易错题整理 (word 版含答案 ) 7 / 8 Youyou, born in 1930 in Ninbo, Zhejiang Province, is the woman who uses the plant s special power to save millions of lives. On October 5, Tu got the award of the 2015 Noble Prize in Physiology or Medic

25、ine. She shared it with two other scientists from the US and Japan. Tu is the first native Chinese to receive a Noble Prize in natural sciences When she was still a high school student, she became interested in both traditional and modern medicine. When Tu joined the national research team to find t

26、he medicine that could fight against malaria in the 1960s, things were ha rd, the team didn t have modern tools then. Tu used to take the medicine herself to test medicines. To do research, Tu also had to move around a lot. Once she returned home after traveling for six months. Her little daughter d

27、idn t know her and hid from the “ strange woman ”. Finally, Tu found artemisinin( 青蒿素 ) in sweet wormwood in 1971. She spent the next ten years trying to improve the medicine. According to the WHO, about 200 million people have malaria around the world, and about half a million die each year. Artemi

28、sinin is still the best treatment against malaria today. Tu was modest about receiving th e award: “ The award means the whole research team succeeded.”She also thinks it is scientists duty to fight for the health of all humans. She never complained about how hard she works. “ I feel more rewarded w

29、hen I see so many cured patients,” she said . Tu Youyou-A Great Chinese Woman Scientist Personalities Modest The Nobel Prize means a 74 for the whole research team and it s her duty to fight for the health of all human. 75 Tu used to test medicines by taking them herself. Tu had to move a lot and di

30、dn t go home for six months. Working experience In the 1960s Tu joined the national research team to find the medicine against malaria. In 1971 Tu found artemisini in sweet wormwood. In the next ten years she tried to make the medicine 76 . Achievements On October 5 Tu was 77 with the 2015 Nobel Pri

31、ze in Physiology or Medicine. Today Artemisinin still 78 best in curing malaria. 江苏省 20192020 年第一学期牛津译林版期中复习初三英语9AUnit5 易错题整理 (word 版含答案 ) 8 / 8 参考答案 单项选择 1-5BCABA 6-10BCBCC 11-15DBBAD 16-20ACDCD 21-25AABCD 26-30CBBBC 31-35BADDA 36-40DCCAB 完成句子 1. is best known/famous for providing homeless children 2. by controlling the speed of water flow 3. Since/As your daughter shows an interest in music 4. rather tell the truth than make up 5. has a real gift for 6. is thought/spoken highly of 任务型阅读 success Hard-working better presented works


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