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1、中华人民共和国 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司 XI AN XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. THE PEOPLE S REPUBLIC OF CHINA REPORT NO. ZT1710A1828.1SB SERIAL NO. 2015030225 TYPE SZ11-10000/35 产品试验报告 TEST REPORT OF PRODUCT 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司产品试验报告 XI AN XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. TEST REPORT 产品工号: 2015030225 Serial No. 页数:1/9

2、Page 目录 CONTENTS 1技术参数2 Specification 2保证值、允差及测量值3 Guaranteed value、tolerance and measured value 3试验结论3 The test conclusion 4电压比测量及联结组标号检定4 Voltage ratio test and check of connection symbol 5绕组电阻测量4 Measurement of winding resistance 6绝缘电阻及介损测量5 Measurement of insulation resistance and tan 7油箱及储油柜密封试

3、验5 Oil tank and conservator hermetic test 8外施耐压试验5 Separate source voltage withstand test 9空载损耗及空载电流的测量6 Measurement of no-load loss and no-load current 10 空载电流谐波分析7 Harmonic analyze of no-load current 11 负载损耗及短路阻抗的测量7 Measurement of load loss and impedance 12 零序阻抗测量7 Measurement of zero-sequence im

4、pedance 13 感应耐压试验8 Induced over voltage withstand test 14 有载分接开关试验8 On-load tap changer test 15 绕组频率响应特性曲线8 Measurement of transformer winding frequency-response 16 有载开关过渡电阻及波形8 Transition resistances and oscillogram of the on-load tap-changer 17 绝缘油试验9 Insulation oil test 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司产品试验报告 XI AN

5、 XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. TEST REPORT 产品工号: 2015030225 Serial No. 页数:2/9 Page 1. 技术参数 Specification 产品工号2015030225 技术协议2015030225JX Serial No. Agreement 产品型式SZ11-10000/35 频率50Hz Type Frequency 联结组标号YNd11 冷却方式ONAN Connection symbol Type of cooling 相数3 绕组温升65 K Number of phase Temp. Rise of w

6、inding 油面温升55K 技术规范ZT1710A1828.1 Temp. Rise of top oil Technical regulation 绝缘水平h.v. 线路端子LI/AC 200/85 kV Insulation level Line terminal h.v. 中性点端子LI/AC 200/85 kV Neutral terminal l.v. 线路端子LI/AC 75/35 kV Line terminal 绕组额定值 Rating value of winding 绕组 Winding h.v. l.v. 容量 (MVA) Rated power 10 10 电压 (k

7、V) Voltage 35 10.5 分接 () Tapping 32.5 - 电流 (A) Current 165.0 549.9 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司产品试验报告 XI AN XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. TEST REPORT 产品工号: 2015030225 Serial No. 页数:3/9 Page 2. 保证值实测值允差 Guaranteed value Measured value Tolerance 项目 Item 保证值 Guaranteed value 允差 () Tolerance 实测值 Measured value 1

8、空载损耗 (kW) No load loss 10 +0 9.32 2 空载电流 () No load current 0.6 +0 0.18 3 负载损耗 (kW) Load loss 47 +0 46.21 4 总损耗 (kW) Total loss 57 +0 55.53 5 阻抗电压 () Impedance voltage 7.5 5 7.38 3. 试验结论 The test conclusion 本产品依据中华人民共和国标准(GB) 、西安西变中特电气有限责任公司技术条件以 及用户技术协议进行试验。 试验结果符合以上标准、技术条件、技术协议,试验合格。 Tests are per

9、formed in accordance with THE PEOPLE S REPUBLIC OF CHINA NATIONAL S STANDARD(GB) 、the technical requirements of the client and. XI AN XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD specification. The test results meet or exceed all requirements. 试验杨坤、桂晓伟 TEST BY 编制刘海伟 WRITTEN BY 校核 CHECKED BY 审查 CERTIFIED BY 日期20

10、15-12-17 DATE 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司 XI AN XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司产品试验报告 XI AN XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. TEST REPORT 产品工号: 2015030225 Serial No. 页数:4/9 Page 4. 电压比测量及联结组标号检定 Voltage ratio test and check of connection symbol 高压对低压联结组标号:YNd11 h.v./ l.v. Connection symbol 分接 Ta

11、p 电压比计算值 Calculator ratio 电压比实测偏差( ) Measured ratio error 标准允许偏差 Tolerance AB/ab BC/bc CA/ca 1 3.583-0.08 -0.09 -0.08 额定档 0.5% Rated tap 2 3.500-0.01 -0.02 -0.01 3 3.4170.09 0.09 0.09 4 3.333-0.05 -0.05 -0.04 5 3.2500.05 0.05 0.05 6 3.1670.16 0.16 0.16 7 3.0830.01 -0.01 0.01 5. 绕组电阻测量单位: m油温:18.9 Me

12、asurement of winding resistanceUnit Oil temperature 高压绕组 h.v. winding 低压绕组 l.v. winding 分接 Tap OA OB OC ab bc ca 1 252.3 253.6 254.4 35.58 35.60 35.66 2 243.4 244.7 245.2 电阻不平衡率:线1 相 2 Unbalance ratio among the three phase s resistance. 结果 : 合格 Results OK 3 234.5 235.7 236.4 4 223.0 223.7 223.9 5 23

13、3.6 234.8 235.5 6 242.4 243.7 244.4 7 252.3 253.6 254.3 附套管编号 No. of bushing A B C O a b c 1520355 1520353 1520359 1520356 1520499 1520498 1520500 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司产品试验报告 XI AN XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. TEST REPORT 产品工号: 2015030225 Serial No. 页数:5/9 Page 6. 绝缘电阻及介损测量油 温: 18.9 湿度: 14% Measuremen

14、t of insulation resistance and tanOil temp. R.H. 被试绕组 Measured winding R15sec ( M) R60sec ( M) R60sec/ R15sec tan () Cx (nF) 高压对低压及地 h.v./ l.v. and ground 10000 14000 1.40 0.192 5.700 低压对高压及地 l.v./ h.v. and ground 8000 11000 1.38 0.226 9.381 高压及低压对地 h.v. and l.v./ground 9000 12000 1.33 0.235 6.356 高

15、压对低压 h.v. /l.v. - - - 0.207 4.357 绝缘电阻测试用5000V 兆欧表 Measurement of insulation resistance with DC5000V megger 介质损耗因素(tan) 在 10kV AC 电压下用2618H 电桥测试。 Measurement of tan with 2618H bridge under AC10kV 7. 油箱及储油柜密封试验 Oil tank and conservator hermetic test 变压器油箱及储油柜注满油,在油箱及储油柜的最高油面施加30 kPa 的静压力 ,试验时间持续 24 小

16、时。油箱及储油柜不得有渗漏。 试验结果:合格 The transformer tank and conservator oil-filled which withstand pressure 30 kPa for 24 hours, during the time no oil leakage. The test result is OK. 8. 外施耐压试验 Separate source voltage withstand test 在被试绕组对地之间施加50Hz 交流电源 ,持续时间60 秒。 Apply AC power voltage between tested winding a

17、nd the ground, 60 seconds ,other windings grounded. 被试绕组 Tested winding 试验电压 (kV) Testing voltage 频率 (Hz) Frequency 持续时间 (s) Duration 试验结果 Results 高压对低压及地 h.v. winding 85 50 60 通 过 OK 低压对高压及地 l.v. winding 35 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司产品试验报告 XI AN XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. TEST REPORT 产品工号: 2015030225 Se

18、rial No. 页数:6/9 Page 9. 空载损耗及空载电流的测量频率:50 Hz Measurement of no-load loss and no-load currentFrequency 变压器以额定频率在低压侧三相励磁,其他绕组开路。 The transformer s L.V. side is energized with rated frequency, others are free. 励磁电压 (kV) Excited voltage 励磁电流 (A) Exciting current 功 率 (kW) Loss 空载损耗 (kW) No-load loss 空载电流

19、 () No-load current U/Ur (%) 平均值 Average value 有效值 r.m.s Ia Ib Ic 3.6 0.39063 0.39117 0.0265 0.0266 0.0370 0.01505 - - 10 1.0539 1.0548 0.0579 0.0592 0.0819 0.09755 - - 50 5.2590 5.2641 0.2289 0.2334 0.3224 2.1133 - - 70 7.3602 7.3678 0.3249 0.3081 0.4381 4.0393 - - 90 9.4661 9.4800 0.5789 0.4288 0.

20、6794 7.0778 - - 100 10.500 10.522 1.0546 0.8171 1.1369 9.3348 9.32 0.18 105 11.026 11.059 1.6035 1.3186 1.7539 11.111 - - 110 11.550 11.628 3.181 2.7806 3.5920 14.245 - - 115 12.046 12.340 11.725 10.931 12.488 20.283 - - 0 3 6 9 12 15 02468101214 励磁电压 (kV) 空 载 电 流 ( A ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 空 载 损 耗 ( k W

21、 ) 空载电流空载损耗 感应前空载 100 10.500 10.546 1.0474 0.8305 1.1227 9.3579 9.32 0.18 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司产品试验报告 XI AN XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. TEST REPORT 产品工号: 2015030225 Serial No. 页数:7/9 Page 10. 空载电流谐波分析 Harmonic analyze of no-load current 励磁电压1.0 额定电压 Energized with 1.0 rated voltage 次数 Series I1=1.007

22、A (%H01) I2=0.7452A (%H01) I3=1.077A (%H01) 次数 Series I1=1.007A (%H01) I2=0.7452A (%H01) I3=1.077A (%H01) 1 100 100 100 6 0.280 1.283 0.649 2 2.366 2.302 1.288 7 11.567 17.458 14.208 3 11.268 14.953 6.281 8 0.084 0.220 0.127 4 1.327 1.485 0.753 9 2.390 2.200 1.055 5 26.534 38.866 30.304 - 11. 负载损耗及短

23、路阻抗的测量频 率:50Hz Measurement of load loss and impedance Frequency 接线方式 Connection 测试值油温: 18.9 Measured value 按额定容量折至75 Corrected value at 75 加压绕组 Applied 短路绕组 Shorted 分接 Tap 电压 (kV) Voltage 电流 (A) Current 功率 (kW) Loss 负载损耗 (kW) Load loss 阻抗电压 () Impedance volt 高压 h.v. 低压 l.v. 1 1.5088 80.67 10.975 46.

24、187.63 4 1.4187 90.67 11.938 46.217.38 0.093377 5.989 0.0509 - 7 1.3211 100.60 14.416 53.297.24 12. 零序阻抗测量 Measurement of zero-sequence impedance 加压绕组 Applied winding 加压方式 Mode of applied 测量值 Measured value 电压 (V) Voltage 电流 (A) Current 零序阻抗 ( /相) Z.S. impedance( /phase) h.v. (第 4 档 ) OABC 105.93 40

25、.169 7.91 147.11 55.354 7.97 188.25 70.485 8.01 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司产品试验报告 XI AN XIBIAN ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. TEST REPORT 产品工号: 2015030225 Serial No. 页数:8/9 Page 13. 感应耐压试验 Induced over voltage withstand test 使用 200Hz 电源 , 三相进行 , 持续时间 30 秒。 The induced over voltage withstand test will be carried out

26、with 200Hz power for 30 seconds on three phases. 施加电压 (kV) Exciting voltage 低压侧 (l.v.) 线端感应电压(kV) Induced terminal voltage 感应倍数 Induced times 分接位置 Tap position 21 70 2 4 试验结果 : 合格 Results Satisfactory 14. 有载分接开关试验 On-load tap changer test 14.1 有载分接开关操作试验 Operation test of on-load tap changer 1)变压器不励

27、磁,分接开关完成8 个操作循环。 2)变压器不励磁,在85的额定操作电压下完成一个操作循环。 3)变压器在额定频率和额定电压下,空载励磁时,完成一个操作循环。 4)将一个绕组短路,并在负载试验时,在粗调选择器或极性选择器操作位置处,或 在中间分接每一侧的两个分接范围内,共完成10 次分接变换操作。 1)With the transformer un-energized, eight complete cycles of operation. 2) With the transformer un-energized, and with the auxiliary voltage reduced

28、to 85 of its rated value, one complete cycle of operation . 3) With the transformer energized at rated voltage and frequency at no-load, one completed cycle of operation. 4) With one winding short-circuited and on measurement of load loss, 10 tap-change operation across the range of two steps on eac

29、h side from where a coarse or reversing changeover selector operates, or otherwise from the middle tapping. 14.2 辅助线路绝缘试验 Auxiliary circuits insulation test 完成装配后 , 对分接开关辅助线路进行一分钟工频耐压试验, 试验电压2kV 。 After the tap-changer is assembled on the transformer ,a power frequency test voltage applied to the au

30、xiliary circuits is 2kV rms. For one minute. 试验结果:合格 Results OK 15. 绕组频率响应特性曲线(见附页A1A2) Measurement of transformer winding frequency-response (Appendix A1A2 ) 16. 有载开关过渡电阻及波形(见附页B1B2) Transition resistances and oscillogram of the on-load tap-changer(Appendix B1B2 ) 西安西变中特电气有限责任公司产品试验报告 XI AN XIBIAN

31、ZHONGTE ELECTRIC CO., LTD. TEST REPORT 产品工号:2015030225 Serial No. 页数:9/9 Page 17. 绝缘油试验 Insulation oil test 油击穿电压69.5 kV/2.5mm Breakdown voltage 运动粘度10.129 mm 2 /S Viscosity (40) 酸值0.006 mgKOH/g Acidity 闪点146.0 Flash point 介质损失角0.000499 tan ( 90) 变压器绝缘油气相色谱分析 Gas chromatography analysis 气体组份 Gas com

32、position 含量 (L/L) Content 试验前 Before test 试验后 After test 氢气H26.87 6.55 一氧化碳CO 9.24 9.60 二氧化碳CO2140.29 137.70 甲烷CH40.43 0.41 乙烷C2H60 0 乙烯C2H40 0 乙炔C2H20 0 烃类气体含量C1+C20.43 0.41 试验结果合格 Results OK Order I1=2.631E+0AH01 I2=1.992E+0AH01 I3=3.130E+0AH01 I%H01 i01 o I%H01 i01 o I%H01 i01 o 1 100 100 100 2 3

33、.216 5.324 3.273 3 15.094 19.528 7.947 4 2.266 3.544 1.831 5 25.517 36.840 27.120 6 1.351 1.503 2.066 7 11.683 18.970 13.440 8 0.550 0.511 0.612 9 2.401 1.314 1.522 10 0.129 0.137 0.059 11 1.098 0.696 0.593 12 0.006 0.066 0.058 13 0.543 0.643 0.205 14 0.066 0.116 0.090 15 0.514 0.289 0.293 16 0.020 0.188 0.127 17 0.537 1.019 0.305 18 0.019 0.120 0.072 19 0.142 0.720 0.427


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