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1、精品文档 . 七年级上册Test For Unit 5 山东东营市胜利一中武曾平 Name _ Class_Score_ 一 单项选择( 20) ()1 -Do you have a ball? -Yes, _ A .I am B. it is C. you do D. I do ()2 -_ your son have a key? -No, he _. A. Do don t B. Does doesn t C. Do doesn t D. Does don t ()3 -Lets play computer games. -_ A. That sounds good. B. No, I

2、dont. C. Well, lets play soccer. D. No, I dont have a ball. ()4 I think the math class is_, so I don t like it. Ainteresting Bboring Crelaxing Dfun ()5 I _ TV at night. Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook ()6 I have _ basketball. Let s play _ basketball. Athe, the Ban, C , the Da, ()7 -_they have some sports

3、 things? -Yes, they_ 精品文档 . A Are, are BDo, do CCan, do D Do, can ()8 I can _ many things on the table. Alook at Bsee Cwatch Dlook ()9 His brother _ a tennis ball. A. have B. is C. has D. there is ()10 _ have many _. A. We CD B. I CD C. They CDs D. She CDs ()11 Sonia and Jeff _ sports every morning.

4、 A. doesn t play B. don t play C. plays D. not play ()12 That _ fun. A. sound B. is sound C. sounds D. does sound ()13 _ your friend like English? A. Is B. Does C. Do D. Has ()14 Ed often _ sports games _TV A. watch, on B watch, in C. watches, in D. watches, on ()15. Peter gives(给 ) _ some pencils a

5、nd we like _. A. we, it B. us, them C. us, they D. me, they ()16 -What a beautiful skirt! - _ A. All right B. You re right. C. Don t say so. D. Thank you ()17 She is a _ singer. She sings _. 精品文档 . A. good, good B. good, well C. well, good D. well, well ()18 He _ a brother and a sister. A. doesn t h

6、ave B. doesn t has C. don t has D. don t have ()19 There _ a soccer ball and eight _. A. are, basketballs B. are, basketball C. is, basketballs D. is, basketball ()20 We play sports _. A. everyday B. each day C. the every day D. every day 二 阅读理解( 5 ) I have a friend. His name is John. He likes sport

7、s very much. He loves soccer, basketball, volleyball and baseball. He plays basketball very well. He likes watching games on TV . He plays sports every day. He often says( 说), “ Let s play ” . He joins( 加入 ) two clubs: a basketball club and a baseball club. He has a sports collection. He has twelve

8、tennis rackets, nine baseballs, three volleyballs, four basketballs and one soccer ball. ()21. My friend likes _ A soccer B basketball C baseball D . A, B and C ()22. How does he play basketball? A Ok B Very well C Good D Right ()23. Does he play sports every day? A Yes, he does B No, he doesn t C Y

9、es, he doesn t D No, he does. ()24. Is he a member(成员 ) of a baseball club? A Yes, he isn t B No, he is C Yes, he is D No, he isn t ()25. How many sports tools( 工具 ) does he have? 精品文档 . A 10 B 18 C 23 D 29 三从下列方框中选出恰当的句子,完成对话。答案填题后的横线上。( 5 ) A: Let s play tennis. B: _26_. But I don t have a tennis

10、racket. Do you have one? A: No, I don t. But I have a soccer ball. _27_ B: No, _28_. Let s play ping-pong. I have a ping-pong bat. A: _29_ B: It s in my backpack Do you have a bat? A: No, I don t. But my brother has a bat and a ball B: Good. Where is he ? A: _30_ Answer 26_ 27_ 28_ 29_ 30_ 四 根据句子意思,

11、用所给词的适当形式填空。(15) 31 _ you _( have ) a tennis ball ? 32 _ your cousin _( play ) ping-pong? 33 I have ten ping-pong _( bat ) and seven _( volleyball ) . 34 Allan _ ( not have ) a brother. 35 His name _( sound ) fun. 36 Can you _( bring ) your picture here ? A. He s in his bedroom B. Let s play basketb

12、all. C. That sounds fun D. Good. Where is it ? E. Do you have a tennis racket? F. That sounds boring G. Let s play soccer 精品文档 . 37 That sounds _( well ) 38 Sonia _( watch ) TV in the morning. 39 I have many _( friend ) here. 40 I have only one _( watch ) 41Let _( we ) have a look ( 看一看 ). 42They _(

13、 not play ) sports. They only watch them on TV 五 根据句子意思和首字母完成单词。( 10) 43 Ed has a great sports c_. 44 Mr and Mrs Green h_ two children. One is a daughter, the other is a son. 45 The boys have five b_, nine tennis r_, one ping-pong b_ and many baseballs. 46 My brother and I p_ sports every morning. 4

14、7 The math question is very d_. I don t like it. 48 There are many s_ clubs: baseball, ping-pong and more! 49 Let s w_ the game on TV 50 - Let s play ping-pong. - Great. That sounds r_. 六 完成句子。 ( 20 ) 51 我们玩电脑游戏吧。 Let s _ _ _ 52 我哥哥有两个足球。 My brother has _ _ _. 精品文档 . 53 我爸爸收藏了许多书籍。 My father _ a _ b

15、ook _. 54 她每天做运动。 She _ _ every day. 55 你经常打网球吗? Do you often _ _? 56 你们学校有排球俱乐部? _ your school have a _ club? 57 我们年级有十一个班 There are _ _ in our grade. 58 他仅仅在电视上看他们。 He _ _ _ on TV . 七从中找出与相对应的句子(5 分) ( )1. Lets play soccer. A. Yes, they do. ( )2. Do you have 70 balls at school? B. No, he doesnt. (

16、 )3. Do they like watching TV? C. No, we dont. ( )4. Does Eddy like sports? D. Great! That sounds fun. ( )5. Do you and your friend play soccer every day? E. No, I dont think so. 八 用 be 或 have 的适当形式填空。 (5) 精品文档 . 1 _ Lucy and Lily good friends? 2 My father _ a key. 3 _ she your English teacher? 4 Th

17、e boys _ a tennis. 5 _ they _ soccer balls? 九作文( 15 ) 提示: Peter 收藏了很多体育用品。有5 个棒球球棒, 8 个足球, 3 个网球球拍, 1 个乒乓球拍, 4 个篮球, 7 个排球。(数字用英语表 示) 。他热爱运动,每天都参加运动。 不少于 40 词。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Keys: I.1-5 DBABC 6-10 DBBCC 11-15 BCBDB 16-20 DBACD 精品文档 . II.21-25 DBACD III.26-30 CGFDA IV.31. Do, have 32. Does, play 3

18、3. bats, volleyballs 34. doesn t have 35. sounds 36. bring 37. good 38. watches 39. friends 40. watch 41. us 42. don t play V.43. collection 44. have 45. basketballs, rackets 46. play 47. difficult 48. sports 49. watch 50. relaxing VI.51. play computer games 52. two soccer balls 53. has , great coll

19、ection 54. plays sports 55. play tennis 56. Does, volleyball 57. eleven, classes 58. only watches them VII.1-5 DEABC VIII.1. Are 2. has 3. Is 4. have 5. Do, have IX.Peter has a great sports collection. He has five baseball bats, eight soccer balls, three tennis rackets, one ping-pong bat, four baske

20、tballs and seven volleyballs. He likes sports. He plays sports every day. Welcome to my blog: http:/ 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 人与人之间的距离虽然摸不着,看不见,但的的确确是一杆实实在在的秤。真与假,善与恶,美与丑,尽在秤杆上可以看出;人心的大小,胸怀的宽窄,拨一拨秤砣全然知晓。 精品文档 . 人与人之间的距离,不可太近。 与人太近了,常常看人不清。一个人既有优点,也有缺点,所谓人无完人,金无赤足是也。初识时,走得太近就会模糊了不足,宠之;时间久了,原本的美丽之处也成了瑕疵,嫌之。 与人太近

21、了,便随手可得,有时得物,据为己有,太过贪财;有时得人,为己所用,也许贪色。贪财也好,贪色亦罢,都是一种贪心。 与人太近了,最可悲的就是会把自己丢在别人身上,找不到自己的影子,忘了回家的路。 这世上,根本没有零距离的人际关系,因为人总是有一份自私的,人与人之间太近的距离,易滋生事端,恩怨相随。所以,人与人相处的太近了,便渐渐相远。 人与人之间的距离也不可太远。 太远了,就像放飞的风筝,过高断线。 太远了,就像南徙的大雁,失群哀鸣。 太远了,就像失联的旅人,形单影只。 人与人之间的距离,有时,先远后近;有时,先近后远。这每次的变化之中,总是有一个难以忘记的故事或者一段难以割舍的情。 有时候,人与

22、人之间的距离,忽然间近了,其实还是远;忽然间远了,肯定是伤了谁。 人与人之间的距离,如果是一份信笺,那是思念;如果是一个微笑,那是宽容;如果是一句问候,那是友谊;如果是一次付出,那是责任。这样的距离,即便是远,但也很近。 最怕的,人与人之间的距离就是一句失真的谗言,一个不屑的眼神,一叠诱人的纸币,或者是一条无法逾越的深谷。这样的距离,即便是近,但也很远。 精品文档 . 人与人之间最美的距离,就是不远不近,远中有近,近中有远,远而不离开,近而不相丢。 太远的距离,只需要一份宽容,就不会走得太远而行同陌人;太近的距离,只需要一份自尊,就不会走得太近而丢了自己。不远不近的距离,多像一朵艳丽的花,一首

23、悦耳的歌,一首优美的诗。 人生路上,每个人的相遇、相识,都是一份缘,我们都是相互之间不可或缺的伴。 人与人之间的距离虽然摸不着,看不见,但的的确确是一杆实实在在的秤。真与假,善与恶,美与丑,尽在秤杆上可以看出;人心的大小,胸怀的宽窄,拨一拨秤砣全然知晓。 人与人之间的距离,不可太近。 与人太近了,常常看人不清。一个人既有优点,也有缺点,所谓人无完人,金无赤足是也。初识时,走得太近就会模糊了不足,宠之;时间久了,原本的美丽之处也成了瑕疵,嫌之。 与人太近了,便随手可得,有时得物,据为己有,太过贪财;有时得人,为己所用,也许贪色。贪财也好,贪色亦罢,都是一种贪心。 与人太近了,最可悲的就是会把自己

24、丢在别人身上,找不到自己的影子,忘了回家的路。 这世上,根本没有零距离的人际关系,因为人总是有一份自私的,人与人之间太近的距离,易滋生事端,恩怨相随。所以,人与人相处的太近了,便渐渐相远。 人与人之间的距离也不可太远。 太远了,就像放飞的风筝,过高断线。 太远了,就像南徙的大雁,失群哀鸣。 太远了,就像失联的旅人,形单影只。 精品文档 . 人与人之间的距离,有时,先远后近;有时,先近后远。这每次的变化之中,总是有一个难以忘记的故事或者一段难以割舍的情。 有时候,人与人之间的距离,忽然间近了,其实还是远;忽然间远了,肯定是伤了谁。 人与人之间的距离,如果是一份信笺,那是思念;如果是一个微笑,那是宽容;如果是一句问候,那是友谊;如果是一次付出,那是责任。这样的距离,即便是远,但也很近。 最怕的,人与人之间的距离就是一句失真的谗言,一个不屑的眼神,一叠诱人的纸币,或者是一条无法逾越的深谷。这样的距离,即便是近,但也很远。 人与人之间最美的距离,就是不远不近,远中有近,近中有远,远而不离开,近而不相丢。 太远的距离,只需要一份宽容,就不会走得太远而行同陌人;太近的距离,只需要一份自尊,就不会走得太近而丢了自己。不远不近的距离,多像一朵艳丽的花,一首悦耳的歌,一首优美的诗。 人生路上,每个人的相遇、相识,都是一份缘,我们都是相互之间不可或缺的伴。 精品文档 . 精品文档 . 精品文档 .


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