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1、精品文档 . 供 应 商 审 核 报 告 SUPPLIER AUDIT REPORT 首次评审【Initial Survey】跟踪评审【 Follow-up Survey】定期评审【Regular Survey】 协力厂商 Supplier 联 系 人 Contact 地址 Address 电话 Tel 0 主要产品 Commodity 评鉴日期 Audit Date 评鉴人员 Auditor 分数 Score 评鉴评分标准 Audit point Evaluation Scale 0 供应商不熟悉必要的工作事项, 且没有建立相关的文件(流程图、未来规划、计划、程序文件策略等) Supplie

2、r is not familiar with the requirements of the element and has no relevant source documentation (flow charts, forecasts, plans, procedures, strategies, etc.) in the area. 1 供应商熟悉必要的工作事项,但是没有来源文件, 计划和执行来佐证. Supplier is familiar with the requirements of the element but there is no evidence of source d

3、ocumentation, planning or implementation. 2 供应商熟悉必要的工作事情, 有初步的来源文件但执行上不够完善. Supplier is familiar with the requirements of the element and has preliminary source documentation with incomplete plans for implementation. 3 文件是可用的并且有被执行,但是文件内容不全面,还需改进. Source documentation is available and implementation

4、 is in progress. Deficiencies have been identified but improvements are not quantifiable. 4 完全有按照文件执行, 并且执行效果有完整的佐证资料, 供应商已经达到了最低要求. Full implementation of source documentation for the requirement and complete confirmed evidence of implementation effectiveness. The supplier has met minimum requireme

5、nts. 5 供应商评为最好的, 且能够通过新的途径证明有重大意义的创新, 展现相应的成效远超过客户的需求, 供应商树 立工业基准 . Supplier is best-in-class and is able to demonstrate significant innovation in new ways to show relevant results beyond the customer requirements. The supplier sets the industry benchmark. N/A 不适用。 Not applicability. 精品文档 . 1.0 评鉴项目

6、( Assessment checklist ) Audit Section Element Possible Points Supplier Points Supplie r % Sunwoda Points Sunwoda % 1 进料 /制程/成品出货品质控制 (Incoming/In-process/Out-going/Quality Control) 130 2 检验与测试仪器管理 (Inspection & Testing Equipment Management ) 35 3 训练 (Training ) 20 4 工程设计 /新产品控制 /工程变更 (Engineer Desi

7、gn/New Product Control/Engineering Change) 30 5 设备 /工具/夹具 /治具管理 (Equipment/Tooling/Jigs/Fixtures Management ) 30 6 供应商管理 (Supplier Management) 45 7 仓储管理 (Warehouse Management ) 30 8 环境系统 (Environment System Assessment) 30 9 社会责任 (Society Responsibility ) 30 总分 Total Score 380 根据评审结果,供应商()被评定为 Audit

8、Report Summary: Based on survey, Supplier ( ) is recommended for 良好 (各部分得分 75% ,总分 85%) Excellent (All sections75%,Total85%) 符合要求(各部分得分 60% ,总分 70%) Meet Requirement (All sections60%,Total70%) 不符合要求(其中之一项目得分60%,或总分 70%) Non-conformity (All sections60%,Total70%) 审核签名 Check by the Dept. supervisor SQE

9、 主管签名日期 SQE Supervisor Sign:Date: PUR 主管签名日期 PUR Supervisor Sign:Date: R&D 主管签名日期 R&D Supervisor Sign :Date: 供应商代表 Supplier Representative 签名日期 Signature:Date: 最终批准 Finally Approved 品质总监日期 Quality Director Date : 精品文档 . 1进料 /制程 /成品出货品质控制(SQE 负责 ) ( Incoming/In-process/Out-going/Quality Control) 序号内容

10、满分供应商欣旺达备注 1 是否有组织架构图及明朗的工作职责表? Is there organization structure and list of working responsibility? 5 2 是否有独立的品质检验部门和品质保证部门? Is there independent inspection department and quality assurance department? 5 3 客供物料检验及不合格品处理是否有独立的文件支持? Is there independent file to sustain inspecting material supplied by

11、customer and dealing with non-conforming goods? 5 4 是否有适当的进料检验作业程序及流程? Are there proper operating procedure and flow of incoming inspection? 5 5 不同的物料是否依据相制订的检验规范?检验规范中是否有规定相 对应之检验工具? Is different material inspected according to corresponding inspection scale? Is there corresponding inspecting tools

12、 regulated in inspection scale? 5 6 检验员是否按工程图和检验规范执行,并实际记录检验结果? Dose inspector perform according to engineering charts and inspection scale, and the results of inspection in facts? 5 7 进料检验状态及检验结果是否有清晰的标识,不合格品有否被隔 离? Is there clear mark in incoming material inspection state and result? Is the non-co

13、nforming goods separated? 5 8 进料检验不合格时是否发出CAR 书面通知供应商进行对策回复及 时效 ? Is the CAR writing notice sent out to supplier to reply for countermeasure? 5 9 是否制定进料检验品质目标?如何执行、统计分析? Has the quality aim of incoming inspection been brought out? How to perform and sat analysis? 5 10 针对未达品质目标时如何处理?是否成立 CIP 专案小组进行持续

14、改 善? How to deal when not arrive at the aim? Do the CIP special group make up to keep on improving? 5 11 是否有制程作业管制程序?作业流程图或QC(Quality Control) 图并 有效执行 ? Is there IP operation management procedure? Perform operation flow or QC charts availably? 5 12 是否有制程检验程序?IPQC 作业是否依据程序执行并记录? (如首 件确认、检验频率、工具、项目等)

15、Is there IP inspection procedure? Is the IPQC working performance according to procedure? (such as initial product guarantee inspection frequency, tool, section, etc) 5 13 现场是否放置SOP,SIP以便于作业员操作,且均按 SOP项目执行 ? Do the SOP and SIP place in locale for operator to operate, and perform according to SOP sec

16、tion? 5 14 特殊工位操作员是否有上岗资格培训? Dose the special post operator have qualification training of going to work? 5 精品文档 . 15 每日使用检验工具之前进行准确性检测并记录?检测工具不准确时 有否追溯之前检测之产品? Do inspect accuracy and record before using inspecting tool everyday? Do carry up initial inspected product when inspecting tool is inaccur

17、acy? 5 16 制程中不同检验状态的产品是否有清晰的标识? Do different inspecting product has clear mark during inspecting process? 5 17 是否有制程不合格品管制流程?不合格之可追溯性与标示状况? Is there management flow for disquality product of inspecting process? Disquality product is carried up and marked? 5 18 是否对制程不合格品提出矫正预防措施? Do suggest out remed

18、y and prevent measurements for disquality product of Inspecting process? 5 19 返修、返工是否有作业流程? Do reservice and reprocess goods have operation flow? 5 20 返修、返工的详细情况和复检结果是否形成文件? Do specific case and re-inspection result of reservice and reprocess bring into file? 5 21 是否有出货品质管制检验规范?并依此检验规范执行? Is there i

19、nspection scale of out-going quality control? And perform this scale? 5 22 是否针对客户要求做相应之检验及测试? Do corresponding inspecting and testing for customer requirements? 5 23 针对出货包装是否有做查核? Check for out-going package? 5 24 出货前不合格品处理流程、标示、确认? Is there dealing flow, mark and confirm of disquality before out-go

20、ing? 5 25 客户抱怨处理流程及矫正预防措施的实施回复时效? Is there dealing flow of customer complaint, remedy and prevent and availability of reply? 5 26 客户退货处理流程及矫正预防动作? Is there dealing flow of customer rejection and action of remedy and prevent? 5 总 分 Total score 130 Signature: 精品文档 . 2检验与测试仪器管理(SQE 负责) ( Inspection & T

21、esting Equipment Management) 序号内容满分供应商欣旺达备注 1 是否有适当的程序支持仪校室管理? There is proper procedure to sustain management of equipment-checking room? 5 2 是否建立仪校室仪器清单,对使用仪器加以管制?(如购进时间、 保存地点、保管人员、校正周期等) Establish list of apparatus in equipment-checking room and manage the using apparatus?(such as purchase time,

22、save place, keeper and check cycle etc) 5 3 是否制定实验仪器校正周期和保养计划? Make out check cycle of testing apparatus and protection plan ? 5 4 仪校室是否进行温湿度管制并做记录? Equipment-checking room carry out management of the temperature and humility, and make record? 5 5 是否建立仪校室紧急应变措施程序? Establish measurement procedure of

23、emergency for equipment-checking room? 5 6 检验仪器 /设备校正是否参照相应的国家或国际标准? Inspecting equipment/instrument checking is performed according to homeland or international standard? 5 7 检验仪器 /设备是否有校正具有唯一的标识?校正是否有相应的校 正记录 ? Inspecting equipment/instrument checking has the only check mark? There is correspondin

24、g checking record when checking? 5 总 分 Total score 35 3训练(SQE 负责) ( Training ) 序号内容满分供应商欣旺达备注 1 是否制订公司年度培训计划,并按此执行 ?培训计划是否按公司不 同职位、工种进行分类培训? Make out crop annual training plan? And perform this? Training plans go on classified training by different position, working type? 5 2 新进员工是否有做相应培训? (如公司简介、公司

25、行政规范、品质 系统的宣导 ) New worker have taken corresponding training? (such as brief introduction of crop, administration scale and declaration of quality system) 5 3 当作业规范、操作手法、工程变更时是否对操作员进行培训? Operator have taken training when operation scale, operation methods or engineer changed? 5 4 培训考核是否有效?训练记录是否有效保存

26、? Training examination is available? Training record is saved availably? 5 总 分 Total score 20 Signature: Signature: 精品文档 . 4工程设计 /新产品控制 /工程变更(工程负责) ( Engineer Design/New Product Control/Engineering Change) 序号内容满分供应商欣旺达备注 1 是否建立 “ 新产品设计开发程序” 以保证产品在每一个阶段的验证? Establish “new product design development p

27、rocedure “to guarantee inspection of product in each phase? 5 2 新产品转移项目包括内容?(如工程图面、操作作业指导书、CP、 FMEA 等) Shifting have items of new product include contents? (Such as engineering picture, operation working conduction book, CP and FMEA etc) 5 3 是否有工程变更程序?ECR& ECN 是否明示变更时效、 处理方式等 ? There is procedure of

28、 engineer change? ECR &ECN indicated availability of changing and dealing method? 5 4 是否有文件流程保证各部门所使用的文件及工程资料为最新版本 且有效控制 ? There is file flow to guarantee that files of each department using and engineer data are new version and controlled available? 5 5 当工程变更时,相应之CP、FMEA 、SOP是否有做适当修正? The correspon

29、ding CP、FMEA and SOP are properly amended when engineer changed? 5 6 是否保留客户原始样品及资料?(包括电子档案、原始信息、客户承 认书、图面等 ),如何建档保存 ? Remain initial sample and data of customer? (including electronic file, initial message, customer acknowledgment and picture etc),How to establish file to save? 5 总 分 Total score 30

30、5设备 /工具 /夹具 /治具管理(工程负责) ( Equipment/Tooling/Jigs/Fixtures Management) 序号内容满分供应商欣旺达备注 1 是否制定设备保养程序?并制订定期保养计划?设备是否做日常点 检,并有效记录点检项目?设备、模具等发生异常处理流程? Establish protection procedure of equipment and protection plan in scheduled time? Take a check of equipment daily and record items of checking efficiently

31、? Dealing flow about abnormal case of equipment, mould and etc? 5 2 是否制定对工具/夹具 /治具 /模具等保养管理办法? Ways of protection management of tool/jigs/fixtures/mould 5 3 设备、模具、治具使用前是否由品管及相关部门进行确认? After approved by relevant quality control department, equipment, mould and jigs can be used 5 4 是否对工、模具进行使用次数统计? Ma

32、ke a sat. times of using tools and mould? 5 5 是否有效保存维修、保养记录表? Save record chart of reparation and protection in effect ? 5 6 工,治夹具是否有防护作用? Tools, jigs and fixtures have action of protection? 5 总 分 Total score 30 6供应商管理(采购负责) Signature: Signature: 精品文档 . (Supplier Management) 序号内容满分供应商欣旺达备注 1 采购系统是否建

33、立?产品报价是否及时有效? Establish purchase system? Quote of price is available? 5 2 物控系统是否建立?有无制定采购计划? Establish material control? Make out purchase plan? 5 3 贵公司供应商价格是否具有竞争力? Price supplied of your crop has competition? 5 4 同种材料是否有多家合格供应商? The same materials are supplied by many suppliers? 5 5 是否具有完整的采购价降计划?

34、 There is complete plan of purchase reducing price? 5 6 原物料的供应周期是否正常? Supplying cycle of original material is normal? 5 7 生产设备是否齐全? Production equipment is all ready? 5 8 是否有正常的生产计划排程及紧急应变办法? There is schedule of normal production plan and method of emergency? 5 9 是否具有完整的售后服务体制? There is the whole s

35、ystem of after sales service? 5 总 分 Total score 45 7 仓储管理(采购负责) (Warehouse Management ) 序号内容满分供应商欣旺达备注 1 仓库是否有明确区分良品/不良品及各种物料存放区域? Do the storage distinguish between good product and bad product, and storing area of different materials? 5 2 对于库存材料是否有一个管制期限的管理办法来保证物料在有效 期限内 ? Is there method of manag

36、ement period to guarantee storing material in availability? 5 3 仓库物料是否明显标示品名、规格、数量、厂商等? Warehouse material is clearly marked product name, specification, quantity and manufacturer etc? 5 4 仓库是否有先进先出作业流程?如何执行先进先出的作业? Do the storage hold operation flow for first in-coming or out-going? How to perform

37、this operation flow? 5 5 退回仓库之物料是否经QC 确认 ? Material returned to warehouse is approved by QC? 5 6 危险品是否建立独立的仓库,并有文件支持 ? Establish independent storage for dangerous goods, and have file to sustain? 5 总 分 Total score 30 8环境系统(采购负责) Signature: Signature: 精品文档 . ( Environment System Assessment) 序号内容满分供应商

38、欣旺达备注 1 供应商是否已经通过 ISO 14001 的认证 ? 最近的稽核日期是哪一 天由哪一家认证机构来稽核? Is the supplier ISO 14001 certified? What is the date of the last audit and what was the auditing organization? 5 2 近 3 年内企业是否发生过严重的环境事故、投诉或环保部门的处 罚? Have the supplier happened any serious environment accident or complains and the punishment

39、s of the environment department in the last three years? 5 3 工业废水 / 废气 / 废物 / 噪声等排放是否取得环保部门的许可证书 并达标? Does the supplier agreed by the environment department in letting out the industry liquid waste, exhaust gas ,rubbish and noise ? 5 4 对于重要的物料是否有适宜的储存环境?如化学药品、危险药品、 温湿度敏感材料等 Is there proper storage e

40、nvironment for )important material? such as chemical goods, dangerous goods, sensitive material to temperature humility etc? 5 5 工作间 , 卫生间 , 厂房及其它地方 , 是否有定期维修 , 以确保地方清 洁, 空气流通 , 照明充足 , 地方免受污染和没有触电危险? Are working stations, hygiene-relevant places, housing facilities and any place subject to employee

41、presence, in a maintenance condition that makes them free from any risk to personal health and safety, from contamination risk, electrical hazard, and provide adequate level of cleanliness, air circulation and filtering, lighting and temperature. 5 6 是否设置防火 , 防暴及逃生等安全系统以保障员工的人身安全及 公司财产 ?紧急逃生图有否按时更新,

42、及张贴于显眼处, 以便员工 阅览 , 其有效性是否经过测试? Set up safe system of fire-proofing, blast-proofing and escape to protect worker safety and crop property? Has an emergency plan been updated according the latest facility lay-out , displayed, made accessible to all workers, and tested for effectiveness. 5 总 分 Total sc

43、ore 30 9社会责任(SQE 负责) Signature: 精品文档 . ( Society Responsibility ) 序号内容满分供应商欣旺达备注 1 公司管理层是否已制定及签发以下有关政策:环境保护 ,健康与安全 ,童 工,强制劳工 ,岐视 ,报酬与工作时间 ? Has the top management of company laid down and signed-off policies covering at least Environment, Health and Safety, Child Labour, Forced Labour, Discriminatio

44、n, Compensation and Work Hours? 5 2 在招聘员工过程中,是否有效地查核员工之年龄?年龄少于 18 岁之员 工,有否被安排于有危险之岗位或夜班工作? Is the age of worker checked effectively during the hiring process ? If young workers (18 yrs) are employed, are they engaged in hazardous work or night shift? 5 3 是否与每位员工签定劳动合同书并符合相关法律要求? Are formal contracts

45、 available with every worker and in compliance with the applicable legal requirements ? 5 4 公司是否对每位员工,不论种族 ,性别或宗教 ,一视同仁 ?公司有否确立 制度 ,以禁止向员工使用暴力或语言侵犯? Is a system in place that totally and effectively bans any use of any physical force or verbal aggression towards workers ?Does the company treat its e

46、mployees equally in employment and occupation regardless of religion, race and gender ? 5 5 员工的薪酬及福利,包括超时工作酬劳,扣薪等 ,是否符合相关法例要 求?员工是否根据相关法例,享有休假 (每周休假 ,公众假期 ,年假等 )? Does the compensation system, including overtime, benefits and wage deductions, comply with applicable legal requirements ?Does the maxim

47、um working hours of employees per day/week and month comply with the applicable legal requirements ? Are workers entitled to pauses, weekly rest day, days-off and leave periods according applicable legal requirements? 5 6 公司有否向员工讲解薪酬制度和计算方法,使员工明瞭 ?是否定时及按 时以简易方法 ,向员工发放薪酬 ? Does the company make sure

48、that the wages calculation rules are known and understood by all employees? Are all compensations paid to workers in a timely and convenient way and according a fixed frequency ? 5 总 分 Total score 30 Signature: 精品文档 . SQE 总结(SUMMARY) 一 Audit finding审核问题点 : 二 Supplier advantage and disadvantage供应商优势与劣势: 三 Suggestion 建议 : 四 Conclusion 结论: signature:


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